The prince is very fierce

Chapter 13: Reunion

The water of the Fen River is calm, not as rough as the Yellow River. Merchants who have no money to lose on New Year's Eve come out to run boats. The boatmen and porters have all gone home to celebrate the New Year. The port is full of boats, but there is no one there.

Before daybreak, Song Yufu got up early. In the Imperial College, it had become a habit to light an oil lamp early to prepare for lessons. Now she has not changed it. After washing, she sat at the small desk by the window and wrote in a book. Circle and circle.

As the sun rose in the east and the morning light diluted the lights, Song Yufu closed the book, stood up and blew out the lights.

As soon as I got up, I saw outside the boat building, in the corridor next to the river, a noble man in white as snow, holding his hands on the railing and looking at the river. From the back, he looked a little tired, and his back was not as straight as before. Like the edge of a sword.

Mr. Xu? !

Song Yufu's eyes lit up, and after she made sure that she was not mistaken, her goose egg-like moist cheeks showed a bit of joy. She didn't even leave the door, trotted to the window, and jumped directly from the waist-high window.

When Xu Buling heard the noise, his posture instantly returned to straightness. He stood with his hands behind his back, lonely and cold, looking at the mountains, rivers and sunrise, and said slowly:

"The solitary smoke is straight in the desert, and the sun sets over the long river...well, it's really round..."

Song Yufu struggled to get out of the window and trotted forward with her skirt in hand. Her earrings were dangling and she looked a little excited. Maybe he realized that he had lost his composure. After hearing Xu Buling's voice, he quickly folded his hands on his waist, pretending to be demure and elegant, walked up to Xu Buling's back, bent down and bowed like spring water. :

"Master Xu?"

"Oh...Yu Fu, are you up so early?"

Xu Buling turned around, smiled, glanced up and down, and gently tightened Song Yufu's furry collar:

"It's cold outside, be careful of catching a cold."

Song Yufu's face was slightly red, and she raised her eyes to look at her lover who was very close at hand. She had been hiding thousands of words in her heart for the past few months, but she didn't know what to say when they actually met. After thinking about it, she nodded shyly:

"Well, I'm used to it...when did you come back?"

"I just came back last night. You were asleep and I didn't disturb you."

"Oh..." Song Yufu nodded, carefully looked at Xu Buling's face, and suddenly frowned slightly:

"Mr. Xu, why are you so pale?"

"It's freezing cold."

"Why are you red again?"


Xu Buling coughed lightly, held Song Yufu's little hand, leaned over and shut up.

Song Yufu's eyes were slightly panicked, her face turned red, and she tilted her head nervously:

"There are so many people here... Wu—"

After all, she still didn't hide away. Song Yufu froze for a moment. After realizing that there was no one around, she stopped moving. She stood on her toes and held her breath until she was almost suffocated. Then she lightly patted Xu Buling on both shoulders. Down.

Xu Buring let go of his mouth, looked at Fubao who blushed like an apple with a smile, raised his hand and pinched his face:

"Are you satisfied?"

Song Yufu was so embarrassed that she almost forgot her last name. Just now she wanted to ask why she chanted "Long River Sunset Yen" so early in the morning, but she couldn't remember it at this time. She pursed her lips, turned around and ran into the ship building, and here she is. Sentence: "You're so annoying~"

Xu Buling didn't catch up, and continued to stand by the boat to breathe and adjust his breath.

In the early morning, the girls in each room got up one after another. Today is New Year's Eve. Yue Nu and Qiao'e are instructing the maids to prepare meals. Dou Dou is used to staying on the boat, but her silly temperament has not changed. When she saw Song Yu Fu came in and hurriedly ran to her:

"Miss, Miss, the master is back... Hey, why did you come in from outside?"

Song Yufu put away the shyness on her face, pretended to be a well-educated and scholarly lady, and gently lectured:

"I was surprised and did something. I'm back as soon as I'm back. Go and help with the cooking."

"Oh..." Doudou scratched his head, a little puzzled: "Miss, don't you think about tea and food instead of tea? Why aren't you excited when you are back?"

"Why am I excited? Do you think I am Manzhi? By the way, where is Manzhi?"

"Both Miss Zhu and Mrs. Xiang'er got up late. The sun hasn't even scorched their butts yet, so they definitely didn't get up. Miss Chu Chu did get up..."

Song Yufu felt happy when she heard this. She has the best relationship with Chu Chu. They have become best friends who talk about everything in Huainan, and they naturally want to say hello when they come back.

After asking Doudou to go down to help, Song Yufu quickly walked towards Zhongli Chuchu's room. Unexpectedly, when passing by a room, the door suddenly opened, and a woman in a navy blue dress jumped out, hurriedly, Almost hit her.

Song Yufu looked intently and saw Zhongli Jiujiu coming out of the room, with a strange look on her face, um... ashamed and angry? Embarrassing? angry? Feeling uncomfortable? Anyway, I have so many mixed feelings that I can’t tell what the expression is.

