The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 921 Lots and lots of mountains

The two of them sat there, and the buzzing sound began to gather around them again. The two of them kept fanning the surroundings with their hands, but to no avail. Tan Shuzhen took out the wind oil essence, and the two of them hurriedly applied it on their hands, face, and neck. , these mosquitoes couldn't stand the smell of Fengyoujing, so they flew away one after another, but after the wind blew away the smell of Fengyoujing, they came back again.

The two of them had no choice but to apply it again.

But this time, although some of them flew away, a few got into their pants and feasted on their calves, making them extremely itchy.

Zhang Chen remembered and asked Tan Shuzhen to open the sleeping bag. The two of them stuffed their lower bodies into the sleeping bag and felt comfortable.

The wind on the top of the mountain was getting colder and colder, so it was just right to put the lower body into the sleeping bag.

The two of them sat and continued chatting, sinking deeper and deeper into the sleeping bag, until finally they leaned over and fell asleep at the same time.

When I woke up the next day, it was only around six o'clock, but the sun had already illuminated the entire top of the mountain. The two of them were lying in sleeping bags and their bodies were very hot. They quickly got out, and then they felt that their backs were sore.

The two of them ate a can of eight-treasure porridge each and packed up to set off. Tan Shuzhen saw Zhang Chen putting all the empty water bottles he had finished drinking into his bag and asked him what he was doing.

Zhang Chen said that when there is a mountain spring, you can fill it. Who knows if we have enough water? Even if we drink enough, we can use it to wash our faces. Water is not available everywhere.

Tan Shuzhen listened and felt it made sense.

The two people got off the observation shed. As soon as their feet touched the ground, they felt a sharp pain, but they persisted. This was still the second day. After another day of walking, they should get used to it.

They went down the mountain in the opposite direction from yesterday and decided to head further away from the Fuchun River.

After walking for more than twenty minutes, Tan Shuzhen started singing Wu opera again. The valley below was still shrouded in mist, and the sun had not penetrated deeply yet. But Zhang Chen felt that Tan Shuzhen's voice had subsided. If Xiao Wu were in this valley, he would You should hear it.

The birds in the valley were chirping in the mist. When they heard Tan Shuzhen's singing, they seemed to chirp even more cheerfully. Zhang Chen simply joined in and shouted, "Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu."

He stopped for a while, and a voice also sounded from the valley, Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu. It seemed to be responding to his cry, but in fact it was just his echo. It seemed that the valley was not shallow.

The pine forest in front of them disappeared and was replaced by a large chestnut forest. As they walked down, there were chestnut trees on both sides of the road. It was not the season for picking chestnuts yet. It seemed that few people walked on this road, and the grass was everywhere. After climbing onto the road, it was wet and slippery. Zhang Chen staggered and almost fell down. Fortunately, Tan Shuzhen, who was walking behind, caught him.

After walking for a while, the two of them saw a big rock and sat down on it. Tan Shuzhen sat there and continued singing, her voice was a little hoarse. Zhang Chen told her to take a break, and Tan Shuzhen shook her head, as if she As soon as she stops, she will miss her and let Xiao Wu hear her voice.

Although they were going down the mountain, the two of them were already sweating profusely. Sitting in the valley, the wind was blowing and it felt cold, but the sweat was still flowing. The two of them felt that they were covered in sweat. Somewhat stinky.

At noon, they reached the bottom of the valley. After the fog cleared little by little, they found that this valley was full of chestnut trees. Under the chestnut forest, it was almost impossible to grow any tall shrubs. They were all low weeds and reeds. It can be seen very far away. It is not easy for people to hide in such a place. Zhang Chen feels that Xiao Wu is unlikely to hide in this valley, and they need to cross as soon as possible.

There were still masson pine trees on the mountain opposite. The two people walked towards that side. After turning around a rock, they found a pool of spring water behind the rock. The two people were overjoyed and quickly took out the empty bottles in their bags and filled them.

Zhang Chen simply took off his shirt, wiped himself with the clothes, then put the clothes on his shoulders and waited to dry.

Tan Shuzhen watched from the side. When Zhang Chen finished wiping, she couldn't help but said, "I'm so sad. I want it too. Turn around."

Zhang Chen said yes, took a hiking bag and walking stick, walked away for a few steps, and turned around.

Tan Shuzhen took out the T-shirt she had changed into yesterday as a towel, took off her red T-shirt, and wiped herself.

Tan Shuzhen suddenly exclaimed "Ah", Zhang Chen turned around subconsciously, and a white shadow flashed in front of his eyes. Tan Shuzhen ran over with her upper body naked, hid behind Zhang Chen, stretched out her hand from Zhang Chen's armpit, and pointed towards Pointing fingers over there.

"Snake, snake." Tan Shuzhen shouted in horror.

Zhang Chen took a closer look and discovered that on the edge of the rock, there was a moss-covered stone with a thumb-thick green bamboo leaf coiled on it. Its color was too close to the moss, so they never found it. , and it, they made such a big noise, it is still coiled there, as if in trance.

Zhang Chen walked a few steps forward, holding the hiking stick in his right hand. He stared at the green bamboo leaves and reached the edge of the pool with the hiking stick. He picked up Tan Shuzhen's red T-shirt, took it with his left hand, and handed it back. Tan Shuzhen behind her.

Zhang Chen then held the hiking pole in his hand and stepped closer to the water pool, trying to get Tan Shuzhen's bag. The snake finally moved. Tan Shuzhen exclaimed "Ah", and Zhang Chen instinctively stepped back. .

The snake turned over from the other side of the stone and walked away. Zhang Chen let out a long breath.

