The prince is very fierce

Chapter 12 Let’s die together (222/538)

In the room next to the river bank, two masters and apprentices, Ning Yuhe and Ning Qingye, were lying on both sides. Xiao Manzhi was lying in the middle, resting his chin on his arm. He fell asleep unconsciously, his eyelashes trembling slightly, and he looked like he was sleepwalking. In Youzhou, accompany Xu Buling to kill everyone.

The bed in the guest room was too small, and the three of them must have slept in a crowded place. Ning Qingye did not take off her clothes, but simply accompanied her master and Manzhi to chat and reminisce. At this time, seeing Manzhi sleeping, she gently covered the quilt and got up. He put on his boots, then looked back at Ning Yuhe, winked, and signaled Ning Yuhe to go out.

Ning Qingye was born with a cold and expressionless face. This act of calling people out to talk things out naturally has different feelings in the eyes of different people.

Ning Yuhe had something to hide from his apprentice, so when he saw this look, he was almost frightened to death, thinking that his affair with Xu Buling had been exposed, and the smile on his demure face froze. She thought for a while, lowered her head, slowly stood up and put on her dress, and followed Qingye to the corridor. She hesitated to speak, but she was afraid that if Ning Qingye's voice was even louder at this time, she would be able to put it on her. Scared to cry.

Ning Qingye did not feel the unnaturalness of her master behind her. She walked out of the room slowly, stopped in the corridor, looked at the sparkling river, and frowned:

"It's ridiculous..."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Ning Yuhe shuddered and quickly grabbed Ning Qingye's wrist with a look of fear and helplessness:

"Qingye, you...I...maybe he didn't mean it, it's all my fault..."


Ning Qingye was confused and turned around, looking up and down:

"Master, do you know this?"


Ning Yuhe's expression froze. She realized that the apprentice was not coming for her, and was frightened to death. She quickly calmed down her emotions and nodded slowly:

"I know, alas..."

What do I know? I know... what to do, what to do...

Ning Qingye was confused and frowned:

"Master, you know that Xu Buling and Zhongli Jiujiu sleep together, why..."


Ning Yuhe's hair suddenly exploded, his eyes widening with anger.


Ning Qingye paused again and tilted her head slightly.


Ning Yuhe, who was originally quiet, almost lost his temper when he was startled. He hurriedly calmed down and said slightly angrily:

"He and Ye Jiuniang sleep together and let you watch?"

Ning Qingye blinked Qingquan's eyes, thought for a moment, nodded, and shook her head:

"No, I saw it secretly. Since you knew this, why didn't you tell me? Also, why do you say it's all your fault?"

It’s over, it’s over…

Ning Yuhe was slightly shorter than Ning Qingye, clutching the hem of her skirt tightly, like a child who had made a mistake standing in front of his parents, but he had to act like a master. Not daring to look at Qingye, she turned to look at the moon in the sky, her mind racing, and she sighed softly:

"I...well, didn't I have a conflict with Ye Jiuniang? Your child likes Ye Jiuniang, so I didn't agree to it, and even warned Ye Jiuniang. know that woman's temper. It’s nothing, as soon as I warned her, she had an idea and got serious... So it’s my fault, if I hadn’t talked too much, Ye Jiuniang wouldn’t have gotten together with Ling’er..."

After holding it in for a long time, I finally got over my panic.

Ning Qingye nodded slowly, convinced of this statement, and sighed softly:

"Chu Chu also likes Xu Bu Ling, I can see it. How can they, master and apprentice, serve the same husband together? Then when Ye Jiuniang gives birth to a daughter, should Chu Chu call her sister or daughter? Think about it. chaos……"

I'm thinking about this too...

Ning Yuhe's face was full of embarrassment, he did not dare to face his apprentice, and kept looking at the moon in the sky:

"'s nothing..."


"Ahem...I mean, there are a lot of things like this, you just haven't been exposed to it. In a prince's family, there are even three generations of old, middle and young people serving the same husband..."


Ning Qingye opened her mouth and her eyes were filled with astonishment:

"Master, what are you talking about?!"

Ning Yuhe didn't know what he was talking about. He was so panicked that he had to keep calm:

"Sometimes there is nothing we can do, we have to be more tolerant. Chu Chu and Ye Jiuniang are not related by blood, and they are not very old. They both like Ling'er. We can't force one of them to break up, don't you think? We would rather break up. Ten temples, don’t ruin one marriage.”

Ning Qingye thought carefully for a long time and nodded slightly:

"That's true..."

Ning Yuhe pursed his lips: "Yes, your son is a prince, and his concubine is more noble than a commoner's wife, and he will not treat her badly. Since you are in love with me and can afford to support me, the whole family will be harmonious and beautiful." What's wrong? If you have to care about these etiquette and rules, you're at a disadvantage, don't you think?"


Ning Qingye raised her green-white jade fingers and scratched her hair.

Ning Yuhe sighed and said seriously:

"I have never taught you these principles before. There are many difficult things in this world. If you try to get into trouble with everything, you will not be able to survive. Just understand good and evil, and know right and wrong. There is no need to impose the requirements of saints on yourself. Everything It’s best to let nature take its course.”

Ning Qingye thought for a long time: "Oh... okay... well, that's what the master taught me."

"Okay, go to bed and have a good rest."


Ning Qingye turned around and walked towards the room. After taking a few steps, she tilted her head slightly. It was obvious that she had not yet digested the concepts taught by her master.

Ning Yuhe kept smiling, and after watching his good disciple disappear into the room, his gentle cheeks gradually became stained with shame and anger.

This damn boy actually...

Ning Yuhe thought for a moment, then jumped into the terrace at the back of the ship as lightly as a swallow and entered Xiao Xiang'er's room.


