The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 887 Night in Huaihua

When they arrived in Huaihua, although they ate a bowl of hot noodles alone on the top of Xuefeng Mountain, it was only a snack, which was nothing to worry about.

At the foot of the mountain, after relaxing, they felt hungry again and needed a proper meal. They decided to go into Huaihua City to find food.

Although Huaihua is a prefecture-level city, the light in the entire city is very dim. Not to mention compared with coastal Zhejiang and Jiangsu. At that time, the cities in these places had begun to get brighter at night. Even compared with Shangrao in Jiangxi, there seemed to be a difference of one grade.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan were very disappointed with this. Liu Ligan used to read Shen Congwen's novels and essays, and Zhang Chen read Huang Yongyu's memoirs, and the place name Huaihua often appeared.

In their minds, they always feel that the city of Huaihua is the center of the entire western Hunan, with abundant products and smooth transportation. It should be a very developed city. It should not be compared with Hangzhou, Ningbo and Wenzhou, at least it can be compared with Jinhua in Zhejiang. Comparable.

But the result is that even Lanxi County below Jinhua cannot compare. Lanxi is rich in beauties, and they all have round faces, similar to the apple-shaped beauties in the Korean movie "Apple Picking Time". Almost all the young men in the city took the train to Lanxi to see the beautiful women.

It takes more than an hour to go from Yongcheng to Lanxi. If you take the morning train or the night train, you can return to Yongcheng full of memories of beautiful women.

Zhang Chen and the others felt very strongly that after leaving Xiangtan, the farther southwest they went, the less developed the towns along the way were. This feeling became more obvious after passing Xuefeng Mountain.

They drove through the dimly lit urban area of ​​Huaihua. It was not even ten o'clock yet, but there were already very few people on the streets.

They wanted to find a place specializing in late-night snacks. They asked someone and someone gave them directions. They went there, but the place was dark. They asked again and found another place. They drove there and it was also closed.

It's not that the locals lied to them because they saw that they were outsiders, but they were referring to restaurants. There was no business in the winter evenings, and these places closed early.

In a place where people can only afford food and clothing, how can people have more time and money to eat late at night and enjoy all kinds of entertainment?

They finally decided not to ask anymore and just drove around the city aimlessly. Finally, they found a restaurant next to the Huaihua Hotel, which was still open.

Their good luck was not that the hotel closed late, but that there were three guests staying at the Huaihua Hotel who drank non-stop from eight o'clock until now, which made Zhang Chen and the others happy.

When Zhang Chen and the others entered, the three people seemed to suddenly realize that they had been eating for a long time, so they immediately paid the bill and left. The Huaihua Hotel next door had been closed. They could hear the sound of them banging on the glass door, and the old man on the night shift, Cursing voices.

While the boss was waiting boredly, he suddenly saw a big business coming. He was naturally overjoyed. These guys almost didn't ask about the price of the food. They only asked what was delicious and let them serve it. The five of them almost emptied the refrigerator. .

First, a bowl of rice and tofu was served to each person, and then when the three dishes of blood-rake duck, braised native chicken, dry pot tripe, white pepper fried sausage, fat intestine bowl, fish head pot and fried pig were served, just look at the red pepper and fried pork inside. Ginger, with his oily and juicy attitude, several of them couldn't hold it in anymore and decided to drink. What they drank was Tujia rice wine, which was sour and sweet. It was hot and served. Let's have a glass first.

Xiao Wu was still the only one who didn't drink. He drank hot coconut juice. The old god told them on the ground, "Drink more. If you drink too much, it's okay. I will be responsible for driving."

".This newbie!" the second-rate scolded.

"No, he doesn't have that function. His hands are itchy." Liu Ligan said, "It's okay. Compared with life and drinking, I choose to drink. Today, I will put my life and death aside and leave it completely to this hero."

Zhang Chen and Meng Ping scolded him for being a cunt, but they actually chose to drink. Xiao Wu looked at the four of them and felt overjoyed, knowing that tonight, he could finally have a good time.

They ate until more than two o'clock, almost finished all the food in the hotel, and drank all the three jars of rice wine. During the dinner, they naturally talked about their glorious scene in Jiangxi. Liu Ligan said, No, no, Hero, I was thinking about what you said all the way.

"What words?" Xiao Wu asked.

"You said that everyone is the same. If that's the case, then why are you training? In Haicheng, you train every night."

"That's because when you fight, you have the ability to knock down the opponent. What I told you is to strike first, and you believe me. As long as you strike first and catch the opponent by surprise, there will be no one who will not be knocked down by you. Tyson, if he is sitting there and you quietly walk over and suddenly take away the stool from under his butt, he will fall to the ground." Xiao Wu said.

"That's right." Meng Ping nodded.

"Then what should I do if I encounter a giant creature?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Of course, escape." Xiao Wu smiled.

"Can't you escape?"

"If you can't escape, fight. What's so polite about that?"

"Holy shit, how could I ever beat him."

"Okay." Xiao Wu said, "When that giant creature sees you, he will despise you very much. He never thought that you would dare to do something, but you did it anyway. This is unexpected. Also, even if it is a giant creature, There are weaknesses. If you hit his crotch, neck, or eyes, you can definitely knock him down.

