The Prodigies War

Chapter 3063 is determined to leave

Zen world.

In a cave, the nine-color lotus swayed, shedding gorgeous light.

Fan An, with a thin and slender figure, sat cross-legged on the futon, with thin cheeks, a snow-white beard, and a stone statue of the beginning of time in front of him.

"The heresy has already been killed, you...are you really going to give up our Zen teaching..."

Fan An's expression was uncertain, and his eyes were fixed on the stone statue of the beginning.

This treasure left by the ancestor of Zen Buddhism, "Shishi", has not reacted at all since the last time he conveyed a wave of thoughts.

The same is true now.

Outside the cave, there were loud voices, some shouting, some roaring unwillingly, and some panicking screams. There are also roars caused by fluctuations in combat power, the sound of mountains and rocks collapsing and crumbling, and the loud noise of temples being destroyed...

All this made the haze between Fan'an's eyebrows thicker and thicker, and an indescribable sadness and bitterness surged in his heart.

After a while, Fan An suddenly grabbed the stone statue of the beginning of time with both hands, and there was a terrifying divine light in his eyes, "It was you who harmed our Zen, it was you—!"

His low roar was like a desperate beast.

His thin and serene cheeks turned iron-green and ferocious, and his eyes were filled with anger and hatred.


At the beginning of the stone statue burst, turned into powder and poured from Brahman's fingers.

Fan An gasped for a while, turned his head sharply, and saw a tall figure standing at the entrance of the cave for some time.

Lin Xun!

Fan An's pupils shrank, he slowly got up from the futon, and said in a hoarse voice, "Is there only one left?"

Lin Xun shook his head: "I'm not a person who kills indiscriminately. There is no need for some innocent people to die because of your Zen mistakes."

Fan An was startled, his eyes complicated, "Oh, if you say that, I have to thank you for the surviving descendants?"

Lin Xun pointed to the position of his heart, "I do this, I have a clear conscience, but it's not fake compassion."

Fake mercy!

This remark is obviously ironic, it is a satire on their Zen teaching!

But Fan An had no mind to care about these. He looked at Lin Xun for a long time before saying, "I am very puzzled, you are never afraid of the master behind the calamity of the era?"

Lin Xun couldn't help laughing, "What's the use of being afraid, is it because of fear that the mastermind behind the scenes can still give me a way to survive?"

Fan An's eyes narrowed slightly, and after a while, he nodded and said, "That's right, you have nowhere to go, so you're naturally not afraid of all this, but sometimes you'll make some stupid choices if you have too many retreats."

He remembered the stone statue of the very beginning left by the ancestor.

This is a treasure that guards their Zen teaching, but it is this treasure that caused the disaster of Zen teaching today!

"Before I started, there was one thing I was very puzzled about."

Lin Xundao, "Why do you Zen Church hate Fangcunshan so much?"

Not only Zen Buddhism, but also Shamanism.

So far, Lin Xun has not understood the reason.

"Battle of the Great Road."

Fan An did not hesitate to think, "Among the four great ancestral courts, my Zen and Shamanism ancestors were enemies with your Master Fang Cun before the establishment of Taoism. In other words, the battle between them was long ago. It was born in the era of ."

Lin Xun couldn't help sighing, "The battle for the great road..."

This kind of hatred is the most inexplicable.

You see me as a demon heresy, I see you as a heresy that cannot be tolerated in the world, just like water and fire, if you want to resolve it, you can only decide the winner and loser!


At this moment, Fan An also let out a long sigh.

Lin Xun raised his eyebrows: "What a pity?"

Fan An looked strange and said, "It's a pity to never see whether you can survive the destruction of the Era."

Lin Xun smiled, didn't say anything more, just started.

After a while.

When Lin Xun walked out of the Zen world, the order of the gods of the ancestral courtyard of Zen had been taken away, its mountain gate collapsed, and the foundation accumulated over countless years was destroyed in one fell swoop.

After that, there will be no Zen teaching in this world.


The ancestral home of witchcraft.

in front of the mountain gate.

Lin Xun's Chihuo Dao body stood with his hands behind his back,

Looking at this familiar place, there was a touch of emotion in his eyes.

At that time, he and Yuan Changtian and others represented Yuanjiao, and came to the Wujiao to participate in the actions of the Ten Directions Demon Realm.

That was his first entry into witchcraft.

Now, when he comes back again, he is already in the realm of creation on the eternal path.

"It's really this guy!"

"Hmph, does he think that our shamanism is as unbearable as those eternal gods in the ninth heaven?"

In front of the mountain gate in the distance, there are many figures of witch sect powerhouses, each with a fierce aura, full of wild aura, and murderous aura.

The shamanic Taoism is very special. It does not respect the heavens and the earth, nor the etiquette. It is not afraid of life and death, and it is proud of dying in battle.

Therefore, even if they see Lin Xunsha coming to the door at this moment, they are all unafraid.

It's just that not being afraid of death doesn't mean they are reckless.

What happened in the Ninth Heaven Domain was also known to them long ago, and naturally they knew that Lin Xun was terrifying.

"It seems that you already know the intention of Lin's coming here, so it's easy to deal with, and give you a chance to choose to die in battle, or to bow your head and surrender immediately, and let Lin punish you for the crimes of the witch religion?"

Lin Xun's Chihuo Dao body spoke indifferently.

He waved his sleeves as he spoke.


A god-level order rose up from the sky, covering the sky.

"Want us to bow our heads? Delusional!"

