The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 965 Purple Mountain Bank of China

In the afternoon, Mr. Yang called Meng Ping and told him that their bank had agreed to do what Meng Ping said. After Meng Ping repaid the loan in advance, they would still entrust Mr. Qiao and the others to use the money as a mortgage loan. form, directed to his project.

Mr. Yang hung up the phone, and Mr. Qiao called Meng Ping again and told him, Mr. Meng, just do what we agreed last night. Without further ado, please contact your bank as soon as possible.

Liu Ligan finished lunch with Meng Ping and Qian Fang, returned to his room, and slept again. When he woke up, it was almost three o'clock in the afternoon. He went downstairs and walked out of the Jinling Hotel. He originally wanted to go to Meng Ping's company. , looked at the building opposite them, and walked towards the opposite side.

Liu Ligan walked to the door of the construction site. The person in the construction site communication room saw him and shouted, "Hey, what are you doing?"

Liu Li said without looking back, "It's for inspection," and walked inside. When the people in the communication room heard that it was for inspection, they didn't know what department they were in, so they didn't dare to stop him at that time.

Liu Ligan walked into the building, found a staircase, and walked up, stopping and walking. On the stairs, workers were going up and down, and no one paid attention to him.

Indeed, there are too many different engineering teams at a construction site. In addition to civil engineering, there are also those who install air conditioning pipes, gas and water pipes, strong and weak electricity, install elevator shafts, and fire protection systems. Who knows you? It's that part.

Liu Ligan climbed all the way to the top floor, and as he climbed up one floor after another, he found that the house had reached thirty-one floors.

On the top floor, while the frame was being poured on one side, Liu Ligan walked to the other side and stood here looking down. He had a panoramic view of the entire Nanjing, including the roof of the Jinling Hotel. He could see it as far as he could see. Purple Mountain in the distance.

Liu Ligan felt that the feeling of having a panoramic view was really good. If he stood upstairs in the center of Hangzhou, the feeling would be even stronger. Standing upstairs in the center of Hangzhou, he could take in the entire West Lake. Under the eyes, the clear water is beautiful, and the mountain scenery is also strange when it is empty and rainy. It is really suitable to wear heavy makeup and light makeup, and it is beautiful.

Liu Ligan felt that if he stood on the rooftop in the center of Hangzhou, he would never tire of watching it. Unfortunately, he could only stand on Zhang Chen's roof garden and look at the big pit next door. Now, Lianda You can't even see the pit. Looking at the big silent pit will only make you feel despondent.

After the project stopped, it rained twice. Liu Ligan thought that the huge pit was probably half full of water, which could be used to raise fish.

Liu Ligan took out a cigarette and lit it. While smoking, he looked at Meng Ping's Nanjing. Standing on the roof of such a building, Liu Ligan felt that looking out from here, the current Nanjing was Meng Ping's. Nanjing, if you look out from the center of Hangzhou, the Hangzhou you overlook is my Liu Ligan’s Hangzhou and my Liu Ligan’s West Lake.

"Hey, what do you do?"

There was a voice from behind. Liu Ligan turned around and saw two people standing behind him. One was from the communication room, and a middle-aged man wearing a safety helmet, who was probably the person in charge of the construction site. The two people came up I climbed the stairs too quickly and I was out of breath.

Liu Ligan originally wanted to say, I am Mr. Meng's friend, but after thinking about it, he didn't say it. Instead, he smiled at them and said, "If you don't want to do anything, I will just climb up and take a look."

The middle-aged man stood there, not daring to get close. Both of their faces were very nervous. The middle-aged man waved to him and said, brother, come here first.

"What for?" Liu Ligan asked.

"If you have any questions, you can talk to me. Brother, I am a few years older than you and have more life experience than you. If you have anything you can't think of, you can talk to me or talk to others. This My heart felt relieved.”

As the middle-aged man spoke, the person in the communication room kept nodding to the side and said to Liu Ligan: "This is our manager Zhao. He knows a lot. You have a chat with him."

Liu Ligan suddenly realized why they were so nervous. Liu Ligan laughed: "Why, I seem to be such a troubled person?"

"Come here, come here, it's too dangerous over there." Manager Zhao said.

Liu Ligan walked over, and both of them breathed a sigh of relief. Liu Ligan said, "Manager Zhao, you misunderstood. I just came up to take a look."

"Okay." Manager Zhao said, "Are you optimistic about it now?"

"If you hadn't come, I would have taken a closer look. If you came, I would have taken a closer look." Liu Ligan said.

"Brother, let's go down if you like it, okay?"

As he spoke, Manager Zhao put his arm around Liu Ligan's shoulders, took him all the way to the bottom of the building, and sent him out of the door. Liu Ligan heard him behind him and scolded the person in the reception room. Open his eyes wider, if you really want to If something goes wrong, we won’t be able to eat and walk around.

"He said he was here for inspection, how dare I stop him," the person in the reception room said aggrievedly.

Liu Ligan shook his head and smiled.

Liu Ligan walked to Meng Ping's company and entered Meng Ping's office. Li Yang was also here. When he saw Liu Ligan, Meng Ping shouted, "Gangzi, Lao Qiao and Mr. Yang have taken care of it here."

After calling, he remembered that Liu Ligan hadn't finished it yet. It seemed inappropriate for him to be so excited. He looked at Liu Ligan and smiled.

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "Great, your problem here can finally be solved."

Meng Ping looked at Liu Ligan and knew that he must be feeling very uncomfortable at this time. Meng Ping and Li Yang said that after dinner, you can arrange some exciting activities.

Li Yang nodded and said, "I'll do it right away. What kind of person does Mr. Liu like?"

