The next night, after dinner, Zhang Chen's office was crowded with people. Xiao Zhao, Lao Tang, Liu Ligan, Wenwen and Qianqian, Lao Tan and Han Gaozu Liu Bang, Erhuo, Ge Ling and their designers Many people from the center, including Xu Wenhui from "Hangcheng Daily", are also here with a colleague. Even Tan Shuzhen has Xiaojuan watching her in the store tonight, and she herself is also in Zhang Chen's office.

Thousands of miles away, tonight, at this moment, in Tokyo, Japan, the award ceremony of the 8th Kyoto Film Festival will be held. Information at that time was very underdeveloped. Whether it was TV, radio or newspapers, the news was lagging behind. If they wanted to get first-hand information, they could only wait for He Hongmei to call from Tokyo.

Zhang Chen's eldest brother and Xiao Zhao's eldest brother were placed on Zhang Chen's desk, next to the landline phone in Zhang Chen's office. They knew that He Hongmei would definitely call, but they didn't know which number she would call.

Everyone held their breath and stared at the phone on the table. There were so many people in the office, but no one spoke. The only sound of people breathing could be heard.

Time passed minute by minute, and after seven o'clock, Liu Ligan broke the silence and cursed, why didn't this Sichuan girl call me?

Old Tang said, it's still early, didn't he say it wouldn't start until eight o'clock?

"Brother, it's eight o'clock Tokyo time, one hour earlier than Beijing time, and it has started now." Liu Ligan said.

Old Tang said "Oh", but he immediately shouted: "No, no, pole, Tokyo is an hour ahead of us, so it shouldn't be just after six o'clock now, it won't start until our nine o'clock."

At that moment, there was a quarrel in the office. Some people thought that Old Tang's statement was correct, while others thought that Liu Ligan's statement was correct.

"Brother Liu, Brother Liu, tell me, according to your Taiwan calculation, how should it be calculated?" Wenwen shouted.

"Taiwan is also Beijing time, pig, you might as well ask him how to calculate it according to his Han Dynasty time." Liu Ligan scolded.

Wenwen was not convinced and continued to ask: "Brother Liu, do you also call it Beijing time?"

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, scratched his head and said: "We don't call it Beijing time, we call it Taipei time, but the time is the same as that in mainland China. There is no time difference. I really don't know what time it is in Tokyo now."

Liu Ligan looked at Wenwen, and Wenwen shouted: "Did you hear that? You are wrong, they don't call it Beijing time, they call it Taipei time, pig!"

Everyone laughed. Wenwen stopped worrying about time and turned to calling. Liu Ligan really couldn't stand up anymore. This Wenwen seemed to be a master of sophistry.

With such a commotion, the tense atmosphere just disappeared immediately, and time passed quickly. It was so noisy that no one even knew that the phone on the table was ringing. It was Tan Shuzhen who shouted:

"The call is coming!"

Everyone was quiet for a moment. Sure enough, the phone ringing rose from the silence. It was Xiao Zhao's phone. Xiao Zhao ran over and turned on the phone. While turning on the phone, she pressed the hands-free button.

"Hey, is it Hongmei?"

There were sobs on the phone, and He Hongmei said: "Sister Xiaozhao, it's me, I won the prize!"

People in the office suddenly cheered. Xu Wenhui rushed over, took the phone from Xiao Zhao's hand, and asked:

"Ms. He, this is Xu Wenhui from Hangzhou Newspaper. First of all, I congratulate you on winning the award. Next, let me ask you what you want to say most right now?"

He Hongmei smiled and said: "Hello, Xu Wenhui, you asked me so formally, and I still don't feel comfortable with it. What do you want to say the most? What I want to say the most has already been said on the stage. Thank you, my master. Thank you, Sister Xiaozhao." , thank you to my many good friends in Hangzhou and my partners in the company."

"Okay, Miss He, what do you want to say to the people of Hangzhou?"

"You still want to talk to the people of Hangzhou, Xu Wenhui?"

"If you want it, I am the Hangzhou newspaper. Of course I will ask you on behalf of the people of Hangzhou."

"Then thank you, Hangzhou, and the people of Hangzhou. I like Hangzhou very much. I studied and worked in Hangzhou in college. Hangzhou is my second hometown..."

As He Hongmei was talking, someone beside him said something to He Hongmei in Japanese, and then Zhang Chen heard Harada Shino's voice saying, I'm sorry, Miss He, he asked you to come over and take a photo together.

He Hongmei said: "Sorry, sorry, I borrowed someone else's phone number to make the call. They asked me to come over. Goodbye Sister Xiaozhao, goodbye Master..."

The call was cut off immediately, and Liu Ligan cursed: "Xu Wenhui, damn you, you alone occupied the phone, and the others didn't say a word."

Xu Wenhui smiled and said: "I don't care, this is exclusive to me, nationwide. By the way, do any of you have photos of He Hongmei?"

Xiao Zhao said: "I do, but at home."

Ge Ling shouted: "Sister Hongmei has it on her workbench."

"Quickly, go get it and lend it to me."

Xu Wenhui shouted, Ge Ling looked at Zhang Chen, Zhang Chen nodded, Ge Ling ran out immediately and came back after a while, holding a frame in her hand, Xu Wenhui couldn't even wait to take the photo out of the frame, holding it Frame, and left with his colleagues.

