The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 922 Looking up at the stars

They walked upward for more than ten minutes and arrived at a place where the fire road was wider than below. There were woods on one side and a cliff more than ten meters high on the other side. Zhang Chen said that this was it. There was at least one side of woods here. The probability of escaping the wild boar is reduced by fifty percent.

Tan Shuzhen said yes, here it is.

It was half dark. Zhang Chen looked at the small pine trees growing sideways on the cliff. He walked over and jumped up, grabbing the roots of the pine trees and trying to hang them up. The pine trees also looked very strong. Zhang Chen was overjoyed and said to Tan Shuzhen, if there are wild boars coming again, Tan Shuzhen, we will run up here, wild boars will not climb high.

Tan Shuzhen said yes, I understand.

Zhang Chen walked back, looked over there, and asked Tan Shuzhen, "Do you want to practice it first? Are you okay?"

Tan Shuzhen glanced over there and said to him, "Pediatrics, I will definitely get up faster than you."

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment and then remembered that Tan Shuzhen was a person with the blanket skill. Zhang Chen smiled and said, "I forgot that you can steal the fairy grass."

Tan Shuzhen smiled.

The two of them opened their sleeping bags and laid them out side by side in the middle of the fire escape. They didn't dare to get too close to the cliff for fear of rocks or something falling from it.

The sky gradually darkened, and they lay flat on their sleeping bags. The temperature on the mountain had dropped, but it was not cold enough to get into the sleeping bags, because there was open space around and there were not so many bugs. It looked like today would be okay. Have a comfortable night.

After the surrounding sky darkened, the starry sky above them became brighter. They saw so many stars that they would never see in the city. The stars were no longer looming, and even the dimmest stars seemed to be like stars. He stood there motionless, watching them intently.

They feel that they have never seen such a stable starry sky. Such a starry sky gives people a very peaceful feeling and will slowly calm down your heart. Looking deeper into the night sky, you can see more stars. , countless stars.

"Zhang Chen, tell me, are there people on so many stars?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

Zhang Chen said yes, there must be. I have believed since I was a child that there must be someone in the sky.

Tan Shuzhen smiled and said, do you believe in Chang'e, Wu Gang, or Sun Wukong?

"No, I believe there are real people, people like me." Zhang Chen said seriously.

"Why?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"Look at this universe. Why is it not broken? It has been running. I have believed since I was a child that it is balanced. Otherwise, would this universe not be broken?"

"don't know."

"The reason why it has not fallen over is because it is balanced and symmetrical, just like the two sides of a scale. In other words, on the other side of the universe, there must be a Milky Way, a solar system, and an Earth. On the Earth Everything is the same as our earth, exactly the same. There is also a Zhang Chen and a Tan Shuzhen.

"Even now, Tan Shuzhen and Zhang Chen on Earth are also on such a mountain, looking at the stars above their heads, and saying exactly the same words as us."

"No way, Zhang Chen, you said I'm scared." Tan Shuzhen said.

"Yes, why are you afraid? We should be happy. It shows that we are not alone in the universe. Tan Shuzhen, do you know why people like to look at the sky no matter when they are sad or lonely?"


"Because in this sky, on the other side of the universe, there is another self. We think we are talking to ourselves, but in fact we are talking to that self. Because he has the same thoughts as me, so he Hear, understand, hear.

"Really, Tan Shuzhen, I believe that there is another one of me in the universe. He is exactly the same as me and is closer than twins. But we have never met and will never meet. When we say goodbye to this world , not only saying goodbye to the world, but also saying goodbye to myself, because when I died, he died with me."

"Zhang Chen, stop talking, I'm almost crying because of what you said." Tan Shuzhen said.

"Listen, Tan Shuzhen, listen carefully, do you hear it?" Zhang Chen shouted.

"Listen to what?"

"That Tan Shuzhen also said she was about to cry." Zhang Chen said.

Tan Shuzhen looked at the starry sky above her head, with tears streaming from the corners of her eyes. She felt that if what Zhang Chen said was true, then we would be suffering too much. She didn't want Tan Shuzhen on that earth to be like her. She hoped that she would be better than herself.

"Zhang Chen, tell me, is there a Xiao Wu on that earth?" Tan Shuzhen asked.


"He is also being chased by so many people and hiding in this mountain?"


Tan Shuzhen sighed: "It's not enough to chase one earth, and we need another earth. This is too pitiful."

Both of them were silent. They looked at the stars above their heads, looking for a place where they might exist.

The next day, they walked around in the mountains for another day, but still found nothing. Zhang Chen took out his sketchbook and looked at it. He was also confused. How could he figure out the way back? He simply stopped drawing. Anyway, he had a guide to the north. Needle, this is not a desert. Although the mountains and forests in this area are big, they are not big enough to trap them to death.

To the north is Tonglu, to the south is the Lanjiang River, to the west is the Fuchun River, and to the east is the Pujiang River or Lanxi River. No matter where you are in this mountain forest, as long as you keep walking in one direction. If you go, you will definitely be able to walk out in three or four days at most. There is nothing to worry about.

They walked to a mountainside around four o'clock in the afternoon. Zhang Chen vaguely saw a road at the foot of the mountain. Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen said, "Let's go down the mountain. There seems to be a road there."

Tan Shuzhen said yes.

It was already past five o'clock when they reached the foot of the mountain. There was indeed a road at the foot of the mountain. Where would this road lead?

