The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 878 Tell me the truth

"Hey, buddy, what's the matter with calling us?"

The four people got into the elevator. The elevator was very large and magnificent. Liu Ligan and Meng Ping stood on one side, and the two sturdy men stood on the other side. Meng Ping still couldn't hold back and asked the other party. The other party looked at them and shouted. Silent.

"Why, you don't understand Mandarin?" Meng Ping asked next.

"What they just spoke to us was Mandarin." Liu Ligan said, and Meng Ping was right.

"When the two of us talk, are you afraid that we will collude in confession?" Meng Ping asked.

The other party still ignored them, and one of them pressed the elevator button on the sixth floor, which was also the highest floor of the hotel.

The first and second floors of the hotel are casinos, the third floor is restaurants and entertainment venues, and the fourth and fifth floors are hotel rooms. Because the hotel covers a large area, there are more than 500 rooms on just two floors. The sixth floor of the hotel is What? Liu Ligan and Meng Ping looked at the introduction and knew that half of them were VIP suites. They would also transfer to this room next. They didn't know about the other half.

Meng Ping said with a smile, "It's probably Zhazi Cave. We will be put on the tiger bench and given pepper water."

Liu Ligan said that there is no need to indoctrinate people, I will recruit them right away. If there is no organization, I will make up an organization and provide it to them.

The two of them were joking, but in fact they were still pretending to be relaxed. They felt uncomfortable in their hearts. After all, they were in this strange place, unfamiliar with the place, and Lao Qiao didn't know where he was. If something happened, he would really call Tiantian It should not be called that the earth is not working.

Both of them were cursing Lao Qiao in their hearts, how the hell did they end up in this damn place? It was a casino. It should be a place with rules, and it wasn't a gangster. They were detained without doing anything. About the torture.

The elevator door opened, and the two people breathed a sigh of relief. They saw that the outside of the elevator was also brightly lit and carpeted, no different from the elevator hall in the room below.

The two people followed into the corridor. There was no difference between the corridor and the corridor below. The difference was that the corridor here was very short. Unlike the corridor below, it was long and winding around, like a maze. It seemed to be separated.

There were no signs on the closed room doors on both sides. Liu Ligan and Meng Ping understood that this should be the office area of ​​the casino.

Two burly men took them to the top room, knocked on the door, and then opened the door. Meng Ping and Liu Ligan walked to the door, and their eyes were dazzled. Facing the door, there was a huge door. Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see the sea. On the sea, the morning sun is rising, dyeing the entire sea red.

The two of them were shocked, and then they realized that it was already dawn outside. It turned out that they had been playing in the casino for such a long time. It really felt like seven days in the mountains and a thousand years outside.

In front of the floor-to-ceiling window, with his back to them, there was a person standing against the light. Looking from them, the whole person was surrounded by a light edge, making it difficult to see clearly. Among them, a burly man walked a few steps forward and faced the figure behind him. explain:

"Boss, we've brought you."

The man turned around.

"Holy shit!"

Liu Ligan and Meng Ping shouted almost at the same time. They saw Chen Qihang standing in front of the window!

Chen Qihang waved his hand, and the two sturdy men smiled at Liu Ligan and Meng Ping, nodded and walked out.

Chen Qihang clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Pole, Lao Meng, are you scared?"

Meng Ping said, I was scared, I thought I was going to sit on the tiger bench.

Liu Ligan said, I am ready to do anything.

The two people asked in unison, Qihang, why are you here?

Chen Qihang smiled and said, "What should I do if I make a living? I can't survive in Hainan anymore."

"No, no, they just called you boss." Liu Ligan said.

"It's just a part-time job, not a boss, even though I have a little share." Chen Qihang said, "I am the general manager here, so to them, I am the boss."

"No, no, Qihang, this is too twists and turns, you still have to tell me first, how did you get here." Meng Ping said.

"It's very simple. We returned to Guangzhou from Guizhou and had nothing to do. A cousin of mine works here..."

Liu Ligan remembered it and shouted: "The one at Guangzhou Railway Station? I looked for him during the Spring Festival, but couldn't find him. My colleagues said he went to work in Macau."

"Yes, why are you looking for him?" Chen Qihang was surprised at this moment, "Buy a ticket?"

"I'm looking for you to buy a ghost ticket. There's no fucking news from you. How else can I find you besides looking for him?" Liu Ligan said.

"I also want to hear from you, but who of you can get through? I wanted to find Zhang Chen, but even the phone number in Hangzhou was upgraded from seven to eight digits. I called 114 to inquire about Half an Acre of Field, but I called him. , what is the M-Zone sports goods market, what does Zhang Chen have to do with sports, I quickly hung up the phone."

Meng Ping and Liu Ligan laughed, and Liu Ligan cursed, "Will you die if you ask more questions?" If you keep asking, you will find out that the market also belongs to Zhang Chen.

"Fuck, there is such a thing!" Chen Qihang shouted angrily.

"Hey, hey, you haven't said how you got here yet." Meng Ping shouted.

The three of them all laughed and felt that there were too many questions to ask. They really didn’t know where to start. Chen Qihang went on to say that he and Lin Yiyan returned to Guangzhou and had nothing to do...

