The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 975 A kind of boss

Song Chunming, the boss of Hangzhou Sentai Real Estate Co., Ltd., turned out to be almost a replica of Meng Ping in the agency. Although he did not hold any position, he was almost a well-known figure in their agency compound. Everyone from the bureau chiefs to the old man in the reception room called him "Xiao Song Xiao Song" from afar when they saw him.

Popularity is surprisingly good.

Song Chunming is thirty-eight years old this year. He is not young anymore. He has been working in the agency for more than ten years. After two or three years in the agency, the bureau leaders saw that he had good work ability and a good mass base, so they wanted to promote him to the post. Section Chief, but he declined.

At that time, Song Chunming was young and vigorous. He told several bureau chiefs that my ambition was not to have an official career. This sentence made Xiao Song instantly become a celebrity in the agency. The name was passed down from generation to generation.

Any new bureau leader who comes later must be familiar with the headcount. When someone introduces Xiao Song, they will add that Xiao Song's ambition is not to have an official career, and then laugh.

The old director resigned, and the new director also felt that Xiao Song's ability was quite good. He once again wanted to promote him to the position of section chief, so he approached Xiao Song to discuss it. At that time, the saying that "Xiao Song's ambition was not in an official career" had been circulated for several years. Even Xiao Song himself was embarrassed to accept this section chief. In addition, he was a very face-conscious person, so he refused again.

This time, of course, he did not say that my ambition was not to be in the official career. He said, Section Chief, you should consider others. There is someone more suitable than me. He reported the names of everyone in the section, and The bureau chiefs said that all I needed to do was be a manager, and they were all more suitable to be section chiefs than me.

What Xiao Song didn't say, the deputy director next to him said it for him, and smiled and said, I understand, your ambition, Xiao Song, is not in an official career.

Everyone laughed it off. After two experiences, Xiao Song's ambition was not to have an official career, but to be deeply ingrained in everyone's minds. From now on, no one would even mention Xiao Song's name if he wanted to promote anyone.

The person who later became the section chief knew that the organization had approached Xiao Song first, but Xiao Song refused and then approached him. He also heard that Xiao Song had recommended him in front of several directors. What he didn’t know was that all Everyone in the department, Xiao Song, recommended it.

This person's ambition was of course to have an official career. He worked very hard after becoming a section chief, and he was catching up with the trend of the four modernizations of cadres. Young cadres were promoted very quickly. He then became deputy division chief, division chief, and deputy director, until he became The young director has stopped moving. In recent years, with the personnel changes at the top, the four modernizations are no longer mentioned below.

Xiao Song has been in the agency for more than ten years and has not moved anywhere. His ambition is not in official career, and no one can see where his ambition is. However, the name Xiao Song has been passed down from generation to generation, even for new employees. The hairy boy and the little girl all called Xiao Song Xiao Song.

When Xiao Song was young, Xiao Song's ambition was not to have an official career. Everyone told it as a joke. After the age of thirty, it became a bit funny. After the age of thirty-five, everyone thinks that Xiao Song is still capable of working. A good person, but from the bottom of my heart, I already think he is a waste.

Fortunately, the young director still remembered Xiao Song's recommendation. At that time, Xiao Song was already thirty-six years old. The director himself felt embarrassed when he mentioned him as a section chief, but to make an exception, now This is no longer the norm.

There happened to be such an opportunity. A company under the bureau was about to be withdrawn and merged. Many people came to the bureau chief and wanted that piece of land to develop real estate. That year, real estate in Hangzhou was also booming, and the price was so high that Liu from the Splendid Land It was said that this guy made a lot of money by building an office building by the canal and another on Fengqi Road.

The director called Song Chunming over and told him, Chunming, since your ambition is not to have an official career, how about becoming a boss? He, Liu Ligan, just came out of the mountains and valleys of Yongcheng. He didn't even go to college. You are still a college student and you have been in the agency for so many years, but you still can't beat him? Even Liu Ligan came to ask for this land. I didn't agree, so I wanted to leave it to you.

