The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 950 Rivers in Eyes

Zhang Chen and the others finished dinner at Xiao Zhuge's place. When they said goodbye, it was almost ten o'clock in the evening. It was too far to go back to Hangzhou. They drove back for an hour and arrived at Yongcheng County and stayed at the Xin'anjiang Hotel.

We walked all day in several ancient towns the day before and drank for a few hours in the evening. Except for Lao Tan and Jacques, everyone else felt a little tired and fell asleep until about ten o'clock. just got up.

The amount of activity involved in walking was of course not a problem for Lao Tan and Jacques. They got up very early.

Lao Tan was sitting down in the hotel lobby smoking a cigarette. When he saw Jacques coming out of the elevator, the two of them did not go to the restaurant on the second floor. Instead, they walked out of the hotel door. Turning to the right was the riverside. They decided to go to the riverside first and then come back. Eat breakfast.

At the end of this road is a bridge across the river. Lao Tan and Jacques are both engaged in construction. When they took a closer look, they found that it was a medium-supported steel tube concrete cable arch bridge with unequal spans.

The shape of the bridge is very unique. There are three huge arched steel pipes on each side of the bridge. The top and bottom are connected with cross beams to form a solid whole. From the arched steel pipes, there are suspension cables hanging down to connect the entire bridge deck. Suspended.

Both the arched steel pipes and the beams are painted orange. In addition, the river water under the bridge is crystal clear, and the Jiangxin Island on the opposite side of the bridge and in the middle of the river is lush. These three giant orange-red steel arches span the The surface of the river really looks like a rainbow lying on the waves. The name of the bridge is "Xin'anjiang Bridge", but the locals are accustomed to calling it Rainbow Bridge.

Lao Tan and Jacques walked to the head of Rainbow Bridge to take a look, and then walked back for more than ten steps. They saw a steamed bun shop at the head of the bridge. The business was very good, and there were many people buying steamed buns. A drawer of steamed buns was sold out in a few minutes. .

The two people walked over and found that there were meat buns and tofu buns. They were both thin-skinned and full of fillings. You could faintly see the meat inside the meat buns, and you could faintly see the red spicy oil inside the tofu buns. Just spicy.

Lao Tan asked the store owner, which buns are delicious?

Before the store could answer, the person buying the buns nearby said that the tofu buns were delicious, but very spicy.

Lao Tan and Jacques wanted to buy ten tofu buns and ten meat buns. When the people nearby saw that the foreigners wanted to buy buns, they let them in.

The boss asked them, should we eat here or take away? Lao Tan said to take them away, and the boss packed them four bags of five in plastic bags, and finally gave them a pack of napkins.

Lao Tan and Jacques carried their buns and walked to the river below. A thin layer of fog shrouded the river and had not dispersed. The two of them were sitting on the steps of a stone pier. There was a woman below, wearing Wearing wellies and standing in the river washing clothes, Lao Tan and Jacques were a little confused and thought, isn't it cold to wash clothes in such a cold weather?

The two of them bought it, but they were a little scared when they saw the spicy oil oozing out of the tofu buns. They started eating the meat buns first. The buns were really delicious. After eating, they felt they were not enough. They stared at the tofu. Baozi looked at it, laughed, and decided to try it.

One person picked up one and put it in his mouth. The skin of the bun was soft, and the whole bun was also soft. The filling inside seemed to be flowing out at any time. After taking a bite, it was very spicy and hot, but very delicious, especially the... The tofu inside seems to be soft tofu and melts in your mouth. It feels like eating tofu. No wonder the whole bun is soft.

The two of them finished one bun, opened their mouths, and exhaled. It was too spicy, but they still went to pick up the second bun. They couldn't help but couldn't help it. Who made this bun so delicious?

The two people were snoring, sweating on their foreheads, and heat was radiating from the top of their heads. The two heads sat there like two steaming teapots.

After the two of them finished eating the tofu buns, they found that not only their mouths were numb, but their stomachs were also bloated. The two looked at each other and laughed again.

The woman who was washing clothes has left, and the river is gurgling. They are sitting here, and there are still six or seven steps between them. They can see the river bottom below from a distance, with aquatic plants swaying there. The river here is really beautiful. It's too clear.

Lao Tan stood up and walked down. The steamed stuffed bun juice had just flowed onto his hands. He wanted to wash it, so he put his hands into the river and found that the water was warm.

He quickly called Jacques to go down. Jacques went down and gave it a try. He was overjoyed. The two of them washed their hands, and then washed their faces. After washing their faces, they looked at the river. Holding the water, they rinsed their mouths. The water was sweet in their mouths, which was just right to relieve the spicy taste. The two simply drank a few more sips.

He straightened up and felt happy.

What they don't know is that this water flows directly from the bottom of Qiandao Lake through the Xin'anjiang Hydropower Station upstream. From here to the Xin'anjiang Hydropower Station, it is a water source protection zone with few pollution sources and excellent water quality. It is not far from them. , is the bottling factory of "Nongfu Spring". The slogan "Nongfu Spring is a bit sweet" in the advertisement of "Nongfu Spring" is actually talking about this water.

