The Prodigies War

The third thousand and sixty-two chapters break the past grievances

Eternal realm.

Yuan religion.

"Mother, the baby is back."

The sleeping Zhao Jingxuan was awakened by a familiar voice and slowly opened his eyes.

Then he saw Lin Fan standing in front of the bed.

Zhao Jingxuan sat up and said excitedly, "Fan'er!"

She seemed to be in disbelief and thought she was dreaming.

Lin Fan stepped forward and hugged Zhao Jingxuan tightly, and said with a smile, "Mother, you have been worried these days. It was my father who saved Senior Brother Su Bai and me. We are all fine now."

Zhao Jingxuan's nose was sore, and he wept with joy, "It's good to come back, it's good to come back, I didn't know how to live when you were gone before..."

Lin Fan's heart was tumbling, feeling moved and guilty, "Don't worry, mother, the child will not worry you in the future."

"Where's your father?" Zhao Jingxuan asked.

"Father, he went to see Senior Xuan Feiling and the others."

Lin Fan lifted Zhao Jingxuan from the bed, and handed over a cup of hot tea with his own hands, and then said, "Mother, you don't know how powerful my father is now, and no one dares to call him the Ruins of Fortune. Respect..."

Zhao Jingxuan interrupted angrily: "I don't want to hear this, I just want you father and son to be safe and sound, it's enough to let me worry less."

Lin Fan was immediately embarrassed.


"Go to the Ruins of Creation?"

In the central hall, the old man Xuan Feiling, Xuan Feiling, and Fang Daoping were all startled when they learned that Lin Xun came back this time with the intention of taking all the Yuanjiao to the Ruins of Fortune.

"Yes, only when we arrive there, Yuanjiao will not have to worry about being hit by the black hand behind the scenes, nor do they have to worry about the danger of eradication."

Lin Xundao said, "Also, after you arrive at the City of Creation, you will have the opportunity to prove the Tao for eternity, otherwise, in this eternal real world, you will have no chance."

Xuan Feiling looked at each other and hesitated.

Yuanjiao has stood for countless years, and who would be willing to let them leave like this?

But they also knew that Lin Xun's arrangement was undoubtedly the safest and safest way.

"This matter, let me wait and think about it."

Xuan Fei Ling said.

Lin Xun nodded: "Don't worry, this time I have to go to the Ninth Heaven Domain. Within half a month, all the seniors can give me an answer."

"Still going to the Ninth Heaven Domain?"

Xuan Feiling and they all stayed for a while.

Lin Xun smiled and said, "When I went to the Ninth Heaven Domain and let Ye Clan, Xing Tian Clan, and Pan Wu Clan escape, how could I just let them go?"

Everyone couldn't help but look weird.

In the past, it was the Eternal God Races of the Ninth Heaven Domain who bullied Lin Xun.

It's better now, it's Lin Xun to bully the Eternal God Race.

"Besides, I have to go to Yuan Sect and Zen Sect, and try to completely end the grievances and grievances of previous years. After that, I will go to the Ruins of Creation, and there will be no regrets."

Lin Xun said softly.

Xuan Feiling was shocked in their hearts, Lin Xun actually planned to settle accounts with Shamanism and Zen Buddhism!

Xuan Feiling pondered, "Let's not talk about other things, about going to the Ruins of Fortune, I think it is necessary to communicate with the Spiritual Sect. If it is feasible, I hope that the Spiritual Sect will leave with us."

"It's natural." Lin Xun nodded, he had this plan.

"Okay, it's up to us to communicate with the Spiritual Religion."

Xuan Feiling made a decision.

On the same day, Lin Xun's Aoki Taoist body was dispatched and went to the Ninth Heaven Domain alone.

Together with his red fire body and platinum body, he went to the shamanism.

And his deity set off for Zen together with the loess Taoist body.

As for the black water body, it was still left behind by Lin Xun, and he was in Yuanjiao.


Zen world.

The ancestral courtyard of Zen Buddhism is also known as the "Bright Brahma Land".

The entrance to the Zen world is located in a sacred mountain bathed in billions of auspicious lights, but since ancient times, very few people in the world have known this place.

As a result, the impression of Zen teaching to the world is extremely mysterious.


On this day, there was a wave in the void,

Lin Xun's figure appeared out of thin air, and his eyes looked at the sacred mountain in the distance.

With his divine sense, he could see at a glance that the sacred mountain was covered with countless mysterious and unpredictable forbidden powers, and there was a power of divine order surging in it.

The general transcendental realm eternal characters arrive, and they can't even sneak into it.

Unable to help, some things from the past appeared in Lin Xun's mind.

At that time, the senior brothers were trapped in Taiyu Realm, and the great figures of Zen Buddhism blocked the surrounding of Taiyu Realm.

At that time, Shi Ye, one of the nine Buddhist statues of Zen Buddhism, once led a group of masters to hunt down the two brothers, Pu Zhen and Xue Ya. Fortunately, when they fled to "Shouyunzhai", they were met by Lin Xun and helped the two brothers to resolve the situation. got into this trouble.

Back then, on his way back from the Demon Realm of the Ten Directions, he was blocked by the will of the Zen Buddhism of the present-day "Jia Nan", but fortunately he was helped by the will of his uncle Kongjue.


All kinds of grievances and grievances from the past flooded into Lin Xun's heart like a tide.

And now, he is here to end these grievances!


Lin Xun waved his sleeve robe, and the order of the gods spread out, covering the world, and then, he said in his lips:

"Lin Xun, the descendant of Fangcun, came today to break the grievances of the past, where is the Zen person—"

The sound was like a yellow bell and a big lu, and the rumbling resounded through the heavens and the earth.