In the boudoir, Xu Buling heard the sound, raised his eyes and saw Ning Yuhe walking over, his eyes lit up slightly, thinking that the master remembered their agreement, he raised his hand and waved:

"Master, come here quickly."

But after Ning Yuhe opened the curtain, his anger could no longer be suppressed. He walked up to him and raised his hand to slap Xu Buring on the back:

"Evil fellows, evil fellows, evil fellows..."

? ?

Xiao Xiang'er, who was pressed down, was a little embarrassed. Seeing this scene, he raised his eyebrows, slightly pulled up the quilt to cover the two lumps, and said curiously:

"Yuhe, what's wrong with you?"

Xu Buling knew it must be because of Jiujiu's incident, so he didn't dare to block him when he was beaten, and said with a smile:

"Master, don't get excited. If you have something to say, say it properly."

Ning Yuhe breathed quickly, raised her hand and patted it a few more times, and then saw Xiang'er lying with a red face. She turned around quickly and said in a deep voice:

"Xu Buling, why are you and Ye Jiuniang together?"

Xiao Xiang'er had already regarded Zhongli Jiujiu as her younger sister, and was not surprised at all. Seeing the jealousy of Ning Yuhe, who had always been as gentle as water, he did not say a word, but just watched the joke silently.

Xu Buling sat up and pulled Ning Yuhe to sit in front of him:

"Master, please listen to my explanation... things have to start from Bodhi Island. At that time..."

Xu Buling whispered softly, describing the battle situation under Bodhi Island as full of dangers, and that it was only thanks to Zhongli Jiujiu's erudition that he could escape, and was forced to worship. He also slightly changed it to the two people falling in love in desperate situations.

Ning Yuhe listened carefully. Although he didn't like Zhongli Jiujiu very much, he also knew that Zhongli Jiujiu was very capable and was very helpful to Xu Buring. Her anger was mainly caused by Ning Qingye's fright. After sitting for a while, she calmed down.

After waiting for Xu Buling to finish explaining, Ning Yuhe sighed, glanced at Xiang'er who was watching the show, stood up and said, "That's all, I don't blame you, you continue..."

As he said that, he wanted to leave and give Xiang'er some private time. But as soon as she stood up, her wrist was held.

Xu Buling said softly with a bit of a smile:

"You're here, Master promised last time..."

Ning Yuhe's expression froze, and he secretly tried to break away, but couldn't.

The expression of the baby watching the show also changed slightly, and he quickly frowned and said: "Don't hold me down and bully me again, I'm going to fall out!"

When Ning Yuhe saw that Xiao Xiang'er didn't stop him, his face gradually turned red. He turned around and his eyes weakened:

"Ling'er, why don't you forget it..."

Xiao Xiang'er knew Xu Buling's temperament and would definitely not give up. She thought about it and suddenly said:

"Yuhe, don't you have a bad relationship with sister Jiujiu? Just drag her over and torment her. From now on, we are all a family. It's not good to lose your temper."

When Xu Buling heard this, his expression froze: ", are you sure?"

"Are you afraid?'

"You are kidding, why should I be afraid? What should I be afraid of?... Well... Master is not happy, don't force her..."

Ning Yuhe had already broken the jar, thought about it, nodded and said:

"If we want to die together, I... I'll call that damn bitch over, and you'll take care of her later..."

"Hey...Master, you..."

Dong dong dong——

Ning Yuhe did not listen to the advice at all, walked out of the door, and walked quietly to the outside of Zhongli Jiujiu's house.

Zhongli Jiujiu has gone to bed and the house is very quiet.

Ning Yuhe hesitated again and again, took a breath, raised his hand and tapped:

"Ye Jiuniang, come out and I'll talk to you."

In the room, Zhongli Jiujiu woke up. When she heard Ning Yuhe's voice, she knew that her love rival was here to cause trouble.

But Zhongli Jiujiu and Ning Yu have been fighting together for so many years, and they have all been in vain. How can they get stage fright now?

Zhongli Jiujiu stood up, made a victor's gesture, opened the door and walked out, casting a glance at Ning Yuhe:

"What? Come and chop me? Come on, come on..."

Ning Yuhe became angry when he saw this, his face was like frost and snow, he turned and walked towards the depths of the corridor:

"Follow me."


Zhongli Jiujiu was a little confused, but on the boat, she now had a husband to rely on, so she was not afraid that Ning Yuhe would go crazy and throw her into the water. She immediately tightened her clothes and followed Ning Yuhe, joking:

"Hehe, are you angry? It's better to defend yourself or to fetch water from a bamboo basket. I got in before you... Huh? Why did you come to Xiang'er's room? You want to form a clique to train me together? Sister Xiang'er and My relationship is closer than yours..."

Ning Yu's legs were trembling, and she tried hard to stay calm. After opening the door, she pushed Zhongli Jiujiu in:

"Get in here!"

"Hey - you do it with so much force...what...what..."

Zhongli Jiujiu glanced at the scene in the room and was slightly startled:

"Ms. sir, are you there too? Sister Xiang'er..."

"What are you doing? Yeah - sorry to bother you, I'm going out with her right now..."

"Hey...Ning Yuhe, are you crazy? Let me go..."

"How could you do this, sir~ you..."

"... Wuwu... behind? Don't... I just obey..."

"Ning Yuhe, I will fight with you...who is afraid of whom..."

The lights went out and the voices grew quieter.

The long night, complete silence amidst the ups and downs of the ship...


The transition chapter is a bit watery, but I have to write it anyway, so I wrote it.

It’s the end of the month, please vote for me~ I’ll be in the top 100 soon orz!

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