The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 864 The dream is broken, but it’s still sparkling

Mr. Qiao and Mr. Yang arrived. In Liu Ligan's office, the two of them sat there with the plan in their hands, listening to Liu Ligan standing in front of the map and explaining the entire plan to them.

Liu Ligan spoke very excitedly. After speaking, he looked at the two of them eagerly. Mr. Qiao asked, Mr. Liu, what is your funding requirement this time?

Liu Ligan said, I want to enlarge the 80 million to 1 billion.

Mr. Qiao stopped talking and looked at Mr. Yang. Mr. Yang and Liu Ligan said, Mr. Liu, we are all old acquaintances, and there is no need to go around in circles. To be honest, I am not optimistic about this project at all. We can’t Will agree to expand the size of your funds to one billion.


Liu Ligan's heart skipped a beat. He was worried about everything, except that he had never been worried that Mr. Yang and his family would have financial problems here.

Liu Ligan feels that this project itself is attractive enough. With a construction area of ​​two million square meters, even if it costs 1,000 yuan per square meter, it will have a sales scale of 2 billion yuan. What's more, after the renovation of Genshan River, the houses there will , how can it be only worth a thousand yuan a square, you have to know that this is the real city center, and it is a room with a view.

One billion yuan is invested in the early stage. This is a very loose budget. If it is well controlled, the entire investment should not exceed this amount. Even if it exceeds one or two billion, this will still be a project with a high return on investment. Anyone with a discerning eye will see it. You will understand if you listen. Mr. Qiao and Mr. Yang, don’t they understand?

The most important thing is Mr. Yang. To Liu Ligan, he has always shown an attitude of, as long as you want it, no matter how much you want, the more the better, we will satisfy you. You know, it has always been them. They begged to give Liu Ligan a loan, including the 80 million, but Liu Ligan never wanted it. Later, when Liu Ligan wanted to pay it back, they still didn't agree.

Therefore, Liu Ligan has always been very confident about this. He always feels that the difficulty in this matter lies with the Hangzhou City Government. As long as the Hangzhou City Government agrees, there will definitely be no problem with Mr. Yang.

"Mr. Yang, what did you say?" Liu Ligan thought he heard wrongly and asked again.

"Mr. Liu, I'm not optimistic about your project. Let alone whether our industry will agree to it. I won't even report it." Mr. Yang looked at Mr. Qiao and continued: "If I report it here, the industry will not agree." Not only will they not agree to this loan, they will also be worried about the 400 million in Nanjing and the 80 million in Mr. Liu’s place.”

"Why?" Liu Ligan felt his head was buzzing, but he still asked blankly.

"It's very simple. The 400 million from Nanjing, plus the 80 million from Mr. Liu himself. It can be said that for Mr. Liu's company, we have reached the maximum scale of your credit. Fortunately, whether it is Mr. Liu's place or the Mr. Meng's project, funds have now begun to flow back, and the sales situation is very good, but as long as these two loans are not repaid, our risks will not disappear.

"Mr. Liu now wants to expand the scale to one billion. We can calculate it using the simplest arithmetic. Mr. Liu, your company's annual net income will not even be able to bear the capital cost of one billion. Am i right?"

"How can it be?"

Liu Ligan said, but he felt guilty. Lao Tan had already calculated this that day and was indeed not 100% sure. Liu Ligan bet on this. In fact, when there was really no other way, he could use the principal of the money. , to pay part of the interest.

"Mr. Liu, if you want to make this loan, it will be a development loan for at least five years, right? If we don't go up, it will be based on the base interest rate of 58% to 14%. Mr. Liu, tell me, which one of you The project can generate a net profit of 1.5 billion a year, can it cover the capital cost of this amount?

"If you don't even have the ability to pay interest, will the risk of default and the risk of repaying the principal be immediately exposed?"

Liu Ligan argued: "The principal repayment will of course depend on this project. The project itself will generate huge profits."

Mr. Yang smiled and said, yes, what I said before is actually unnecessary when we may issue this loan. When it comes to this project, I am fundamentally not optimistic about it. So we don’t even have the possibility to operate.

Liu Ligan asked blankly: "Why are you not optimistic about this project?"

"It's very simple. The risks are too great and there are too many uncontrollable factors. This is not a project we would choose to cooperate with," Mr. Yang said.

Liu Ligan looked at Mr. Yang and then at Mr. Qiao. He was at a loss. He didn't know what else he could say or what he could say. He looked at Mr. Qiao helplessly.

Mr. Qiao picked up a cigarette from the table, lit it himself, and after taking a few puffs, he said to Liu Ligan:

"Mr. Yang, maybe Mr. Liu doesn't quite understand that for their bank, as long as the risks of a project are controllable, no matter how high the risk is, they don't think it's a big problem. For example, let's take Mr. Meng's project. For example, for that project, the property rights are clear and the project approval procedures are complete. What are the most likely risks?"

Mr. Qiao asked Mr. Yang: "Can I say this?"

Mr. Yang nodded, and Mr. Qiao and Liu Ligan said: "Actually, Mr. Yang and I have discussed this issue. The most likely problem with Mr. Meng is that the progress of the project is not as expected, or that the return of funds is not as expected as Mr. Meng imagined. So ideal, so his 400 million would probably not be enough, but the value of the building itself is much higher than 400 million.

