The Prodigies War

Chapter 325 Xixi Lin Clan

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\u0026lt;h1\u0026gt; Rising at the Mood Chapter 325 Xixi Lin's \u0026lt;/h1\u0026gt;

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Next, Lin Zhong led Lin Xun to twist and turn along the back mountain, and came to another forbidden area of ​​the Lin clan - the treasure house. Township · Village · 暁 · Said · Net

In the five-layered spiritual treasure house, there were originally tens of thousands of spiritual tools, ranging from the lowest human-level low-level spiritual tools to the heaven-level top-level spiritual tools.

These include different weapons such as swords, spears, halberds, axes and hooks, as well as armor, shoulder pads, wrist guards, boots, goggles and other equipment.

There are even powerful weapons such as short crossbows, artillery crossbows, and battleships.

But now, it's empty here...

When Lin Xun walked out of the treasure house, although his expression did not change, he was full of terrifying killing intent.

Can't control it at all!

Think about it,

A top power that was once ranked among the top sects of the empire, how shocking the value of the treasures stored in the world would be?

But now, they have all been looted!

If it wasn't for Lin Xun's mentality, which had been tempered as a rock, he would have vomited blood and died of anger, but if the ancestors of the Lin family saw this scene, he would have died.

Leaving from the treasure house, Lin Xun was taken to the Danzang Building, the Beast Pond, the Lingyao Garden, etc., which belonged to the core forbidden areas of the Lin family.

As a result, without exception, all the valuable treasures in it were swept away and cleaned up.

Until the end, when Lin Xun returned to the Temple of Cleansing the Heart, he sat alone and fell into complete silence, like a sculpture, motionless, as if he had no emotions.

Outside the window, the stars are bright, the moon is hanging high, and it is extraordinarily quiet.

But the young man who was sitting alone in the main hall was in a state of turmoil, his emotions were turbulent, and he never calmed down for a long time.

He could have predicted that the current Lin family was in a state of decay, but he did not expect that the gigantic Heart Washing Peak would be looted like this!

All that was left was a pile of empty houses and furnishings, and beyond that, there was nothing of value. Township · Village · 暁 · Said · Net

This is the current situation Lin Xun is facing!

Lin Zhong stood on the side of the hall and looked at Lin Xun worriedly, lest Lin Xun could not bear the blow and collapse completely.

Think about it too, the huge Xixin Peak seems to be one of the seventy-two peaks of the "Mountain of Gatekeepers", but who can imagine that this place represents the supreme glory, and now it is just an empty shell.

One quarter of an hour.

Half an hour.

A stick of incense.

... As time passed, Lin Xun kept silent, which made Lin Zhong more and more worried, and he suddenly regretted telling Lin Xun this tonight.

After all, Young Master, he is only a teenager in his teens, and he is still too young. He suddenly knew that he was going to take over such a mess, how could he possibly endure such a cruel blow?


Lin Zhong took a deep breath and wanted to say something to comfort Lin Xun, "It's really not good... Let's give up. As long as you are alive, it is more important than anything else."

Lin Xun, who was like a clay statue, finally reacted at this moment.

He raised his head and looked at Lin Zhong, with an inexplicable smile on his lips, and said softly, "Uncle Zhong, it's no longer possible. If you give up at this time, it would be crueler than killing me."

After a pause, he stood up, looked at the vast night outside the hall, and said, "When I entered the Forbidden City, someone told me that I could make a mess. I was wondering why the other party would say this, now I finally understand that if there is no trouble, the Lin family... will have no hope of coming back to life!"

At the end, there was an icy chill in his voice.

Lin Zhong was shaken in his heart. Looking at the young man in the distance, he suddenly felt an inexplicable peace of mind, as if he saw the shadow of his master when he was young...

In order to marry the mistress back then, under the opposition of all the clansmen, isn't the master of him so resolute?

Although all the people, I will go!


The Hall of Washing the Heart is very large and consists of three floors.

The first floor is the hall where clan meetings are held.

The second floor is a study specially set up for the patriarch to deal with clan affairs.

The third floor is a quiet room prepared for the clan leader to practice.

Not long after, Lin Xun sat in front of the empty desk, playing with a crystal clear purple jade seal in his hand.

The word "washing the heart" is engraved on the jade seal, and the whole body is not made of any material, and it is filled with a mysterious and obscure atmosphere.

This Heart Washing Jade Seal is the key to mastering the Heart Washing Peak. Only by controlling it can the passage on the Heart Washing Peak be opened.

That is to say, if Lin Xun is unwilling, just close the channel, and no one can enter the Xinxin Peak unless they break through!

However, as one of the seventy-two peaks of the "Mountain of Gatekeepers", whoever wants to break in, has to weigh the consequences.

This thing was originally kept by Lin Zhong, but now it has been handed over to Lin Xun, which means that from now on, regardless of the clan power, at least on the issue of entering and exiting Xixin Peak, only Lin Xun has said Just count.

It's just that in Lin Xun's opinion, this thing will not play any role in solving internal troubles in the future. The key is to be strong!

Thinking of this, Lin Xun put away the jade pendant and took out a simple silver hairpin.

This was given by the chief instructor Xu Sanqi when he left the blood-killing camp, and told Lin Xun that if there is a chance to enter the Forbidden City, when in trouble, he can take this thing to a place called "Ling Vulture Residence" , its owner will give Lin Xun help.