"Yes, yes, I want to call Lin Yiyan first and tell her that you are here." Chen Qihang shouted.

"Hey, can you finish the matter before we fight?"

"No, no, we'll talk about it after we finish."

Chen Qihang made a phone call as he spoke. Liu Ligan also remembered that he wanted to call Zhang Chen and tell him that he and Lao Meng had met in Macau. Meng Ping quickly stopped him and said, "No, don't wait until we get back." To give him a surprise, Liu Ligan thought it made sense and put his eldest brother down.

There, Chen Qihang had already dialed Lin Yiyan and told her the matter. Lin Yiyan's scream came from the phone. Meng Ping and Liu Ligan hurried over. Everyone gathered around the phone and talked in a variety of ways. After talking on the phone and finally agreeing to have dinner together today, Lin Yiyan hung up the phone.

Meng Ping and Liu Ligan stared at Chen Qihang. Chen Qihang understood. He quickly picked up the topic where he had left off and told them that his cousin called them and said it was a good place and asked them to come over. So they came over. When they first came, Chen Qihang said Waiter, Lin Yiyan is the dealer, the one who dealt the cards to you.

It was also an accidental opportunity. The boss here, the real boss, discovered that Chen Qihang was not a simple person. He could not only speak Cantonese, but also Mandarin and English. So he became interested and checked his resume and found that he actually came from Peking University. Yes, I also served as the general manager of a company in Hainan.

Macau casinos have seen an increasing number of guests from mainland China in recent years, accounting for more than half of them. The original general manager was a British man born in Hong Kong who could not even speak Mandarin. Moreover, with the return of Macau, As we get closer, there will definitely be more and more mainland guests here.

Not only are there more and more customers, but there are also more and more demands for dealing with relevant departments and people in the mainland.

The British man was very unsuitable in this situation. The casino owner wanted to cultivate Chen Qihang, so he first made him the public relations manager of the casino, responsible for receiving guests from the mainland. Chen Qihang did a very good job. Months ago, the boss replaced the Englishman with him.

In their casino, the information of new VIP guests every day, especially those from the mainland, must be reported to Chen Qihang every day, and Chen Qihang has to read them one by one.

This morning, Chen Qihang came to work and got the latest information. When he saw Meng Ping and Liu Ligan, he was startled and worried that there might be a mistake. He called up the surveillance of the private room they went to and confirmed that it was correct. , it was them who asked people to go down and invite them up.

"Are you asking for a favor? Fortunately, I just finished the longest pee in my life, otherwise, you would scare me out of my pee." Meng Ping shouted.

Chen Qihang said: "It's a shame, the time is too short. If I had known this, I should have set up a room first, tortured you two, and made you two confess everything you have done in the past two years." come out."

"I don't need to be tortured. I have a relatively clean history. I was in prison for a year and a half. He is more complicated. Torture him." Meng Ping pointed at Liu Ligan and said to Chen Qihang.

"I don't need to. My history is also very clean." Liu Ligan said.

"Both of you are going to be tortured." Chen Qihang scolded, "How did you come here? Is this a good place? What do you think will happen to the people who come here? Although I am just eating this bowl of rice Yes, but as a brother, when I see you here, I want to kick you twice."

"It's wrong, it's wrong. We really didn't come here on our own. We went to Zhuhai for a meeting and were dragged here. However, luckily we were dragged here. Otherwise, we wouldn't have met you." Meng Ping shouted.

"I'm worried about you." Chen Qihang said in a slower tone, "Really, pole, Lao Meng, not a brother, I will not poach myself, I have seen too much here, what kind of millionaires come here , you will still lose everything, I have never seen anyone who can make a fortune from this, especially those of you who are in real estate..."

"What happened to the real estate business?" Liu Ligan asked.

"People who are engaged in real estate have a strong gambling habit. I have seen several of them here in Shenzhen and Guangdong. They were engaged in real estate earlier than you. When they got here, they lost millions and tens of millions at a time without blinking an eye.

"What happened now? The debt collector we sent out to collect the debt came back and said that our family didn't even have the money to buy some rice to make porridge, and we didn't have any friends. Everyone was avoiding him like the god of plague. We who went to collect the debt couldn't stand it anymore, so we left a hundred yuan for him. When he bought rice at home, he said bluntly, Lao Mengzhi, based on my understanding of you..."

Chen Qihang thought for a while and continued: "With your two personalities, to put it bluntly, your gambling skills are no less than theirs. Real brothers, don't blame me for speaking harshly."

"No way, Qihang, how could we be so unbearable?" Liu Ligan shouted.

"If it's Zhang Chen, I don't worry. He knows how to stop. But you two, I'm not sure. Really, one person can lose 100,000 yuan at the slot machine. Not many here. You guys are about to set a record. Then go down to the hall. One person lost another 100,000 yuan, and when he got upstairs, another person bought a million yards, ready to come again."

Chen Qihang looked at them and said: "Tell me honestly, if you lose the two million again, will you think this money is a lot of money, will you just go back to your room to sleep, and go back to the mainland when you wake up, or will you wake up and continue gambling? Ganzi, Lao Meng , you guys tell me the truth.”

Meng Ping and Liu Ligan looked at each other and then at Chen Qihang. They felt that it was so damn hard to tell the truth.

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