The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 902 A military training is necessary

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan arrived at the Hangcheng Spoke Factory and saw Lao Tan conducting military training on more than a hundred new workers in the open space of the factory. There were more than a dozen new workers they recruited this year, and The one hundred people who came from Li Yong and others.

More than a hundred people formed a square formation.

Lao Tan was wearing an old military uniform without collar and epaulettes. He stood face to face in front of the phalanx, shouting slogans such as "stand at attention", "take a break", "look forward" and so on. He was very energetic, and there were words in the middle of each command. There is a dragging sound, and then it ends suddenly: "Look forward~~!" "Stand up~~!" It sounds firm and powerful.

After every command is given, he will patrol the square. Anyone who fails to do the right thing will be severely scolded by him. His expression is cold and his tone is firm, leaving you no room for bargaining.

When Lao Tan saw Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan coming, he shouted for relief, and then ordered a "Company Commander Yang" to come out and let him lead the team to "run in unison" throughout the spoke factory area.

Lao Tan came over, and Zhang Chen told Lao Tan about the situation in his factory. Lao Tan smiled and said, I thought our situation was special. It seems to be the same everywhere, and Xiao Wu and his friends should be similar.

Liu Ligan called Wu Chaohui, and sure enough, Wu Chaohui was also very upset.

"It looks like we need to do military training together." Lao Tan said.

"Brother, will this work?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Of course." Lao Tan said, "This is just like our army. Before these people came, everyone's growth environment and experience were different. Many of them have never been to a city or even a factory. I don’t know what it is like, but when I get here, I will bring my old living habits with me.”

"Do you know why when new recruits arrive in the army, they need to go to the recruit company for training first and then be assigned to each unit?" Lao Tan asked.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan both shook their heads.

"That is a transitional stage. In this stage, you are allowed to change your original living habits and habits and adapt to the new life. Don't underestimate standing at attention, taking a rest, and walking in step. You may be thinking, what is the use of practicing these? , is it necessary to stand at attention, take a breath, and walk in unison on the battlefield?

"Of course you don't need it, but all of this, condensed, is just two words, 'command', constantly giving orders, orders! Orders! Orders! Let you react to all these orders, all your reactions and performances, condensed It also has two words, that is 'obey', obey, obey, obey unconditionally!

"When you get used to obeying and obedience becomes your conditioned reflex, when the charge horn blows, you will obey the charge horn's order and rush forward desperately. There are thousands of troops in this world who can fight. , but there is only one army that can win the war, and that is a well-disciplined army. Therefore, the first of our "Three Major Disciplines and Eight Points of Attention" is to "obey the command in all actions," otherwise it will be chaotic.

"On the battlefield, what relies on the soldiers' conscious awareness of obedience. Otherwise, what else do you rely on? Your loud voice? What's the use of your loud voice? You have both spearmen and guns. Don't think that only you can defeat others, and others can also collapse. about you.

"Some people always joke that our troops fold quilts as neatly as dried tofu. What's the use? On the battlefield, do we still rely on folding quilts? Let me tell you, on the battlefield, we don't rely on folding quilts, but it can fold quilts. The ones that are stacked like dried tofu are definitely more effective than the ones that can't even make a bed.

"The same thing happened to me when I came here yesterday. I looked at the dormitory and it looked like a pig's nest. I knew that it would be strange for a group of people like this to be together and not fight or cause trouble. After half a day of training this morning, I felt much better. , after the training is over, and this person has a sense of discipline and obedience, he will be able to accept whatever you teach him.

"Now, his people are here and his ideology is still in his hometown. He is not ready to accept changes at all. Whatever you say to him, he will reject it. It goes in one ear and out the other. Let them learn Obedience is the first step.”

Old Tan kept talking. Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan thought it made sense. Just like they were in the troupe, why was it difficult to manage the troupe? It was not because of these wild thorns of their own, whether it was Lao Yang Or some other leader, if they say something, they will reply with a few words, making the other party half angry to death.

Unexpectedly, things have turned around, and today, it was my turn to be so angry that I almost died.

"Brother, how long will it take for you to train here? After training, come to my place and help me train too?" Zhang Chen said to Lao Tan.

Lao Tan thought for a moment and then asked, can you arrange for another two hundred people to live in the dormitory in your factory and bring your own bedding?

Zhang Chen said yes.

"In that case, gather the people here, as well as those from Xiao Wu and the others, to your factory for military training. In ten days, you can also line up at the stadium below."

Lao Tan said that Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan both agreed.

"Brother, I have to thank you for the hard work." Zhang Chen said.

"I can't do it, I need to ask for reinforcements." Lao Tan patted his clothes and told them that I was already a guerrilla and needed to ask real soldiers to train them.

"Why? Lao Tan, you have not been a regiment leader, but you are also a soldier among soldiers." Liu Ligan said.

"It's okay in the army, but not now." Lao Tan saw the two of them confused and explained: "The military uniform itself is a kind of majesty and intimidation. Do you think that if a soldier stood in front of you and ordered you, would you resist? ?”

