The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 904 Let’s be neighbors

Liu Ligan stood upstairs in Zhang Chen's dynamic zone, looking at the Hangzhou Oil Refinery next door. He often felt inexplicable. He didn't know why there were such monsters in Hangcheng, even if they were It is said that it was built very early, but it cannot be earlier than the Red Sun Exhibition Hall and Red Sun Plaza not far away.

Liu Ligan didn't know whether it would be earlier than the Provincial Gymnasium next door, but he was sure that when the refinery was built, Stadium Road and the Huancheng North Road behind it, as well as Wulin Square, which was the Hong Kong Stadium back then, Sun Plaza has taken shape, and it is already the center of Hangzhou.

Hangcheng Refinery occupies a large area from the original Qunying Garment Factory to Wulin Square. Except for the corner near the junction of Stadium Road and Wulin Square, there is an eight-story telecommunications building. Outside, the back reaches Huancheng North Road, and is only separated from Wulin Square by a wall.

The entire Hangzhou oil refinery is as big as six or seven Qunying Garment Factory. What puzzles Liu Ligan is who made the decision in the first place and how could such a heavy chemical plant be built in the city center? Do those who make decisions regard the factory as a department store or a new landscape in the city?

It's possible.

Liu Ligan remembers that when he was a child, for a while, the prosperity of a place was calculated based on the chimneys of factories. Not only did the chimneys with thick smoke not make people feel disgusted, but they thought it was a symbol of advanced and industrialized levels, so It is not surprising that there is such a thick chimney beside the Genshan River. It is not surprising that there is an oil refinery here. If you think about it carefully, it seems not surprising.

Also, at that time, the city’s public transportation and road construction were not as developed as they are now. It was impossible for workers to travel too far to work. In addition, the city’s power grid, water network, and road network also lacked funds to spread out so widely. Factories must rely on these existences, so it is inevitable for factories in every city to be located in the city.

Liu Ligan and others saw propaganda posters when they were young. Agriculture must be based on Dazhai. No matter where the picture is, there are layers of terraces with red flags flying. In fact, in areas like Jiangnan, wherever there are terraces, they are dug on the mountains. If you set out a few pieces of land, you will plant sweet potatoes instead of rice, but it doesn't matter. The reality of life must give way to the reality of art.

At that time, the truth of art must be subordinated to the real politics. All the noble ladies who were well fed all day long must have pale faces, while the malnourished little Chang Bao must have a rosy face.

Industry must learn from Daqing. The most typical picture is that even in a landscape painting, several large chimneys must be drawn in the landscape. On the large chimneys, no matter how far away they are, the five words "Industry learns from Daqing" must be It is clearly visible, and it seems that only in this way can the new look and new atmosphere of XXism be reflected.

Liu Ligan learned a word from Zhang Chen, which was called "new color and ink painting". Liu Ligan's stomach almost hurt from laughing. He felt that this new word was so useful.

Liu Ligan looked at the Hangcheng Refinery in front of him. Stainless steel pipelines were spread throughout the plant area. Two spherical storage tanks and various plate towers were shining in the sun. He had a feeling of magical realism, just like those New color and ink painting.

But Liu Ligan believes that as society becomes more and more normal, this magical color will inevitably be more and more diluted. When people wake up, they will find that this kind of heavy chemical enterprise, where is the new landscape, is completely urban. Sources of pollution and danger are the poisonous lungs of the city and will make the city dying.

Zhang Chen walked over from the small door leading to their office area and saw Liu Ligan lying on the railing of the roof garden here in a daze. Zhang Chen asked, what are you thinking about?

Liu Ligan looked at him and said with a smile, "How about I come and be your neighbor?"

Zhang Chen was surprised. He looked at the oil refinery next door and seemed to understand something. Zhang Chen asked: "Do you want to take advantage of it?"

"Yeah, do you think it's appropriate here?"

"It's not appropriate, but there are too many inappropriate things in this city. Are you going to touch them?"

"Tell me, what else is inappropriate?"

"For example, the Chengzhan Railway Station is not suitable. There are railway tracks passing through the city center. Do you think it is suitable? The Wulinmen Bus Station is also not suitable. The traffic in the city center is already so congested. If you want to put a passenger station here, you Do you think it’s appropriate?”

As Zhang Chen said, Liu Ligan laughed:

"Haha, none of them are suitable. However, those places are too small and not cost-effective. This place is more suitable. Have you seen that the current landmark building in Hangzhou is the Hangcheng Building. Don't you think it is too petty? Do you think it would be appropriate if a new Hangzhou landmark were erected here?"

Zhang Chen looked at the Hangcheng Refinery and said, "It's suitable. From a geographical point of view, this place is very suitable. It's far enough away from the West Lake, so there's no height limit. But from its upstairs, you can see the West Lake, and , the most important thing is, if you take down this place, I will also benefit from it.

"Haha, why don't you thank me quickly?" Liu Ligan laughed.

"Thank you for what? Thank you for your beautiful daydreams?" Zhang Chen scolded, "Let's wait until your dreams come true."

"It's not impossible."

Liu Ligan said and turned around: "Here, give me a cigarette."

Zhang Chen took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, smoked one and held it in his mouth. Then he handed the cigarette to Liu Ligan. Liu Ligan took it, smoked one, held it in his mouth, and put the pack of cigarettes away. On the railing in front of you.

