The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 886 Xuefeng Mountain

It took more than an hour from Liling to Xiangtan. Lao Zhang and Liu Ligan were in the car in front and took them directly to a hotel. The hotel looked newly renovated and had an antique appearance. Lao Zhang and Liu Ligan said, this It's my nephew's hotel.

"The one who followed you in Haicheng?" Liu Ligan asked.

Lao Zhang nodded and said, "But he's not here today."

They entered the box. The decoration of the box was also antique. As soon as the people at the table sat down, Lao Zhang’s call rang. Lao Zhang picked up. Someone inside was yelling at them, Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan. They heard it, but it was in local dialect and it was spoken so fast that they couldn't hear what was being said.

Lao Zhang kept nodding and apologizing on the phone. The others looked on, dumbfounded, wondering who the person on the phone was.

When Lao Zhang hung up the phone, Liu Ligan asked, who is it, your wife?

"No, my mother-in-law must dare to talk to me like that." Lao Zhang raised his hand and waved it left and right. Seeing that Liu Ligan still had doubts on his face, Lao Zhang said, "Our leader."

"Your leader?" Liu Ligan asked curiously, "Didn't you buy the Huagu Drama Troupe?"

Lao Zhang nodded and said yes, I bought it.

"Then who is the leader?"

"I invited you."

Everyone at the table laughed, and Liu Ligan shouted: "What the hell, Lao Zhang, your wife doesn't dare to do this to you, how dare the leader you invited, are you having trouble with her?" A secret to tell?"

Lao Zhang laughed: "Hey, she's old enough to be my mother. I want her to treat everyone equally. There's a performance tonight, so I'm asking for leave."

People at the table laughed, and Liu Ligan scolded: "Old Zhang, are you cheap? You work hard to make money, make money to buy a theater troupe, and after buying the theater troupe, hire a leader, and then the leader will take care of you all day long. You? If you want to be like this, wouldn't it be better if you didn't come out in the first place?"

"It's different." Lao Zhang said, "Besides, for the sake of art, sacrifice should be made."

"That's right, Lao Zhang, you, the leader, are either your mother's age or you hired a mother." Liu Ligan said.

When the food arrived, Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen both felt that the dish had a familiar feel from the style to the taste. Zhang Chen thought about it for a while and then asked Lao Zhang: "Is this Zu'an Hunan cuisine?"

Lao Zhang raised his thumb and said, "Mr. Zhang is awesome."

"What does this have to do with Mr. Xie's Mr. Fu?"

Lao Zhang said: "The chef here is Fatty Fu's great apprentice."

No wonder.

After dinner, Lao Zhang told them that Xiangtan is a small place with nothing to do at night and no good hotels. I have already made a reservation for you to stay at the Huatian Hotel in Changsha. We went to have fun first and then took the girls. Went for a late night snack, there were monks in a room, how could they do without girls.

Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen hurriedly said that they had to rush in the evening. Lao Zhang said that it would be too late to catch up tomorrow. If you have fun and rest today, you will have the energy to drive tomorrow.

Zhang Chen and the others drove all day and night without even being able to calm down. After hearing what Lao Zhang said, they thought it was okay and they would get up and leave tomorrow morning. Anyway, they didn't say when they would arrive in Guizhou. , one day late is one day late.

The continuous long-distance attack plan failed on the first day.

The next day, they returned to Xiangtan and continued walking along National Highway 320. They said goodbye to Lao Zhang in Xiangtan at around nine o'clock in the morning, and then started on the road. The road from Xiangtan to Shaoyang was very easy to walk. After passing Shaoyang, they entered Long The road back to Dongkou is a mountain road, which keeps going around and around. When you turn to Jiangkou Town in Dongkou County, the road seems to start to level off.

Not long after they drove out, they saw a sign on the side of the road, pointing to the "Memorial Tower for the Fallen Soldiers of the Army's 74th Army in the Battle of Western Hunan". Zhang Chen was shocked. Isn't it the 74th Army that "would rather meet the king of hell?" Don't touch the troops of Wang Yaowu of "Don't Touch Lao Wang"?

