The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 947 Where is the new leaf?

Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen were very familiar with the Zhuge, Xinye and Tancun areas. When they were in the theater troupe, they often went to perform in this area. Wu Opera was originally called Jinhua Opera, and this area was the original Jinhua area. .

There are two ways to go from Hangzhou to Zhuge Bagua Village. One is from Hangcheng to Jinhua, then passes through Lanxi County, and continues along National Highway 330, passing through Zhuge Town.

There is another one, from Hangcheng to Yongcheng, passing through Yongcheng County. When National Highway 320 is approaching Shouchang, there is a three-way intersection. Go straight along National Highway 320, heading towards Longyou. Zhang Chen and the others are going Shangrao and Guizhou are all taken this way.

To the left is National Highway 330 leading to Jinhua. Turn in and head towards Daciyan. After passing Daciyan, there is another three-way intersection. To the left is the county road to Xinye, Liye and Tancun. Continue. Go straight along National Highway 330 for seven or eight kilometers and you will arrive at Zhuge Town.

Zhang Chen, Liu Ligan, Jacques, Jason, Lao Tan and the translator took a khaki Toyota van owned by Liu Ligan's company. They decided to take the road through Yongcheng because this road was too long. The more you have, the closer you will feel psychologically.

It was not yet the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, and there were very few cars on National Highway 320. They walked for more than two hours to Yongcheng, and another hour to Daciyan.

This Daciyan is known as the Hanging Temple in the South of the Yangtze River, but Zhang Chen finds it boring. It is dedicated to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. It was said that incense was very popular in this area, and the temple is indeed suspended on the cliff. From the National Highway 330 below You can see it.

Zhang Chen went up there once before it was developed. It can be said that it has been completely destroyed. Not only was Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva himself unable to survive and disappeared, but the entire temple was demolished.

When Zhang Chen went up, the new temple had not yet been built, and the old temple only had a sunken cave on the cliff. What made him curious at that time was that there was actually a spring in the cave so high up on the mountainside. , and the spring water is said to be like this all year round. The water surface is almost flush with the surrounding rock walls. Not only does it never dry up, it also never fills up.

After the new temple was built, probably due to the impact during the construction, the spring water disappeared forever. Zhang Chen felt that this was not a new construction, it was simply destroying, destroying the most magical landscape of this place.

When they went there, the father of a local friend took them up there. The friend's father told them that this valley used to be filled with tall torreya trees that were hundreds of years old. You could walk from the outside all the way to the bottom of the cliff. , were all shaded, and were later cut down.

It was summer when they went there, and the entire valley was bare. Walking from the outside to the steps under the cliff, one's skin was almost tanned off. Along the way, they fucked the guys who cut down trees ten times. Eight generations of ancestors.

Zhang Chen and the others parked the car on the side of National Road 330, got out of the car and looked towards Daciyan. Liu Ligan asked Jacques if he wanted to go up. Jacques looked at the new burgundy temple halfway up the mountain and knew it was a newly built thing. Just lost interest.

The group of people got in the car and continued walking. After walking for a few minutes, they arrived at a three-way intersection. Xinye and Tancun both entered from here. Liu Ligan asked the driver to turn left and told him to go to Xinye inside first. Come out and go to Tancun again.

They drove in for ten minutes and saw an ancient village in the distance. There was a slender brick tower at the entrance of the village. This tower was different from the Liuhe Pagoda in Hangzhou. Instead of being thick at the bottom and thin at the top, it was as thick as the top and bottom. , Zhang Chen and Jacques said that this tower is called Tuanyun Tower, and it was built in the Ming Dynasty as a Feng Shui tower.

Jacques became interested and asked what a Feng Shui Tower was.

Zhang Chen told him that I had come here to perform before and had a drink and chat with a local Feng Shui master. He told me that there is a saying in Chinese Feng Shui that it is better to build a tower than to consolidate power. The function of this tower is to protect the village. The mouth of water can generate anger in one place and suppress evil spirits in another.

I don’t know whether it was because the translation was not clear, or because Jacques really didn’t understand what Feng Shui was, so Zhang Chen continued:

"In ancient villages like China, a village is usually a clan, that is, a big family. Such clans particularly value studying, because studying can help you take the imperial examination and become an official. If you become a big official, it will be a glorious achievement for your ancestors. It is allowed to erect an archway at the entrance of the village. There is no archway here. At least it is certain that the people here are not very well-educated and there are no high-ranking officials."

Zhang Chen said, and everyone laughed. Zhang Chen said it was true. There are archways in She County, Anhui Province, and there are archways in Hongcun. They either produce high-ranking officials or chaste and martyr women.

Zhang Chen continued: "Although there are no high-ranking officials here, it still cannot stop these clans from advocating reading. The locals call this the Wenfeng Tower, which means begging for literary fortune. The two buildings below the Wenfeng Tower , one is the Wenchang Pavilion, which is also used to pray for literary fortune, and the other is the Earth Temple, which is used to pray for a good harvest. Together, it is farming, reading and inheriting the family."

