The Prodigies War

Chapter 324 The Scriptures are still there, everything is empty

Lin Zhong showed a hint of pride: "Master, apart from you, no one else in the Lin family is qualified to occupy the Xinxin Peak!"

Soon, Lin Xun understood that this was special care from the imperial family. Township · Village · 暁 · Said · Net

Hundreds of years ago, Lin Daochen, the ancestor of the Lin family, who was in the realm of life and death, fought for the empire. Although he died in the end, he helped the empire successfully resolve a monstrous disaster.

As a result, the imperial family personally came forward and promulgated the emperor's will to grant the ownership of Xixin Peak to the direct descendants of Lin Daochen's lineage!

Lin Xun's grandfather Lin Feiting was Lin Daochen's eldest son, and his father Lin Wenjing was Lin Daochen's eldest grandson.

In terms of seniority, Lin Xun is the great-grandson of Lin Daochen!

In the bloody incident more than ten years ago, almost all the direct descendants of Lin Daochen's lineage were killed, so according to the will of the year, Lin Xun became the only person qualified to have the Xinxin Peak.

As for the other side members of the Lin clan, because they did not have such qualifications, after the bloody incident that year, even if they were unwilling, they had to move out of Xinxin Peak.

According to common sense, almost all the direct descendants of Lin Daochen's lineage have died, and even Lin Xun, an infant who is still in swaddling, is considered impossible to survive, and this Xinxinfeng should be taken away.

It is strange that the imperial family of the empire did not make this decision, so that the Xinxin Peak has continued to this day and has never been taken away.

"Did they know back then that I didn't die?"

Lin Xun said in surprise.

Lin Zhong has been guarding the Xinxin Peak for all these years, and he is also extremely doubtful. Seeing Lin Xun asking, he can't help but ponder: "It's really possible, these years, I often worry that one day, this Xinxin Peak will be taken away. , but at least when you came back today, nothing like this has ever happened, so it is inferred that the imperial family of the empire seems to have expected that one day, you will definitely return."

Lin Xun suddenly remembered the big man in the depths of the palace, could it be him?

Soon, Lin Xun shook his head.

This issue is not important at the moment. The important thing is that Xinxin Peak still belongs to the Lin clan, which is enough.

"Uncle Zhong, I want to ask you something."

Lin Xun's expression became solemn.

Lin Zhong immediately sat up straight and said, "Young master, but it doesn't matter what you say, this old slave must know that there is nothing to say, nothing to say!"

Lin Xun leaned forward slightly, his black eyes were deep, and he stared at Lin Zhong: "If I want to restore the Lin clan, where do you think I should start?"

Lin Zhong was shocked and looked a little excited, but he quickly calmed down and said bitterly: "Young master, now there are only you and me on this Xinxin Peak, it is almost impossible to do this..."

He knows the current situation of the Lin clan better than Lin Xun. Even if Lin Xun is the only descendant who is qualified to inherit the Xinxin Peak, he is too young, only in his teens, and he is alone. How can he restore the Lin family?

What's more, the other four members of the Lin family will definitely not be willing to submit!

On the contrary, Lin Zhong was even sure that when those collateral clansmen learned that Lin Xun had returned and wanted to take over the power of Xinfeng alone and sit on the throne of the patriarch, they would definitely not give up!

He knows those collateral clansmen too well. After the bloody incident that year, they fought for power, and they did not hesitate to fornicate with foreign enemies, so that the Lin family was completely plunged into infighting, and the original power and industry were also divided up. !

Like this kind of clansman, how could Lin Xun stand alone to wash Xinfeng?

What's more, the many powerful forces that divided up the Lin family's property back then would not have watched Lin Xun grow bigger. Read the fastest chapter on xiāng cūn xiǎo shuō.cóm

Internal worries!

foreign aggression!

In addition, Lin Xun is young, alone, and extremely weak. If he wants to lead the entire Lin family, it is more difficult than ascending to the sky!

In an instant, Lin Xun knew that Lin Zhong was not attacking himself, but that he did not have the ability to take charge of the Lin family.

This made Lin Xun frown and pondered.

He also knew that he was currently short of people, money, and sufficient capital to be able to stand on his own. It was indeed difficult to restore the Lin family.

However, since he came back, how could he be indifferent?

Don't be afraid of difficulties, just be afraid of admitting it!

No matter how bad the Lin family is today, no matter how dangerous the situation is, no matter how unbearable the situation is, as long as you do it step by step, there is hope for turning the tide and rising again!

If you don't, then you might as well get out of the Forbidden City immediately!

Of course, according to Lin Xun's character, naturally he would not admit defeat.

"Uncle Zhong, whether you believe it or not, tell me what to do first. If you do it, you may lose, but if you don't do it, I will regret it for the rest of my life!"

Lin Xun's eyes were firm.

Lin Zhong's expression changed, and after a long time he gritted his teeth and said: "Forget it, this old slave has lived on for more than ten years, and life is better than death. If he couldn't bear the Xixin Peak left by the patriarch to be occupied by others, the old slave would have already died. Since the young master If you want to fight, the old slave will give up this old bone and fight with you!"

The sound was sonorous.