Zhang Chen thought for a moment and understood. They had already reached the Jiangnan Forest Farm. This road should be the forest farm's road. Going inward was the Calabash Waterfall. Walking out, you could walk to the cruise ship dock, which is also the freight dock of the Jiangnan Forest Farm. , on the edge of the pier, Zhang Chen remembered that there were two four-story houses, which were the farm headquarters and dormitories of Jiangnan Forest Farm.

Zhang Chen talked to Tan Shuzhen, and Tan Shuzhen also became excited. Although they had not found Xiao Wu yet, they had not lost their way after at least three days of walking.

Zhang Chen thought to himself that if Xiao Wu got here, it would be impossible for him to go outside. There are more than a hundred people in the forest farm, and there must be a checkpoint on the pier. If you go out, you are seeking death.

They walked along the road inside. It was quiet on the road. This was originally the road inside the Jiangnan Forest Farm. At this time, all the staff of the forest farm had evacuated to the farm department by the dock for safety reasons. There was nowhere else inside. There will be people and cars.

They walked for five or six minutes and arrived at an arch bridge. Under the bridge was a stream. The stream dried up in the summer, exposing more than half of the stream bottom. Near the bridge, there was a large beach covered with large and small rivers. pebbles.

The two of us were overjoyed, this was a perfect camping spot.

They went down from the stone curb next to the road and arrived at the creek beach. Here, there was no need to worry about any snakes and wild boars. The stream was gurgling, and Zhang Chen said, I want to take a good wash.

Tan Shuzhen looked toward the bridge hole and said to Zhang Chen, "I'm going to take a good wash too, but you're not allowed to peek."

Zhang Chen said yes.

Tan Shuzhen took a T-shirt and walked towards the bottom of the bridge. Two-thirds of the bottom of the bridge was also covered with cobblestones, and a third of the river was filled with streams.

Tan Shuzhen took off her shoes, rolled up her trouser legs to her knees, and walked into the stream. She looked over at Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen had taken off his shorts and was standing in a deep pool in the stream with his back to this side. Inside, the water didn't even reach his thighs. He was splashing water on himself with both hands. Tan Shuzhen pursed her lips and smiled.

She took off the red T-shirt she was wearing, thought for a while, and simply washed the red T-shirt and used it as a towel to wipe herself.

After wiping, put on another T-shirt, wash the red T-shirt, and prepare to dry it at night and wear it tomorrow.

When Tan Shuzhen finished washing and walked back, Zhang Chen was still washing. When he saw Tan Shuzhen coming back, Zhang Chen shouted, "It's so happy. It feels like I have never washed in my life." Tan Shuzhen smiled.

Tan Shuzhen was barefoot. She spread her T-shirt on the cobblestones, put her shoes and socks aside, and sat down on the cobblestones.

When Zhang Chen came back, he also spread out his T-shirt on the cobblestones. He sat down with his upper body naked. Both of them felt comfortable and began to eat their dinner.

Today is a cloudy day. There are no stars or moon in the sky. Although it is summer, the wind blowing from the valley is cold and tight. Fortunately, the T-shirt Zhang Chen hung there is half dry. He can hold on for a while. It should be ready to wear.

The two of them left in a hurry and didn't have time to bring any clothes. They didn't expect that they would need to change clothes in the mountains. Tan Shuzhen's red T-shirt was brought when she went back to the room to change her shoes. She saw it on the sofa and took it with her. from.

On this beach, there were many branches washed down by the stream from upstream. Zhang Chen walked over and picked them up. They lit a bonfire on the beach. The two of them sat by the fire, spreading their T-shirts on their laps. After baking it, it was dry after a while, and Zhang Chen put on his clothes.

The two of them were warming up over the fire, and Zhang Chen sighed. He said that at this time, it would be great if there could be a pot to boil water and drink a cup of hot tea.

Tan Shuzhen smiled and said: "What a beautiful idea. I also want to have a bathtub."

Tan Shuzhen stood up and sang a song. The song floated in the valley. Zhang Chen thought that maybe it could be heard at the ship dock.

Tan Shuzhen sang for more than an hour at a stretch. Zhang Chen sat aside and listened silently. Tan Shuzhen called out twice at the end, "Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu," and that was the end.

The two opened their sleeping bags and were getting ready to sleep. It seemed to be raining. The two looked at each other. Zhang Chen said, "It seems to be raining. Are you getting wet?"

Tan Shuzhen nodded.

After a while, the rain started to get heavier. They quickly put everything away. Tan Shuzhen shouted, "Under the bridge, under the bridge, go under the bridge to hide from the rain."

The two people ran into the bridge hole. The rain outside was getting heavier and heavier. Fortunately, the bridge hole was wide enough. They hid here and could not get wet at all.

Zhang Chen looked back, but unfortunately their bonfire had been completely soaked by the rain, and the place where they had been sitting was now pitch black.

Zhang Chen turned on the camping light. The two people stood on the cobblestones and opened their sleeping bags again. Zhang Chen put the camping light between the two people and they got into the sleeping bags. Tan Shuzhen said, turn off the light to attract insects.

Zhang Chen reached out and turned off the light.

In the dark night, you could hear the rain of the windshield wipers, raining on trees far and near, on the ground and water, on everything, but not on them.

"It's such a good place." Zhang Chen said.

Tan Shuzhen smiled softly in the darkness.

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