Before Zhang Chen said anything, Meng Ping shouted to the driver: "Go here, go here, the Battle of Xiangxi, that is the Battle of Xuefeng Mountain, I didn't expect it to be here, we just went around like that, It turns out to be Xuefeng Mountain, no wonder!”

When Meng Ping shouted, Zhang Chen also became excited. It turned out that Meng Ping was so familiar with Wang Yaowu, but this was indeed the first time that Zhang Chen knew that the famous Battle of Xuefeng Mountain, which wiped out more than 30,000 Japanese troops, took place there. Here, they had just driven past Xuefeng Mountain.

You must know that Wang Yaowu personally directed and supervised the construction of that road in the 27th year of the Republic of China. It was later changed to National Highway 320.

Zhang Chen told Meng Ping about this. Is Meng Ping serious? "In the 27th year of the Republic of China, that was 1938. In that year, there were the Battle of Taierzhuang, the Battle of Songhu, the Battle of Wuhan, and the Defense of Guangzhou. It was not easy for such a poor and naked country to fight wars and build at the same time."

As he spoke, the idiot drove the car to the bottom of a hillside. The memorial tower was on this hillside. Unfortunately, the way up was blocked. A sign told them that the memorial tower and Martyrs Park were under renovation and would not be available for the time being. Open to the public.

They could only drive the car back to National Highway 320 angrily, continue walking forward, drive to a gas station in front, and turn in to refuel. Meng Ping asked the gas station staff if the place they came from Longhui was Xuefeng Mountain?

"Xuefeng Mountain? Xuefeng Mountain hasn't arrived yet, but it's almost here." The staff pointed to the front of National Highway 320.

"Is it difficult to walk up Xuefeng Mountain?" Zhang Chen asked.

"You haven't passed by?" the staff member asked.

Zhang Chen shook his head.

The staff member smiled and said: "Then you'll know after walking by. Fortunately, it hasn't snowed yet this year. If it snows, I will ask you to turn around. You can still get through it if you be careful now."

The people in the car were all surprised when they heard this. It seems that Xuefeng Mountain, like its name, should not be underestimated.

After filling up the gas, Liu Ligan insisted that he drive. They continued to move forward. Zhang Chen looked at the cement mileage plate of National Highway 320 on the roadside under the lights outside the car. When they reached the "G320 1521" kilometer mark, the mileage sign on the road was , there is an iron frame spanning the entire road, which reads:

"The snow peak is 26 kilometers of natural danger, with sharp curves and steep slopes, thick fog, and ice that makes it slippery."

"It's started!" Liu Ligan patted the steering wheel excitedly and shouted softly.

Zhang Chen looked outside. What made him feel a little relieved was that the road here was wider than Huanghua Bridge. On both sides of the road, there were cement protective walls in almost every dangerous area. There were also red and white cement protective piers at the corners. Although they were painted The paint on the outside is mottled, but their protective effect has not been lost.

The curves slowly began to increase. Zhang Chen saw a sign on one of the curves. The sign read: "Xuefeng Mountain, mountains after mountains, 331 curves, all of which are gates of hell."

Holy shit, isn’t this a naked threat?

Compared with Huanghua Bridge, another thing that reassures Zhang Chen is that the roads here are lined with trees except guardrails. Zhang Chen thought that even if the car runs off the road, it will be blocked by the trees, and at most the car will be damaged.

When Zhang Chen was thinking this, a sign on the side of the road shocked him, as if giving him a blow. The sign read:

"A huge traffic accident in 1987, 25 people died."

Damn it, every word is filled with blood!

Zhang Chen did not dare to be careless at the moment and sat up straight.

This Xuefeng Mountain is really like the jingle written before. Mountains are connected to mountains. You reach the top of a mountain, climb over another mountain, and then go downhill in a curve to the bottom of the mountain. When you think Xuefeng Mountain has passed, The car started to climb uphill again, going up and down like this. They couldn't remember how many mountains they had climbed.

