The prince is very fierce

Chapter 26 I hope my father will become a dragon! (61/352)

Thank you for the reward from [Gong Aoxue]! ——

In a small room, Xu Buling was packing his nightgown and other items at the table.

Zhu Manzhi, who was wrapped in a quilt, took the opportunity to quickly get the dress from the bedside and put it on, jumped off the bed, stepped on the embroidered shoes, and tied up her hair. She packed it up in almost the blink of an eye, and even looked at it in the small bronze mirror.

After confirming that it was very beautiful, Zhu Manzhi walked up to Xu Buling a little awkwardly and looked at the nightgown in his hand:

"Mr. Xu is going to do something?"

Xu Buling nodded and sorted things by himself.

Zhu Manzhi glanced at the portrait and sword next to him, and found that Xu Buling didn't pay attention at all, so he thought:

"Do you want me to help?"

Xu Buling raised his eyebrows: "Your kung fu is so bad, and you are not smart, what can you do?"

This is the point.

Zhu Manzhi walked slowly to the sword platform and the portrait, picked up the crude iron sword, and blinked: : :

"Mr. Xu, guess whose granddaughter I am?"


Zhu Manzhi held the sword and posed as Ning Qingye, and said casually: "Well... a few days ago, I accidentally heard about my father on the street. It turns out that my grandfather is Zhu Choushan, the old swordsman of the Youzhou Zhu family. Mr. Xu, you have heard of him, right?"

Xu Buling took off his outer robe, put on his nightgown, and said casually: "I have heard of him..." Mobile terminal:


Zhu Manzhi's slow expression froze, and he frowned strangely, thinking for a while: "Well... my father went to the Lu family in Donghai a few days ago, that is, the family of Mr. Xu's grandfather, and took back the title of Sword Saint. He became one of the ten martial arts champions of Dayue, and the new Sword Saint of the contemporary era."


Xu Buling applied his yellow face like a mask, and patted his cheeks with his hands.


Zhu Manzhi stood there holding the sword, stunned for a moment, and became a little anxious: "Mr. Xu, it's the Sword Saint, the one who uses the sword the best in Dayue, is my father!"

Xu Buling acted nonchalant: "Then what?"

"Then... there is nothing..."

Zhu Manzhi suddenly felt wronged, and there was a deep loss in his eyes.

Ever since meeting Xu Buling, Zhu Manzhi felt that he was unattainable. After all, he was the prince of a vassal king, a master of martial arts, extremely beautiful, and could write poetry. No matter how hard she thought, she could not imagine herself and Xu Buling as the same kind of people. Even being a guard was a bit of a stretch, and she probably could only lead a horse and run errands.

But in her heart, she really regarded Xu Buling as a good friend...

She had been looking for her parents for more than a year, but when she really heard her father's name outside Longyin Pavilion, the joy, excitement, grievance, and complaints she had thought of after finding her parents did not appear. Instead, an inexplicable thought popped up in her mind: Master Xu will definitely be surprised this time. I am better than Xiao Ning. What is the master of Xuanhe Bakui? My father is a contemporary sword saint and martial arts champion, so powerful...

Hmm... I hope my father will become a dragon!

Zhu Manzhi didn't know why such a strange idea came up, but the idea of ​​reuniting with her family day and night faded a lot. She felt relieved knowing that her family was safe. When she heard the news, she didn't want to find her father, but couldn't wait to find Xu Buling to tell him the great news, and then heard a sentence: "Wow - Miss Zhu is so powerful...", just like she was surprised and jealous when she knew that Xiaoning's master was the most beautiful woman in the world.

These days at home, she didn't think about how to find her father, but how to tell Xu Buling about this news after meeting him. She rolled around in bed all day, and when she dreamed, her mind was full of Xu Buling's reaction after he finally looked up to her.

But... but it seems that he still doesn't take it seriously...

That's right... How could a dignified prince of a vassal state regard a martial artist as a powerful character? There are so many of them in the mansion...

Zhu Manzhi lowered her head, put down the sword angrily, and pouted her lips and didn't speak.

After Xu Buling finished applying the mask, he walked up to her, looked down at her, and chuckled:

"Wow, Miss Zhu is so amazing!"

Zhu Manzhi was unhappy, hesitated, looked at the tip of her shoes and whispered: "Hmph~ no sincerity, the young master is obviously not excited."

Xu Buling raised his hand and pinched her face: "Why should I be excited? Originally you were helpless, I took you back to Suzhou. Now your father is so powerful, I want to take you home and I have to say hello to your father, I don't have time to worry about it."

Zhu Manzhi was stunned, pursed her lips and thought for a while: "Young Master Xu, why did you take me home?"

"Be a retainer, a gentleman's word is hard to go back, but you promised to go back with me, could it be that Just because you have a powerful father, you want to raise the price? I won't agree. "

Zhu Manzhi said, "Oh", and thought for a while: "A man in the martial arts world is as good as his word... I was born in a famous family in the martial arts world, and I am the only designated heir of the Zhu family sword. I will not go back on my word."

Xu Buling shook his head and chuckled, thinking for a while: "Just find your parents, don't think about those messy things in the future, and feel inferior to others. In my opinion, even if Miss Zhu doesn't have those false names, she is no worse than anyone else."


Zhu Manzhi blushed, a little unbelieving, pursed her lips: "Mr. Xu, I... I feel that I am not as good as Xiaoning in everything. What do you think I am not worse than her?"


Xu Buling blinked and looked down.

Zhu Manzhi looked down, her face flushed, and she was a little embarrassed and annoyed: "Mr. Xu, you... you are annoying..."

Xu Buling shook his head and chuckled, then turned around and continued to pack his things.

Zhu Manzhi stood by and felt shy for a while, then moved his eyes to Xu Buling's muddy face, hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help but laughed:

"Mr. Xu."


"You're so ugly! Hehe..."


Xu Buling was so upset that he raised his hand and patted Zhu Manzhi's buttocks, who was laughing secretly:

"You should know how to use the Zhu family sword, just show me how to use it."

Zhu Manzhi dodged quickly, a little embarrassed: "My father taught me swordsmanship, but I only learned one move, and I don't know the others. I'm not as good as the knives in the government office..."

"It doesn't matter, as long as I have the appearance."


Zhu Manzhi thought about it, and since she was familiar with Xu Buling, she didn't feel shy, so she drew out the iron sword and started to use the cuckold sword in the house.

"Hoohoo haha"

The sword was waving wildly. Zhu Manzhi hadn't used a sword for a long time. Except for the life-saving move that he was forced to learn by the stick education, most of the other moves were just random chopping. Regardless of the martial arts, the deterrent power was definitely enough.

Xu Buling sat on a stool and watched. He wanted to see what the Zhu family sword looked like, but after two swords were chopped down, he coughed lightly, stood up and moved away. He also had to be careful that Zhu Manzhi would chop him accidentally...

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