The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 951 Rivers are all over the paper

Liu Ligan and the others returned to Hangzhou, and the entire design team of Jacques and his company had also arrived. Their first task was to do the landscape design of the second phase of "Peach Blossom Spring". This job was relatively simple because of the overall style and tone. , everything has been determined in the first phase, and the second phase is just an expansion and extension.

Just let the second phase and the first phase be perfectly connected together.

The most important task for Jacques and others is to work with Jason and his team to come up with the overall plan for "City in the Sky".

The two teams have already cooperated twice in the Genshan River project and the first phase of "Peach Blossom Spring". This is the third time. Relatively speaking, they already have a lot of tacit understanding.

After traveling around Zhuge, Xinye, and Tancun, Jacques was basically convinced, and he firmly believed that the entire "City in the Sky" must be based on the concept of water. "City in the Sky" is a real estate project, and houses are important. When buying housing for people to live in, you must take into account the Chinese people's special and delicate emotion towards water.

When Jacques and Jason took out the entire planning and design, Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan still felt that they were both expected and somewhat unexpected.

There is a lake in the "City in the Sky", a very big lake, but the lake is not in the center of the city, but in the northeast direction. Jacques and Liu Ligan Zhang Chen said that this is mainly due to the fact that "the City in the Sky" "City" and the mother city of Hangzhou will be developed in the future. If this satellite town wants to expand, it will definitely be to the northeast, which is the direction of Hangzhou.

Including the future urban expansion of Hangzhou, its subway or urban light rail will radiate here. In this way, many municipal functions of the entire "Sky City" must be located close to this area in the northeast corner.

After the lake moved to the northeast, it was no longer the leading river into the city, but the original Xitang River and one of its tributaries, which happened to pass through this lake. This lake completely connected the two original rivers.

Drawing on the experience of Mishi River, the original Xitang River water still needs to be filtered at the entrance of Xitang River. The water source of the entire town, including this lake, besides Xitang River, there is another source that cannot be seen on the map. But Jacques told them that there must be a stream flowing from the mountain.

Jacques opened his sketchbook and showed it to them. Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen saw that there was indeed a stream in his painting. Jacques said that he had visited the entire stream, and the amount of water in this stream was not that big. It is small, and even in the dry season in winter, the flow will not stop. We can make use of this stream, so that the entire city and the lake will have sufficient water.

The lake is made into an irregular half-moon shape, and there is an island in the middle of the lake. The island is shaded by green trees. The library, primary school and middle school of "Sky City" are on this island. The lake around the island is equivalent to becoming A natural barrier for schools and libraries.

There is a tree-lined road connected to the city, because it is impossible to have trucks on the island. Parallel to this tree-lined road, there is a greenway connected to the greenway that goes around the island, which can be used for students to exercise. use.

Jacques told them that after he arrived in China, he found that Chinese people especially like to set up walls and build communities. Abroad, there is no concept of community. There is the concept of town, but it is on a street in a town. In front of everyone's door The lawns and gardens are also connected together, with few walls in between.

"Actually, it's just a matter of habit." Tan Shuzhen said, "Our Peach Blossom Land has no walls, but no one who comes to buy a house will think there is anything wrong with it."

Zhang Chen said with a smile: "That's now. People just regard your place as a scenic spot. If you look at it after you move in, there may be many people asking for a wall, or at least a fence."

"That's right, when Zhang Chen moves in, Lao Zhang will be the first to ask for a garden to be planted for him." Liu Ligan said with a smile, "I will separate the garden for him in his current 'Splendid Home' home." There is only one vegetable garden in the entire community."

"Maybe we still lack a sense of security. This concept is actually deeply ingrained. You have forgotten that when we study, a desk has to be divided into three and eight lines." Zhang Chen said, "When will we wait? Students don’t draw the 38th line on their desks. If the wall in their hearts is gone, there will probably be fewer and fewer walls in reality.”

"That's right. When you talk about walls, it's all philosophical." Liu Ligan shouted.

Zhang Chen, Lao Tan and Tan Shuzhen laughed. Jacques didn't know what they were laughing about, but he knew that what they were talking about must have something to do with the wall.

Jacques said that he respects this habit. People in every country and region have their own living habits. As designers, we must respect this habit and not try to change it. It is difficult to change this habit. It took a long time to form itself, and the reasons for its formation are also very complicated. We can only respect it.

But he insists that walls are the ugliest things in cities. As a future city, "City in the Sky" should have no walls.

