The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 811 Broken Dreams of Peach Blossom Land

Zhang Chen, Xiao Zhao and He Hongmei took Xiang Nan to North on a flight from Hangzhou to Chongqing on January 25, the 25th day of the year.

He Dongmei came to pick them up at the airport and got in the car. He Hongmei and Xiao Zhao said, "Your parents have already arrived. I have arranged for you to stay at the Huixianlou Hotel."

Xiao Zhao quickly said: "Thank you, Sister Dongmei!"

There is still a week before the Spring Festival, and the company has not yet had a holiday, and the last batch of workers in the factory have not left yet. The reason why Zhang Chen and the others came back in a hurry so early is because Xiao Zhao said that her parents are both in their teens. They haven’t been to Chongqing for two years. This time, they wanted to take them to Chongqing for two days and then rent a van to go home on the 28th.

It was He Hongmei's brother-in-law who drove Xiao Zhao's parents to Chongqing in his car.

They arrived at the entrance of Huixianlou Hotel. As soon as the car stopped, Xiao Zhao's younger brothers and sisters rushed out of the hotel. It turned out that they had been waiting for Xiao Zhao and the others on the first floor. When they saw He Dongmei's car, they knew they had arrived. .

Xiao Zhao got out of the car first, but before he could stand still, his younger brothers and sisters stuck to him. Xiao Zhao quickly hugged them, and then got off the car Xiangnan. His younger brothers and sisters were stunned for a moment, not knowing who she was, and waited until Zhang Xiangbei When they got off the bus, although Xiang Bei and his younger siblings had changed a lot since the last time they saw him, they knew that this must be Bei Bei.

Both of them reached out to pull Zhang Xiangbei. Zhang Xiangbei had no impression of them at all. He was startled and took Xiang Nan's hand. He hid behind her. Xiang Nan also took a step forward, blocking his younger brother. Between her sister and Xiangbei, they pretended to protect Zhang Xiangbei.

The adults all laughed, and Xiao Zhao quickly introduced them, this is aunt, this is uncle, and this is Xiang Nan.

Probably because Xiao Zhao's sister looked so much like Xiao Zhao, Xiang Nan quickly relaxed his guard. When his sister stretched out her hand, she held her hand and leaned towards her sister.

The younger brother rummaged around in his pants pocket with one hand, and finally took out a toy pistol and handed it to Zhang Xiangbei. Zhang Xiangbei was overjoyed and let go of Xiangnan's right hand and reached out to take it.

The alliance between the two little children was immediately broken up by the two older children. The younger brother held hands with Xiang Bei, and the younger sister held hands with Xiang Nan, and the four of them walked into the hotel together.

He Dongmei had already opened a room for them. On the twelfth floor, He Dongmei handed the key cards to the two rooms to Xiao Zhao and told her that your parents live in the two rooms opposite you.

Xiao Zhao took the key tag and said thank you!

After taking out all the luggage in the trunk, He Dongmei went to park the car. He Hongmei sent them in. When they entered the hotel, the four children were no longer visible in the lobby.

He Hongmei said that she must have gone upstairs to report the news.

When they walked to the elevator, they saw that the elevator was going up and stopped at the twelfth floor.

All three laughed.

He Hongmei did not disturb their family reunion and did not go upstairs with Zhang Chen and others. Watching the elevator door close, she turned around and went to He Dongmei's store.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao went upstairs. When they reached the twelfth floor, the elevator door opened. Xiao Zhao's parents, wearing new clothes, were standing at the elevator entrance. To their surprise, their aunt, Mayor Niu, was also there.

"Xiao Zhao!"

Mayor Niu shouted, and before Xiao Zhao could go out, she dragged her out and the two of them hugged each other.

Xiao Zhao's parents stood by and smiled. Zhang Chen called his parents. The two kept nodding. Xiao Zhao's father hesitated for a moment, but his right hand was still half-stretched. Zhang Chen quickly held it. My hands felt the weight of calluses on top of each other again.

When Mayor Niu and Xiao Zhao let go, Zhang Chen called out: "Hello, aunt!"

"Okay, aunt is very good, and Mayor Niu is very good." Mayor Niu said with a smile.

Everyone walked into the corridor together, and Xiao Zhao asked, "Auntie, why are you here? I thought I wouldn't be able to see you and uncle until the 28th in the countryside."

"I specifically asked for two days' leave from the village and came here to block you." Head Niu said.

"Blocking us?" Xiao Zhao was surprised, "Why are you blocking us?"

Mayor Niu looked back and forth and said to them, "Let's talk in the room."

Xiao Zhao's parents also said: "Yes, we will talk in the room."

Before I even reached the door, I heard the sound of four children playing in the room with the door open.

Xiao Zhao opened the door of her room opposite and said to her aunt, "Come on, come over here." Then she walked to the opposite side and said to her sister inside:

"Xiaofang, we are discussing things in the opposite room. You take care of them."

My sister nodded "hmm".

Five people entered the room. Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao's father were sitting on the sofa, and her aunt and Xiao Zhao's mother were sitting on the bed opposite. Xiao Zhao stood there, feeling a little uneasy. She couldn't wait to ask:

"Auntie, what happened at home?"

Chief Niu waved his hand and said to them: "Your uncle and I have discussed it, and I'd better come to Chongqing to stop you, because I'm afraid they can't explain clearly."