On the winding mountain road, there were cars in front of them, cars behind them, and cars going down the mountain on the opposite side. His eyes were stung by the headlights. When every car came down, even though the speed was not fast, Zhang Chen felt that it was rushing towards them. , there is a danger of losing control at any time, and people suddenly become nervous.

No matter where they go, all they hear is the roar of cars. Although they are in the mountains, there is no silence that mountains should have. Instead, it is like being in a large driving range. All you hear are cars. , far and near, high and low, up and down, left and right, are the laborious roar of car engines.

When going downhill, there are all kinds of warning signs along the way: "Danger!" "Special danger!" "Natural danger, down to first gear!" "Traffic police instructions, down to first gear!" "Danger, the slope is steep and the bends are sharp. Be alert every second!”

It’s scary to watch, as if there are traffic police standing on the roadside, pointing at your nose to warn you.

They passed "Tiger's Mouth", "Bada Huitou", "Shovel Flat" and "Niu Butt". "Niu Butt" was a sharp turn uphill. After turning this turn, Zhang Chen felt that his ears started to buzz. Ringed.

"It doesn't work anymore, I feel like my brains have been shaken out." Liu Ligan shouted.

"You pull over and rest, I'll drive." Zhang Chen said.

"I'm not tired, but I bent too much. I feel like my brain has been shaken to pulp."

What Liu Ligan said made Zhang Chen and the people in the car feel very vivid. They felt that their brains had been shaken out, and their heads hurt a little.

Liu Ligan found a relatively flat and open place and parked the car. He walked to the side of the road, squatted down, and retched several times, but nothing came out.

Everyone in the car got out of the car. They all needed to get down to earth and sober up. Xiao Wu took a bottle of water and gave it to Liu Lipole.

The wind on the mountain was howling and fierce. After standing in the cold wind for a while, the group's hands and feet felt a little cold, and then they felt their brains were a little clearer.

Cars rumbled past them, and they saw faces in pain in the cabs.

Let Zhang Chen drive.

Finally they drove to the top of the mountain. There was a flat land on the top of the mountain. Many cars were parked on the flat land. There were several restaurants, noodle shops and grocery stores nearby. They quickly walked into the noodle shop and each ordered a bowl of hot noodles to eat. I just felt a little more comfortable.

Getting ready to go down the mountain, Zhang Chen drove the car to the intersection where he went down the mountain. There was a warning sign at the intersection that read: "Long downhill, pay attention to your speed."

There is also a sign on the side, which states that it takes no less than 60 minutes for a large truck to reach the bottom of the mountain, 50 minutes for a medium-sized vehicle such as Iveco, and 40 minutes for a small car. Violators will be fined at the bottom of the mountain. This is to use time. Control your speed.

Zhang Chen remembered that he had seen a similar sign when he was going up the mountain, but he was in the car and didn't see it clearly. He thought the content should be roughly the same, which shows how difficult it is to go up and down Xuefeng Mountain.

There are fewer curves going down the mountain, but the slope is relatively long. Zhang Chen needs to step on the brakes at all times and does not dare to be careless at all.

Next to the slope going down the mountain, there are many simple small houses. There is a big sign in front of the house with the word "water" written on it. There is also a large truck parked there, and someone is holding a water pipe and pointing it at the car.

"Are these water sellers?" Meng Ping asked.

The second-hand guy said no. It was a large truck going downhill and constantly braking, which would cause the brake pads and tires to become overheated and they had to be flushed with water to cool them down.

It took more time to go down the mountain than to go up. When they reached the foot of the mountain and saw the sign saying "You have safely passed the snow peak natural barrier", the people in the car couldn't help but cheer.

After calculation, they walked for more than two hours for the 26 kilometers past Xuefeng Mountain.

Thank you for your monthly votes from May, It’s Not an Impossible World, Thirst for Sweet Spring, and Book Friends 20180720125920875! Thank you for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

Haha, there are still a few minutes until the third update comes out.

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