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan thought about it and realized that this was really the case.

"But where can we contact real soldiers?" Zhang Chen said.

"I have it here, I can contact you." Old Tan smiled.

"Invited from Hainan?" Liu Ligan asked.

Lao Tan looked at the two of them and laughed:

"What's the use of hiring someone from Hainan? Our Genshanhe construction site has held so many military-civilian joint construction activities. I don't have the contact information of any unit in Hangzhou?

"Now the higher authorities also require the troops to actively participate in and support local economic construction. I can contact them and ask them to help us with military training. Students from colleges and technical secondary schools do not need military training every year. Of course, we workers also need it."

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan suddenly realized that Lao Tan took out his mobile phone and address book from his bag, walked aside and called the troops. After a while, he came back and told them that the contact was done and I would bring them back later. Just submit a letter of introduction and go through the formalities. Military training will begin the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow, we will gather everyone together.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan both agreed. Zhang Chen called Wei Wenfang and told her about the matter. Wei Wenfang said, "That's great. I'm really worried."

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Wei Wenfang, don't you often do training yourself?"

"Oh, brother, these are completely different things."

"However, it's also about you." Zhang Chen said.

"What's up?"

"I think during these ten days, they will have military training during the day, and you will teach them how to speak Mandarin if they don't understand Mandarin at night."

"Okay, I'll do it." Wei Wenfang agreed.

Zhang Chen returned to the factory and told Zhao Zhigang and Zheng Huihong about the situation. They also thought this was a good idea.

Zhang Chen and Zhao Zhigang said that one is to free up a room that can accommodate 200 people, and the other is to set aside a place and a window in the restaurant for military training personnel to eat and train them in the evening. Lao Tan said, The military training will start from tidying up the housekeeping in each of their rooms and continue to eating together.

Zhao Zhigang said yes, I will arrange this immediately.

"Also, we need to think about what to do after the military training is over." Zhang Chen said.

"I think we should continue to focus on training, train them to use sewing machines, and then divide them into groups after they have certain production skills, so as not to disrupt the current production order."

"If you can't teach more than a dozen people, how can you teach more than a hundred people? Who will teach you?" Zhao Zhigang shouted.

"I was thinking about this issue today. I think the biggest obstacle to teaching students is language communication. What if we can find someone who can speak their language to teach them?" Zheng Huihong asked.

"Who can speak their language? Those who can speak their language came with them, and they have to be taught by others." Zhao Zhigang said.

Zheng Huihong shook her head and said: "There will be, but I don't believe it. There are so many garment factories in Hangzhou and hundreds of thousands of sewing workers, but there are only a few people from Qinglong. Let's go look for them. If we can find them now, Qinglong people who are working in Hangzhou are skilled lathe workers. Why don't we recruit them to our factory and let them teach us?"

Zhao Zhigang and Zhang Chen's eyes lit up and they thought this was really a good idea. Zhang Chen said:

"In this way, they can not only teach them techniques, but also teach them many other things. Those who are already working outside know some of the rules of the Hangcheng factory and can speak out from their own experience."

"Yes, Mr. Zhang, Director Zhao, I have another suggestion." Zheng Huihong said.

"Say." Zhao Zhigang said.

"The skills of the newly recruited Qinglong workers we have may not necessarily meet our requirements. I suggest setting up a teaching group with Zhao Zhilong as the leader. In this way, we will have a team that is unified with our workshop. According to the standards, these workers are well trained and can be integrated into them immediately after being assigned to each group.”

"Yes, Zheng Huihong, your suggestion is very good!" Zhang Chen shouted.

"It's over. That's equivalent to cutting off Zhao Zhilong's head. You go do his work." Zhao Zhigang said to Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen said yes, I will do his work.

Zhao Zhigang then looked at Zheng Huihong, who said loudly: "Director Zhao, don't look at me. Do you want me to find these skilled workers from Qinglong?"

Zhao Zhigang smiled and said: "You came up with the solution, of course it's up to you to find it."

"Okay, I will go to the labor market every day to look for them, and then ask the old workers in the factory to call their fellow villagers in Hangzhou to see if there is anyone like this in their factory." Zheng Huihong said.

"It's okay, you have ten days." Zhao Zhigang said with a smile.

"By the way, Zheng Huihong, you can place an advertisement in the "Qianjiang Evening News" for skilled sewing and lathe workers from Qinglong, and they are required to be able to speak Qinglong dialect." Zhang Chen and Zheng Huihong said.

"Look, boss, this will save you a lot of trouble. Once the advertisement is posted, you don't have to look for it. Someone will definitely call." Zhao Zhigang said.

The bell rang for getting off work in the afternoon. Zhao Zhigang looked at Zhang Chen and asked: "Boss, it's dinner time, should you go to the restaurant?"

Zhang Chen knew what he meant, so he glared at him and cursed: "Zhao Zhigang, have you damn sure killed each of us?"

Zhao Zhigang and Zheng Huihong laughed together.

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