The people she meant were Xiao Zhao's parents.

"You can't go back to this home, and you can't even go to the countryside." Chief Niu said.

"Ah, why?"

Both Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao were startled. Xiao Zhao looked at his parents, his face full of worry, and his heart skipped a beat, knowing that something must have happened.

"Do you know how many people are waiting for you to go back? Half of the township is waiting, even several of your teachers in the township middle school are waiting, not to mention your village, the whole village is waiting for you Go back, if I hadn't told your uncle that if you didn't come back this year, there would be even more people waiting." said Chief Niu.

"What are you waiting for us for?" Xiao Zhaoqi asked.

"What are you waiting for? There are all kinds of people. Some are waiting for you to borrow money to build a house. Some are waiting for you to take patients to see them. Some are waiting for you to go to work with you when you leave. There are also When you guys work together to open a shop or factory in the countryside, you're like a big-headed guy. They won't pay a penny, so they just wait for you to pay.

"The funniest thing is that your cousin from East Bay, who doesn't know a hundred Chinese characters, has been calling me in the countryside for a month or two, saying that he is going to work for Xiao Zhao as a factory director.

"He is a factory director and a hammer, but he is not good at being a parent. He loses all the sweet potato noodles he makes at home to others in gambling. He goes around bragging about how he can let outsiders be the director of the factory. There is so much oil and water in it, and the fat and water should not flow to outsiders. This is fat, and it is also fat for our own family members. Listen, what can such people do?

"That day, your uncle met him in a village restaurant and was bragging there. Your uncle scolded him and the two of them almost started fighting.

"Xiao Zhao, you are like this when you are not here. Think about it, if you go back, it will be okay. It's not that your aunt is mean, but there is no good thing in your village. Ever since your new house was built, you ask Ask your parents how many people have borrowed money from them to build houses.

"Have your parents been able to save even a dime of the money you send back every month? Which family in the village has not asked them to borrow money? Some of them have IOUs or no IOUs. These two honest people can even keep an account. I can't explain clearly, even the gamblers in the village came to ask them to borrow money to gamble. It was nice to know thank you for borrowing the money, but in the end, no one even said a nice word.

"After borrowing money, you still say bad things about them, what are you talking about being stingy? You said that your daughter and son-in-law are such a big boss, and you only want to take three thousand for a loan of five thousand. Listen, who are these people? Otherwise, you are stingy. They also evacuated the mountains of gold and silver. I was not in good weather, so I went to your village and scolded me. It was clean for a week and no one dared to come to my door. Time passed and it was the same again.

"Xiao Zhao, it's impossible for aunt to go to your village every day to scold people. I went to scold people, and these people turned around and said aunt again, saying that all the money came to aunt, and that the money was occupied by the head of Niu Township. You ask Ask your parents, me and your uncle, have you ever asked them to get a dime?”

Xiao Zhao's parents quickly shook their heads.

When their aunt said this, Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao felt frightened. What was this? Six hundred thousand is an astronomical figure in those ravines.

She remitted the money back because she thought that with more money, her parents would dare to spend more and not be so timid. If they couldn't spend all the money, they could save it for their younger brothers and sisters to study.

Xiao Zhao asked her mother how much money was left after she sent it back?

Her mother was speechless and lowered her head.

Xiao Zhao looked at her father, who also lowered his head.

"What's left!" my aunt scolded. "The money is gone, but you don't dare to talk to me. I pressed and pressed that day, and then you told me that there is no money left. Not a penny is left. It's all borrowed. I asked you if you sent it." How much, God, I took out the account and looked at it, 682,000, 682,000. Your uncle said that several township office buildings can be built.

"I took the IOU for the urea bag home and calculated it with your uncle. It was less than 400,000 yuan, and the rest didn't even have a note.

"No, I let them live in my house last week. It's almost the end of the year, so I'm afraid there will be more people borrowing money. At your house, your uncle also asked your younger uncle to guard it. , I am afraid that these people will not be able to borrow money or find people, and they will smash the windows and doors."

Xiao Zhao was heartbroken when she heard that. It wasn't that she felt sorry for the money, but she didn't expect that she sent money to her family every month. She originally wanted to improve their lives, but she didn't expect that the money would turn into a scourge. My parents are living such a life at home, which is really evil.

Is it still the hometown I am familiar with? Are those still the folks I am familiar with?

Zhang Chen felt sad as he listened. The good feeling when he went home with Xiao Zhao for the first time has always remained in his heart. This place was once the peach blossom garden in his dream. Unexpectedly, after the veil of this peach blossom garden was lifted, , so unbearable.

Zhang Chen handed a cigarette to Xiao Zhao's father. He took it and Zhang Chen lit it for him. Xiao Zhao's father hesitated and finally plucked up the courage to say to Zhang Chen:

"Sorry, I lost all your money."

Zhang Chen quickly said: "Dad, money is a trivial matter. If you don't have it, you won't have it. I can't stand this anger. Just like my aunt said, there is no such reason. You spend money to buy the pain. You two, stay at home." Suffered.”

When Zhang Chen said this, Xiao Zhao started sobbing. She said to her mother, "Why didn't you tell us earlier?"

Thank you for the tip! Thank you Sun Bosheng and wxd121 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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