The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 879 Please, is it okay?

Chapter 879 Please, is it okay?

It’s already freezing cold in Hangzhou in December, but the climate in Macau is still pleasant, with temperatures in the teens and 20s even at night.

When Meng Ping and Liu Ligan woke up, it was already evening, and they were woken up by Chen Qihang's phone call. They fought hard all night last night, and it was really hard for them. When they woke up today, they realized that they had back pain. Liu Ligan I feel that this gambling is more difficult than picking up mud in the Genshan River for a day.

Why bother? After losing money and being so tired, it seems that Chen Qihang was right, this gambling is really not a good thing.

The four of them drove to a hotel on the beach and sat down at an open-air table. Chen Qihang and Lin Yiyan often came here. When the hotel owner saw them, he greeted them in Cantonese from afar.

After the four people sat down, the boss served them a frozen crab as big as a basketball. Meng Ping and Liu Ligan didn't eat anything after sleeping all day. They felt hungry, so they immediately broke off one each. A huge red flower crab claw started to be chewed.

They finished eating a frozen crab like an apple, and then they felt better and could talk.

Lin Yiyan and Chen Qihang laughed when they saw them eating with gusto. When they finished eating, Lin Yiyan asked if they wanted another one?

"No more, no more, if I eat anymore, I won't be able to eat anything else," Meng Ping said.

The four of them chatted while eating, and Meng Ping and Liu Ligan had a more detailed understanding of what happened to Chen Qihang and the others.

After Chen Qihang and Li Yong went to Guizhou, they were imprisoned in a mine by the other party. They said they would not release them if they had no money. After Li Yong's uncle and Lin Yiyan went there, they were still imprisoned.

They have been locked up there for more than two months. The people in Haicheng Company have not received their wages for several months. Now they have not even heard from their boss. It is hopeless to wait any longer, so everyone disperses. How can the company Everything they took was taken away, even the phone was taken away. If the security guards of Longzhu Building hadn't stopped them, even the desks would have been moved away.

The guy on the other side made a lot of money locally and borrowed it from every household. Before the money came out, those people went to the local public security bureau. The public security bureau determined that this was an illegal fund-raising case and dispatched police to the mine. , caught the guy, only to find that there were still four people detained here, and another cause of illegal detention was added.

Chen Qihang and Lin Yiyan returned directly from Guizhou to Guangzhou, and then came to Macau. Li Yong went back to Guizhou and never came out again. Only Li Yong's uncle went to Haicheng again, only to find that people from the company had gone upstairs. Kong, the property manager of Longzhu Building saw him and chased him for the unpaid utility bills. Where could he have the money to pay, so he left Haicheng the next day.

Li Yong did not leave Guizhou again, but returned to his hometown from the mine. At that time, it was rare for a college student in the county. When he came back, a student from Peking University was treated as a treasure, and he was immediately recruited to the county office as a secretary. Now he is , he was the head of a township below.

Meng Ping and Liu Ligan made an appointment with Chen Qihang and Lin Yiyan, asking them not to tell Li Yong what happened to them. They were going to return to Hangzhou, so they immediately called Zhang Chen and went to Guizhou for a run. Go, look at Li Yong and give him a surprise.

"Is there any news about Liu Yun?" Meng Ping asked.

Chen Qihang and Lin Yiyan both shook their heads. Chen Qihang asked, didn't you say she was in Nanjing? Lao Meng, you never met her in Nanjing?

Meng Ping glanced at Liu Ligan, shook his head and said, "Liu Yun is not in Nanjing. Qian Fang and Xu Jiaqing have already searched for golf courses near Nanjing. There is no such person at all. They have even gone to golf courses that are still under construction." seen it already."

"Qian Fang and the others went to see Liu Yun, why didn't I know?" Hearing what Meng Ping said, even Liu Ligan was surprised and asked.

"Who are you Liu Yun? Do they need to tell you? What will happen to you if they tell you?" Meng Ping asked.

"That's right." Lin Yiyan said dissatisfiedly, "I don't know what's going on in your mind. You don't even know how to cherish such a good person like Liu Yun."

"It's wrong, it's wrong." Liu Li pole clasped his hands and begged, "She really wanted to leave on her own."

"That means she is disappointed in you. If not, would she still leave?" Lin Yiyan said, and Liu Li stopped ringing his pole.

"Gangzi, what happened to you and Sun Hou and the others?" Chen Qihang asked, "Li Yong and I both felt that Sun Hou had done a terrible job in Hainan, and we have never contacted him again."

"It's okay, it's over. Last time when Zhang Chen and his Beijing store opened, we had dinner together. Let's just let it go." Liu Ligan said.

Meng Ping hesitated for a while, but decided to speak out. He said:

"Actually, Sun Hou, no matter what, he is in the work unit after all, and there are many things that he cannot decide. Moreover, his status as a young master usually brings a lot of convenience, but at that time, he is actually more powerful than us ordinary people. My hands and feet are tied and I can't do things according to my own temper."

Chen Qihang nodded: "Lao Meng is right. It doesn't matter if we lose face. If he loses face or makes a mistake, he will lose the face of his family. If he makes a mistake, the whole family will be implicated."

"Maybe it will become a political enemy and an excuse to attack his old man." Meng Ping said.

Liu Ligan smiled: "Anyway, I already don't think about it."

"Gangzi, you really haven't thought about why those units that were so difficult to deal with suddenly made a 180-degree turn when your Genshan and River improvement plan started?" Meng Ping asked.

