The Prodigies War

Chapter 293 The Power of the Spirit Cannon

Xu Qianjing frowned, glanced at everyone, and said solemnly: "There is not only one target in the spirit pattern shuttle, but also many innocent people. If you mobilize the Ziying battleship, can you afford the consequences?"

There was a question in the voice. Township · Village · 暁 · Said · Net

What made Xu Qianjing chilling was that all the deputies showed disapproval, and some even sneered: "The people who ride the spirit-patterned shuttle are just a bunch of pariahs, as long as they can kill the target, it's no big deal to sacrifice them. of?"


This word stabbed Xu Qianjing's heart all of a sudden. Before he entered Qinglu Academy, why was Xu Qianjing not a "untouchable" in the eyes of these wealthy children?

"Young Master Xu, don't hesitate anymore. This is the best time to kill the target. As for the deaths of those pariahs, as long as we don't talk about it, who in the world will know?"

Someone persuaded.

"Hehe, if Young Master Xu is worried about taking responsibility, he can completely push all this onto me, but to be honest, it's just to wipe out the lives of some pariahs. Even if the sky is pierced, no one will care."

Someone chuckled, and the words were full of contempt.

Xu Qianjing was silent, and there was an unspeakable anger in his heart.


At this moment, the door was pushed open, and Chi Zangmei walked in with a graceful figure and an aura like a blade.

"Qianjing, just do it. I have issued an order to mobilize a Ziying battleship to rush to Fengwan Mountains."

Chi Zangmei said calmly.

Xu Qianjing narrowed his eyes, and his usual calm and calm expression finally changed at this moment, and there was an extra haze.

"Do you know that doing this is no different from slaughtering the people of the empire!" Xu Qianjing stood up, took a deep breath, and said coldly.

Chi Zangmei didn't move, only hummed.

The deputies showed disdain. Originally, they still had a three-point respect for Xu Qianjing, but with the failure of the encirclement and suppression of the target, they began to question Xu Qianjing's ability and methods, and the respect in their hearts also faded a lot.

Until this time, when I learned that Xu Qianjing was for some so-called "untouchables\

,"When they didn't dare to make the wisest decision, they all began to wonder if Xu Qianjing had gained a false reputation, and how could he be so stubborn.

Xu Qianjing swept his gaze and saw the ridicule and disdain in everyone's expressions. Suddenly, an indescribable cold and powerlessness surged in his heart.

"I'm against it."

Xu Qianjing did not compromise on this, he was sticking to his bottom line.

"I'm sorry, Young Master Xu, from now on, your task has been completed, and the rest, leave it to me to do. Township, village, 暁, said, net."

Chi Zangmei said indifferently. After the first few failures, she also had doubts about Xu Qianjing's tactical ability. Until this time, when she learned that Xu Qianjing had given up the best time to kill the target for some pariahs, she had already made her. He didn't believe Xu Qianjing at all.

"So, I can go now?"

Xu Qianjing said in a daze.

"Hehe, there's no need to ask that? Master Tactician Xu Gongzi, you should leave quickly. Our temple is too small to accommodate you."

Some people couldn't help but sneer, and the words were full of sarcasm.

The others also burst into laughter.

Chi Zangmei just frowned, but did not reprimand those deputies, just looked at Xu Qianjing and said seriously: "Xu Gongzi, please."

A word of invitation to express the unstoppable bashing taste.

Xu Qianjing was stunned for a long time, and finally took a deep breath and said, "I owe you the kindness of the Chi family, I have already repaid it, and I say goodbye."

After all, he turned around and pushed the door away.

"Hmph, this is a return of favor? It's polite enough not to arrest this guy for accountability."

"What tactician master, from the moment the target appeared, all the tactical operations he arranged ended in failure. If you believe him again, this operation will not be wiped out!"

There was a burst of sarcasm from behind, causing Xu Qianjing to suddenly feel sadness in his heart. He thought bitterly, how do these rich and powerful children know, what is tactics?

After just a few failures, it is ridiculous that they are in chaos and restless.

But Xu Qianjing also knows that this is the son of a wealthy family. When you are useful, you will be treated as a guest of honor, and when you are useless, you will be abandoned like a shoe.

It's a pity that they don't even know how terrifying the goal is this time!

Think that you can kill the target with the help of the Ziying warship?


After analyzing the intelligence collected these days, Xu Qianjing has a strong feeling that the target this time is not so easy to kill!

If the target survives the bombardment of the Ziying battleship...

Xu Qianjing immediately shook his head. He didn't think about it any more. It was useless to think about it. He had already prepared a lot of back-ups, all of which were arranged for the target, but unfortunately... now they are no longer used.


In the room, a group of deputies were still sneering at Xu Qianjing's unworthy name and the benevolence of women, as if they regarded Xu Qianjing as a vain person.