There is no fence, but we have to take into account the habit of residents and citizens who like to erect fences to separate communities. What should we do?

He said that the cobweb-like roads in Xinye and Zhuge Village gave him great inspiration. We can use water instead of walls, that is, use rivers all over the city to separate each community and different functional areas. , which not only avoids the appearance of walls, but also meets the needs of "walls".

On this island, there are no walls between primary schools and middle schools, and between them and the library. The children's activity space is expanded, but their safety is guaranteed because there is water to protect them.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan also think that Jacques's idea is good. Using water instead of walls can not only separate different areas, but also create landscapes on both sides of the river, creating the kind of shelter that makes people live near the water. The feeling of choosing water to rest.

The idea of ​​concentrating libraries and schools on the island is a wonderful one. It seems like there is no management, but it actually means better security management. In this way, it is equivalent to concentrating the security management of three units into one point. As long as you go to the island It is enough to strengthen the management of intersections.

Surrounding the half-moon-shaped lake is a circle of green belts and parks. Including the lake, the entire place is the urban garden of the "City in the Sky". Jacques said that it is also the leisure center of the city. The city has two centers.

One side of the park transitions to a residential area. This residential area stretches from the lakeside park to the eastern edge of the "Sky City". It is an area dominated by row houses and small high-rises. The other side of the park is urban roads. , the park here is also open, making it convenient for residents on the other side of the road to walk and play by the lake.

The half-moon-shaped arched part of the Lakeside Park, which is the northeast corner of the "Sky City", is the functional area of ​​the city, including hospitals, gymnasiums, police stations, and the management center of the "Sky City" and the connection center for regional transportation. It's all here.

Opposite it, the recessed part of the half-moon shape, is an artificial wetland extending into the lake, as well as an artificial beach. The row behind it is a bar and dining area.

To the southwest of the bar area is a street. Jacques proposed the concept of a pedestrian commercial street, which was almost unknown in China at that time. This pedestrian commercial street is about 300 meters long and is connected to what Jacques called the "City in the Sky" Another center of the city - the city square.

Department stores and shopping malls are gathered around the city square. From here to the southwest edge of the "Sky City", the entire area is an area of ​​high-rise buildings.

The city square is the commercial center of the "Sky City" and is connected to the lakeside leisure center with a pedestrian street.

With a population of 100,000, it can already form its own commercial center. Jacques and Zhang Chen Liu Ligan said, in fact, in Hangzhou, if you observe, in fact, every shopping mall has a limited radiation range. It won't take long for these shopping malls to develop their own chain networks in a city, otherwise their radiation capabilities will not be reached.

Another favorable condition for the formation of the "Sky City" commercial center is that the nearby Liangzhu area, with its population of 30 to 40 thousand people, cannot afford a large modern shopping mall. Our shopping here Center, which can absorb a large part of their purchasing power and passenger flow.

"City in the Sky" is close to the foot of the mountain. There is a sports area. The base of the mountain horse farm that Jacques mentioned is also built at the foot of the mountain. There is also a small playground and sports ground.

All villas and a five-star hotel are built on the mountain. There are two five-star hotels in "Sky City". The one on the mountain is a resort hotel, and the other is a business-type five-star hotel. On the edge of the city square.

Jason, Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan said that according to Jacques's idea, the overall layout of "City in the Sky" is soft and pleasant, but all the architectural designs inside, we think must be modern and futuristic. It is different from all the current areas in Hangzhou, giving people a refreshing feeling that this is the future of Hangzhou.

All road construction, municipal facilities and transportation construction in the city must be forward-looking.

Jacques added that water is everywhere in this city. When you come out of every building, you can immediately see the river and find places to rest by the river. Water is the soul of this city, but this is not a water city. It’s not a water town either.

"It can also be said to be a water town, a modern water town." Jason added with a smile.

Zhang Chen particularly agreed with this point. What he was most worried about was that this "city in the sky" should not become a different person.

It will take at least five years from now until the "City in the Sky" is basically completed. This is a future city for future people to live in. Of course, you must be forward-looking and futuristic, not like a city in Hangzhou. A newly built community, or a replica of a certain district in Hangzhou.

If Liangzhu next door plays the historical card, here they must play the modern and future card. Who said that there cannot be a modern and futuristic small town among the mountains and rivers of Jiangnan.

Zhang Chen even thought that there should be an industrial functional area to take over those future industries.

Thank you for the reward for being ranked third from top to bottom and I don’t even know if anyone asks me! Thank you for your monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you a nice weekend!

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