"Also, you must do whatever it takes, either don't fight, or if you want to fight, you must knock him to the ground, otherwise you will have no chance. At this time, you have to look at whatever is around you, whether it's a stool, a brick, or a bicycle. Whatever it is, as long as it helps you, use it, swing it over, and knock him down in one fell swoop.

"Believe me, no matter who he is, no matter how arrogant he is, as long as you knock him to the ground, his energy will be reduced by half and he will be confused. You can use this opportunity to escape. Don't wait for him to come to his senses. Come on, if he comes back to his senses and enters a fighting state, you will never have a chance to win against him."

"It makes sense. What Xiao Wu said still makes sense." Meng Ping and Zhang Chen said.

The second-hand guy also said, "That's it."

"Xiao Wu, there's one thing I don't understand." Meng Ping said, "You said that the Sanda champion couldn't beat the street gangsters. What's going on?"

"The training is different. Their training in the training hall is very standardized, including the moves. He will not foul as soon as he makes a move. He cannot do many moves and cannot make a move. This is long-term training. Good habits to develop.

"I also have a friend who practices boxing. He can't punch without gloves. Even when fighting on the street, no matter what kind of gloves he has, he has to put on the gloves first, so that the punch can be thrown out. Only when it feels powerful can it be punched out. .

"The little hooligans on the street don't care about these things. If there are any irregularities, just fight them. Of course, when the other party enters the state, the situation will be different. So I say, if you encounter someone who is stronger than you, you must strike first. , hit and run.”

After the restaurant owner and chef finished cooking, they were also very interested in this topic and sat aside to listen. At this time, the chef couldn't help it anymore and asked;

"If you hit and run, why don't people come to settle the score with you?"

"Don't worry." Xiao Wu smiled, "As long as you knock him to the ground, I can guarantee that he will avoid you next time he sees you. He has never defeated you. He only remembers being knocked down by you. , he doesn’t know how much he cares about you, and he won’t make a fool of himself again. Didn’t I say that as long as he is knocked down by you, that person’s energy will be reduced by half, and when he sees you again, he will feel sad in his heart. It will be a little scary.”

The cook kept nodding.

After having enough wine and food, we were ready to pay the bill and leave. The boss wanted to give them a discount, but Liu Ligan said no, no, thank you for staying with us so late.

The boss smiled and said, "No matter how hard you work, you are listening to the story told by this master. What he tells makes sense. It may come in handy next time."

"Holy shit, are you a green forest society here?" Liu Ligan shouted, and the boss and the chef laughed.

Meng Ping remembered it and asked, "Then "Wulong Mountain Bandit Suppression" was filmed here, right?"

The boss nodded desperately.

Liu Ligan said: "Thank you, boss, for not giving us the sweat medicine."

The boss and the chef laughed again.

The group of people walked out of the store and walked to the car. The second guy wanted to get into the trunk and sleep on Xiao Wu's bed, but Liu Ligan grabbed him. Liu Ligan cursed, "I'm sorry, you're sleeping with a patient." Grab a bed?

"Where are you sick?"

"Brain, brain, I was a mess on the mountain before, and I'm still dizzy now."

"You've had too much to drink now."

"Same, my brain is broken anyway."

As Liu Ligan spoke, he got into the back, yelled that he was going to fall down, and fell down. He also imitated Xiao Wu's sleeping pattern, but unfortunately he was too long and couldn't stretch out sideways, so in the end he could only look like a dog. Prawn, bow in the trunk, but he fell asleep immediately.

Zhang Chen sat in the passenger seat and said to Xiao Wu, "I'll guide you." But as soon as he sat in, the stamina of the wine kicked in and he fell asleep immediately.

Meng Ping and the idiot in the back row also fell asleep with their heads tilted, one to the left and the other to the right, like an inverted figure.

In the whole car, only Xiao Wu was awake. He sat there and took the map from Zhang Chen. After looking at it for a long time, he couldn't figure out the north, south, east, and west. When the boss and the chef packed up the shop, they closed the door. Getting ready to get off work, their car was still parked there.

The boss looked at Xiao Wu holding the map and knew that he didn't know the way, so he walked over and asked him where he was going. Xiao Wu vaguely remembered that the place Zhang Chen and the others mentioned was called "Qilong", but it was actually "Qinglong". Xiao Wu told the boss that we were going to Qilong.

"Qiliang? Are you going to Qiliang Cave?" The boss asked with half understanding.

Xiao Wu nodded.

The boss took the map from Xiao Wu, and the map was turned to the page of Huaihua City. The boss taught Xiao Wu how to get out of the city and how to walk. Xiao Wu understood.

Xiao Wu drove alone out of the city, reached the intersection mentioned by the shop owner, and continued driving forward.

Fortunately, there are no forks on this road. Occasionally, there are one or two roads that branch off. It is not a national highway at first glance. Xiao Wu was relieved. He smiled at the car full of people snoring, "Go to sleep, go to sleep." When you wake up, I will have dragged you to Guizhou and sold you.

Didn’t it say that Guizhou still has a daughter country? Just sell them to the old king who still has one tooth left.

Xiao Wu laughed loudly when he thought of this.

Zhang Chen muttered something, turned sideways, hit his head against the front window, and continued to sleep.

Thank you to users 00282487286, Ri Ri Shu Shu, and Doll Tin Soldier for your rewards! Thank you Yuya and Lu for your monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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