The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 81 This is fucking interesting

Perhaps because he was completely relaxed, Zhang Chen didn't wake up until ten o'clock. He picked up the two renderings again and looked at them. He felt that there was nothing to modify, so he put them down, wandered downstairs, and decided to go with it. Go eat a bowl of noodles first.

Zhang Chen didn't want to go to the company too early, submit the manuscript too early, or do it too early. Others would think he was showing off his skills, or suspect that he copied it from a foreign book. However, Mr. Tan wanted to show off his leadership ability. Ying Ming will probably also give some opinions here and there. It's not good if you don't change it according to his request. If you change it according to his request, you won't be willing to do it.

This is also Zhang Chen’s experience in the troupe. He also paints scenes in the same way. If you finish painting too early, Lao Yang will be fussy. The director and deputy director will go to the troupe to review the play. There is really nothing to say, and they will also be very concerned about the scenery and the scenery. Props, please add a little here and a little there.

Even cats and dogs, when they have nothing to do, will come over and give pointers. You have to listen to them, and you will be too tired to say anything. Many times, these opinions are really bullshit.

Zhang Chen knew that Luo Zhongli's famous oil painting "Father" was like this. Luo Zhongli had already completed it, but some bullshit leader saw it and said it didn't reflect the new look of farmers, which was the same as the farmers of the old society.

Luo Zhongli had no choice but to stick a ballpoint pen in his father's turban to show that he was an educated old farmer. This pen turned out to be a failure and became the most criticized thing. Who the hell could it be? Did you watch "Father" because you needed to experience the new face of farmers?

Zhang Chen dawdles every time, making Lao Yang anxious to death, but he never misses anything. He always completes all the scenery the day before it is needed. If you change it again, the paint will not work, and the scenery will not work. It can't be rolled up.

Later, Lao Yang also saw that this was Zhang Chen's cunning, and understood that he didn't bother to urge him anymore. Anyway, he could control the time by himself.

Zhang Chen arrived at the noodle shop and found that the two guys were there, eating noodle dishes and playing billiards. Zhang Chen wondered if they would be like this all morning. You can see them at any time when you go there?

Then there is an afternoon nap in the afternoon. How can any Hainanese not take a nap? Then the whole night was spent playing billiards and singing. Zhang Chen wondered, don't they need to work? How do they support themselves?

Zhang Chen sighed inwardly, everyone's existence is really a mystery to others.

There was a lot of hot sauce in the noodle soup, and he broke out into a sweat. Zhang Chen felt indescribably comfortable. When he got home, he put his head under the faucet and washed it for a while. Then he didn't rush back to the room and just lay down like that. In the corridor, with water dripping from her hair, Yilin's mother came out and looked up. Seeing that the mainland boy was getting nervous again, she smiled at Zhang Chen and went back to the house.

The sun was already very hot at ten o'clock. Zhang Chen saw water vapor evaporating from his head. He shook his head, walked back to the room, wiped it with a towel twice, and then picked up his bag and picture folder. Go downstairs.

His head was still wet, and Zhang Chen was not wearing a motorcycle helmet. When the motorcycle was speeding along Binhai Avenue, he felt that his whole body, together with the water on his hair, had evaporated backwards, and his body became lighter and lighter. When he arrived at the company When he entered the elevator, his hair was already dry, and he smoothed it against the stainless steel elevator wall.

Xiao Ma looked particularly enthusiastic when she saw him today. She said good morning to him even though it was noon.

Zhang Chen put down his bag on his desk and looked at the designers on the left and right. They all had their heads lowered and looked very nervous. Xiao Xie leaned over and asked him, is yours okay?

Zhang Chen agreed.

"Be careful." Xiao Xie reminded.

Zhang Chen understood. He nodded, took the picture folder, and went to Mr. Tan's office. Mr. Tan sat in front of the small conference table. On the conference table, there were seven or eight renderings spread out. Mr. Tan frowned. Staring at them with a livid face.

Zhang Chen knocked on the door twice. Mr. Tan turned around and saw him, and quickly asked: "Xiao Zhang, are you okay?"

