The Prodigies War

Chapter 292: Crossing the Maple Night

After restraining the body's breath, the expressions of the people around him eased a lot, but the eyes that looked at Lin Xun were still full of fear, as if he was a dangerous person. Township · Village · 暁 · Said · Network??? .

Lin Xun could do nothing about it, but fortunately, a spirit-pattern shuttle started soon and was about to sail.

After handing over a silver coin, Lin Xun and a group of pedestrians filed into the spirit-patterned shuttle, rushing towards the sky with a roar.

In the spacious carriage, the place where Lin Xun was sitting was empty, and no one wanted to approach him. Lin Xun was also happy to be quiet, and took this opportunity to start counting the gains of the past few days.

In the seven days after leaving the Blood Wolf Plain, he encountered three more deliberate ambushes.

The first time happened in a jungle. There were forty enemies in total, all of them were good at jungle assassination. Each enemy was equipped with a special "thorn wood crossbow". Extremely difficult.

But in the face of Lin Xun, a ruthless character who came out of the blood-killing camp, the jungle attack tactic they adopted was fundamentally paediatric. , and the rest were all slaughtered.

After this battle, Lin Xun was injured in seven places, harvested dozens of bottles of various medicinal pills, 16 intact thorn wood crossbows, and 23 various spiritual tools.

The second ambush took place in the swamp. There were fifty enemies, and they were good at forming battles. They tried to kill Lin Xun in one fell swoop with the help of a spirit pattern that had already been set up.

But obviously, their tactics were wrong from the start!

If Xue Jin and Chu Feng knew that someone had used the spirit formation to deal with Lin Xun, they would definitely burst into laughter. As long as they knew the details of Lin Xun, they would never do such a crazy stupid thing!

The result of this battle was that a spirit pattern killing formation that had been in ambush long ago was dominated by Lin Xun. Using the spiritual pattern method he mastered, he easily seized control of the killing formation and wiped out all ambush in the killing formation at one stroke. enemy!

And Lin Xun was not only unscathed, but also easily obtained an amazing trophy.

The third ambush took place on a lake. The enemy mobilized a large number of ships to encircle Lin Xun on the water.

The enemy had obviously learned the lessons of the previous battles. This time, they were extremely well prepared. Not only were there ships, but they were also equipped with 200 elite cultivators and a large number of combat equipment.

However, to the enemy's surprise,

With the help of the "Sacred Pearl of Tianshui" in the sea of ​​​​knowledge, Lin Xun slipped away silently from the bottom of the lake. When the enemy noticed that something was wrong, Lin Xun had already fled to somewhere.

It is so embarrassing to have a well-prepared ambush and end without a hitch like this!

Even Lin Xun thought of this at this time, and the corners of his lips couldn't help but raise a strange arc. This is luck. When luck is good, even the gods help. When luck is bad, no matter how much ambush is arranged, it will die without a hitch.

Of course, after experiencing these ambush, the enemy will inevitably become more alert, and when it is dispatched again, the force sent is absolutely no trivial matter. Township · Village · 暁 · Said · Net

Lin Xun is also aware of this and has already prepared for it.

After counting all the spoils on his body, Lin Xun couldn't help but sigh with emotion, murdering and setting fire to the golden belt, the most brutal way to collect money in the world is undoubtedly to search for the spoils.

Just like now, the total value of the loot he collected along the way is at least 10,000 gold coins!

"Brother, you have a lot of blood on your body. My mother said that I will give you this suit."

Suddenly, a milky voice sounded, awakening Lin Xun who was in deep thought. He looked up and saw a little girl of three or four years old walking over holding a stack of clothes not far from the carriage.

The little girl is wearing a braid and her big eyes are shining, she is really cute.

Lin Xun was stunned, and when he glanced around, he saw a plainly dressed woman looking at him with a smile not far away.

This warmed Lin Xun's heart and felt a long-lost warmth, meeting by chance, but being cared for by a kind of kindness from a stranger, which made Lin Xun feel touched.

"Thank you, little sister."

Lin Xun squatted down, rubbed the little girl's head with a smile, and accepted the suit.

He is not short of clothes, but this gift has a kinder warmth to him, so he can't bear to refuse it.

"Goodbye brother."

The little girl waved her hand obediently and turned to the woman.

Lin Xun smiled and nodded to the woman, then carefully took the clothes away, thinking in his heart that after the spirit-pattern shuttle passed through the Fengwan Mountains, he wanted to find a chance to buy some gifts for the mother and son, just express it. Show your gratitude and kindness.

"Brother, can I chat with you?"

Suddenly, the little girl came over again, looking at Lin Xun with big dark eyes expectantly.


