The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 912: It’s all about being in love and stopping at being polite

He Hongmei came back. This time, she came to move the studio. She handed the key to the studio to Zhang Chen and told him that she really couldn't bear to part with it. Master, think about it, you must find a way to use such a beautiful place. stand up.

Zhang Chen said yes, I will make use of it. I'll keep your room for you.

He Hongmei shook her head and said, it's better not to leave. It's too troublesome to clean up after coming back for a long time, so she'd better stay in a hotel.

Zhang Chen nodded.

Liu Ligan knew that He Hongmei was back, and if he left this time, he didn't know when he would return to Hangzhou, so he ran over and said to He Hongmei, Sichuan girl, I will treat you tonight. Let's clean up the general ledger, okay? Next time I will Go to Beijing and eat your food.

He Hongmei said, What a beautiful idea, I will eat from you even when I go to Beijing. We will eat with you, don't you need to spend time?

Yes, our time now is precious. Wenwen said next to him.

"This traitor is a rip-off," Liu Ligan cursed.

"Besides, if you tell me whether you believe it or not, I'll ask Mr. Bodybuilder to deal with you." Wenwen shouted.

He Hongmei laughed and told them that there is now a bodybuilding champion who pesters Wenwen every day.

"Holy shit, have you evolved to like frogs?" Liu Ligan shouted.

Wenwen glared at Liu Ligan and cursed half-seriously: "That's better than a thief like yours."

He Hongmei named her to go eat grilled lamb chops. Many people came, including Xiao Wu, Lao Tan, Lao Tang, Ge Ling, Er Huo and the two of them, Zhao Zhigang, Zhao Zhilong and Caidi, Wei Wenfang and Wu Zhaohui, and Tan Shuzhen and Xiaojuan. , Unfortunately, Han Emperor Liu Bang was still in Taipei and did not come, but Zhang Chen called Cai Jinxiang over.

Zhang Chen introduced Cai Jinxiang to everyone and told how he, a Taiwanese, came to Hangzhou. Liu Ligan immediately thought of Alian. Although she and Cai Jinxiang's wife were both hotel receptionists, if she met As for Cai Jinxiang, although this man does not have a prominent background, isn't the result better than what he is now?

Liu Ligan raised his glass and clinked it with Cai Jinxiang.

Speaking of He Hongmei leaving tomorrow, everyone was a little sad. Xiao Zhao said, in fact, the most sad person is not here yet.

Everyone looked at her and didn't understand. Wenwen pointed at Liu Ligan and shouted: "Yes, the saddest thing is that his mother and daughter-in-law ran away."

Everyone laughed, and He Hongmei hit Wenwen.

The next day, Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao sent He Hongmei and Wenwen to the airport. Zhang Chen and He Hongmei said that if anything happens, just go find Xiao Li. She went earlier than you and there are many people there.

"Why, there are more people, and we won't fight." He Hongmei said, "Don't worry, the place we are looking for now is not far from where Xiaoli lives. We have already mixed together, even Zheng Huihong is with us I’ve had dinner twice.”

"That's not bad, we have company." Zhang Chen smiled.

About to go through the security check, He Hongmei hugged Xiao Zhao and started crying. Xiao Zhao said, why are you crying? It's not like you won't come back. You want to find fabrics, don't you want to come back? Also, when you are not so busy, give yourself a vacation and come back to live for a while.

He Hongmei nodded.

Letting go of Xiao Zhao, He Hongmei hesitated for a moment and said to Zhang Chen, Master, let's hug him too.

Zhang Chen said yes and the two hugged.

Wenwen shouted, come on, let me wipe some oil too.

She hugged Xiao Zhao, and then hugged Zhang Chen.

Seeing them pass through the security check, wave and disappear, Xiao Zhao couldn't help crying.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, didn't you just advise people not to cry?

Xiao Zhao shook her head, and after a while, she asked: "Do you know that Hongmei has always liked you?"

Zhang Chen was stunned there, not knowing what to say. He was not a fool, how could he not know.

"But when she is with you, including wherever you go, I feel relieved, really." Xiao Zhao said, "I know that nothing will happen to you."

Zhang Chen sat in the glass house by the Genshan River, feeling a little sad. Everyone who builds a house wants to put down roots there. Unexpectedly, He Hongmei here has already worked for such a short time. gone.

It is definitely not true to say that Zhang Chen has no feelings for He Hongmei at all, but they are really in love and polite. As Xiao Zhao said, nothing will happen between them. Zhang Chen couldn't explain why, but he felt like this.

Maybe it's because both of them are people who can control their emotions and know what's appropriate.

Although this kind of restrained emotion makes people sad, in many cases, it also makes me feel good.

For Zhang Chen, his eyes can be dazzled, but he seems to have been accustomed to having only Xiao Zhao in his life. He can't imagine anything else that can change his habit.

People have been together for a long time, and what maintains them is really hard to call love. Love requires passion, and passion cannot last so long.