They had even decided that after killing the target this time, they would properly publicize Xu Qianjing's incompetence and incompetence in the Forbidden City, so that he would be completely ruined!

Chizangmei looked at everyone's reaction, and frowned imperceptibly, and a sense of insecurity surged in her heart, but she was quickly abandoned by her.

The action has already started, Chi Zangmei does not believe it, the target called the spirit pattern shuttle can withstand the bombardment of the Ziying battleship!

You must know that this new type of Ziying warship has just been developed. It is rumored that it was personally refined by a master Mo from the Imperial Academy of Divinity. Not to mention killing a cultivator in the Astral Realm, even a powerhouse in the Spirit Sea Realm, it is difficult to resist the full blow of the Ziying battleship!



In the quiet carriage, a harsh warning sound suddenly sounded, which immediately caused panic among all the passengers, who got up and looked around, at a loss.

The spirit-pattern shuttle flies in the void, and the most worrying thing is the occurrence of a mutation accident. In the past years of the empire, there have been many incidents where the spirit-pattern shuttle has fallen and shattered.

Therefore, when the warning sound was heard, everyone panicked, even the cultivators, because above this high altitude, once they fell, they would have no choice but to die.

Lin Xun was chatting with the little girl named "Luoluo". When he noticed the sudden change in this scene, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes and suddenly stood up.

Through the glazed window lattice of the spirit-patterned shuttle, one could clearly see a small warship in the shape of a sharp cone, several dozen feet long, and covered in a dark purple luster in the very distant void.

"It's the battleship of the Empire!"

"It turned out that the empire's battleship was approaching, fortunately, it should be no big deal."

Many passengers also saw this scene, and they couldn't help showing a relaxed look. They originally thought that something had happened, but it turned out that it was just an imperial warship appearing, and they didn't know what all the fuss was about.

Someone even joked: "What else do I do, it turns out that the imperial warship came to escort us."

Many people laughed.

Only Lin Xun's heart sank and his hands and feet were cold. He recognized at a glance that this battleship was the brand-new Ziying battleship he designed for Lao Mo. Such a battleship suddenly appeared here, and there was no need to think about it. It must be Come to deal with yourself!

Sure enough, just as this thought flashed through Lin Xun's mind, he saw a dazzling beam of light suddenly appeared on the Ziying battleship in the extreme distance!

Lin Xun's body froze, his pupils dilated, this is a sign of the launch of the spirit-patterned cannons equipped on the Ziying battleship!

This battleship was designed by Lin Xun, how could Lin Xun not recognize it?

"Everyone be careful!"

Lin Xun's face was ashen, and he shouted loudly. He never expected that the enemy would be so ruthless. In order to deal with him, he would not hesitate to destroy the entire spirit pattern shuttle!

They... have never considered the safety of those innocent people at all!

Many passengers were stunned, and some did not know why, but many people were keenly aware of this scene, and couldn't help screaming in horror.

All of a sudden, the interior of the spirit-pattern shuttle was in complete chaos, piercing warnings kept ringing, and the panicked people screamed and cursed in despair and helplessness.

At this moment, Lin Xun didn't care about anything else at all, he used all his strength, hugged the little girl Luoluo in his arms, clenched his teeth sharply, and roared and slashed at the wall of the carriage.


The carriage was broken open.

But almost at the same time, the spirit pattern war cannon launched by the Ziying battleship has roared and slammed into the spirit pattern shuttle.


The terrifying explosive airflow raged, like a landslide and tsunami, swept through the small carriage, as if the end was coming.

Lin Xun only felt a pain all over his body, his eardrum was about to be torn as if being pierced by a needle, his vision became dizzy and dim, the sky shook, his body was swept away by a terrifying tearing force, and he flew out uncontrollably.

Can't see anything.

I can't feel anything, only the burning pain spreads all over the body like a tide, but basically this is the case, Lin Xun still relies on instinct to protect the little girl Luoluo in his arms.

It seemed that many years had passed, and it seemed that it had just passed, and Lin Xun suddenly opened his eyes with the strength from nowhere.

In an instant, he saw that he was only ten feet away from the ground!

Almost subconsciously, Lin Xun clenched his teeth sharply and let out a roar like a wild beast, his body flipping violently in mid-air.


The next moment, Lin Xun turned his back to the ground and slammed into a piece of soft grass, smashing a big hole, and the soil splashed.

But before that, Lin Xun successfully used the technique of moving flowers and connecting trees to transfer all the power of the little girl in his arms, Luoluo, to himself, and Luoluo was shaken by his wrist and rolled into the grass not far away.

With twice the force of falling, Lin Xun's bones were almost broken. As soon as he fell to the ground, he couldn't help coughing up blood, his face instantly turned extremely pale, and he couldn't help but let out a painful moan.


The incomparable pain made Lin Xun feel that all his internal organs were displaced, his eyes were dizzy, and Venus shot up, almost fainting.

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