"What if that happens? It's very simple. We will ask Mr. Meng to use his projects under construction and the company's equity as collateral. Even if we give him another 400 million, it will be no problem until his project is completed. This, Everything happens between us and Mr. Meng, and the external factors are very small, so the risks are controllable."

Mr. Qiao put out the cigarette in the ashtray, picked up another cigarette, lit it himself, and took a few puffs. He looked at Mr. Yang and said to Liu Ligan:

"As for your project, my opinion is slightly different from Mr. Yang's. That is, I personally think it is a good project. Mr. Liu's ideas, including the design of the entire project, can be said to be very bold, very creative, and refreshing. Get the land first, then find ways to increase the value of the land itself, and then develop it, haha, Mr. Liu, can the whole step I mentioned be summarized simply like this?"

Liu Ligan nodded, and he also admitted that this was his starting point. As for this river and that river, it was not only for the need to increase the value of the land, but more importantly, for the need to obtain land.

Mr. Qiao nodded: "I must admit, this is very imaginative. This is why I am optimistic about this project. It may also be the reason why I am more radical and Mr. Yang must be cautious from the perspective of their bank.

"Mr. Yang is right. While your project has promising prospects, it also has huge risks. The most important risk is external risks, which are unpredictable and uncontrollable. Mr. Yang, I Is that correct?"

Mr. Yang nodded.

Liu Ligan was unconvinced and said, "Why are the risks of my project so uncontrollable?"

Mr. Qiao smiled slightly and said, "It's very simple. To start this project, it needs to be approved by the Hangzhou City Government in a document. Am I right?"

Liu Lipole nodded.

"Is it possible for the government to issue another document, suspend this project, or change the direction of the entire project?" Mr. Qiao asked.

Liu Ligan was stunned for a moment, and finally he could only nod.

"Whether you are an enterprise or our financial institution, the relationship between us and the government is always a relationship between superiors and subordinates. The government can give us guidance, but we cannot change the government's decisions, Liu Boss, am I right?"

Mr. Qiao asked, Liu Ligan nodded, of course there was no doubt about it.

"Your entire project has such a long cycle, and there are too many things that will happen in the meantime. The simplest thing is that if it is due to the personnel adjustment of the Hangzhou City Government, or the central government's major policy changes, or the changes in local regulations, it is very likely that Change the fate of this project.

"To put it at the extreme, even if this project is still going on, the government needs to cancel your company's subject qualifications or change the content of the project due to new policies and regulations. Mr. Liu, tell me, what can you do? At that point At that time, can you change the decision of the local government? Whether it is you or us, we can only passively accept it, right?"

As Mr. Qiao said, Liu Ligan felt a chill in his heart. He had to say that the possibility that Mr. Qiao mentioned existed. If that day came, he would really have no other choice but to passively accept it. .

As for Mr. Yang and Mr. Qiao, when they considered it from this perspective, the risk of this loan suddenly became apparent. Although Liu Ligan felt that the possibility of this happening was very low, and it was impossible for the local government to say Even if orders change overnight, they must also administer according to the law, but for financial institutions, they will always exaggerate the risks as much as possible.

Only in this way can they reduce their risks. Those companies that have loans from banks cannot withstand any disturbance. Once you have any disturbance, the bank will determine that your operations are abnormal. The first thing they will think of is to collect money. loan.

Liu Ligan thought of everything, but he did not expect that Mr. Yang and Mr. Qiao would look at the risks of this project from this perspective out of professional instinct.

"Mr. Liu, your project is good. If you run it well, it will be a good project. But for us, it is just a castle on the sand because its foundation is built on high risks."

Mr. Qiao said that this was a fundamental rejection of the project.

Mr. Yang looked at Liu Ligan and then said: "Mr. Liu, of course, our bank is not without interest or possibility to enter this project, but it is definitely not now."

"When will that be?" Liu Ligan asked.

"When your real estate project starts construction, we are still interested in participating in the development and assuming the mortgage business." Mr. Yang said.

Damn it, grandma, Liu Ligan almost cursed, you just came to pick up something ready-made, right? Until then, do I still fucking need you?

Mr. Qiao and Mr. Yang stood up to say goodbye. Liu Ligan didn't even know how they got out. He sat there blankly, and a voice in his heart kept saying, It's over, it's over, Liu Ligan, you're fucking done. , your end has come.

Such a big bubble has been blown up, but now, you have to pop it yourself. Liu Ligan remembered Mr. Han's words, you should stop messing around in Hangzhou, your credibility is completely bankrupt. .

Fan Jianguo and the others heard a loud "bang" from upstairs. They hesitated for a moment, thinking, could it be the story about the boy who cried wolf? But they still went upstairs, and what they saw in front of them shocked them. They saw Liu Ligan sitting there with a livid face.

On the ground was a computer monitor that had just been bought a few days ago, and it was already cracked.

On the wall, the map of Hangzhou was smashed into a hole by the display screen, and even the wall behind was smashed into a hole.

Thank you to Laughing and Running Y for the tip! Thank you to the sample thief and book friend 20190104201758318 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the reading and votes! Have a good evening everyone!

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