In addition, his walking posture is a bit strange, and he is carrying a small package on his shoulders, as if he is going on a long trip.

"Uh...sister Zhongli, you?"

When Zhongli Jiujiu went out and saw Song Yufu, his face froze. He wanted to retreat to the room, but felt it was inappropriate, so he could only quickly restrain his sadness and anger and said with a smile:

"Good morning, Miss Song, um... what a coincidence..."

What a coincidence?

Song Yufu was confused and glanced up and down: " just came back last night and are you going to go on a long trip?"

Zhongli Jiujiu looked at the small package on his shoulder, with a somewhat speechless look in his eyes.

Last night she fell into Ning Yuhe's trap and was dragged into Xiang'er's room. It was no use even trying to kill her husband. No one would be offended by pretending to be stupid and he didn't protect her.

Zhongli Jiujiu was still very conservative in her heart. She had never seen such an embarrassing scene before. She was not prepared at all and was stripped clean and pressed on the bed.

Seeing that she could not escape, she was not a shy woman. She would not lose the battle even if she lost the man. After all, they were all Xu Buling's women. Even Ning Yuhe dared to be so bold. What was she afraid of? Let's go together!

But she was still too young and underestimated the wickedness of human hearts.

Originally, she wanted to let go and be jealous to anger Ning Yuhe, but Ning Yuhe was unusually generous. She was afraid that Xu Buling would ignore her, and she helped to hold her hand and said:

"Ling'er, you didn't eat? Jiujiu is tough and can bear it..."

He has no conscience! Why am I tough?

Zhongli Jiujiu was so angry just thinking about it that she was almost going crazy. She rolled her eyes and was dizzy. Xiao Xiang'er covered her mouth to prevent any sound. She couldn't even beg for mercy. She didn't know how she managed to get through it.

That was fine. In the end, somehow, Ning Yuhe and Xiao Xiang'er found that she hadn't "find another way" yet. They immediately felt that it was unfair, and then they fanned the flames. Xu Buling, the conscienceless one...

Zhongli Jiujiu had a strange expression. She still felt a little uncomfortable behind her, but how could she dare to tell outsiders about this? Xu Buling didn't come to comfort her in the morning. She couldn't just bear it. She pretended to run away from home to scare Xu Buling.

Seeing Song Yufu's weird look, Zhongli Jiujiu looked a little embarrassed and smiled:

"I'm not going far away, um... I just prepared some medicine and took it to Xu Buling to see. There are quite a lot, so I put it in the package."


Song Yufu was half-believing and half-doubting, but she was not very familiar with Zhongli Jiujiu, so she didn't ask about it. After a slight nod, she continued to walk in.

Just walked a short distance, she saw Ning Yuhe's room door open. Ning Yuhe, wearing a white long dress, was sitting in front of the dressing table combing her hair, and humming a little song "hmm~~~", looking very happy, even a little floating.

Song Yufu blinked, glanced at the door in confusion, and was discovered by Ning Yuhe.

Ning Yuhe stopped humming immediately, her face returned to its usual gentleness and quietness, she turned around and said softly:

"Miss Song, you got up so early?"

"Yes, good morning, Taoist Ning."

Song Yufu was a little suspicious, thinking that these two people were weird, but she couldn't tell what was wrong, so she walked over directly.

When she came to Chuchu's room, Chuchu didn't stay in the room. There were some noises in the distance, she looked up, Zhongli Chuchu and Ning Qingye stood together outside Xiao Xiang'er's room at the stern, whispering something, and in the room, Xiao Qi's cold voice was faintly heard:

"Xiang'er, you get up! If I don't teach you what seniority means today, you will have to fly to the sky with wings..."

"What's wrong, sister? Why are you so angry? Did I provoke you?"


"Speak, why are you staring at me?"


Song Yufu shrank her neck slightly, knowing that the two sisters had started fighting again.

These days on the boat, Xiao Xiang'er has been torturing Xiao Qi a lot. Xiao Qi is like a scholar who meets a soldier and can't explain herself clearly. The bullied one often chases Xiao Xiang'er with a ruler, and then Lu Hongluan runs to mediate. The three of them are crazier than her and Manzhi.

As a young girl, Song Yufu was too embarrassed to run in to mediate, so she came to Lu Hongluan's door and whispered:

"Madam Lu, Sister Xiang'er and Miss Xiao are arguing again, please go and persuade them."

Lu Hongluan was tidying up Xu Buling's new robe for the New Year in the room, and she didn't care at all when she heard the voice:

"Don't worry about the two of them, they are already grown up and still don't know the rules. What's there to argue about during the New Year... Yufu, go see if Ling'er is up, and let him come over to try on the clothes."

"Oh, Mr. Xu is up, I'll call him over..."

Song Yufu smiled, then turned around and ran out again...

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