The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 946 French-speaking Jacques

Canadian Jacques, like an ascetic, disappeared with a sleeping bag on his back. He disappeared for more than ten days in a row. He appeared once and disappeared again. This time he disappeared for a longer time, more than 20 days, even when it snowed. Didn't see him show up.

Based on the experience last time, this time Liu Ligan and the others greeted the local towns and villages, as well as the police station, saying that there was such a foreigner, carrying a sleeping bag, who would be around here every day. Don't worry or disturb him when he appears in the mountains and fields. He is not a bad person, nor is he crazy. He is just a designer looking for inspiration.

In this way, when Liu Ligan and the others went there, except for the villagers who heard from time to time that the foreigner appeared here and there, there was no incident where the villagers called the police and the police station dispatched police to arrest the person and notify them to pick him up.

Tan Shuzhen and Zhang Chen went to find Xiao Wu and camped in the wild for three days and three nights. She knew how difficult it was to be in the wild. They were still two people at that time, and it was still summer. In this winter, it was freezing and snowy outside. I wonder who this Jacques was. How to survive.

Tan Shuzhen asked Liu Ligan, but Liu Ligan didn't know either. She asked Lao Tan if Jacques had ever been a special forces soldier?

Lao Tan said, I only know that he has been in the navy, but even the special forces cannot survive in the wild for such a long time. No one has given him a combat mission yet. He can come back if he wants. What is he doing? Can't understand.

Lao Tan shook his head.

Even Zhang Chen was very interested. He felt that no one else could be a designer like this. He would call Liu Ligan every day and ask him, has Jacques come back?

Liu Ligan said no.

At the beginning, everyone regarded Jacques as a topic, or even as a joke. Later, they all began to worry. Lao Tan, Liu Ligan, and Tan Shuzhen asked whether Jacques would have an accident in the wild. No one Know?

The more they thought about it, the more they realized it was a possibility. The more they thought about it, the scarier it became. They hurriedly drove three cars there. When they got there, everyone got out of the car and looked for it separately.

After searching for most of the day, they still couldn't find anyone. However, Lao Tan called them and told them that it was okay. Yesterday afternoon, he was still here for a portion of the fire, and asked them for two braziers. When he was baking rice cakes, they also gave him a bowl of pig head meat.

Everyone then went back with confidence. Before going back, Liu Ligan and the others also went to several nearby village committees and asked them to notify them. If the foreigner goes to any house and asks for something to eat, ask them to give him more. , then their company will double the payment.

People in the village committee laughed at them. These days, if you see a foreigner who is hungry, no one will give him something to eat, and you have to tell him, "Go back, go back, it's okay."

There was also a young village cadre who knew that Jacques was Canadian and actually said to them: "A foreigner has traveled thousands of miles to come to China. What kind of spirit is this? This is..."

Liu Ligan and the others cupped their hands and left laughing.

On the ninth day of the Lunar New Year, Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen came down from the dormitory at the back and went to work in the company. When they walked to the door, they saw a man sitting on the steps in front of the company. He had long hair and beard, covering his entire face. Living, dirty, like a homeless man, more like a savage, the two of them were startled, and when they got closer, they recognized Jacques.

As soon as Jacques saw them, he raised his hands and waved them, shouting: "When it drops, when it drops."

Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen didn't know what he was talking about. Seeing that they didn't understand, Jacques became anxious. He took out the sketchbook in his bag, drew a duck, and then drew the word "Zhang" crookedly. It's really painting, not writing. He first draws a "long", and then draws a "bow" on the right side of the long, which is a reverse "open".

Tan Shuzhen asked: "He wants to find Zhang Chen?"

Liu Ligan understood and said to Tan Shuzhen: "He wants to eat Zhang Shengji's duck."

Liu Ligan made a eating motion with his hands, Jacques nodded repeatedly, and Tan Shuzhen smiled and said, "How greedy are you?"

Liu Ligan said: "He probably couldn't bear it anymore. As soon as he closed his eyes, he would see dried bamboo shoots and old duck in pot, otherwise he wouldn't come back."

Tan Shuzhen laughed.

Liu Ligan quickly told Jacques, "Okay, I'll let you have a full meal at noon."

Lao Tan and Fan Jianguo also arrived at this time. Liu Ligan quickly asked Lao Tan to take Jacques to the hotel opposite to stay and take a good bath. He already had a heavy stray dog ​​odor on his body.

As Jacques walked away, he turned back and shouted: "When it comes to dripping, it comes to dripping."

Liu Lipole nodded and said, "Okay, I'll get it at noon. I'll get it when I get it."

After calling, I remembered that Jacques is Canadian and speaks French, not Japanese.

Liu Ligan called Zhang Chen. As soon as the call came through, he shouted: "Dip, time, time, time."

Zhang Chen cursed: "What the hell are you doing?"

Liu Ligan laughed and said to him, when it drips and drips, it is a duck. I finally know a French word, and I will never forget it in this life. Najak is back, and we will go to Zhang Sheng Kee to eat duck at noon.

Zhang Chen said okay.

At noon, the group went to Zhang Shengji. Jacques had already taken a bath, cut his hair, and shaved his beard. He looked like a civilized man.

