The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 810 What kind of plane?

They came out of 302 and went to Unit 101, Unit 2, Building 6, Lao Tan, which was also being renovated. After coming out of here, they went to Zhang Chen's parents' house and took the second-rate guy to see Zhang Xiangbei.

Erhuo was sitting there. Zhang Chen, Xiao Zhao and Zhang Chen's parents were chatting. They were talking about things in Xiangnan and Xiangbei. The two people stood side by side in front of Erhuo and asked Xiangnan:

"Who are you?"

Xiang Bei also asked: "Who are you?"

The second-hand kid looked at them with a smile. Suddenly his cheeks moved and he made a frog sound. The two children were startled and leaned back. Then they stared at the second-hand kid curiously. The second-hand kid's cheeks There was a movement, then two more "coo" sounds, and the two children laughed.

Xiang Nan said, "Come back soon."

Xiang Bei also said, "Come back soon."

A bunch of frog sounds came out of the idiot's mouth. The two children laughed so hard that the adults were also attracted. Zhang Chen's father laughed and said, "Haha, how come they are so similar?"

Erhuo and Xiang Nan Xiangbei said, "Let's go out to look for leaves. I can also learn a lot of bird calls. Do you want to listen?"

Both children shouted for it.

The second-hand guy said, "Instructor, I'll take them out to play."

Zhang Chen said yes.

Zhang Chen’s father stood up and said, I want to go take a look too.

The two adults and two children went out and came back more than half an hour later. As soon as they entered the door and headed south, they ran towards Xiao Zhao and shouted: "Aunt Xiao Zhao, this uncle frog can learn a lot of bird calls."

Xiang Bei also took the second-rate guy's hand and urged: "Uncle Frog, scream quickly, scream quickly!"

Erhuo immediately let out a string of beautiful bird songs.

Two children, one leaning on Erguo, kept calling "Uncle Frog", asking him to learn this and that. Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao looked at each other, and Zhang Chen muttered:

"Why have you become the uncle again? Aren't you the elder brother?"

Zhang Chen's father said, I asked them to call him, isn't he older than you, how is it appropriate to call him brother? This person is really interesting, he really looks like what he learned, haha.

Zhang Chen looked at Xiao Zhao, who laughed.

Come on, isn't this even more messy?

After returning from "Splendid Garden", Zhang Chen took Lao Tan's real estate certificate and land certificate to the hospital. Since all the idiots knew about this, Zhang Chen had to go and make it clear to his elder brother, otherwise he would soon I know it from the second-hand people.

Zhang Chen came back from the hospital. Wu Zhaohui and Xiao Zhao were sitting in his office. Wu Zhaohui was called by Zhang Chen to help him take the exam.

When Xiao Zhao saw Zhang Chen coming back, he asked, did the elder brother make sense?

Zhang Chen nodded.

"Mr. Zhang, Wei Wenfang and I will also go to see Mr. Tan tomorrow, is it okay?" Wu Zhaohui asked.

Zhang Chen said yes.

Zhang Chen called the second guy over. The two of them knew each other already and no introduction was needed, but Wu Zhaohui had never been in a car driven by the second guy before. The two of them got out, Wu Zhaohui sat in the passenger seat, and the second guy drove the car. They were chatting. I walked around the streets of Hangzhou for an hour.

When he came back, Zhang Chen asked Wu Zhaohui, how about driving as a second-rate guy?

"It's worth two Mr. Liu." Wu Zhaohui said, and Zhang Chen felt relieved.

After arranging for Lao Tan and Erhuo, it’s time to prepare for the New Year. This year’s New Year’s Eve is January 31, which is still twenty days away. This year, Tan Shuzhen is in the store. Xiao Zhao doesn’t have to worry about the store during the Spring Festival. Lao Tan is again Zhang Chen and the others are planning to take Zhang Xiangbei back to Sichuan this year to visit his grandparents.

Xiao Zhao has not been home for more than two years. Last year, when He Hongmei and her Chongqing store were preparing to renovate, they arrived in Chongqing. He Hongmei drove them back, but they only went to the countryside. Even the new house at home was built. How is it? Zhaodu has never seen it.

They decided to go to Chongqing to celebrate the New Year. The two children knew that they would take a plane. Zhang Xiangbei was ignorant. Feng Xiangnan was on the side, but she cried silently. She knew that this not only meant being separated from her brother, but also meant that her brother would have a plane ride. And she didn't.

Xiao Zhao looked distressed, so she went to discuss with Tan Shuzhen, either letting Xiang Nan and Xiang Bei go to Chongqing together. Tan Shuzhen was working in the store this year anyway, so she would spend the New Year's Eve with Zhang Chen's parents. Otherwise, other At that time, Xiang Nan was too lonely alone with two old people.