"What is farming and studying heirlooms, that is to say, if you can become an official, then become an official. If you can't become an official, go home and farm hard." Liu Ligan said, "If you can't be an official and don't farm well, then you can only Becoming a second-rate person.”

Zhang Chen smiled and asked the translator, can you translate this second-rate guy?

The translator smiled and said, Okay, isn't he just a gangster?

Zhang Chen shook his head and said: "It's still different. The gangsters are quite rampant. They run rampant in the countryside and prey on the common people. This second-rate guy actually has no ability and can't beat anyone. In the village, no one is afraid of him. They just look down on him. His greatest ability is If you just love to eat and are lazy, and then do some sneaky things, your grade and status will be lower than that of a gangster."

"I understand." The translator said, "So if you call him a second-rater, I can translate it into a trumpet-sized gangster."

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan were both stunned for a moment, and then laughed. They felt that maybe this second-rate guy really came from this, and there was probably nothing wrong with translating second-rate guy into a trumpet gangster.

They drove the car to the center of the village and stopped. The group got out of the car. In front of them was a pond called Nantang. On the edge of Nantang was the Youxu Hall built in the Yuan Dynasty. Ye's main ancestral hall, Zhang Chen and the others always performed in this ancestral hall every time they came.

There are many ancestral halls in Xinye. The other ancestral halls are all branch ancestral halls of the orderly hall. The history of the ancestral hall is the history of the village. After the population became prosperous, houses and families began to be divided. After the division of houses, the division of houses began to appear. Because one ancestral hall was no longer enough, the main ancestral hall eventually became a place for discussions among the heads of each branch.

The matters of each branch are discussed in its own branch temple.

Youxu Hall and Nantang are the structural center of Xinye Village. The first houses started to spread out from here.

Don't underestimate a pond. In the past, its function of information dissemination was actually the same as that of an ancestral hall. The ancestral hall was a place where men seriously discussed clan affairs. The pond at the entrance of the ancestral hall was where women spread gossip and When the parents were busy, they washed clothes, vegetables and rice by the pond. After washing, they went home and brought home the latest news from the village.

Listening to Zhang Chen's explanation, Jacques felt that his interpretation of the pond was very interesting. Then he looked at the women by the pond who were beating their clothes with mallets and chattering to each other while looking at them. He felt that Zhang Chen That's right.

The entire village architecture of Xinye Village pays great attention to Feng Shui. It is based on the layout of the Five Elements and Nine Palaces in the Luo Shu Tu. The location and pattern of each street, alley and building are particular.

There are hundreds of streets and alleys in the village. These streets are nearly 3 meters wide and only 80 centimeters narrow. The streets and alleys here are basically a long main road with bluestone slabs in the middle. Under the bluestone slabs, The drainage ditch, with bluestone slabs on both sides, is an auxiliary road paved with blue bricks. This kind of road has very good permeability. When it rains, there will be no water accumulation on the road surface.

In addition to being less load-bearing, its functionality is much better than the current cement and asphalt roads. Jacques is very interested in such roads. He said that in fact, such a plan can be adopted for pedestrian streets.

Zhang Chen thought to himself, yes, because people in the past could only walk. No matter how rich they were, they could sit in a sedan chair and still walk. If Liu Ligan's sluts were allowed to run on this road and crush them back and forth every day, not a single one would come out. Moon, probably every piece of bluestone will be broken.

Regardless of the width of the street, the houses on both sides of the street are always high and closed, and the alley is narrow and deep. This is first of all for the sake of anti-theft and safety. This is probably the reason why this type of house will definitely have a patio. , one side of your house is airtight, and the other side must be open and bright, otherwise people will become crickets in a jar.

Tall closed whitewashed walls surround each household in a narrow courtyard. The criss-crossing streets and alleys connect households and houses into an organic and orderly whole, which is also consistent with this kind of large space. In the clan villages, people and families have inextricable connections with each other, but they are also relatively independent and closed relationships.

A group of people were walking in the village. Jacques and Zhang Chen were holding pens and sketchbooks and drawing non-stop, while Jason was holding a camera and clicking away.

They walked around Xinye for more than an hour, and it was already noon. The village was no longer what it used to be when it was prosperous. Except for one agency store, there were no other shops. Although the group was very hungry, they could only endure it.

They got in the car and drove outside. Zhang Chen and Jacques said that the layout of Tan Village was similar to here. There was also a pond in the center of the village, and then the buildings spread out to all sides. The villages there were larger than Xinye, but the ancient buildings were not as new. The leaves are so numerous and distinctive.

"The most important thing is that there is no food there." Liu Ligan shouted.

Zhang Chen smiled and said yes, there was nothing to eat, so we went to see it for ten minutes, and then went to Zhuge Town. Let’s go to Zhuge for lunch. Zhuge was developed relatively early and has formed two towns, the old and the new.

Jacques and Jason both said yes.

Thank you to Doll Tin Soldier and Ri Ri Shu Shu for the reward! Thank you to fsgrfdgtergh, Book Friends 20200725185530536, Yuanxi, Xiaosian Zeibao, Lao Chentang, Book Friends 120***504 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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