Originally, Lin Xun didn't intend to accept it, but Xu Sanqi's later sentence made Lin Xun change his mind. That sentence was "Xiao Ke is also there, don't you want to see your instructor again in the future?"

At this time, playing with this silver hairpin in his hand, Lin Xun without exception thought of the delicate-looking instructor Xiao Ke, who was as cold as snow.


Early the next morning.

Lin Xun, who hadn't slept all night, got up and walked out of the Heart Washing Hall.

Seeing the rising sun, the dawn is like an illusion, sprinkled with a luster like broken gold, dyed the sea of ​​​​clouds brightly, and the big Xixin Peak is bathed in a sacred atmosphere.

Looking from the top of the mountain, the golden morning light and the purple clouds in the distance blend together, which is magnificent and splendid.

This is Xixin Peak, one of the seventy-two peaks of the mountain of clans, standing above the hundred-zhang void of the Forbidden City, the capital of the empire!

Only the most powerful aristocratic clans in the empire can stand here and overlook the mountains and rivers!

"Master, do you really need the old slave to accompany you?"

"No need, Uncle Zhong, when I come back, please put the list of all the treasures that were looted in the study in advance."

"Don't worry, young master."

Lin Xun bid farewell to Lin Zhong and walked down the Xixin Peak alone.

Originally, on the road leading to the bottom of the peak, there were many treasure carriages pulled by the snowmane deer to drive on their behalf, but after the bloody incident that year, even the snowmane deer that were raised were taken away...

This kind of looting method like scraping the ground makes Lin Xun feel an indescribable hatred in his heart every time he thinks of it.


At the bottom of the mountain, with the opening of the spiritual formation, an invisible portal emerged, and a white jade staircase swept out like a rainbow, connecting to the ground below a hundred meters.

When Lin Xun just walked out, he stood there.

Because there are people waiting there on that ground!

It was a group of young people, men and women, all dressed in brocade clothes and expensive clothes, and at first glance they knew that they were not ordinary children.

They obviously waited here for a long time, and they all looked impatient at this time, cursing something to themselves.

When he saw Lin Xun appear, he was instantly refreshed and looked at Lin Xun. When he saw that Lin Xun was only a teenager in his teens, some people immediately disdained.

"Lin Wenxiu, this stinky boy is the ruthless man you said?"

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect you to be defeated by him."

"Yujiao, don't be annoyed, no matter who he is, since he dares to hit you, brother, I have to take off his arm!"

Only then did Lin Xun notice that among the crowd, there were a few young people who had seen him last night, all of them looking at him with resentment.

Looking for revenge?

When this thought flashed through his mind, it was denied by Lin Xun, because he saw that although those young people shouted loudly, no one dared to do it.

It is not because they are afraid of themselves, but because of a man in yellow in front of them.

This man has a tall figure, his eyebrows are like swords, and his eyes are as sharp as lightning. Standing there at will, he has a kind of pampering and arrogant aura.

Heavenly Astral Realm!

In an instant, Lin Xun judged the strength from the opponent's breath, and it was generally clear that the man in yellow should be an outstanding child of a side branch of the Lin family.

"Yujiao, is Lin Xun you're talking about?"

The man in the yellow clothes looked like lightning, and locked Lin Xun coldly. Although his voice was calm, his aura was aggressive.

"Cousin Yingzhen, that's him."

Lin Yujiao next to her clenched her teeth tightly, her eyes were full of resentment, her pretty face was still red and swollen, and was blocked by a piece of gauze, but the bruises at the corners of her eyes could not be concealed.

"I see, you step back first."

The man in yellow gave an order, then strode forward, came to the bottom of the white jade stairs, looked up at Lin Xun at the end of the stairs, "I'm Lin Yingzhen, from the Lin family in Xixi, I heard that you threatened to occupy the Xinxin Peak?"

Lin Yingzhen!

Xixi Lin!

In an instant, Lin Xun remembered what Lin Zhong said last night. It turned out that after the four major branches of the Lin family moved out, they were divided into four branches: Xixi Lin Clan, Yunheng Lin Clan, Feifeng Lin Clan and Beiguang Lin Clan.

They are entrenched in different areas of the Forbidden City, as if they were four independent Lin clans, with intricate relationships with each other, including hatred and cooperation.

All of this was the result of the clan infighting after the bloody incident that year.

This Lin Yingzhen is from the Lin family in Xixi, and that is the descendant of Lin Xun's second grandfather, Lin Xixi.

However, Lin Xunke didn't have the heart to recognize relatives at all, and he didn't bother to be polite when he saw the other party looking for trouble.

"you are wrong."

Lin Xun smiled slightly and said, "This is not a threat to occupy the Xinxin Peak, but the fact that from now on, not any cat or dog can enter and leave the Xinxin Peak at will."

A cat or a dog?

Hearing this, people's expressions changed many years ago, and they cursed one after another. This guy is simply rampant, and he doesn't know whether to live or die!

Lin Yingzhen's face also sank, he waved his hand to stop everyone's scolding, and stared at Lin Xun like a knife: "You are crazy, I don't know where you come from to dare to speak like this, but I still have to advise you, don't be selfish. Wrong, this Xinxin Peak is not something you are qualified to touch!"


ps: I got stuck tonight, which has led to repeated deletions until now, please forgive me for one or two~

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