The two people lit their cigarettes. Liu Li took a long puff of cigarette and said:

"I have already understood that the Hangcheng Refinery has high production costs due to its old equipment. Its output is less than a fraction of that of the Zhenhai Refinery. For China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation, it is useless. , there is no benefit from putting it here, and the huge investment in relocation is not worth it. If it is shut down, so many people will not be able to be accommodated."

Zhang Chen nodded and said, "It seems you really want to take advantage of it?"

"Yes, I have made an appointment with Liu Chengcheng to go to his office tomorrow."

"What's the use of looking for Liu Chengcheng? Didn't you say that it is a company owned by China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation, and the Hangzhou City Government can't control it, right?"

"The attitude of local governments is still very important. If their reaction to this company is very fierce, Chinese companies will also consider it. And, most importantly, do you know about China Petroleum \u0026 Chemical Corporation and China National Petroleum Corporation?" Company, competition is fierce now?”

"What does this have to do with the refinery?" Zhang Chen was confused.

Liu Ligan smiled mysteriously and said:

"Everything is connected. Like now, the Petrochemical Corporation, the Petroleum and Natural Gas Corporation, and the Hangzhou City Government are all divided and don't buy into each other. In fact, they create space for people like me. They can't do it. I can do things, I can connect some things that seem to be incompatible with each other, and things can be completed.”

Zhang Chen shook his head and still didn't understand. Liu Ligan smiled and said, Okay, you don't have to understand. I still need to think about this matter for a while. By the way, Zhang Chen, you said I would go to Sun Hou and the others now, would you? How about it?

Liu Ligan asked suddenly. Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment. He understood that in order to leverage the Hangcheng Refinery, the Hangzhou City Government cannot do it, and the Hangcheng Refinery itself cannot do it. It must go up to China Petroleum \u0026 Chemical Corporation, or even Higher up, if Liu Ligan wants to take this path, he needs to go to Sun Hou.

"No matter what, Sun Hou will definitely help." Zhang Chen said.

"Just like you went to them to help me get those units by the Genshan River?" Liu Ligan asked.

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes."

"Zhang Chen, thank you!"

"no need thank me?"

"Help me run to Beijing and find Sun Hou. You know I can't do this."

"Then they must be willing to help."

The two were silent for a while, then Zhang Chen asked: "Haicheng incident has not passed in your heart?"

Liu Ligan shook his head: "I won't go to Sun Hou, not only for this matter, but also for other matters."

"Other things?" Zhang Chen thought for a while and asked, "Is it related to Zheng Wei?"

Liu Ligan nodded: "This matter is actually embarrassing for Sun Hou. He has not owed me anything for a long time. I owe him."

The next day, Liu Ligan went to Liu Chengcheng's place. Liu Chengcheng was very happy to see Liu Ligan and told him, Director Liu, Gen Shanhe has achieved initial results and received rave reviews. It is not easy.

Liu Ligan said: "Now only the dredging and sewage interception and the renovation of the stone bridge have been completed, and the construction of the bridge over the river and the greening on both sides has just begun."

"The smell has disappeared, which is the most intuitive feeling for the people nearby." Liu Chengcheng said, "This is a good job. Why, you don't have any sense of accomplishment at all?"

Liu Ligan quickly said: "Yes, yes, but the main thing is that the leader has good leadership."

Liu Chengcheng laughed, waved his hand, and said to him: "Don't put a high hat on me. I don't accept that. The work is mainly done by you. I put in a little effort, but I'm still trembling."

Liu Ligan was surprised: "What can leaders be afraid of?"

"I'm afraid that people will say that our government and businessmen collude." Liu Chengcheng said with a smile.

Liu Ligan also laughed: "Don't be afraid, anyone can come and check. I can't even invite the leader to a meal."

Liu Chengcheng nodded and asked Liu Ligan if he had any good ideas today. As long as your idea is beneficial to Hangzhou, you can boldly propose it and I will support it. I, Liu Chengcheng, am not afraid of others gossiping.

Liu Ligan and Liu Chengcheng talked about the Hangcheng Oil Refinery. Liu Chengcheng said, if this company belonged to us in Hangzhou, it would have been closed down long ago. However, since it is a Chinese company, we have no way to report it to the superiors. We have requested several times, but to no avail. As the Hangzhou City Government, of course we hope they can relocate or close down as soon as possible.

Liu Chengcheng turned around and looked at Liu Ligan and asked, "What, Mr. Liu, do you have any idea?"

Liu Chengcheng is not a fool. From the relocation of the last few units in Genshanhe, to the guests invited to cut the ribbon when Zhang Chen’s Beijing store and dynamic zone opened, Liu Chengcheng knew that these two young men were definitely more than just As they said themselves, they were people from a small local theater troupe in Yongcheng, and there were others behind them.

Liu Ligan did not shy away. He said, I want to give it a try, so I need to listen to the leader’s opinion first. If the leader thinks that this matter should not be touched, then there is no need for me to try.

Liu Chengcheng laughed loudly and said:

"Xiao Liu, Mr. Liu, Director Liu, it's not that complicated. Although our purposes may not be the same, as long as the results we pursue are the same, that's fine, just like the Genshan River project. This Hangcheng Refinery, as long as we can think If we find a way to relocate or close it down, our Hangzhou City Government will definitely support it."

Liu Ligan nodded and said, "Thank you, leader, I understand."

After coming out of Liu Chengcheng's place, Liu Ligan called Sun Hou and booked a ticket from Hangzhou to Beijing that evening.

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