"What type?" Liu Ligan asked. Then he understood what Li Yang meant and quickly shook his head: "No, no."

Meng Ping shouted: "In addition, after the pole got a wife, the lower part was ligated."

Li Yang laughed and asked: "What noble wife?"

"It's just a mom-and-pop shop, but the wife is very expensive. The pole has given the entire company to her, and she hasn't been moved yet. Do you think it's expensive?" Meng Ping asked.

"Expensive, diamond-encrusted." Li Yang laughed and stood up, took the big brother and walked out. After a while, he came back and whispered in Meng Ping's ear. Meng Ping nodded and said, okay, that's it.

The three of them had dinner together. Li Yang drove the car and took the two of them past the Confucius Temple, and continued to drive forward. When they reached Ruijin New Village, they turned right and passed through Yueya Lake Park, approaching Nanjing Agricultural University. Turn left and drive all the way to the foot of Zijin Mountain.

Liu Ligan saw that Li Yang had no intention of stopping, but continued along a winding mountain road. There was a road sign indicating that this was the way to Wenwu Square Gate. The car lights pierced the darkness in front of him, and the lights Where the light shines, there are dense woods on both sides, and where the light does not shine, there is complete darkness.

Liu Ligan shouted: "Li Yang, where are you going? It's so dark. What are you doing here?"

Before Li Yang could say anything, Meng Ping shouted: "Zhangzi, I can tell you now, you have been kidnapped by us, please ask your wife to prepare a ransom, otherwise we will break up the vote."

"Get out!" Liu Ligan cursed, and Li Yang laughed.

The car drove forward for seven or eight minutes on the dark winding mountain road. A fork in the road appeared in front of him. Li Yang turned the car left and drove on to the unknown road with no road signs. He drove forward for five or six minutes. A little light appeared.

After driving closer, I found a yard beside the road, which seemed to be a villa or some kind of management office. The light came from here.

There was an iron gate in the yard that was closed, and there was no sign on the door. Li Yang honked the horn three times, and the small door above the iron gate opened. A young man came out of the door and walked over. Li Yang pressed the window , the young man nodded to him, looked into the car again, walked back to the iron gate, then opened the gate, and Li Yang drove the car in.

Liu Ligan saw that there were four or five cars parked in the yard, as well as several motorcycles.

They got out of the car and the young man closed the iron door again.

Li Yang took out a travel bag from the trunk, put it on his shoulder, and led them into a lighted room. Inside was a circle of sofas, with seven or eight people already sitting here. It can be seen that these people are here for the first time just like them, with curiosity and excitement on their faces.

Someone inside knew Li Yang and nodded towards him.

Li Yang asked Liu Ligan and Meng Ping to sit on the sofa. There were bottles of mineral water on the coffee table. Li Yang opened one bottle and handed it to Liu Ligan, then opened another bottle and handed it to Meng Ping.

They sat there, some of them kept looking at their watches, feeling a little anxious.

Seven or eight minutes later, there were three more car horns blaring outside. Liu Ligan heard the iron door clang open, and the car came in, and the iron door clang closed again.

Then three people came in. The one walking in front was about the same age as Li Yang. He nodded to Li Yang and motioned for the two people to sit down.

A young man walked in behind them and asked, "Are you all here?"

Li Yang talked with the person who just came in, and the person who came in before them and whom Li Yang also knew.

The young man opened the cloth bag in his hand, walked around in a circle, and said to everyone: "Please put the BB machine and the big brother in."

Everyone put their BB machines and mobile phones into the cloth pocket.

The young man walked out with the bag. After a while, the young man, another young man, and a guy in his thirties came in. The young man was carrying a suitcase, and the other young man was carrying a bigger suitcase. suitcase.

The leading guy slapped his butt with both hands and shouted: "Okay, let's change the chips first."

The young man put the suitcase in his hand on the coffee table and opened the suitcase. Liu Ligan saw that inside was a suitcase of casino chips. He knew what he was doing here and immediately became excited.

Everyone opened the bags they had brought. When it was Liu Ligan's turn, Li Yang took out a vest bag from the bag and told the other party, "800,000 yuan is his."

Li Yang pointed at Liu Ligan, who looked at the money in the vest bag and handed it to the other young man. The other young man put the money into the suitcase. The young man handed the 800,000 chips to Liu Li Rod.

Li Yang took out another vest bag, pointed at Meng Ping and said, his is also 800,000.

After the chips were exchanged, the other young man went out with the suitcase containing the money. Then there was the sound of opening and closing the iron door, and the sound of a motorcycle. Liu Ligan knew that the money was taken away from this place. .

The guy in the lead patted his butt with both hands again, and then said: "There are old friends and new friends today..."

When he talked about new friends, he looked at Liu Ligan and Meng Ping. He was obviously talking about them. He continued:

"I still have to explain something. If something happens in the middle, everyone should remember it. When you go in, you must insist that you are just curious and pretending to have fun. You have not won any money. Don't be stupid. No matter how the other party tries to trick you, just insist that you have not won any money. , if no money is found at the scene, everyone will be fine, I guarantee you will be able to come out at dawn, don’t be smart and talk nonsense, do you understand?”

The people sitting here sparsely answered that they understood.

The guy slapped his butt again and said, "Let's get started."

A large group of people followed them out, went to the next door, and opened the door. The next door was a room larger than the one just now. In the room, there was a baccarat table, and a girl, wearing the same clothes as the Macau casino, sat In the dealer's seat.

Thank you Wu Yehuan, Wawa Tin Soldier, and Ri Ri Fanshu for your rewards! Thank you zpengyong1, book friend 20180720125920875, Li Yingjun, May, Yujiu, and a blue fish in the book for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I have something to do today, so I’m even late, sorry!

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