On Whiskey Hill: Princess Weiwei suddenly sneaked up on her partner Mr.9, and then said to Mr.5: “I’ll go with you and let them go, they are all deceived by me and don’t know about it.”

“Oh hehe~” Miss.Valentine suddenly burst into a screaming laugh, “Just don’t you know?” The order we received was to bring back Princess Weiwei and destroy everyone who knew it! Even if you didn’t know it before, don’t you know it now? Oh he… So destroy ah!

“Hey! How did you name the task! You idiot woman! Mr. 5 said very unpleasantly, and then smiled at the slight princess, “Although this woman is stupid, stupid and idiot, what she said is indeed the truth…”

“The boss’s request, that’s it. All those who dare to resist, all those who know, all those who hinder us from taking away Princess Weiwei… Kill!

“Oh hehe! Give you a minute, ready your last words? Aha~” Miss.Valentine screamed with a screaming laugh.

“But… Abominable…” Ikalem suddenly rushed towards the seemingly effeminate Miss.Valentine, shouting in his mouth, “Princess Weiwei run!” Ah snap, subordinates block them for you!

“Ah! People are ladies! I don’t like to fight and kill! Miss.Valentine shouted suddenly, and then, as if frightened by Ikarim’s desperate momentum, his toes tapped the ground and floated into the air. “Oh hehe~

Although people hate to fight and kill, they are not taboo about fighting~” Miss.Valentine blinked in the air, and Sakura’s lips opened lightly, “Five hundred catties!” Push to! Valentine, who

floated into the air, suddenly seemed to turn into an iron ingot, and smashed down heavily, smashing down Ikarim, who rushed over. With her legs crossed, Miss. Valentine sat on Ikarim’s back, laughing unladylike. Ikalem, who was pressed under her, foamed at the mouth and fainted.

“Hey! Feed! Feed! Why is it pushdown! Mr.5 scratched his nostrils and said weakly.

“I love it! Nope! Miss. Valentine rolled her eyes and said.

“Hmph! Whatever you want! Hey, you guys, it’s almost a minute, are you ready to say your last words? Mr. 5 asked Princess Weiwei about them.

On the other side, Yamaji had just stuffed the nose of two balls of paper and erupted again.

“Ahhh… Strawberry’s… That must be very happy…”

“Are you an idiot!” Nami smashed Yamaji with a punch, and while covering his head with a two-story building, she huffed, “Didn’t you hear? The so-called insiders to be killed include us!

“Oh!” Luffy’s right fist smashed into his left palm, with a clear expression, “That is, we are going to be killed.”

“Hmm! That’s right, that’s right. Nami looked at Luffy with a slightly expectant look on her face that you finally knew, “So, the captain ordered, what should we do?”

But to Nami’s surprise, Luffy asked with question marks in his head, “I want to know more than what to do, why do we die.”

“But he said we were insiders, so we had to kill us…” Nami explained patiently, she was getting used to the captain and knew that sometimes she had to speak clearly.

“Insider?” There were more question marks on Luffy’s head, “What do we know?”

“Ah! That’s right! We don’t know anything, so it’s none of our business, hahahaha! Nami Mao suddenly laughed, and praised in her heart, Luffy actually opened up, it seems that his long-term edification is useful!

“However, since they are going to kill us, let’s fight!” Luffy suddenly turned the corner and

With a clear look, he handed Nami a reassuring look, put on the captain’s posture, and shouted at Mr.5, “Hey! That guy who threw his boogers, I just heard Nami say that you want to kill us, so I’m going to beat you up! “Huh!?” Mr.5 was stunned for a moment, is there anything to look for?

“Hey… It’s not like this…”Nami was completely powerless, and pulled Usopp, who was still immersed in a beautiful dream, to hide behind Solon, “Solon! Yamaji! You guys on!

“Oh! For Nami-san! The great knight Yamaji-sama is about to go! Yamaji’s eyes lit up with a raging fire.

“Idiot with curly eyebrows…” Solon reluctantly stood up and faced Mr.5, without forgetting to say sarcasm.

“What? You’re a green algae head! Yamaji shouted, about to lift his leg, but was stopped by Nami.

“Hmph! For Nami-san’s sake, I don’t see it with you in general! Sanji shook his head and said with disdain.

“Cut…” Solon snorted disdainfully and walked over to Luffy’s side.

“Luffy, you…” was slightly moved, but still shouted, “You guys go quickly!” It’s none of your business, don’t just mix it in!