Tan Shuzhen agreed.

Xiang Nan was overjoyed when he found out that he was also going to take a plane.

In the next few days, Xiang Nan would often stand up and say to Xiang Bei, "Let's go."

The two of them went out mysteriously, either to the garden in front or to the vegetable patch in the back. They stood there, looking up at the sky. They saw that their necks were sore, then they came back, and after a while they ran out again.

Zhang Chen's mother followed her out and looked up at the sky. There was nothing in the sky, but the two children still looked up at the sky with their necks raised so seriously.

Zhang Chen's mother asked them what they were looking at, and Xiang Nan said they were looking at airplanes. We wanted to see what the plane we were on looked like.

Zhang Chen's father heard Xiang Nan's words and said casually, just like birds, airplanes also have wings, and they can fly only if they have wings. Look, humans, dogs, fish, and cats can't fly just because they don't have wings. fly.

The two children went to look for the bird again and stared blankly at the bird on the tree. They couldn't figure out where to sit when the bird was so small.

The two of them each took an empty Qingchunbao jar and went to the vegetable field behind to look for it among the cabbage grown by Zhang Chen's father.

Zhang Chen's father was very curious and walked over to ask them what they were looking for. Xiang Nan said, "Grandpa, we are looking for bugs."

"Nannan, why are you looking for insects?" Zhang's father asked.

"We are flying on a plane. If the plane gets hungry and can't fly, it won't drop us. We carry bugs with us. If the plane gets hungry, we feed it bugs."

Dad Zhang laughed and asked, "Then how do you know that airplanes like to eat bugs?"

Zhang Xiangbei said: "Grandpa didn't say that airplanes are like birds. Birds love to eat bugs."

"Ah!" Zhang Chen's mother yelled in the house. Zhang Chen's father thought something had happened and hurried back. It turned out that it was two children who wanted to get the jar of Youth Treasure. Pour it onto the coffee table.

Zhang Chen’s father said, it’s okay, it’s okay. You just need to tell them later that airplanes like to eat youth treasures, and they will put them back for you.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao came back in the evening. Zhang Chen's parents told them what had happened, and the two of them laughed wildly.

The next day, halfway through work, Zhang Chen called the second guy and asked him to drive to his parents' house to pick up Xiangnan and Xiangbei, and then pick him up again. We took them to Jianqiao Airport to watch the planes.

The two children were so happy when they heard that they were going to watch the plane that they immediately climbed into the car. Zhang Chen stood at the window and got downstairs when he saw the second-hand car coming back.

They arrived at Jianqiao Airport. Jianqiao Airport was very small, with only a three-story terminal building. It was boxy and looked like a gymnasium building. This was to welcome Nixon's visit to China in 1971, when he would visit Hangzhou. Expanded.

When they arrived at the steps in front of the terminal, Zhang Chen took Xiang Nan and Xiang Bei off the bus, and the second cargo went to park the car. Zhang Chen told the second cargo to come to the cafe upstairs to find us.

Zhang Chen led Xiang Xiang up to the north and entered the gate. It was a two-story hall. Ticketing, check-in and waiting were all in this hall. They could not enter the waiting room. Standing on the first floor, they could not enter. You can't see the tarmac at the back, but walking in from the ticket office, there is a wide step up to the second floor. There is a cafe and a restaurant on the second floor.

Zhang Chen led Xiang Xiang north up the stairs. Outside the floor-to-ceiling glass of the cafe and restaurant was the apron. The fees here were very high. Whether you wanted a cup of water or a cup of coffee, the fee was 50 yuan. At that time, a pound of pork The price is five yuan, which is equivalent to the cost of ten pounds of pork to drink a glass of water here, so the place is very empty and there are not many people.

Zhang Chen took his two children and sat at a table near the floor-to-ceiling glass. The two children were unwilling to sit down. They saw two planes parked on the tarmac outside. Only then did Xiang Nan realize how big the plane was. , not like what I saw on TV, nor like what grandpa said, just like a bird.

The two people pressed their faces against the glass and looked out greedily. Even Zhang Chen asked them to drink juice and refused to come over to drink it.

When the second-rate guy came, Zhang Chen asked him what he wanted. He asked for a cup of Coke. The two of them sat there chatting while the two children watched.

Going south and north, I saw a car driving under the plane. Many people got out of the car. Compared with the plane, those people were as big as matches. They climbed up the ladder one by one. After walking through the door, the car drove away, and then the ladder, like bread crumbs carried by ants, moved away by itself, and the plane door was closed.

