The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 964: Some are happy, some are worried

Liu Ligan walked outside to the road, called Tan Shuzhen's big brother, and told her, "Go to the office immediately, and then use the landline to call Ying Ying's big brother, and we will have a conference call."

"Nervous, what time is it now? Have you drunk too much?" Tan Shuzhen cursed in a daze.

"No, no, Lao Meng and I haven't started drinking yet. We thought of a way to continue the mortgage." Liu Ligan said.

"Okay, then I'll call you when I get to the office." As soon as Tan Shuzhen heard that the mortgage could continue, she immediately sobered up and shouted.

Liu Ligan hung up the phone and did not walk back. Instead, he walked up and down the road. After a while, his big brother rang. It was Tan Shuzhen. At the same time, Tan Shuzhen also called Ying Ying.

Liu Ligan saw a step on the side of the road and sat down on the step. He told the two of them the method he had just talked with Lao Meng. The two of them became excited when they heard it and thought it was a good idea. Method.

Liu Ligan asked Yingying, if the mortgage can continue, will the sales of Mishihe increase?

Ying Ying said: "I can't guarantee that it can return to the original level, but it can definitely be greatly improved. I guarantee that the 500 million quota can be used up."

"Okay, that's it." Liu Ligan said, "Let's find a bank here first. If the bank has this intention, I will contact Miss Cai. I think the problem with Miss Cai will not be big. The same amount of money , if she moves it, she can earn 10% more interest rate difference, and she can also increase the sales of the Mishihe project, she will definitely do it."

"For such a large amount of 500 million, the branch cannot do it at all. It needs to be done by the branch, and the branch does not have such great authority. It has to be reported to the head office, but the reporting is just a formality. If the branch wants to do it, it can still be done." Tan Shuzhen said, "This way , I will go directly to President Wang of ICBC tomorrow."

"What, do you know President Wang?" Liu Ligan shouted.

Liu Ligan didn't have much dealings with local banks. Most of his business dealings were at the branch level. He didn't need to go directly to the branch president level. Liu Ligan was planning to ask Liu Chengcheng to help him with the bank. During the communication, Tan Shuzhen unexpectedly said that she could go directly to President Wang of ICBC in Hangzhou City.

"Nonsense, it goes without saying."

Tan Shuzhen scolded, and Liu Ligan remembered it and smiled. Tan Shuzhen herself came from ICBC. When she was at ICBC, she was a celebrity of ICBC. If anyone in the system didn't know her, of course she would know the Hangcheng branch. President, however, that matter...

"Zhenzhen, isn't this difficult?" Liu Ligan asked.

"What's the problem? I'm going to talk about work. Wait for my call tomorrow." Tan Shuzhen said and hung up the phone.

When Liu Ligan walked back, Meng Ping asked, "Why, I asked your wife for permission. What did your wife say?"

Liu Ligan smiled and said, of course it is possible. She will go out in person tomorrow to find the president of ICBC Hangcheng Branch.

Meng Ping nodded and said: "This wife is not bad. If you want to lift the pole, just lift it up."

Liu Ligan sat down and found that Meng Ping ordered another piece of smelly mandarin fish and four Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs. He had killed the original four. Liu Ligan cursed:

"Didn't you say you had already had supper? Is this a robber coming down the mountain?"

Meng Ping looked at him and smiled and said, "Don't you know that people are in high spirits during happy events? Come on, this fish is a pair with the one in your belly. Please help them and bury them together."

The next day, when Liu Ligan returned to bed, his cell phone rang. It was Tan Shuzhen. Liu Ligan looked at the time and saw that it was only about ten o'clock. Tan Shuzhen told him that she had just come out of President Wang's office. I contacted President Wang. President Wang was going to the provincial bank for a meeting, so he asked me to come over in the morning.

"How is it?" Liu Ligan asked.

"The main thing is that our Hangzhou City Center and 'Sky City' have just started. The Mishi River project is a joint venture. We can't make the decision..."

Liu Ligan said anxiously: "But our actual investment in Hangzhou City Center and the 'Sky City' is more than 500 million."

"What are you in a hurry? Listen to me. Of course I have told President Wang all this. President Wang also said that he knows all this. If he had this authority, he would definitely agree without saying a word. This number should still be reported to the head office. Risk control, risk control at the head office is something that only depends on words, we always have to have something that is practical and persuasive."

"No, we have everything here. He likes to borrow money." Liu Ligan said.

"What's wrong with you? Are you asking people to help you with loans, or are you giving charity?" Tan Shuzhen scolded, "President Wang said, if it is within his authority, we want 50 million to 60 million , for a company like ours, he would release it immediately. If it is 500 million, he would personally prefer to release it, but the head office would definitely ask for additional guarantee measures.”

"What kind of guarantee measures? Can I mortgage the land to them?"

"What are you thinking? The land has to be given to them. If it weren't for the mortgage loan, which bank would give you 500 million for the credit loan? Are you the King of Heaven?" Tan Shuzhen said angrily, "President Wang means that another For additional guarantee measures, he proposed to ask Kunpeng Construction for guarantee."

"No." Liu Ligan said.