Liu Ligan asked Lao Tan: "Have you taken him to the barber shop?"

Lao Tan smiled and said: "No, he took a pair of scissors and cut it in front of the mirror."

"He's very handsome." Tan Shuzhen said with a smile.

After sitting down, Liu Ligan handed the recipe to Jacques. Jacques turned to the first page, pointed to the picture of duck stew with dried bamboo shoots on the menu, and stretched out three fingers. Needless to say, he knew that he wanted to eat it alone. Three servings. After ordering the old duck pot, he closed the recipe and gave it back to Liu Ligan.

Liu Ligan continued to order. He ordered four portions of old duck pot and other dishes.

After the first three portions were brought up, Liu Ligan asked the waiter to place them in a row in front of Jacques. Jacques sniffed his nose sharply, looked at them, grinned, and smiled shyly.

"Every time you take it, you can eat it." Liu Ligan said.

Jacques was about to eat when he suddenly thought of something, clapped his hands and stood up.

He took out five sketchbooks from his own hiking bag standing at the foot of the wall behind him, turned around, and put them on the table between Zhang Chen and Liu Lizhan. Then he returned to his seat and sat down. Without using a knife and fork, I grabbed a duck leg with my hands, tore it off, and ate the duck with all my heart, without caring about anything else.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan picked up their sketchbooks and flipped through them. They were shocked when they saw that these five sketchbooks were all filled with drawings. They were full of beautiful things and contained everything. Some pages were still stained with stains. The oil stains, Zhang Chen thought, were probably the result of eating pig head meat while painting.

Zhang Chen flipped through the sketchbook page by page. Of course, the most abundant things in it were scenery, but they were as detailed as a plowshare hanging on the wall, a broken dustpan on a field ridge, four or five sparrows in a wheat field in winter, They were all painted, and the edges of each painting were densely written in French.

There is also a snowy scene in the fields. In the corner of the picture, there is a trembling foreigner with hot breath coming out of his mouth. It must be Jacques himself. There are three exclamation marks next to it.

Zhang Chen understood that this Jacques was just like him. He had to look at the real thing to inspire him. Although Zhang Chen couldn't understand a single word of the words he wrote, he knew that he must be I recorded what I felt at the time, so that when I started designing, I could look back at these notes and trigger my memory at that time.

Zhang Chen finished reading five sketchbooks. Jacques had already finished two portions of duck. It was obvious that he couldn't eat anymore. Lao Tan and Liu Ligan asked him to eat other dishes. He shook his head and pointed with his fingers. The duck in front of them seemed to be telling them that this was their mission and they must complete it.

In the afternoon meeting, a female French translator was invited from Hangzhou University. Jacques told them that this place is different from the "Peach Blossom Spring". In addition to its feminine beauty, it also has a kind of peace and atmosphere.

As Jacques spoke, he spread his hands. The female translator looked at him, blushed slightly, pursed her lips and smiled, saying, "It's like a woman's arms. This kind of peace and atmosphere is the result of the criss-crossing river belt there." Therefore, our entire town layout and construction must be centered on water. Water, peaceful and quiet water, and water without waves, is the soul of that town.

We need to bring water in and make it the core of this town, and the crisscrossing rivers are like capillaries, covering the whole body of this town.

Zhang Chen agreed with Jacques's suggestion. In fact, he had thought of introducing water into it and turning it into a landscape lake since he first spotted this place on the map.

Zhang Chen also believes that that place is located at the junction of the Jiangnan hills and the Hangjiahu Plain. As long as everyone talks about Jiangnan ancient towns, what immediately comes to mind is the water town, whether it is Zhouzhuang, Wuzhen, Tongli, Xitang, Luzhi, Nanxun or Anchang , these places are indeed crossed by rivers, with every dock and every household resting on the river.

But in fact, Jiangnan people, even those who live in the mountains, also have water plots. Jiangnan ancient towns are not just water towns, there are many other forms, but these ancient towns, even if they are not crisscrossed by rivers, are still centered on water. , like Zhuge Village in Lanxi, as well as Tancun and Xinye not far away, all have this pattern.

That is, the center of the village is an artificial pond, and on the edge of the pond is the ancestral hall. Then the entire village's buildings are centered on this pond and spread out in all directions. No matter how twists and turns the roads in the village are, you can go around it. When I go around, I often end up by this pond.

The translator translated these words of Zhang Chen to Jacques. Jacques was very interested after hearing this. He must visit these places first before continuing the meeting. He said that he would go to all the water towns that Zhang Chen mentioned earlier. Yes, but he said later that he had never been there and must go and see it first.

Liu Ligan looked at Zhang Chen and smiled and said, "You are the one who started this thing. There is nothing we can do about it. You can accompany Jacques tomorrow and we will go together."

Zhang Chen said yes, and he asked if Jason was there?

Liu Ligan said yes.

"Let him go together tomorrow so that the entire design team will have a sensory impression and know how architecture and landscape should be combined and what methods should be used to combine them. When the time comes, there will be no obstacles to communication." Zhang Chen and Liu Li Rod said.

Thank you Xu Yuenian for your monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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