Hundreds of millions of auspicious lights covering the mountains in the distance exploded and collapsed like a tidal wave.

Immediately following, countless forbidden fluctuations rolled, Brahma light transpired, and bursts of noisy sounds sounded.

Obviously, the strong in Zen Buddhism were disturbed.

Soon, many figures appeared out of thin air, all of them shrouded in Buddha light, with solemn treasures and tyrannical breaths.

"Lin Xun, you really came..."

The leader is an old monk with white eyebrows and white beard, and his expression is full of dignified colors.

At this moment, these Zen masters also saw Lin Xun's figure. Although he stood there alone, the tall figure was like a supreme ruler, which made people feel the pressure.

For a time, their expressions became extremely solemn.

They all knew about what happened in the Ninth Heaven Territory some time ago. How could they not know that Lin Xun today has become extremely powerful?

However, no one expected that Lin Xun would come to the door today.

"The hatred has never ended in the past, so how could Lin not come."

Lin Xun put his hands on his back, his expression was calm, neither happy nor sad, "Give you a chance, and now bow your head and confess your guilt, Lin can give you a good time, otherwise, don't blame me for stepping down this place."

The words resounded clearly and clearly throughout the world, causing those strong Zen practitioners to come from their hearts with grief and anger.

As one of the Four Great Ancestral Courts, how have they been threatened like this for countless years?

"Lin Xun, you are so fierce and rampant, you are not afraid of being punished by God?!"

An old monk shouted angrily.


Lin Xun was a little apart, and the old monk's body exploded in an instant, turned into ashes and dissipated, and his body and spirit were all destroyed.

This scene shocked all the other great Zen figures in their entire bodies.

It should be noted that the place where they stand is also covered with countless forbidden forces, as well as the fluctuation of the order of the gods of their Zen.

But in front of Lin Xun's killing, it was like a fake, and it didn't stop him at all!

"In the past years, in order to deal with me Fangcunshan, your Zen Buddhism used I don't know how many despicable methods, and now you dare to say that I am rampant and fierce, how ridiculous!"

Lin Xun's eyes were cold, and his expression was full of ridicule, "Could it be that you are only allowed to harm others, but you are not allowed to be countered? Shameless!"

The sound shook the sky.

"Lin Xun, can you give me a chance to make up for past mistakes?"

The headed white-browed old monk clasped his hands together, and his expression was full of sympathy and bitterness.

Lin Xun raised his eyebrows, "How to make up for it?"

"As long as I have a chance to continue my Zen Buddhism, I will hand over my life to you, and there will be no complaints." The white-browed old monk said solemnly.

Everyone else couldn't help but riot, one by one, their discoloration changed.

This is equivalent to bowing his head and confessing to Lin Xun, making their hearts full of sadness and depression.

However, Lin Xun said without hesitation: "Impossible! From today, there is no possibility for Zen teaching to exist in the world. I advise you to give up as soon as possible."

"Lin Xun, you are too deceiving!"

A middle-aged monk with bronze skin and a strong breath said angrily, "Do you really think that I can only be slaughtered like the Eternal Protoss of the Ninth Heaven Domain?"


An invisible sword energy swept in, beheading the middle-aged monk on the spot, blood spilling into the void.

Lin Xun said indifferently: "I'm sorry, now you are indeed no different from fish and meat on a chopping board."

The bloody scene stimulated the other people's faces to turn blue and their eyes were split.

"I've already confessed my guilt, and I just hope that the sect and Taoist lineage can survive. Do you really not intend to give us a chance?"

The white-browed monk looked at Lin Xun.

"Not bad." Lin Xun nodded, his expression was calm, but there was no doubt.

The white-browed monk sighed and said no more.

The next moment, in the sacred mountain under their feet, countless restraining forces poured out, all of which released the blazing and mighty Sanskrit Buddha light, heading towards Lin to kill.

That kind of power is enough to make the characters beyond the moment terrified!

Ke Lin didn't even look at it, he waved his sleeve robe.


The mighty Sanskrit sound and Buddha light all vanished and disappeared.

Following closely, Lin Xun stepped forward.

The sky was turned upside down, the sun and the moon had no light, and the countless restraining forces covering the sacred mountain all exploded with a rumble and roar, turning into a rain of light.

"This is the power of transcendence!!"

All of a sudden, the old monk with white eyebrows turned pale and pale, and he finally understood why Lin Xun dared to kill so fearlessly.

It's just that when he reacted, it was already a step too late.


As Lin Xun stepped into the sky, the heavens and the earth turned upside down, everything collapsed, and the sacred mountain that had been entrenched in the world for an unknown number of years collapsed, turned into ruins, and set off smoke and dust in the sky.

The old monk with white eyebrows and other big figures were already imprisoned by the terrifying power released by Lin Xun.

"Rest assured, Lin Xun is not an indiscriminate murderer. Although the Zen Church has been removed from the world, the fate of everyone in the sect will be the same as those of the Eternal God Race in the Ninth Heaven Domain. Some people can live, and some must die."

In the indifferent voice, Lin Xun has come to the entrance to the Zen world and waved his right hand.


The power of the order of gods covering the entrance to the Zen world also exploded like paper.

The next moment, Lin Xun's figure stepped in.


Thank you brother "awatera" for another leader award!

Continue to add updates tonight, and at the end of the month, there will be a burst update dedicated to thanking the leader for the reward~

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