Liu Ligan clapped his hands and shouted: "Let's go, let's go and have a celebration banquet without the protagonist."

Wenwen asked: "Does it count in that hundred meals?"

Old Tang laughed, OK, this is a good suggestion!

Early the next morning, the front page of "Hangcheng Daily" published the news that He Hongmei had won the award. The title was "Chinese designer won the Best Costume Design Award at the Kyoto Film Festival. Exclusive interview with our reporter." Below, log out He saw the photo on He Hongmei’s workbench.

Xu Wenhui's report and photos were quickly reprinted by many media. Because Ban Mu Tian and Zhang Chen were mentioned in the report, many reporters called Zhang Chen.

At that time, there were very few people who won awards abroad. The relevant departments also felt that the news of winning awards abroad could particularly boost the ambitions of the Chinese people. Therefore, He Hongmei won the award at the Kyoto Film Festival, especially when no one had ever won the award. The Fashion Design Award that comes to mind soon became a hot topic. The next day's "Xinwen Lianbo" also broadcast the news in the last briefing of domestic news.

Unfortunately, from the TV, you can see the footage of He Hongmei accepting the award and delivering a speech, but there is no sound, only the voiceover of the CCTV announcer.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao went to work. When they arrived at the door, many reporters came to know about He Hongmei's situation. Some reporters asked, Mr. Zhang, in addition to thanking you on TV, she also thanked Sister Xiao Zhao. And those old masters from Ban Mu Tian, ​​who is this Xiao Zhao? And what happened to those old masters?

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao looked at each other, and Xiao Zhao smiled and said, I am Xiao Zhao.

Zhang Chen led them to the design center, looked at He Hongmei's workbench, took photos, and returned to the office to tell the reporters about the old masters. Only then did the reporters suddenly realize that there were other things behind the clothes. Such a story.

"By the way, you just said you saw it on TV. What TV?"

Zhang Chen asked one of the reporters, he thought, he had also seen that clip. There was obviously no sound. Can you read lips? Even if you can read lips, you can't read so much content from those two or three seconds of footage?

"Mr. Zhang, you don't know?" asked another reporter. "Last night, CCTV's Six Chinese Culture Reports covered the Kyoto Film Festival in a very long way. The entire process of Miss He receiving the award and delivering her speech was shown. .”

Zhang Chen understood. It turned out to be this. No wonder so many reporters came today.

After Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao answered some questions about He Hongmei, the reporters left and went to the Silk Technology College where He Hongmei once studied to interview her teachers.

After the reporters left, Xiao Zhao said angrily, "We didn't know there would be this program on CCTV 6 yesterday, and we didn't even see it."

Tan Shuzhen walked in. When she heard this, she smiled and said, "I was just about to ask you if you wanted to see it, but seeing so many reporters here, I didn't come in."

"Do you have this?" Xiao Zhao asked anxiously.

Tan Shuzhen nodded and said, "I recorded it last night."

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao quickly got up and followed Tan Shuzhen to her room. There were many video tapes next to the TV cabinet in Tan Shuzhen's room. Zhang Chen took a look and saw that they were various opera programs she had recorded, especially various types of operas. "Stealing Immortal Grass", it seems that she is still thinking about the performance when she is alone.

Tan Shuzhen turned on the TV, then turned on the power of the video recorder, and stuffed a video tape into it. Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao saw the scene of He Hongmei receiving the award. He Hongmei came to the stage, raised the trophy in her hand, and talked to the audience below. :

"First of all, I would like to thank my parents and family. Here, I would also like to thank one person in particular, that is my master Zhang Chen. Originally, he should be here today. I would also like to thank Sister Xiao Zhao, I would like to thank China Hangcheng Banmutian Company for the master craftsmen who made this batch of clothing. It is their every stitch that makes my imagination possible. Thank them! Also..."

Tan Shuzhen smiled and said, "Did you see that? I didn't expect that this He Hongmei would speak very well when she got to the stage."

Xiao Zhao also nodded and smiled.

Zhang Chen was surprised and asked: "Tan Shuzhen, why did you think of recording this?"

"Idiot, of course I want to put it in the store. He Hongmei is not from our company? Do we have a lot of clothes designed by her in our store? Put this in the store, what else is more attractive than this? , which one will be more helpful to our brand and sales? Zhang Chen, I suggest you send this to all Half Acre Field stores across the country."

"Yes, Sister Shuzhen's suggestion is very good!" Xiao Zhao agreed.

Zhang Chen also felt that Tan Shuzhen's proposal was very good, and he would do it right away, but he still had a question in his mind, that is, how did Tan Shuzhen know that there would be this program on CCTV 6 last night? And he even came back to record it. If he hadn't paid special attention to this matter, he probably wouldn't have known about it, right?

Zhang Chen thought about it and suddenly understood that Tan Shuzhen must have been waiting for this day for a long time. If she didn't wait, if her friends around her got it, she would naturally pay attention to it.

Zhang Chen felt a little sad when he thought about this. Yes, Tan Shuzhen should have had such an opportunity.

Thank you Yuanxi for the tip! Thank you Lu and Lao Chentang for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you a nice weekend!

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