Lin Xun suddenly smiled slightly, patted Lin Zhong on the shoulder, and said, "Don't worry, Uncle Zhong, although I am alone, so far I have practiced and have not encountered any problems that cannot be solved!"

"Young master, you must be at peace first. The first thing you need to do now is to fully understand the current situation of our Lin family."

"Only by solving the internal problems first, can we gather the power of the clan to fight against foreign enemies!"

This is Lin Zhong's suggestion.

Lin Xunlue pondered for a while, and couldn't help but nodded secretly, this statement was true.

It is true that when he first entered the Forbidden City, he encountered a lot of problems, but the real problem is to solve the internal troubles of the clan first!

As long as he is solved, it means that the foundation has been stabilized and the footsteps have been stabilized. If the foundation is unstable, it is simply wishful thinking to seek revenge for parents and relatives.

In order to learn more about the current situation of the Lin family, Lin Zhong took Lin Xun out of the Hall of Heart Washing.



Washing the Heart Peak, Back Mountain.


An ancient building with a height of seven stories, bathed in silver stars.

This is the place where the Lin family keeps the books, and it is the core forbidden area of ​​the clan. In the seven-story building, the cultivation methods that the Lin family has passed down for thousands of years are collected.

The Lin family back then was one of the high-ranking clansmen and possessed enormous authority. It is conceivable how amazing the practice books they inherited.

This Sutra Collection Pavilion can also show the strength of a party's clan.

However, when Lin Xun entered under the leadership of Lin Zhong, he found that in the huge Buddhist scriptures pavilion, rows of bookshelves were scattered all over the place, with cobwebs and dust accumulating.

It's like being robbed by a group of robbers, let alone practice books, not even a scrap of paper can be found!

"Master, there are seven floors in the Tibetan Sutra Building. It was built by our ancestors and sages of the Lin family. The ancient books hidden here are like a sea of ​​smoke and sweat."

Lin Zhong's voice was low, and he glanced at the empty hall full of cobwebs and dust with a complicated expression.

"On this first floor alone, there are more than 3,000 various cultivation books and more than 1,900 combat secrets."

"But after the bloody incident that year, these invaluable books... were all taken away..."

Lin Zhong's voice was bitter, revealing incomparable loneliness and sadness.

Lin Xun glanced around for a long time in a daze, but did not speak, but clenched his hands unconsciously and quietly.

With that said, Lin Zhong took Lin Xun to the second floor of the Sutra Collection Pavilion.

"Master, this second floor contains 1,600 cultivation books and more than 700 fighting secrets."

On the second floor, rows of bookshelves were also collapsed, dust cobwebs could be seen everywhere, and in some places there were still traces of battle and blood stains, making the place a mess.

"Go, go to the third floor."

Lin Xun stood silently for a long time, took a deep breath, and looked back.

Next, Lin Zhong took Lin Xun up layer by layer, without exception, they were all empty and dilapidated.

By the time he reached the top, Lin Zhong's expression had become extremely lonely and sad, his emotions were turbulent, and he seemed to be about to collapse.

There are only a few rows of bookshelves.

But this is a first-class forbidden place in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. Back then, in the Lin family, non-core people were not qualified to set foot in it!

"Master, what is hidden here is the most precious inheritance secret book of our Lin family. There are seven volumes in total. In addition, there are fifty-four volumes of cultivation experience left by our ancestors and sages! It records the real core inheritance!"

When he finished speaking this paragraph, Lin Zhong seemed to have lost all his strength, and his expression was extremely gloomy.

Lin Xun stood there, and his heart was about to contain the anger that was about to burst out.

In a trance, he seemed to see groups of enemies, with endless greed and ecstasy, looting and looting in this bookstore...

Those are all classics collected by the ancestors of the Lin family for generations! It is the foundation of the Lin family's foothold! But now, they have all been looted!

Click click!

Lin Xun clenched his hands into fists, and the knuckles made a crisp sound because of the force, and the blue veins on the back of his hands burst out.

However, Lin Xun himself seemed to be unaware, there seemed to be a vortex in the depths of his black eyes, burning a terrifying flame.

After a long time, Lin Xun suddenly withdrew his gaze and strode down the Tibetan Gold Pavilion.

He didn't dare to look at it any longer, he was worried that he couldn't control the anger in his heart, a treasure house of practice built by the ancestors of the Lin family for generations, was completely destroyed because of the bloody incident that year!

Even an outsider would feel deeply regretted seeing such a scene, let alone Lin Xun, the direct descendant of the Lin family?

"Uncle Zhong, do you know who stole these books back then?"


"Okay! You write them down one by one, and you can't miss one!"

"Don't worry, young master, the old slave will not forget those murderers even when he dies."

After walking out of the Tibetan Scriptures Pavilion, Lin Xun took a deep breath and began to instruct Lin Zhong about something.

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered something, and said, "Are there any other four collateral clansmen who looted the Sutra Collection Pavilion?"

Lin Zhong froze all over, and his expression changed.

There is no need to ask anymore, Lin Xun already knew the answer, his eyes suddenly became cold, but he chuckled lightly: "Okay, very good!"

That smile, colder than his eyes, has no emotion.

Lin Zhong next to him felt an inexplicable chill in his heart, and his whole body shuddered.

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