Zhang Chen feels that what can maintain the close relationship between two people is actually habits. I am used to having you before going to bed and waking up with you every day. I am used to having you in my thoughts and cares. I am used to reaching out my hand in my sleep. Without exception, he always hugs you, and you are always used to shrinking your body to this side, instead of turning around at this moment.

Without you, everything becomes a vacancy, and no one and nothing can fill this vacancy. Except for loneliness, if there is no one who can fill your position, there will be only loneliness.

And loneliness is terrible and unbearable.

Zhang Chen looked at the two sides of the Genshan River outside the glass. Large areas of trees and landscaping had been transplanted. Zhang Chen saw that on the other side of the river, Lao Tan and the French-Canadian Jacques were talking about something while walking. Zhang Chen was very surprised. I'm curious how the two of them communicate, it seems like there is no obstacle at all.

Lao Tan and Zhang Chen said that this Jacques is very serious. Logically speaking, since the landscape design here and in Peach Blossom Spring has been completed, there is no need for him to still be in Hangzhou. However, everyone else in their company has left, and Jacques is still here. , he wants to see what he designed become reality, and he does not allow random construction or changes to his design during the construction process.

He told Lao Tan that every designed work is his child. Can you abandon your child as soon as he is born? Of course you have to watch him grow up.

Lao Tan and Zhang Chen said that the foreigner had an agreement with the company to pay for himself during his stay here, and did not earn a penny. If the pole did not arrange a hotel for him, he would probably take a sleeping bag. I sleep in the shed next to the river every day.

This makes one have to admire his seriousness and persistence.

Zhang Chen thought to himself that it was probably his seriousness that allowed him to gain recognition from each of his clients. If you hand over a project to someone like this, what else can you be worried about?

Zhang Chen looked inside the glass house. He Hongmei and Wenwen had tidied it up, not a mess, as if they wanted to escape from here.

Zhang Chen understood that by cleaning this place cleanly, He Hongmei was solemnly handing it over to him and asking him to treat this place well.

Zhang Chen had already thought about it. He wanted to use this place for "collection". Cai Jinxiang said the word "collection" to him that day, and He Hongmei said the word "collection" to him again. They both touched him. He felt I really need to collect something.

When He Hongmei handed him the key, what he thought of was "collection", and this is the most suitable place for collection.

This should be the place to collect the things he likes, the relationship between master, disciple and friend, and the feelings they deliberately avoid.

Zhang Chen's favorite thing is of course oil painting. He had no ability before. When he saw a good painting in the sales department of Xiling Seal Society, he could only stand there and look at it for a long time.

Now that he has the ability to spend tens of thousands of dollars on a good painting, he can also afford it. Why can't he use this place as a collection of oil paintings collected according to his own standards, and also an exhibition hall.

This must be a free place, a place of art. He will make this place free and open to everyone. Everyone can come here to drink tea and chat, appreciate oil paintings, and even sit here all day long to copy.

And I can also wander here alone in the dead of night, quietly facing each of my favorite works, and experiencing every subtle brushstroke.

Zhang Chen told Liu Ligan his idea of ​​opening an oil painting studio. Liu Ligan was very supportive of his idea. He said yes, Zhang Chen, you stingy guy, finally thought of buying something you like. .

Zhang Chen also laughed and said, "If you want me to spend more than one million to buy a flashy car like yours, I might as well buy an oil painting and put it here. Your flashy car is for others to see. I, Hang it here so I can see it myself.

"Okay, don't be nagging, hurry up and buy it. Do you have any money? Can I lend it to you?" Liu Ligan said with a smile.

"Get the hell out of here!" Zhang Chen scolded.

"By the way, these oil paintings are of the people you like. How much does one cost?" Liu Ligan asked.

"A few thousand to ten or twenty thousand," Zhang Chen said.

"Fuck, yes, I'm so good at painting now. I can paint a set of my 'Splendid Qiantang' in one year."

Zhang Chen glared at him and cursed: "Do you think everyone has it? He is famous throughout the country."

"You want to recruit people here, right? People who are watching here every day are always recruiting. Come here, write your requirements to me, and I will place a recruitment advertisement for you. You have never done this kind of thing, have you?"

Zhang Chen said with a smile: "I have gone to the labor market to recruit people, but I haven't really posted any recruitment advertisements. The time the specialty store recruited people, it was Xiao Zhao who did it."

As Zhang Chen spoke, he picked up a pen and paper and wrote the words "Graduate from the Academy of Fine Arts". He thought about it and crossed it out again. What does it matter whether it is beautiful or not? He has never studied at the Academy of Fine Arts. He wrote again " "Art lover", and then gave the paper to Liu Ligan.

Liu Ligan was stunned as he held the paper.

"Okay?" Liu Ligan asked.


"No other requirements?"

"No more, just two janitors. What are the requirements?"

"Both men and women are allowed?"

"It will be all right."

"From a newborn to a dying child lying on a hospital bed, all you need to do is say that you are an art lover?"

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, and Liu Ligan shouted: "Forget it, it's useless to ask you. I might as well go to the advertising department and write it myself."

Thanks for the half-drunk tip! Thank you Qianqian dad for your monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you a nice weekend!

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