Xiang Nan held his breath, not knowing what was going to happen next. He turned to Xiang Bei and asked the second guy: "Uncle Frog, what is the sound of the plane?"

The second guy was stunned for a moment. He really didn’t know how the plane called. He said, wait a minute. When we hear how the plane sounds, I will teach you how to call it.

Xiang Bei turned around and pressed their faces against the glass like Xiang Nan again. The glass flattened their noses.

"It's moving, it's moving, the plane is moving!"

Xiang Nan shouted loudly. Zhang Chen and Erhuo turned around to look. Sure enough, on the tarmac, a plane began to move slowly, moved to the runway, and stopped there. Zhang Xiangbei became anxious and shouted:

"Sister, why doesn't it move again? Is it hungry?"

Xiang Nan asked: "Do you have a youth treasure with you?"

Xiang Bei said: "No, have you?"

"I do not have either."

Xiang Nan said, and the two of them sighed in disappointment. Fortunately, the plane started to move again immediately, and the speed was getting faster and faster, with a huge roar, and the air waves sprayed out made the entire plane look dull and a little... It was blurry, and when they saw it clearly again, it had already lifted off the ground, and both children clapped.

"Fly! Fly!"

They shouted loudly, and now, there was only a lone plane left on the tarmac.

Zhang Chen then called them over and told them that airplanes do not eat bugs or youth treasures.

"Then what does it eat?" Xiang Nan asked.

"It doesn't eat anything. It burns kerosene, just like my uncle's car. My uncle's car burns gasoline, so it moves. An airplane burns kerosene to fly."

"Cars burn gasoline, so why don't planes burn fuel?" Xiang Nan asked.

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment and then laughed. He told Xiang Nan that airplanes burn kerosene, which is not called flying oil. Ships burn diesel oil, which is not called wheel oil. Many of them burn diesel oil. Tractors also burn diesel oil, which is not called tractor oil. .

"What about gasoline? What else can be used to burn it?" Xiang Nan asked.

Zhang Chen thought for a while and really couldn't remember anything else that burned gasoline, but he thought about it and told Xiangnan that it might be because only cars burn gasoline, so gasoline is called gasoline after cars. Diesel has so many things to burn, so it's just Just stop barking at anything.

"Then diesel is better. Gasoline is just a follower." Xiang Nan nodded.

Zhang Chen and Er Huo laughed.

The two children also wanted to watch another plane take off. Zhang Chen told them that it would take a long time, since we would be taking a flight in a few days anyway.

Xiang Nan smiled and said, "Then we will become matches."

"What matches?" Zhang Chen wondered.

The four of them went downstairs and passed by the canteen. They saw some airplane models for sale. Xiang Bei wanted to buy one. Zhang Chen asked the two of them to pick one each.

Two children were choosing airplane models. Zhang Chen looked around. He saw a figure at the security checkpoint and was shocked. Zhang Chen quickly told the second kid, "Look at them."

He ran towards the security checkpoint, and when he arrived, the man had disappeared.

Zhang Chen asked the security inspector, can you help me call the woman who just came in?

The security inspector shook his head and told Zhang Chen that I could not leave my post.

Zhang Chen walked back helplessly. When he saw the service desk for the people, his eyes lit up. Zhang Chen walked over and asked, I have a friend who forgot something. Can you help me broadcast a call and ask her to pick it up at the security checkpoint? .

The other party said yes, and Zhang Chen was overjoyed.

The other party took out a form and wrote it on it. While writing it, he asked, "What's your name?"

"Liu Yun."

"Can I ask for her flight number?"

"have no idea."

The other party stopped the pen in his hand and said to Zhang Chen: "I'm sorry, then we can't call for you."


"According to regulations, you must know the flight number and it must be consistent with our records before you can help call. Otherwise, everyone will call randomly and it will be chaotic."

"There's not just one plane out there. You can find out the flight number if you check it."

"I'm sorry, you have to provide this."

Zhang Chen was anxious. He said, "Well, please help me check. Is there anyone named Liu Yun among the passengers on this plane?"

"You don't even know if she's in there?" The other party looked at Zhang Chen suspiciously and asked.

Zhang Chen revealed his secret and knew that his goal could not be achieved. He could only walk back in frustration. When he reached the canteen, to the south and north, a man was holding a model airplane in his hand, flying up and down, with second-hand goods on the side. He kept helping them learn the roar of airplanes.

The lessons are really similar.

Thank you Wu Yehuan for the reward! Thanks to Smiling and Running Y, who ranked third from top to bottom for the reward! Thank you to Wuyehuan, Wonderful on the Road, and Muren for your monthly passes! Thank you for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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