Lin Xun smiled suddenly, hugged the little girl on his lap, and said, "Little sister, what do you want to talk to my brother about?"

"Brother, they are all afraid of you, is it because you are fierce?"

"Uh, do you think brother is fierce?"

"It's not fierce, I feel that my brother is very beautiful, like a porcelain doll hidden in my house."

"Pretty? Hahaha, little sister, beautiful is not a boy."

There was a childish conversation between one big and one small, the little girl was very excited, and Lin Xun was also very happy.

Gradually, some passengers in the distance relaxed a lot, and their attitude towards Lin Xun was no longer as fearful and taboo as before.

And all of this is just changed after a child releases kindness, which may be the power of warmth and kindness.

In the Forbidden City, in an ancient mansion.

Xu Qianjing sat in front of the table, analyzing the information, her clear and clean eyes were full of calm and wise colors.

On the table were the detailed information sent over the past few days, and some were analyzed and summarized by Xu Qianjing himself.

In the end, Xu Qianjing came to three precise conclusions.

The target who was born in the blood-killing camp, mastered extremely skilled and old-fashioned raid and counter-raid methods, and had an extremely terrifying keen insight into danger.

This can be seen from the ambush in the jungle a few days ago. This is a factor that has been mentioned in previous intelligence but has not been taken seriously.

No one thought that the means that the target learned in the blood killing camp could be played so well and perfectly.

Including Xu Qianjing.

This also led to the final failure of a jungle raid tactic developed a few days ago.

However, this did not affect Xu Qianjing's emotions. One failure, in exchange for a better understanding of the target, was enough.

What really surprised Xu Qianjing was the battle that took place in the swamp!

At that time, there was a spirit pattern killing formation in the swamp called "Nine Dragon Bound Spirit Formation". It was written by a spirit pattern master of the Chi family. The spiritual sea realm cultivator was trapped in it, and could not escape the bad luck of being killed.

In order to arrange this formation, Xu Qianjing mobilized a lot of manpower and materials, which was enough to make the target doomed.

The root cause of the failure, Xu Qianjing has also found out, so that he realized that in addition to having extremely strong combat power and a skillful fighting method, the target itself is also a spirit pattern with profound attainments in the spirit pattern. division!

This is incredible.

When making this judgment, Xu Qianjing couldn't help but have some doubts, but the bloody facts told him that it was true, otherwise the target would never be able to turn against the customer and take control of the "Nine Dragons Binding Array" in one fell swoop, otherwise this battle Possibly wiped out!

After confirming all this, Xu Qianjing not only did not feel the slightest frustration, on the contrary, he became more and more interested in this action to encircle and suppress the target.

To this end, he shot again and made a perfect plan to completely kill the target on the surface of a lake.

But after all the calculations, Xu Qianjing never expected that the target would escape from the bottom of the lake without a sound.

When he learned all this, Xu Qianjing couldn't help but be stunned. He never thought that there is anyone in this world who is a cultivator in the Astral Realm. , and it is impossible to stay underwater for a long time!

But unfortunately, the goal was achieved, and it was precisely because of this that he narrowly avoided a killing game.

Doing the math, from the appearance of the target to now, they have carried out four encirclement and suppression operations, but they all ended in failure.

Xu Qianjing didn't feel anything, but those lieutenants and subordinates couldn't sit still, making a lot of noise, and some even thought that Xu Qianjing's title of "tactician master" was not worthy of the name.

Just like at this moment, Xu Qianjing was analyzing the intelligence, but the nearby deputies were already arguing, blushing and thick necks.

Some people think that they should gather all their strength and crush the target head-on, and some people think that even if they don't use all their strength, they should change their strategy and stop being as conservative as before.

Inside and outside the words, they actually revealed their dissatisfaction with Xu Qianjing, the person in charge.

Xu Qianjing didn't say much, just complained, it was normal, the real decision was made by himself, unless they dared to disobey.

"The news just came that the target has taken the spirit pattern shuttle, and plans to cross the Fengwan Mountains from the air. I wonder if Xu Gongzi has come up with any clever tactics?"

Someone asked strangely.

Everyone else's eyes also turned to Xu Qianjing.

Although the words were harsh, Xu Qianjing seemed to be unaware and calmly said: "After he crosses the Fengwan Mountains, it will not be too late to take action. I have already arranged some means for this, and I believe it will give the target a 'surprise'. "

"Hmph, it's too conservative to do this. I remember that during this operation, didn't we prepare six new types of Ziying warships? Take this opportunity to dispatch one directly to kill the target in the air. Wouldn't it be better?"

Someone hummed.

Everyone else nodded. The spirit pattern shuttle was sailing in the air. Once it encountered the attack of the Ziying warship, there was no way to avoid it. die.

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