An old man in a shamanistic beast robe shouted violently, his voice resounding like thunder, resounding through the sky, "Form a formation!"


Hundreds of shamanistic figures swept out and formed a grand battle formation in the void. When the battle formation took shape, it actually affected the power of the order of the gods covering the upper and lower shamanic sects, and a terrifying and boundless might erupted.


The beast-robed old man took the lead in attacking, and the entire battle formation immediately moved, causing the world to be turbulent, trembling in the ten directions, and the suffocating energy rushing through the universe.

"The man's arm stops the car."

Lin Xun snorted coldly, and his hand swept away in the void.

The flames rose across the sky, and the dazzling torrent of flames was like a wanton ocean, falling down for nine days, submerging that piece of heaven and earth.

In an instant, the bodies of the beast-robed old man and the hundreds of shamanistic figures were turned into ashes, just like paper paste, and were easily wiped out between heaven and earth!

That waiting scene made all the witch sect powerhouses near the distant mountain gate horrified, and their faces changed.

"If you are not afraid of death, you can kill them now."

Lin Xun said indifferently, his eyes were full of coldness.

Compared with Zen Buddhism, he hated Shamanism even more. This Taoist system acted unscrupulously and unscrupulously. In the past few years, he had sent forces to deal with him more than once, and formed a deep hatred for each other.

"Since the moment my witch sect was established, I have never been afraid!"

A grey-robed man with a figure hidden like a mountain shouted loudly, and with a flick of his figure, he turned into a thousand feet tall, and a terrifying Eternal Dao light hung down all over his body.

It is an extraordinary existence.


Lin Xun took a shot.


The man with a figure thousands of feet tall was directly photographed kneeling on the ground with a bang, and the ground collapsed into a big pit, the skin all over his body was cracked, and blood was flowing.


The powerhouses of the Shamanism were struck by lightning and felt like the sky was falling.

They are indeed not afraid of death or battle, but when faced with Lin Xun, who can easily suppress the existence of a powerhouse beyond the Moment Realm, they can't help but feel hopeless.

too strong!

Against it, it is no different from a mayfly shaking a tree!

If it was left in the past, there were immeasurable realms in the witch sect, they would naturally not be afraid, but now, time has passed, and it is too late to say anything.

"Lin Xun, do you think this will make my witch sect bow its head? Never mind!"

The grey-robed man roared.

"It doesn't matter if you don't bow your head, just wipe your Taoism from the world."

Lin Xun said casually.

"It's ridiculous, all the sages of my witch sect have already fought to go to Zhongmiao Dao Ruins, and when they come back, both you and the Yuan Sect will have to die!!"

The grey-robed man roared.

Lin Xun's expression was as indifferent as before, "I am afraid that the sages of your shamanism will not be able to return in this life, but you can rest assured that sooner or later, Lin will go to Zhongmiaodao Market to find them."


He was a little further apart, and the gray-robed man who possessed the Taoism that surpassed the moment exploded, destroying both body and spirit.

After that, Lin Xun took a step and walked towards the mountain gate of the witch sect.


Many strong men who were not afraid of death rushed forward, but they all fell in front of Lin Xun like moths to flames, and no one could stop him.

After a while, Lin Xun broke through the many restrictions, tore open the mountain gate passage covered by the order of the gods, and entered the witch world.

Unmatched all the way!

It's just not time for a cup of tea.

One of the four ancestral courtyards, the ancestral courtyard of the Shaman Sect, was flattened by Lin Xun!

As before, Lin Xun did not kill them all. This is the code of conduct he abides by. He only beheads evil, but not innocents.

On that day, following Zen Buddhism, the ancestral court of Shamanism was also removed from the world.



On the day Lin Xun's deity returned, the Chihuo Dao body and the Platinum Dao body also returned together, and brought back the news of the demise of the ancestral courtyard of the Shaman Sect.

Lin Xun was not surprised by this.

With his current state, looking at the entire eternal real world, it is difficult to find an opponent, and it is also an easy thing to step on the behemoth of the witch sect, which is severely damaged.

And it wasn't until ten days later that the Aoki Daoist who went to the Ninth Heaven Domain did not return.

It turned out that after the Aoki Daoist arrived at the Ninth Heaven Domain, he discovered that the three eternal protoss of Ye Clan, Pan Wu Clan, and Xing Tian Clan still hadn't revealed their traces, and they didn't know where they were hiding.

Aoki Daoist went through various investigations and used all kinds of taboo secret methods, but did not find the hiding place of these three eternal gods, and finally could only return empty-handed.

In this regard, Lin Xun couldn't say how disappointed he was.

Not surprisingly, even if these three Eternal God Races can survive the destruction of the era, they and the civilization world of this era will also appear in the Ruins of Fortune.

At that time, Lin Xun has his own way to clean up them.

"What are your seniors thinking?"

In the central hall, Lin Xun asked.

Before, Xuan Feiling and Fang Daoping had already learned the news of the collapse of Yuan Sect and Zen Sect. They were shocked and sighed in their hearts. At this moment, when they heard Lin Xun's inquiry, they looked at each other and nodded.

"We have made a decision to do as you say."

Xuan Feiling laughed.

Today's Yuanjiao is not only the descendants of Yuanjiao, but also members of the Lin, Luo, Xuan, Yuan, Dugu and other ethnic groups.

Even if they are reluctant to give up, they must proceed from the overall situation and consider the future of everyone.

"That's fine."

Lin Xun suddenly relaxed and said with a smile, "When you reach the Ruins of Creation, you will be completely safe."


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