"That should be the result of Liu Chengcheng's work."

Liu Ligan said and looked at Meng Ping. Meng Ping smiled and shook his head slightly.

"No?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Zhang Chen went to Beijing and looked for Sun Hou. The original words of Sun Hou and Huang Jianren were that we helped Gangzi do this and we owed him." Meng Ping said.

When Meng Ping said this, both Chen Qihang and his wife and Liu Ligan fell silent. After a while, Liu Ligan cursed, "Zhang Chen didn't even tell me."

"Sun Hou asked him not to tell you." Meng Ping said.

Everyone continued to be silent.

The gentle sea breeze was blowing, and it was a bit cool. Lin Yiyan asked Meng Ping and Liu Ligan, are you cold?

Liu Ligan smiled and said, "We came here from a world of ice and snow."

Lin Yiyan also smiled: "For us, the coldest season of the year has arrived."

She picked up a woolen cardigan, put it on her body, and said to herself, why does this person have to grow up? It seems that the older he grows, the more complicated it becomes. How good it is when he is studying, everyone is carefree, and there are You can talk about anything openly, and once you've said it, everything will be business as usual.

Lin Yiyan said, and the three men all laughed.

Lin Yiyan looked at Liu Ligan and Meng Ping and said, "Don't laugh. You are not allowed to laugh."

Liu Ligan and Meng Ping were puzzled, why are we not allowed to laugh?

"Qihang told me everything you did in the casino." Lin Yiyan said.

Lin Yiyan said, looked around, and then took out a new deck of playing cards from the bag and asked Liu Li to open it. Liu Li opened it. Lin Yiyan said, shuffle the cards, Liu Li Zhuan shuffled the cards and handed them to Lin Yiyan. Lin Yiyan took them in his hand, put the cards on the table, cut them three times, and then turned them out one by one while talking:

"Club 3, Heart 9, Diamond 4, Club 7..."

Liu Ligan and Meng Ping were stunned. They saw that every card Lin Yiyan turned over was exactly the same as what she said. This was amazing.

"Lin Yiyan, how did you do it?" Liu Ligan shouted.

Lin Yiyan looked around again, immediately put away the cards, and said with a smile: "I can't tell you how I did it, pole. I'm just asking you, if you meet me, do you have a chance to win?"

Liu Ligan and Meng Ping shook their heads repeatedly.

"If you are in the casino and you win consecutively, you will see that the croupier will definitely change. Do you know why?" Lin Yiyan said.

Chen Qihang said to the two of them: "Yiyan is the ace dealer of our casino, the housekeeper. Every casino has such a dealer."

Lin Yiyan said to them: "Let me tell you again, even the odds of the slot machine can be adjusted. Generally speaking, when there are many customers, we will lower the odds. When there are few customers, we will adjust the odds." The odds are adjusted higher to attract guests.”

Lin Yiyan looked at her hands, rubbed them together, and said to Meng Ping and Liu Ligan, her voice a little helpless and sad:

"My hands, sometimes I hate looking at them. It can be said that they are stained with blood. They have ruined countless lives. Lao Meng and Ganzi, I don't want you to die by such hands one day. Even if I’m begging you.”

After eating, the four of them walked on the beach. Chen Qihang drove Liu Ligan and the others to see the night view of Macau. The roads in Macau were very narrow, but there were very few cars.

Lin Yiyan told them that apart from the casinos, there is really no place to go in Macau. All the excitement is in the casinos, the most beautiful women, the most delicious food, the most money, and the most greedy human nature.

"The casino is really the best place to bury a man." Lin Yiyan concluded.

Chen Qihang and Lin Yiyan sent Meng Ping and Liu Ligan to the door of the hotel. They did not get out of the car and asked Liu Ligan and Meng Ping to go back to their rooms and go to bed early. They would come and have breakfast with them tomorrow.

Liu Ligan asked: "You don't go to work?"

Chen Qihang said: "No, we will only call us when there is something urgent."

"Hurry up and go upstairs. I'd rather you play with women upstairs than come down. Do you understand?" Lin Yiyan and Meng Ping Liu Ligan said.

The two men nodded.

Liu Ligan and Meng Ping walked into the hotel. Chen Qihang started the car, drove out of the gate, walked around to the side of the hotel, returned to the hotel from another entrance and exit, drove the car to the underground parking lot, and the two got out of the car. After taking the elevator to the sixth floor and going to Chen Qihang's office, Chen Qihang and Lin Yiyan said:

"You go keep an eye on the surveillance camera, and I'll make coffee."

Chen Qihang made coffee, took two cups, poured it, and walked to the next room with the coffee. Lin Yiyan stood in front of the monitor on that wall. Chen Qihang asked, "Did you see it?"

"Not yet." Lin Yiyan shook her head.

Chen Qihang walked over and handed a cup of coffee to Lin Yiyan, and the two stood side by side.

They have seen too many gamblers and understand the psychology of gamblers too well. In the past, they were often proud of this, but today, they hope they are wrong.

The two of them stood in front of the monitor for more than ten minutes. "Holy shit!" Chen Qihang suddenly shouted, almost spilling the coffee in his hand.

"Oh, it's hopeless!" Lin Yiyan shouted in pain.

They saw Liu Ligan and Meng Ping coming out of the elevator on the second floor.

Thank you to Doll Tin Soldier and Ri Ri Shu Shu for the reward! Thank you to the Dingli Blade of the Country and Chuanlin for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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