The prince is very fierce

Chapter 25: Killing Mosquitoes

On the evening of April 3, a sudden rainstorm swept across the mountains and rivers. The heavy dark clouds seemed to be pressing on the top of Yufeng Mountain. Lightning and lightning flashed through the clouds, making it difficult to tell which lightning bolt the continuous thunder came from.

There was basically no one walking around in Furong Temple, and the maids and guards were hiding in the house.

Lights were burning in the cliffside house among the bamboo sea. Xu Buling packed his nightgown, face skin and other things in the package, and took the bamboo hat and raincoat from Lao Xiao, preparing to meet Zhang Xiang at night. Lao Xiao was talking about the information he had found out:

"Young Prince, I checked it out. Zhang Xiang lives in Chongningfang. There are not many people in his house. There are several wolf guards from Tianziying patrolling day and night. His adopted son Zhang Tingbao just gave birth to a son and lives nearby... In recent years, except for literary and poetry gatherings, Yan Wang Song Yu generally does not leave the Imperial College and does not contact anyone. It seems that there is no problem... Also, Miss Song seems to have left Chang'an..."

Hearing this, Xu Buling frowned slightly: "Where did this damn girl go?"

Lao Xiao curled his lips: "She left with Xu Danqing. I guess she went to Yuelu Mountain to find the old immortal."

Xu Buling was relieved and thanked him, nodding slightly. Walking out of the house and looking around the bamboo forest:

"Aunt Lu won't come back tonight, right?"

Old Xiao shook his head: "Mrs. Lu will go back to the city today to buy daily food and clothing for the little prince. It's raining so hard that she can't go up the mountain. She will probably come back tomorrow when the rain stops. Don't worry..."

After Xu Buling listened quietly to the information Old Xiao had gathered, he hung the package on his body, put on his bamboo hat, and jumped directly down from the steep cliff. He went up and down all the way and came to the foot of Yufeng Mountain. Mobile::

The heavy rain was drizzling, and there were no passers-by in the town at the foot of the mountain. All doors and windows were closed.

Xu Buling took the horse that had been prepared long ago from the stable of an inn, jumped on the horse and galloped towards Chang'an City ten miles away.

At present, the dragon-locking Gu on Xu Buling's body was equivalent to being solved, but how to leave Chang'an City was still a big problem.

The best situation should be to stay there for three years in peace and stability, and then return to the fiefdom.

But there was obviously a black hand behind him. He first poisoned him to limit his martial arts, and then detoxified him to restore some martial arts after he made himself a cripple. This was obviously to use his martial arts to achieve some purpose. Before this purpose was achieved, the person behind him would definitely not let him get away safely.

With the skills shown by the ambush in Weihe River and the dragon-locking Gu, the black hand behind him was obviously not a small fish. Even the Xiao family did not find a solution to the dragon-locking Gu after decades of research, but the person behind it found it. In some ways, the person behind it was more powerful than the Huainan Xiao family.

The only one who was more powerful than the Huainan Xiao family in Dayue was the Song family.

But the Song family was a royal family. The six vassal kings and the emperor all had the surname Song, and there were also some illegitimate princes of the previous emperor. They all had the ability to attack him, but it was difficult to directly determine which one was the specific one.

Xu Buling's plan was to remain unchanged in the face of all changes. Once the dragon-locking Gu was solved, the knife on his neck was gone. He could just ignore the black hand behind the scenes and tempt him.

But whether he accepted the challenge or not, he had to find out who was behind the attack and what was the purpose...——

While planning, the horses galloped across the plain outside Chang'an City like thunder and arrived at the city wall.

Xu Buling went around to a place where the city wall was sparsely defended, tied his horse in a forest, inserted a dagger into the brick cracks of the city wall, and climbed up the 36-foot-high city wall with two big steps without a sound, and came to the streets of Chang'an.

Under the night rain, Chang'an City was still brightly lit. From a high place, it looked no different from the modern neon street market, except that it lacked a little colorful color.

Xu Buling was like a ghost, rising and falling on the roofs of the houses, crossing Chang'an and first arriving at a small courtyard in Chongrenfang.

There was nothing in the small courtyard. The clothesline was still tied under the window, and the bamboo hat and raincoat were hung on the wall. There were no water stains, which meant that he didn't go out today.

Xu Buling arranged Lao Qi to keep an eye on Zhu Manzhi. He knew that Zhu Manzhi had been restless these days. She had packed her things several times to go to Yufeng Mountain, but she came back halfway. It was probably because she heard the news about Zhu Liu.

Xu Buling raised his hand and pushed the door. The door was locked and not pushed. The breathing inside was steady, and it sounded like she was asleep. He thought about it for a while, used a dagger to open the door, and entered the room.

There was a little bit of girl's incense in the room. The goose feather knife was casually placed on the table. I didn't know where I bought the iron sword and placed it on the sword platform. There were three incense sticks. There was also a portrait hanging behind the sword platform. It was a portrait of an old man with a white beard standing with a sword. Hmm... the portrait of the old sword saint Zhu Choushan, which was sold for one penny on the street...


Xu Buling raised his eyebrows. He was a little worried at first, but after seeing this scene, he was a little amused.

Looking around, Zhu Manzhi was lying on the embroidered bed on the inside of the house, with her legs spread out in a "big" shape.

It rained again in April and there were no mosquitoes, so the curtains were not drawn. The short girl didn't sleep well, with the quilt covering her belly tightly, her two tight legs exposed, wearing close-fitting lotus-colored thin pants, and a red bellyband embroidered with two mandarin ducks.

Because she was well developed, the bellyband actually looked a little small, with a rounded outline on the edge, bulging and a little tight with her breathing.

Xu Buling put down his hat, walked over to take a closer look, and saw that she was sleeping soundly, with a smile on her lips and her eyelashes trembling. She seemed to be dreaming a very cool dream, and looked very proud. : :

Xu Buling raised his hand and pinched his face.

"'s getting dark..."

Zhu Manzhi swept away his hands, turned over and faced inside, pulled up the quilt to cover his bellyband, and pouted in dissatisfaction, but when he woke up, his face froze.

"It's me."


Zhu Manzhi opened her eyes and quickly closed them. She took a deep breath and pretended to be asleep. She quietly slipped into the quilt, but she forgot that her buttocks were not covered.


A crisp sound resounded in the hut.

Zhu Manzhi shivered and didn't dare to pretend anymore. He turned over hurriedly and wrapped himself in the quilt. His face turned red and his eyes were shy:

"Mr. Xu...what are you doing..."

Xu Buling looked stern and said calmly: "Watch mosquitoes."


Zhu Manzhi frowned, looked at Xu Buling sitting next to him, and shrank to the corner of the bed: "There are no mosquitoes."

"I said yes."


Zhu Manzhi was not stupid. He blushed and held it in for a while, but still did not refute. He just whispered: "Mr. Xu, why are you here? Are you healed?"

Xu Buling stood up, walked to the table with his back turned, and took off the package on his shoulders:

"Something happened."

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