"I also told President Wang that it was not possible. After checking it, President Wang also thought it was not possible. The major shareholder of Kunpeng Construction is Shenzhen Anxin, and Shenzhen Anxin is a financial institution. How can a financial institution guarantee a company? It definitely doesn't make sense with Anxin."

Tan Shuzhen said: "President Wang proposed to either add Zhang Chen's guarantee. Zhang Chen has several hundred million in cash deposits in their bank, an asset as big as the M-Zone, and not even a penny of loans to his name. Such a company is very difficult. To be convincing, President Wang said that he can go to the head office to do work. Zhang Chen does not need to use the M-Zone mortgage as a guarantee, as long as he provides credit..."

"No." Liu Ligan said.

"What did you say?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"I said no." Liu Ligan said, "It's not okay to ask Zhang Chen to guarantee it. I have already made an agreement with him."

Tan Shuzhen understood, and after a moment of silence, she said, "Pole, how about we take 50 million first, and Miss Cai and the others can reduce it by 50 million?"

"Forget it, wait until I get back."

After Liu Ligan finished speaking, he hung up the phone. He felt that there was no need to talk about 50 million. If we replace it with 50 million, it would only be a 10% interest rate difference. For such a small profit, all the procedures Mr. Qiao would be very annoyed if he had to start over. He would not make this call to Miss Cai. He couldn't say it out loud.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Ligan lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling above his head, in a daze, feeling a little depressed. Such a good idea, but unfortunately there is no way to implement it. If this can be implemented, his Hangzhou Center can also Gong, gong, gong again, he can take back the center of Hangzhou from the hands of death.

Nine times out of ten things go wrong in life, but there are no two people who can talk to others. He could talk to Meng Ping about these things, but Meng Ping was beyond his reach and couldn't help. He could talk to Liu Chengcheng, but the bank is independent after all. Liu Chengcheng can help him communicate, but the possibility is slim. His relationship with Liu Chengcheng is not the relationship between Meng Ping and his superiors.

Zhang Chen can help him, but the last thing he can say is him. If he tells Zhang Chen about this, Liu Ligan can imagine it. Zhang Chen will definitely say, OK, then I will guarantee it for you. alright.

Last time they were in Nanjing, they took so much trouble to get Zhang Chen to avoid vouching for Meng Ping, and now they asked him to vouch for them. Is this something I, Liu Ligan, can do?

The doorbell ding-dong-ding-dong rang. You knew without asking that it must be Meng Ping. Liu Ligan got up from the bed and went to open the door. As soon as the door opened, he quickly shouted: "Wait a minute."

He saw Qian Fang walking in front of Meng Ping and ringing the doorbell, while Liu Ligan was only wearing a pair of underwear.

Qian Fang cursed: "Wait a minute, I won't care if you get naked."

With a push, Liu Ligan was pushed aside and walked in. Meng Ping followed behind and laughed.

Liu Ligan scolded: "Qian Fang, are you too arrogant?"

Qian Fang threw the jeans that Liu Ligan had taken off on the sofa, sat down on the sofa, and asked:

"Gangzi, how are the sales of your 'Peach Blossom Spring'?"

"It's not bad." Liu Ligan said, "It's still moving. If it takes ten and a half months, one or two buildings can be sold."

"Is this okay?" Qian Fang shouted, "We sell one house every two or three days, and I'm dying of anxiety."

Liu Ligan looked at her and cursed: "You are not only arrogant, but also greedy. In such an economic environment, you can sell one house in two or three days. Are you still not satisfied?"

"Why are you satisfied? I have to sell two and a half houses to buy one of yours. I'm not the same as you." Qian Fang scolded.

"Okay, you are unreasonable. I can't talk to you anymore." Liu Lipole waved his hands and said, "Lao Meng, how are you doing here?"

"It's going well." Meng Ping chuckled, "Mr. Yang has already had a phone call with their chairman early in the morning. The chairman has agreed in principle. A formal resolution should be issued in the afternoon."

Liu Ligan nodded and said, "That's good."

"Where are you? Is there any news about your noble wife?" Meng Ping asked.

"I have no chance here."

Liu Ligan told the two of them the contents of Tan Shuzhen's previous phone call. Meng Ping sighed and said:

"This bank manager is not being careless. He is not trying to deal with it. What he said is still right. You and I are really different."

"What's different?" Liu Ligan scolded, "My building has more floor space than yours. I just don't have the powerful people behind you."

"That's not the problem, the difference is huge." Meng Ping said, "No matter how tall your building is, it is still a trap. Mine has already risen. From every angle, it is already the tallest building in Nanjing. Your building has mine." Is it convincing?"

Liu Ligan was speechless. If he said that, it was true.

"Although this is a project under construction, I haven't sold an inch of the podium below. Based on the evaluation of this part, the price is not low. There is nothing the bank dares not do. Besides, the construction company will agree. Give up their rights," Meng Ping said.

"You, a construction company, support you so much?"

"What's wrong with them? I don't owe them a penny. Even if I owe them, they still have to stand up." Meng Ping shouted.

"Okay, you're awesome, I'm willing to give you the upper hand." Liu Ligan said.

"Let's go, let's go down to eat, I'm starving." Qian Fang shouted from the side.

Thank you Wu Yehuan for your monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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