The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 976 Life is getting harder and harder

After the failure to contact Liu Ligan Company, Song Chunming looked for several more companies, but none of the real estate companies in Hangzhou had an easy time. Everyone was short of money, so there was no other money available for acquisitions. It feels hot to hold the projects in my hands, and I don’t even want to take a second look at other people’s projects.

However, through connections, I found a bank, and the president agreed that Song Chunming would mortgage the land to him. He could enlarge Song Chunming's loan to 12 million. Song Chunming originally only loaned 10 million. This can increase the number by two million and help solve many problems.

But if he wanted to borrow this money, he had to pay back the previous sum first, and needed a turnaround fund. Through his connections, Song Chunming found another employer and helped him negotiate the deal. For the sake of his friends, he was a friend of a friend. In order to save face, I agreed to lend him 10 million for two weeks, but the premise was that the money could only be transferred to the last bank to repay the loan and release other items of the land rights certificate.

Before that, he must first see the loan review meeting record of the next bank to confirm that the loan procedures of the next bank are complete, otherwise he would not dare to borrow the money. Song Chunming agreed wholeheartedly, wondering what the problem would be. , are all agreed upon.

As soon as Song Chunming returned to the office, the friend who helped him contact the bank called. As soon as Song Chunming picked up the phone, the other party scolded him, "Xiao Song, is there something wrong with you?" Will your bank’s loan interest be overdue?

Song Chunming remembered it and said quickly: "It was not the time last month that I had no money on hand. However, I paid it back after more than ten days, and now I no longer owe interest."

"What's the use of you going in? Don't you know that overdue interest will result in bad records? How can you get such a big fucking loan if you have bad records? Who dares to lend money to a company that can't even guarantee interest? The unit?"

Song Chunming was anxious and shouted: "Once, once, brother, help me talk to the president, just this once."

"That's bullshit. I've already been scolded and told that I'm incompetent. You've cut off all the fucking relationships with me and you still want me to say it?"

My friend cursed me and hung up the phone.

Two days later, the friend who helped him contact U-turn funds called Song Chunming and asked him, why is there no movement at your place?

With a sad face, Song Chunming told the other party about the matter. After hearing this, the other party did not scold him, but sighed and said to him:

"Xiao Song, can you do less unreliable things like this in the future? Everyone is hanging out outside, all relying on one face. If the face is gone, why do you still hang out? Other people's work units are selling me face, and this face is also one-time. , you think you can sell it again and again, so be it, let me beg you, next time something like this happens, don’t come to me, okay?”

The other party said and hung up the phone. Only then did Song Chunming realize that in the past, when others asked him to do something, he would do anything and try his best to find a way to help him, but he would ask others for help. There can be no ambiguity at all.

This loan failed, and Song Chunming's life became even more miserable next. He already owed more than 7 million yuan to the construction company. He asked for money several times, but never received a penny, so the project was stopped. Come down.

The sales manager ran to his office and shouted that there were no people buying houses in the first place. Once the construction stopped, no one came even more, and even those who came did not dare to buy.

Of course Song Chunming knew this truth, but he was not helpless.

Big money started to be owed, and then small money started to be owed, not only wages and bank interest, but also taxes, property fees, phone bills, and companies that had long-term cooperation with them and sent them paper and other office supplies, and water. Shuidian, the flower and tree company that rented flowers and trees to them, the advertising company and the printing house that produced advertisements all started to owe money.

When there was really no way around the debt, the property management company threatened to shut down the power and lock the door. The post and telecommunications office also called for payment several times, saying that if the phone bill was not paid, the phone would be shut down.

Finance also told Song Chunming that the tax owed was serious. Not only would he have to pay back the tax, but he would also be fined. It would also attract a tax audit. If the audit came, we wouldn't be able to settle it even if we spent ten times the tax money. Can we still hold on? Also, even if we sell the house, we can’t even think about getting a certificate.

Song Chunming was scared to death and had no other choice. He was sitting in the office and heard some noise outside. He was worried that the tax inspector was coming. He walked to the door to take a look and breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that it was just the boss of the construction company. It's okay, he's used to it anyway.

The boss of the construction company looked ugly, but Song Chunming laughed and laughed with him. As time went by, the tight flesh on his face relaxed, and he said to Song Chunming:

"Boss Song, I also know that it's not easy for you. It's not easy for everyone now. I also know that you hate me when you see me..."

"No, no, no, I'm happy when I see you. How could I hate you?" Song Chunming said quickly.

"Don't come here, you are vain. I hate myself coming here all the time." The boss said, "But I can't help it. Think about it, I won't come here and sit in the office on the construction site." , I am the same, I am also being forced, I owe so much money for materials, and they are all asking me for it.

"There are so many workers on the construction site who have not been paid. When the summer vacation is over, their children will have to pay school fees. Who else should they ask for if not me? If you don't give me money, what will I give them?"

"I know, I know, Boss Xiong, don't worry, our sales office has had several customers talking to you in the past two days. As long as there is money coming in, I will definitely arrange it for you. However, I have to say something ugly up front, and I can't give it all to you. , I also have urgent needs here."

"I know, I'm not that greedy, and I know your difficulties. Okay, boss Song, we have agreed that from now on, you will give me half of the money from selling the house, and you can use the rest to deal with other places, okay?" " said the construction company owner.

