The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 865 The arrow shot out

Zhang Chen received a call from Fan Jianguo and rushed over immediately. He walked to the second floor and saw Wenwen and Qianqian sitting on the sofa in the reception area on the second floor. These two people were usually very arrogant, but here they were. At that time, they were also frightened, with panic on their faces and uneasy hearts, not knowing what to do.

Seeing Zhang Chen coming up, the two of them felt relieved and quickly stood up. They followed Zhang Chen into Liu Ligan's office.

Zhang Chen looked at the scene inside and told them to clean up the place quickly.

The two people said "Oh" and quickly moved the broken monitor out. They used brooms to sweep up the plastic and glass fragments on the floor. After sweeping, they hurried out.

Liu Ligan held his head in his hands, rested his hands on his desk, and sat there motionless. Zhang Chen sat down opposite him and asked, what's wrong? what happened?

Fan Jianguo and the others didn't know what happened. They only knew that after Mr. Qiao and Mr. Yang came out of Liu Ligan's office, Liu Ligan didn't explain how they should be arranged. Ying Ying made her own decision and took them to the hotel diagonally opposite. , live here first.

Fan Jianguo and the others heard the noise, ran upstairs, and saw the shocking scene, but no one knew why. Fan Jianguo knew that something big must have happened, so he called Zhang Chen. On the phone, Zhang Chen asked him what happened He couldn't tell, so he could only tell Zhang Chen that Liu Ligan was crazy and smashed things in the office.

Liu Ligan lowered his head and kept shaking it. Zhang Chen continued to ask: "What's the big deal?"

Liu Ligan finally raised his head, looked at Zhang Chen, and smiled bitterly: "It's not a big deal, Zhang Chen, it's just that I'm fucked."

Zhang Chen saw that his eyes were a little red and his face was ugly. Fan Jianguo told him that Mr. Qiao and Mr. Yang had just arrived. Zhang Chen guessed it and asked, is there a problem with Mr. Yang's funds?

Liu Lipole nodded.

Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief, is this all a big deal? I thought something big had happened.

Liu Ligan looked at him and asked, "Isn't this a big deal? Zhang Chen, I'm done."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Zhang Chen scolded, "Isn't it just a loan? This project will be done if you have money, and if you don't have money, don't do it. If you have more money, do it with less money. What's the big deal? I I still want to fill the Pacific Ocean, but I don’t have enough money.”

"Are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid? Do you think I still have a way out?" Liu Ligan said, "Now that things have happened, is this something I can just say I won't do?"

"Why is there no way out?" Zhang Chen really didn't understand.

"I went to Liu Chengcheng to find this matter. I gave him the plan. He immediately reported it to the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government. The Municipal Party Committee also held a standing committee on this and agreed to my plan. The secretary and the mayor also I made special instructions in the plan, but now I say that this can’t be done because I have no money, am I slapping myself in the face or Liu Chengcheng’s face?”

When Liu Ligan said this, Zhang Chen realized the seriousness of the matter. There was really no way out. He had teased Liu Chengcheng so hard. Even if the deputy mayor is magnanimous and doesn't care about you, you are in Hangzhou by yourself. It's hard to get along, because the people in the relevant departments under him know that you have conflicts with Vice Mayor Liu, and they take the initiative to flatter you and make things difficult for you.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan said: "Yes, then you are dead!"

"Yes, prepare to collect the body."

"No, pork is still edible, but you and I have no use for it."

Liu Ligan cried sadly and said to Zhang Chen: "Zhang Chen, damn it, it's a small matter to be embarrassed. I really think this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I won't accept it! If you chop off one of my hands, who can kill me?" When this project started, really, I changed it immediately without saying a word."

Zhang Chen thought for a moment and asked, "Are Mr. Qiao and Mr. Yang still in Hangzhou?"

Liu Ligan shook his head: "I don't know, he should still be there."

"See where they live, I'll go talk to them." Zhang Chen said.

"You go, what's the point of going?"

"I'll go and tell them, I'll guarantee you. Isn't that okay?"

"Are you sick?" Liu Ligan scolded, "When I came to do real estate, how did we agree?"

"You're the only one who's fucking sick. How long have you been, and you're still pretending to be fat?" Zhang Chen scolded back, "If their money doesn't come back, do you have any other options? Even if you can, you won't do it." I will be here like a plague chicken. Besides, I am also optimistic about this project. Why do you have such no confidence in yourself and think you will lose money?"

The two were silent for a while, and Liu Ligan sighed: "Your guarantee ability is still not enough."

"How much did you borrow?" Zhang Chen asked.

"A billion."

"What about a smaller loan? A loan of 400 million to 500 million yuan. Last time I gave Meng Ping a guarantee. Didn't I say that I could lend 400 million yuan? If they give you 400 million yuan here, then the difference between my money and your money will be It’s not much, right? Besides, you don’t have to spend all of it this year. How much more you need next year, we will pay as we earn.” Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan said.

"Thank you, Zhang Chen, really, thank you!" Liu Ligan said, "But this time is different from Meng Ping last time. Even if it is 400 to 500 million, they will not lend."