A few words from the director ignited the fire in Xiao Song's heart. When he was working in the agency, he felt a little disdainful in his heart. At this age, you can't be disdainful even if you want to, and it's hard to get ahead at first sight. , being a boss is indeed your best choice.

Xiao Song immediately decided, thank the director. In fact, the director wanted to give this land to Xiao Song. Another idea was that he knew that the deputy directors below all had their own plans. These people turned out to be His old leader was not good for anyone, and this bowl of water could never be leveled.

"Give it to Xiao Song," he said loudly, and the following people also said nothing. "If Xiao Song in your own unit wants to take care of him, what do you want to do?"

Sure enough, as soon as Xiao Song left the director's office, the news that Xiao Song was going to be a real estate boss spread throughout the courtyard. Everyone in the courtyard clapped and welcomed him. Just Xiao Song, if he became the big boss, what would happen to his old colleagues? Not evenly covered by rain and dew?

That was an era when the social status of a boss rose sharply, but cadres in government agencies were still generally miserable. Everyone envied them, but did not dare to do it.

So everyone who had money contributed money and those who had no money contributed, and Xiao Song's Hangcheng Sentai Real Estate Co., Ltd. was quickly established.

After Xiao Song became Boss Song, of course his former colleagues would come to see him one after another. Xiao Song would warmly welcome those who came to see him, but he couldn't give people the impression that a person's face would change as soon as he became rich, although Xiao Song was not yet rich. , but don’t you already have a piece of land and want to develop real estate? Compared with those hard-working government cadres, you are certainly much richer.

Although most of the money Xiao Song spent to set up the company and buy land was borrowed, right? So many colleagues have borrowed money from you without even asking for interest. How could Boss Song be so rude when you get to Boss Xiao Song?

If you come around lunch time, I invite you to have lunch. At that time, government agencies did not have sumptuous working meals like they did later. When you go home, you might as well eat at Xiao Song’s place. When it’s time for dinner, then have dinner. After dinner and seeing how early it was, Boss Song suggested that we have some fun?

The crowd responded, and Boss Song laughed, feeling tremendous psychological satisfaction.

The entertainment activity mentioned by the boss is KTV. When you go there, you have to call a beauty. When the beauty comes, you have to pay a tip. However, the old colleague earns most of the month's income. Boss Song must pay for it.

One time, several thousand dollars.

Later, several old colleagues who had nowhere to go after work and no girlfriends met up to see Boss Song almost every day.

Boss Song's office is very impressive and he has hired a lot of people. No matter how big the company is, it still has no income. All his money is borrowed. How can he afford to spend it like this? His pocket will soon be at the bottom.

Fortunately, he still had face and connections, and everyone helped him. They helped him mortgage the land, get a loan from the bank, get a construction permit, and a construction company moved in to start demolishing the old house.

Since everyone is helping, then if you have money, it doesn’t belong to everyone? Then they played and sang every night.

Fortunately, the project has already started, and money will roll in right away. If there is still money in the account, it will be spent. What are you afraid of?

But it was already the second half of 1997. After all, Xiao Song came from the government, so he still had this sense. As soon as the Southeast Asian crisis broke out and the people across the country were still in the joy of Hong Kong's return, he had a premonition When the Economic Council is in trouble, the real estate projects should be opened as soon as possible.

He originally expected that with the continuous advancement of housing reform, the house would become more and more valuable and the house price would get higher and higher. He was not in a hurry to sell.

At that time, there was no pre-sale system. Selling a house was very casual. Only after obtaining all the permits and excavation of the foundation could the sale be launched. This was also the industry model established by Liu Ligan.

People start selling their houses as soon as the foundations are dug. Xiao Song thinks that those are really poor bosses who are waiting for the money to pay off debts and pay wages. Didn’t Xiao Song just make a loan and have the balance in their account? He has money, why would he be in a hurry?

