The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 876 Yaomei with wings

After He Hongmei came back from Japan, many reporters followed her, as well as many film and TV series producers, who all came to discuss cooperation with He Hongmei.

Zhang Chen and He Hongmei had a serious exchange. Zhang Chen told her that you should have your own career. While you are now in the limelight, you should start your own studio and purchase clothes at Sijiqing. That was your parents' and family's business, here at the design center you were helping, now you need to have your own business.

You must know that fame is a thing. If you polish it from time to time and don't make good use of it, it will disappear over time. As a fashion designer, you have no other choice and must live in the spotlight, in this world. There is no fashion industry that can only survive under the spotlight.

"What about you? Why don't you live under the spotlight?" He Hongmei asked.

Zhang Chen said with a smile: "I am different from you. My main business is not design, but running a business. Design is just my initial means of making a living, but you are not. You want to make design a lifelong thing, and you need to do it now." Your own studio is also your own company. No designer can succeed alone, you must have a team of your own."

He Hongmei snorted, looked at Zhang Chen, and asked suspiciously: "Are you trying to drive me away?"

"How is it possible? Now that you are here with me, you can bring fame and benefits to our brand. Ask Xiao Zhao or Tan Shuzhen how much our sales have increased due to the effect of your winning the award. I don't have to pay. Your salary, the biggest advantage in the world, has been taken away by me. How could I possibly drive you away?

"But I can't exploit you for the rest of my life. Just like I told you at the airport that day, it's true that I am your master, but it's time for you to become a master now."

Zhang Chen paused and continued:

"Besides, if you don't work here, you won't call me master. If you encounter any difficulties in design, won't you come to me? Are we not friends? You can come here at any time, and there are still people who don't welcome you? I now I am telling you this to remind you that you need to clearly position yourself. With your own studio, your positioning will be clear, indicating that your own career has begun.

"Then, even if you are still here every day, it's okay, but your identity is different. You are an independent individual with your own career. In the past few years, I have asked you to officially join the company, but you have always refused. Do you just want to maintain your own independent identity? Being independent alone is not enough, you also need to have your own independent career. A successful career is the guarantee for your independence.

"By the way, among the designers, pattern makers and sample workers in the design center, you can take away whoever you like. In particular, you need to train a pattern maker and pattern worker who can understand your ideas. For a It’s still not easy for designers.”

"Master, can you let me think about it?" He Hongmei said.

"You can think about it, but it can't take too long. I'll give you a week. You need to strike while the iron is hot." Zhang Chen said.

Xiao Zhao and Liu Ligan agreed with Zhang Chen's opinion. Liu Ligan said, Sichuan girl, how about I, "Splendid Jiangnan", give you the lowest price in history? 30% off.

Xiao Zhao smiled and said, we will pay for the 30% discount. Hongmei has helped us a lot in the past two years, so it should be.

He Hongmei got angry and shouted, are you collectively trying to drive me away? !

Zhang Chen had a phone call with He Hongmei's father. He Hongmei's parents and He Dongmei agreed with Zhang Chen's idea. The three of them immediately flew from Chongqing to Hangzhou. He Dongmei said that Sijiqing was in stock. If not, I would fly over in a week. It'll be over soon, Yaomei, don't worry about this, just go do your own thing.

He Hongmei's father also said to He Hongmei, which parent doesn't want his daughter to surpass him? I believe your career can be bigger than your parents. How can we use our small business to tie you up and let You can’t develop your own career.

Her mother also said that we are uneducated, so we go to the market to set up stalls. In fact, no one knows the hardships of setting up stalls in the market. Therefore, when you go to college, your parents will fully support you. Your sister wants to open a specialty store. , we also fully support, why, just to prevent you from ending up like us, still setting up stalls in the market and listening to your master.

A large group of people fought, and He Hongmei was finally explained. He's father and Liu Ligan said, thank you, but you will give us whatever discounts other people get on your house. Hongmei is a very high-spirited girl. If she compares If someone else offers something cheaper, she will definitely not want it.

He's mother told Xiao Zhao that her father was right, we would pay for the house, otherwise, Hongmei would definitely not want the baby.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, stop talking and don’t go to "Splendid Jiangnan", it is not suitable for a studio.

"What, Zhang Chen? My place is the best office building in Hangzhou. Are you saying it's not suitable for a studio?" Liu Ligan shouted.

He Hongmei's parents and He Dongmei didn't understand either. They also felt that Liu Ligan's building was very high-end. If they wanted to buy it for He Hongmei, of course it would be the most high-end building in Hangzhou.

Zhang Chen said: "Well, let me design it tonight and let He Hongmei choose it tomorrow, okay?"

The next day a group of people gathered together again, and He Hongmei also came. Zhang Chen took out a rendering of his own design. He Hongmei took a breath when she saw it.

Zhang Chen designed an all-glass, completely transparent house. It would be so beautiful to use such a house as a studio.

Even He Hongmei's parents and He Dongmei think this is better than an office building.

Dad He said, then we need to find a piece of land and build it.

Xiao Zhao said: "We can just create a space on the roof of the building from the garden."

Zhang Chen shook his head. He looked at Liu Ligan and said, "You will be needed now. This house will be built in the yard of your Genshan Power Plant, by the Mishi River."

As soon as Zhang Chen said this, everyone's eyes lit up, and Zhang Chen continued:

"The Genshan Power Plant will be the Genshan Power Plant Site Museum in the future, but that is just the original generator room. There are still so many empty factories inside. It cannot be demolished, but it can be developed for protection. Then it can be transformed into an art exhibition area and given to free of charge. Those very talented young people provide an exhibition venue and a leisure area where you can eat, drink coffee and tea.