"Okay, thank you, Boss Xiong, we have an agreement." Song Chunming joined hands and bowed, "Then take a look at this project..."

The boss of the construction company waved his hand and said, "Boss Song, it's not that I want to stop the work, it's the construction materials. I got them here half-heartedly and half-deceited, and now they won't give them away even if they kill me."

"But where the construction site is parked, people who come to buy houses are wary, which directly affects sales." Song Chunming said.

Boss Xiong looked at Song Chunming and shook his head:

"Boss Song, there's nothing I can do about it. I'm a construction company. We don't even have cement, sand, red bricks or steel bars here. What do you want me to use for construction? But don't worry, as long as you have a little money, give it to them. I'm sure I can also convince them to continue sending them, and as soon as the materials arrive, I guarantee that work will start.”

"Okay, then we've settled on it."

Song Chunming said this verbally, but in fact he just told him to leave quickly, but he was still scolding him in his heart, "Fuck you, you haven't started work even after talking for a long time, then what do you want money for? If you have money, you have to start work even if you don't ask me." With your guarantee? Guaranteed shit.

At this time, God really opened his eyes. Good news came from the sales department. A house was sold and the payment for the house had arrived. Everyone from the finance to the office director and everyone below were eagerly staring at the money. The office The director told Song Chunming, boss, I haven’t paid my salary for two months, or should I pay it for one month? Otherwise, enthusiasm will be affected.

Song Chunming also knew that everyone in the company was staring at the money eagerly. He hesitated for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and said, then it will be paid for one month, but please tell me, everyone should be tight-lipped to the outside world. Said the house was sold.

"I know, I know, don't worry, Mr. Song."

The director yelled and ran out. The treasurer had already prepared the salary list. After receiving the order, he quickly and quietly paid out the wages. The scene was like an underground party distributing activity funds. The director was standing next to the cashier. After sending one, please tell me, don’t talk nonsense outside.

After the wages are paid, the first thing to do is, of course, to pay the taxes.

Song Chunming breathed a sigh of relief. For the time being, he no longer had to worry about tax audits coming to his door.

Finance asked Song Chunming if the bank interest was paid?

Song Chunming thought about it, he couldn't get the loan anyway, so if he paid nothing, I would be in debt.

Song Chunming and Finance said: "Pay the property and phone bills that are owed for several months first, otherwise the phone will be stopped and we will be kicked out. If we pay it, we can still have peace for a few months."

Thinking about finances, these two items are indeed important, so I went to pay them quickly. After paying these two items, I looked at my account and saw that there was only more than 200 yuan left for a house.

Unexpectedly, there really is no airtight wall in this world. The next morning, Song Chunming had just walked downstairs. Before he could get out of the corridor door below, his big brother rang. Song Chunming's heart skipped a beat. Now , in the eyes of others, Big Brother, who looked very majestic, was like a bomb in Song Chunming's hands. What he was most afraid of hearing was Big Brother going off. If it went off, it would definitely mean nothing good.

He couldn't help but answer it. If he didn't, it would be bad.

Song Chunming picked up the phone, and the sales manager called anxiously on the phone: "Mr. Song, Mr. Song, we have all been kicked out. A large group of people are closing down our sales department."

"Who did it?" Song Chunming asked urgently.

"The workers, the construction workers who built our houses."

Song Chunming knew something was wrong and quickly asked: "Where are you making the call? Check to see if their manager Xiong is here."

"I'm at the public phone opposite. Manager Xiong is here, and he's the one leading the people to seal the door."

"Okay, go over right away and ask Manager Xiong to call me." Song Chunming shouted.

"Okay." The sales manager hung up the phone and ran to the other side.

The weather was not hot in the morning, but Song Chunming felt that he was covered in sweat and his legs were weak. He looked at the steps at the door of the corridor and sat down. People coming down from upstairs saw him sitting at the door. , all nodded and said, Director Song, haven’t you gone to work yet?

Song Chunming responded casually.

I don’t know when and who started talking nonsense. Everyone in this building, including the entire municipal dormitory compound, called him Director Song. At the beginning, Song Chunming He still managed to distinguish a few words, but it was difficult for one person to defeat the crowd. In the end, he could only acquiesce that he was Director Song.

Even when the neighbor talks to his wife, he always asks, is your Director Song here?

His wife also answered immediately and smoothly whether she was there or not.

After sitting for a while, Song Chunming's phone rang again. He picked it up and it was the sales manager who said weakly on the phone:

"Mr. Song, Manager Xiong refused to answer the phone and even scolded me."

After a pause, she added: "I also scolded you and our company."

"What did he curse?" Song Chunming asked.

"He scolded you, he scolded you... He called you a bastard, and our company is a bastard company. He scolded you very fiercely."

"Okay, I get it." Song Chunming said with a bitter smile, "You bastard will be a bastard."

"Mr. Song, what about our people here?"

Song Chunming thought for a moment and said, "Let's all go back to the company first."

"Okay, Mr. Song."

Song Chunming hung up the phone and sat there for a while. He felt that he was completely helpless. Even the sales office was blocked. It could be said that all the roads for me, Song Chunming, were blocked.

Thank you for the reward for ranking third from top to reading the book every day! Thank you to Bustling Farce and Mu for your monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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