"Why, it's not all loans, what's the difference?" Zhang Chen didn't understand.

"As for Meng Ping, they are optimistic about that project and feel that the risks of putting money into that project are controllable. If you ask me to guarantee it, it is just an extra layer of guarantee. This time, they don't even have the project." It’s not promising, so the prerequisite for the loan is gone, even if there is a guarantee, it’s useless, then Mr. Yang said that he won’t even report it.”

The two people were talking when Lao Tan and Han Gaozu Liu Bang came. Lao Tan asked Liu Ligan what was going on. Liu Ligan told them, and Han Gaozu Liu Bang cursed:

"I think these Hong Kong people are short-sighted. I think they were fooled by the British. They don't know that in Chinese society, you can only make a fortune if you have good political and business relations. In Taiwan, if you don't have political and business relations, you can't make any money. That Awan opens a clothing store and has to be protected by a congressman."

"They are right to think so." Lao Tan said, "The money is theirs, and of course they will measure it according to the standards and conditions they think are feasible. The problem now is that we are riding a tiger and can't get off, and all the arrows have been shot. , how can you take back the pole without consulting them in advance?"

"They kept telling me beforehand that they would give me any amount of money I needed. It was them who asked me for a loan, not me who asked them for a loan. I asked for our 80 million to be repaid several times, but they refused. Ask me to help you and don’t pay it back. How do I know they won’t agree when I really need the money?” Liu Ligan said with a bitter smile.

"You don't know, this bank has two faces. When he needs you, he has one face, and when you need him, he has another face? This overseas bank is even more so." Lao Tan said.

Zhang Chen looked at the broken map on the wall and said: "Pole, don't we only need more than 200 million to renovate the Genshan River? We have the money ourselves, so we can start working on it first. We will think of ways to deal with what is needed later. The worst is to destroy the entire It will take a little longer to complete the project..."

"No." Before Liu Ligan said anything, Lao Tan denied it. He said:

"The good thing about this plan is that before the renovation of the Genshan River begins, the land on both sides will be included in the entire project and all will be purchased first. If you renovate the river first, then when the river is renovated, the value of the surrounding land will increase. If anyone is willing to sell the land to you, even if they agree, it won’t be the same price.”

"That will really benefit the people. What I can get is probably the Hangzhou City Government erecting a monument by the river. Thank you Liu Ligan." Liu Ligan said with a wry smile.

Zhang Chen understood that the difficulty in this matter is that if you want to get benefits, you must invest so much in the early stage, otherwise you will not be able to control the situation later. And to achieve this, the biggest problem is not to improve the river channel. , but to acquire land first. To acquire such a large area of ​​land, your own money plus Liu Ligan's money is far from enough.

Zhang Chen's big brother rang and he picked up. It was Meng Ping. Meng Ping asked on the phone, Zhang Chen, where are you now? Something happened at the pole. Do you know?

"I'm right here at the pole, and Lao Tan is also here." Zhang Chen said, "By the way, Meng Ping. How do you know about the pole?"

"Old Qiao called me, Zhang Chen, and I was on my way to Hangzhou." Meng Ping said, "Old Qiao asked me to tell Ganzi that he himself is very optimistic about Ganzi's project. I was with Mr. Yang earlier. At the same time, it was not convenient for him to say, he said he would contact the Chaozhou people, and it might not be able to meet the needs of the pole, but it should be able to provide part of it."

"That's great, Meng Ping."

"Tell the pole not to worry. We'll discuss it when I get there. Let's all come up with a solution together," Meng Ping said.

"Okay, Meng Ping."

Everyone heard Meng Ping's call. Zhang Chen hung up the phone. Han Emperor Liu Bang asked Liu Ligan, had the photos of the renderings been developed?

Liu Ligan said: "It's washed out."

He took out a thick paper bag from the Caikuo Store from the drawer and handed it to Liu Bang, the Emperor of the Han Dynasty. Liu Bang, the Emperor of the Han Dynasty, picked out a set and laid them out one by one on the table. After confirming that there was nothing missing, he collected it When he got up, he told Liu Ligan to give me a copy of the plan.

Liu Ligan took out the plan from the drawer and handed it to Liu Bang, the emperor of Han Dynasty. He looked at him and wondered what he wanted to do?

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, said: "What my friend just said is right. Let's think of a way. Even if the arrow is shot, there is a way to catch it. There is a way to recapture the captured position. I will go back to Taiwan right away. , I still have a few rich friends in Taiwan."

"Okay, I'll give it to you." Lao Tan said.

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, walked over and patted Liu Ligan on the shoulder, and then walked out with Lao Tan.

Zhang Chen stood up, took off the broken map from the wall, and cursed, "It's a good map to provoke you. Do you want to do such a cruel thing?"

Thank you to Doll Tin Soldier, Reading Books Every Day, and On the Shore 131 for the rewards! Thank you Zhou Xuehua, Tianying 1978, Baliang, and user 00322204577 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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