"That pier can be used as a cruise ship pier on the Mishi River. Is it the most suitable place to put this building? It will also become an attraction in the Genshan Power Plant."

Everyone nodded and the matter was settled.

Inside the Genshan Power Plant, Lao Wan and the others were already undergoing renovations. Liu Ligan quickly called Lao Wan over. Zhang Chen handed him the design drawings and told him that the original design would also need to be slightly modified. , this glass house was built in the yard of Genshan Power Plant, right next to the pier.

It was originally the coal yard of the power plant. The coal needed for power generation was transported through the Jiangnan Canal and Genshan River and was piled here. There was an empty house next to it, which was the coal preparation workshop of the power plant. Those huge stone Coal must be rolled here into uniformly sized particles so that it can be fully burned in the boiler.

Now all the coal rolling machines in the house have been evacuated and put on display in the generator room, leaving only an empty shell ready for art display.

Zhang Chen said that this glass house was built next to the coal preparation workshop. A small door was opened between the two houses. More than 100 square meters were allocated in the coal preparation workshop to be renovated and decorated for He Hongmei to live in and do design work. Yes, it’s often late at night, so it’s inconvenient to run back and forth, but it’s also inconvenient to live in a glass house.

After hearing this, everyone agreed. Dad He said, you, the master, think more carefully than I, the father.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, uncle, that's because I am also a designer myself and know what designers need.

He Hongmei was listening on the side, her face flushed slightly.

The two-story glass house, which covers more than 400 square meters, plus the renovation and decoration of more than 100 square meters, was completed in less than a month. When the glass house was completed, it attracted a lot of people and the newspapers were full of news. Reports were made, and it was specifically stated that this was the first project completed in the Genshan River Renovation Plan, and that this would later be the studio of internationally renowned designer He Hongmei.

After the news was released, it attracted many citizens to watch and take photos. The entire Genshan Power Plant has not yet been renovated, but it has become famous in Hangzhou. Everyone knows that there will be a Genshan Power Plant Site Museum there, and the famous designer He Hongmei will be there. The studio has an art exhibition area and a leisure area.

Many people came to negotiate with Liu Ligan, hoping to rent houses in the leisure area to open Western restaurants, tea restaurants and small restaurants. Of course, there are also cafes, teahouses and cake rooms. The houses in the leisure area were quickly rented out, He Hongmei said with a smile. , it seems that I will be able to eat well in the future, and I won’t need to go outside anymore.

There were many artists and students from the Academy of Fine Arts who came to discuss the exhibition. Old Tang grabbed Liu Ligan and said to him, pole, I don’t care, the first exhibition must be my Old Tang’s, Old Tang’s prints exhibition.

"You don't make T-shirts, why do you do printmaking?" Liu Ligan said.

"Yes, yes, I've been doing it all the time, pole. Don't you know that I am an artist who is distracted by T-shirts?"

Liu Ligan looked at Old Tang and said to him: "I know you are a fat man who is not put off by meat, so you should go to the show and eat meat."

"Okay, okay, that's the exhibition of Lao Tang's prints and performance art." Lao Tang laughed.

He Hongmei asked Zhang Chen for a patternmaker and a sample worker. She turned around and said to Liu Ligan, my master has given me two, and you have to give me one as well. no.

Liu Ligan asked, who do you want?

He Hongmei said, I originally wanted Ying Ying, but I was afraid you would cry. Forget it, I settled for the next best thing and gave Wenwen to me.

What do you want her for?

I don't care at night, but during the day, I want her to be my manager.

Liu Ligan laughed, she was the only one, could she be the manager? That heartless person, she can sell herself, make money for others, and then take you out.

He Hongmei scolded: "Don't look down on people so much, I think she can do it."

"Then you go talk to her yourself. If she agrees, I have no objection." Liu Ligan said.

He Hongmei went to Wenwen and told her about the matter. Wenwen asked if she worked in that glass house?

He Hongmei said yes.

"Will we be able to see those directors and stars more often in the future?" Wenwen then asked.

"Yes, you will often deal with them in your future work."

"Then I'll go." Wenwen said.

As Wenwen said that, Qianqian looked at He Hongmei pitifully and said, Sister, why don't you take me away with you?

"That's right, take her with you and let's escape victoriously together." Wenwen also called.

He Hongmei said, okay, then you will be my model and assistant.

He Hongmei went to tell Liu Ligan that I had changed my mind. I wanted not just one, but Wenwen and Qianqian.

When Liu Ligan heard this, he felt a little reluctant and cursed: "Sichuan girl, are you trying to make me become a loner?"

The second-rate guy yelled from the side: "That's enough. You've been using them for so long, you've been forced to raise them. Just go find two more."

He Hongmei's studio was completed. Congratulations to her father, mother, and He Dongmei. They flew over from Chongqing to attend the ceremony of the establishment of her studio. On this day, many directors and actors also came to participate. Suddenly, Genshan Celebrities gathered at the power plant.

Liu Chengcheng happily accepted the invitation, and together with a well-known fifth-generation director and Imamura Shohei, the director of He Hongmei's award-winning film who came specially from Japan, they cut the ribbon for the studio.

He's father and mother were almost crying when they saw so many people coming to the scene. They felt that this Yaomei had grown wings as she grew longer, and now she can fly.

Thank you Yuan Xi, Wawa Tin Soldier, and Ri Ri Fan Shu for the rewards! Thank you Tiger for your monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Happy Saturday everyone!

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