But in July, Xiao Song knew that something was wrong, so he was anxious to open the market. By this time, his house had already been built to two floors. However, he placed an advertisement in the newspaper for three days. When the market opened, , only three units were sold on the first day, and the number of people who came to see the house was not as many as the colleagues who came to see Xiao Song's opening.

Not only was Xiao Song dumbfounded, but his old colleagues were also dumbfounded.

The next day, another set was sold, and the next one was zero zero zero zero, a series of zeros.

An old colleague came to Xiao Song and told him that his younger brother from his hometown was getting married. Xiao Song, as you know, our hometown is very poor and feudal. The family doesn’t have much money, and the woman’s family needs The bride price is even more demanding, but there is no way. My brother is also a big problem. It is not easy to find someone willing to marry him.

My parents called me and asked me to think of a way. What can I do? As you know, Xiao Song, your sister-in-law and I just rely on our dead wages...

Xiao Song understood, and quickly asked the finance department to take 46,000. The 45,000 was returned to the old colleague, and there was another thousand, which was said to be interest. The old colleague refused to take it at all, and scolded, "Xiao Song, are you not scolding?" me? I'm already embarrassed to ask for this money, so why should I count the interest? Who do you think I am, Xiao Song?

Xiao Song said, don't misunderstand, don't misunderstand, isn't your brother getting married? Your brother is not my brother? This thousand yuan is what I gave him to congratulate him. I, Xiao Song, am also in a difficult situation now and can't afford more. Don't think it's too little. I'll make up for it when the situation improves and I'm rich here, okay?

Xiao Song said this, and the old colleague could only thank Xiao Song on behalf of his brother and accepted the money.

Then, in Xiao Song's original unit, it was as if a broom star turned into a meteor shower and fell in the yard. Everyone began to have bad luck. Either this person's parents were sick, or someone from that one was hit by a car, or someone from that one was hit by a car. When an old man passes away, there is a funeral. Even if it rains and thunders, a corner of his old colleague's house will be knocked off, and his parents are worried every day.

For those who came early, Xiao Song paid back the money he owed to others as soon as possible. For those who came late, Xiao Song had no money, so he was asked to wait for two days.

Then the construction company came to ask for money. It was time for the company to pay wages, and it was time for the bank to pay loan interest. Xiao Song had already taken all the family money, and even borrowed all the money he could from relatives. .

When this person was poor and owed money, he felt that the holes were getting bigger and bigger, blocking here and leaking there. It was literally full of holes.

Xiao Song feels that the old saying that poverty is in debt is really true.

Xiao Song really had no choice but to go to the former director. The director looked at him, shook his head and sighed, and said to him, I'm sorry, Chunming, I may have harmed you by asking you to be the boss. Chunming, you are a good person. Even a good old guy, but I understand now that a good guy can’t be the boss.

The director hesitated to speak, thought for a moment, and then continued:

"I can't help with anything else, Chunming, or you can just go to Liu Ligan and let him acquire your project. I'll work hard here and discuss it with the other directors and let you come back to work. OK?"

The director and Liu Ligan were not familiar with each other. They had only met once at a dinner party, so there was no introduction. He did have a business card of Liu Ligan, so he found it and gave it to Xiao Song.

The director has said so, what else can Xiao Song say? He still owes the director money, and the director has never even mentioned it.

Xiao Song went to see Liu Ligan with his business card. Liu Ligan saw Xiao Song's project and was a little interested, which ignited hope in Xiao Song's heart. However, the female general manager of their company rejected it immediately and let him Xiao Song found it strange that a boss as big as Liu Ligan could do nothing when he saw that woman.

They didn't look like they had a leg, although the woman was indeed very beautiful.

Thank you Tin Soldier and On the Shore 131 for the reward! Thank you for your monthly votes for Qingbo, Li Yingjun, Little People Have Big Ambition, Yuanxi, A Green Fish in the Book, and Shi Fangxian! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Happy Sunday everyone!

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