“yes, Luffy…” said Nami weakly.

“Now it’s not a matter of mixing or not mixing, but a matter of attitude as a captain!” Luffy pressed his straw hat, “If someone tries to kill you, if you turn around and run away, you will never be able to become One Piece!”

“Hahaha! One Piece? Just by you? A brat who doesn’t know the height of the sky! Mr.5 covered his stomach and laughed as if he had heard a big joke.

“yes! I’m the man who wants to be One Piece! Luffy replied with a look of course.

“Hmph! The only one who will become One Piece is the boss, you better die! Nameless brat! Mr.5 snorted in disdain and flicked out the booger he had dug out of his hand.

“Wow! It’s so powerful, the boogers will explode! Intuitionfully, Luffy pulled Solon to the side and dodged the boogers. The boogers landed on the ground and exploded, emitting a burst of fire.

“Hey! Are you an idiot? This is powerful, obviously disgusting! Solon shouted, rejoicing at the same time. When the boogers flew just now, he subconsciously prepared to pull out a knife to cut the boogers, but was pulled away by Luffy. At this time, if you think about it, not to mention the explosion, even cutting the boogers with a knife will disgust him to death.

“Hey! Why don’t you pull me! Compared to Solon’s rejoicing, Sanji was slightly embarrassed. I didn’t expect that the booger would explode, but although I reacted flexibly and avoided the explosion, I still made a gray face and couldn’t help but exclaim, “My image!” I still have to fish for girls with this handsome face!

“Huh?” Not far away, a red light flashed in Nami’s eyes.

“Oh hehe~ Fight yo~ People hate fighting and killing the most!” Miss.Valentine suddenly floated over, and Mr.5 was one in the air and one on the ground, forming the form of a bag.

“Solon, Sanji, ready to fight…,” Luffy said as he lowered his straw hat.

“Oh.” Solon put his hand on the knife and waited.

Sanji took out his eye and lit it, took a deep breath, spit out a smoke ring, and swayed slightly, walking in the direction of Miss.Valentine. The head is slightly lowered, the eye curtains are slightly drooping, and the bangs are hit to the side, blocking the left eye. At the same time, he had an extremely serious expression.

“Hey… Feed…… You, what are you going to do? “The so-called abnormal thing is a demon, Miss.Valentine couldn’t help but panic when he saw Yamaji’s appearance and movements.

“Huh…” Sanji walked under Miss.Valentine, smiled lowly, raised his head, his eyes flashed red, and a huge peach heart jumped out, and at the same time his nostrils became larger, constantly spewing white air, “Hoo-hoo-huh…”

“Ah! Beautiful young lady, you and I meet each other, can I invite you to a cup of coffee? In addition, I have a rose for you here, just as the so-called beautiful woman is like a flower…” Cherry blossom petals suddenly appeared around Sanji, and UU read a book www.uukanshu.com Constantly drifting, an atmosphere called romance is pervasive.

“Oh~hate…” Miss.Valentine looked extremely shy, waiting expectantly for Sanji to continue speaking, only to find that Yamaji actually took out a rose that had been tortured long ago and was almost bald, and immediately turned livid and shouted, “You bastard!” Are you kidding me? 10,000 kg! Push to!

Valentine, who ate kilograms of fruit, suddenly changed from 1 kilogram to 10,000 kilograms, and her legs forked and smashed towards Sanji. As she fell, the skirt turned up, and the two white flower thighs were clamped on Sanji’s face, enduring the strange feeling between her legs, clamped hard, and then turned her body, smashed Yamaji heavily to the ground, and then sat on Sanji’s back. The ground was smashed into a one-meter square pit by her attack.

“This is … What happiness feels…?” muttered Yamaji, fainting.

“This… Idiot…” Nami was already speechless.

“Idiot? This kind of attack is simply stubborn…” Solon also shook his head helplessly.

“Hey! Solon, is that the idiot? Luffy asked Solon with an idiotic look as he pointed at Miss. Valentine, who was sitting on Sanji’s back. I don’t know what Miss.Valentine’s expression will be when she knows that she was called stupid by Luffy. After all, being called stupid by Luffy, she probably won’t be able to raise her head.

“Oh hehe ~ solve one!” Valentine, who doesn’t know that he has become a fool among fools, gestures of victory after a queen’s three-paragraph laugh, “Then I’ll solve you guys~

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