He walked over, picked up Tan Shuzhen's bag, turned around, and asked Tan Shuzhen if she wanted to wash it?

Tan Shuzhen's face turned pale with fright, and she quickly shook her head.

The two people continued to walk forward. Tan Shuzhen picked up the hiking pole, slapped Zhang Chen on the buttocks in front of her, and cursed, "You looked away!"

Zhang Chen laughed: "Didn't you look at me too?"

"Don't talk nonsense to others!" Tan Shuzhen bit her lip and said.

"What did you say?" Zhang Chen asked knowingly.

Tan Shuzhen snorted and spanked him again.

They walked to the mountain opposite, and in a pine forest, they saw a slope. Nothing grew on this slope except moss. On top of the moss was a thick layer of pine hair. The two of them sat down together. Prepare to rest here.

Zhang Chen took out biscuits, beef jerky and chocolate from the bag. Tan Shuzhen frowned and said, Zhang Chen, why don't you buy some pickled mustard? I sweat so much every day, how can I do it without supplementing my salt intake?

When Tan Shuzhen said this, Zhang Chen felt that his mouth was bland and he really wanted to eat mustard.

Zhang Chen looked at the biscuits and chocolates, and finally pointed at the beef jerky and said to Tan Shuzhen, "Eat this."

Tan Shuzhen frowned and said, people are not normal, even the beef jerky they bought was not normal, and it was satay.

Zhang Chen laughed.

Tan Shuzhen asked: "Zhang Chen, if we stay here for a few days, will we eventually die from lack of salt?"

"No, we are not short of salt." Zhang Chen said.

"Why is there no shortage?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"When we have no choice, we can lick our own clothes. Our clothes are all salty."

"Fuck you!" Tan Shuzhen cursed.

After eating, Tan Shuzhen sat there and sang again. Zhang Chen simply lay down and fell asleep while listening.

Zhang Chen woke up suddenly and quickly sat up. He saw Tan Shuzhen still sitting there. He looked at his watch again. It was already past three o'clock and he had slept for almost two hours.

Zhang Chen quickly stood up and said, why did I fall asleep?

Tan Shuzhen smiled and said, I got up too early in the morning. I fell asleep sitting here and just woke up.

The two of them continued walking, and when they reached the halfway point of the mountain, they saw a three-way intersection with a road going out sideways. Tan Shuzhen said, should we take this way?

Zhang Chen said yes.

The two of them walked for who knows how long. It was getting dark. Zhang Chen pointed to a low bush of Ruo leaves on the roadside and said, "We will sleep here tonight, naturally Simmons."

Tan Shuzhen was frightened by a snake earlier and is still frightened now. She said, "Here, when we are sleeping, will a snake crawl over?"

When Tan Shuzhen said this, Zhang Chen also became afraid. Doesn't Zhuyeqing like this kind of place the most?

The two people continued to walk forward, turning from the mountain col to the hillside. There was a crisscross road here. The road going down from the top was very wide, two or three meters long. It should be a fire road in the mountain forest. , there are no weeds on it, only yellow-brown soil and stones are exposed.

Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen said, this is it, there will definitely be no snakes here.

Tan Shuzhen said yes.

They spread out their sleeping bags and sat on top of them to have dinner. As the sky gradually darkened, the wind blew the woods on both sides of the fire road, making a rustling sound. It seemed like there were many people walking in the woods. Tan Shuzhen shivered. Ask, is anyone coming?

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "If there is anyone, it is Xiao Wu. Who dares to come into the mountains now?"

As soon as Zhang Chen finished speaking, Tan Shuzhen exclaimed, and Zhang Chen was also startled.

They saw a dark figure walking out of the woods ten meters away from them. Zhang Chen quickly whispered to Tan Shuzhen, sit still and don't move or make any noise.

Zhang Chen saw a wild boar walking out of the woods. It walked to the middle of the road and stopped as if it heard something.

The hair all over Zhang Chen's body stood up. He quietly held a stone in his hand, preparing to give it a stone if it rushed towards them, and then hit it with a cane, even though Zhang Chen knew that with their Two people can't fight a wild boar, but when the time comes, they can only fight.

Zhang Chen regrets it now. When he went to buy sleeping bags and hiking poles, he also saw a mountaineering pickaxe. He hesitated for a while, but finally thought it was too heavy and did not buy it.

Could this hesitation cost me my life?

The wild boar had turned around on the road and was looking at them from below. Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen's hearts were beating wildly. Zhang Chen vaguely remembered hearing someone say that wild boars like to attack people. It faces upwards, so when you see a wild boar, you should run downhill.

Zhang Chen whispered to Tan Shuzhen: "If it comes over later, I will attract its attention and you run down the mountain. Remember, don't run up the mountain."

Tan Shuzhen was anxious: "I ran away, what will you do?"

Zhang Chen said: "You run away first, then I can find a way to escape."

After Zhang Chen finished speaking, he immediately became desperate. He saw another wild boar coming out of the woods, shaking its head. Oh my god, we came to the wild boar's nest?

The later wild boar walked up to the front wild boar and bumped the front wild boar's butt with its head. The front wild boar turned around, and the two pigs then left the fire road and walked into the woods on the other side.

Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and the cold sweat on his back started to break down. Zhang Chen cursed softly: "These two guys turned out to be in love and wandering the streets!"

The two people quickly got up and packed their things, not daring to stay here any longer. They walked up and on the road, Tan Shuzhen said:

"Zhang Chen, as you said before, this friend of yours is not in vain."

"What words?"

"You attract its attention and make me run."

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "What should I do? Otherwise, if you attract its attention, I will run away?"

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