Lao Tan and Jacques walked up the steps on the side, arrived at the head of Rainbow Bridge, walked along the bridge towards the other side of the river, walked to the middle of the bridge, leaned on the railing and looked down. By this time, the mist had cleared from the river. From a height of tens of meters, they could still see the river bottom below. Jacques shook his head and sighed:

"If such a beautiful river were in the Sky City, it would be perfect."

Lao Tan didn't know what he was talking about, but he understood the meaning of envy.

The two people looked downstream along the river. From here, they could see the Baisha Bridge in the distance, spanning the green on both sides, so beautiful.

The two people walked to the opposite side of the river. On the opposite side of the river was a road shaded by green trees with very few vehicles. There seemed to be another road on the mountain above the road. They walked up a cement step and found that it was not another road. A road turned out to be an abandoned railway. The rails were rusty and there was a lot of grass coming out between the sleepers and the ballast.

It is winter now, but the strange thing is that the trees and grass here are still green. After thinking for a while, Lao Tan realized that it must be related to the Xin'an River, which has a constant temperature all year round. It has created a A unique microclimate environment.

The two people walked along the railway track in the direction of Baisha Bridge. Unknowingly, they saw that the railway track in front of them disappeared, and there was a highway running across it, with cars coming and going on the road. Only then did they realize that they had reached the end of Baisha Bridge.

When they arrived at the end of the Baisha Bridge, they saw two huge lions on both sides of the bridge. The two of them became excited again. They saw a step leading to the mountain at the end of the bridge, so they decided to go up and take a look. At the end of the step, it turned out to be a hexagonal lion. The pavilion is called "Guest Welcome Pavilion".

In the middle of the pavilion, there is a marble stele. On the front of the stele are the three characters "Baisha Bridge" written by Guo Moruo, and on the back is the "Inscription of Baisha Bridge", which records the historical origin of the construction of Baisha Bridge.

Standing in the pavilion and looking at the Baisha Bridge and Xin'an River below, it is really beautiful.

What made them angry was that on the other side of the river, at the end of the Baisha Bridge, there was a very tall chimney. It looked like a chemical factory. Jacques clenched his fists, waved his hands and roared, and kept wiping his neck with his hands. Lao Tan Understand, he is saying that the person who built the chemical plant here should be beheaded. Old Tan Muran, he thinks he really deserves to die.

Coming down from the pavilion above, two people touched the stone lions on the railings of Baisha Bridge. After crossing Baisha Bridge, they walked to a gate at the end of the bridge. Old Tan saw that this was indeed a chemical factory. The sign at the door read: "Xin'an Chemical Group".

Jacques suddenly walked towards the gate. Lao Tan didn't know what he was going to do. When the security guard in the security room at the gate saw a foreigner coming, he stood up and walked out of the security room.

Jacques walked all the way to the sign at the door. Unexpectedly, he spat at the sign, then turned around and walked back, making Lao Tan laugh.

The security guard froze there, wondering what the foreigner was doing.

The two of them did not return the same way, but walked into Yongcheng City and walked in the direction of Xin'anjiang Hotel. Fortunately, this hotel was the best hotel in Yongcheng at the time, and Lao Tan didn't care who he asked on the way. , everyone knows where Xin'anjiang Hotel is.

When they arrived at the door of the hotel, it was almost eleven o'clock. When they walked in, they saw Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan sitting on the sofa in the lobby. Seeing them, Liu Ligan asked Lao Tan, "Your eldest brother didn't bring you either." ? Went shopping?

Old Tan smiled and said: "I threw it in the room. We got up very early. We thought we would go to the riverside and then come back for breakfast. Unexpectedly, we walked across the bridge and came back from the Baisha Bridge below."

Zhang Chen was surprised: "It's such a big circle?"

Lao Tan said: "This place is so beautiful. As I walked, I walked far away without realizing it."

"Have you had breakfast?" Liu Ligan asked, "Breakfast has been stopped above now. Let's go have lunch later."

Lao Tan patted his belly and said quickly: "I've eaten, I'm still full now. We each ate ten buns."

"Ten steamed buns?" Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen were both surprised. Liu Ligan asked, "Xiaolongbao?"

"Wherever, just the tofu buns and meat buns in Qiaotou." Lao Tan said.

This bun shop in Rainbow Bridge is a famous bun shop in Yongcheng. Of course Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan know about it. They know the weight of the buns there. Ten buns?

"Then you have to walk such a long way." Liu Ligan smiled.

Zhang Chen sighed: "When I woke up earlier, I was still thinking about eating tofu buns, but I didn't expect that I, a local, didn't eat them, but you, a foreigner, and a foreigner ate them."

"Then go buy it now. It's a short walk away. Those buns are really delicious." Lao Tan said.

"The stall has been closed. They only serve breakfast." Zhang Chen said.

Liu Ligan looked at Lao Tan and asked, "Have you ever eaten the tofu buns here?"

"Eat, five for each person." Lao Tan said.

"How is the taste?"

“It’s delicious. The tofu buns here are different from other places.”

"Is it spicy?"

Lao Tan laughed and said: "It's a bit spicy, but it tastes so good that I can't help it."

"Great!" Liu Ligan shouted, "You can even eat these steamed buns, then we can eat spicy duck feet at noon and then return to Hangzhou."

Thank you to Doll Tin Soldier and Ri Ri Shu Shu for the reward! Thank you Qingbo and book friend 20190104201758318 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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