Zhang Chen agreed.

"Quickly, get it here quickly." Mr. Tan said impatiently.

Zhang Chen walked closer and took a look. He knew what Mr. Tan was worried about. The renderings on the table were all quite satisfactory. None of them were outstanding. What's more terrible was that an expert would know at a glance that these were all urgent pictures. The assignments I came out with were completely pieced together, without a clear theme.

If someone decorates it according to your plan, it would be better not to decorate it at all. Wanghailou is not a new hotel. Renovation should always be something new than the original one, so that people can see the necessity and value of redecoration. The things on the table are not as good as the lobby now. What about the giant relief sculpture there?

The conference table was all spread out. Zhang Chen hesitated. He looked back and considered whether to put the folder on the coffee table and bring over the renderings inside.

Mr. Tan seemed to understand Zhang Chen's hesitation. With a wipe of his hands, he wiped all the paintings in front of him to both sides, and two of them even fell to the ground.

"Come on, put it here." Mr. Tan said.

Zhang Chen put down the painting folder, opened it, took out the renderings, and spread them out in front of Mr. Tan.

"Oops!" Mr. Tan exclaimed as if he had been burned, and then said repeatedly: "It's interesting, it's fucking interesting."

Mr. Tan took a long breath, and his face became pleasant. He looked at Zhang Chen's renderings, tapped his fingers on the table, and cursed: "Look at what these are, you don't know where they were copied from. Okay." , frame this of yours, I’ll take it with me later.”

Zhang Chen agreed, and took the renderings to the conference room. It was not enough to show the renderings to clients just like this. They needed to be mounted on a KT board and made into a black frame. This would make it look strong, high-end, and convenient. When customers get your renderings, they can put them against the wall to appreciate and compare them with those of other companies.

Zhang Chen found a utility knife, a long ruler and a KT board and went to the conference room. Although Zhang Chen didn't say anything, other designers saw it and understood that Tan always chose Zhang Chen's renderings.

They all came to the conference room to take a look and thought it was good. Xiao Xie shouted: "This is too cool, Zhang Chen, how did you think of it?"

"Unexpected." Zhang Chen smiled, "I saw the landlord downstairs drying the oars, and unexpectedly I thought of this."

"Damn it, why didn't I have such an accident?" Xiao Xie said with emotion.

"Well, it's a good thing that Zhang Chen came here, otherwise I think Boss Tan's face would be almost unbearable. I'm so lucky." Someone else patted Zhang Chen on the shoulder.

Zhang Chen framed the two renderings and sent them to Mr. Tan, then left the company. He hadn't been to the construction site for two days and didn't know what the situation was like at the construction site.

After leaving the company, it is relatively close to Baishamen. If you go to the Northeast Restaurant first and then to Baishamen, you will have to walk a lot back. Zhang Chen decided to go to Baishamen first and then to the Northeast Restaurant.

By the time Zhang Chen returned to the Northeast Restaurant from Baishamen, it was already past two o'clock, and the workers on the construction site were being beaten awake from all corners of the construction site with a piece of wood.

The second guy saw Zhang Chen and asked, have you had lunch? Zhang Chen didn't eat lunch, but he ate the bowl of noodles late, so he didn't feel hungry, so Zhang Chen told the second-rate guy to eat it.

"Is the mission completed?" Erhuo asked.

Zhang Chen said it was done. Now I officially take over the construction site. You can do whatever you want. Zhang Chen knew that the second-rate guy was already in a hurry. Besides, he was not at the construction site, and the construction site was a little cleaner. This guy was here and it was causing chaos everywhere, so he might as well get out of here as soon as possible.

"Great!" Erhuo exclaimed excitedly.

Zhang Chen cursed, the idiot chuckled, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

At around five o'clock, Zhang Chen arranged all the work that should be arranged on the construction site and left the construction site. Today is the weekend, Jin Lili is coming, and Liu Ligan has just put up an advertisement, selling cards produced in Hong Kong. The stove was a new thing in Haicheng at that time. The utility room downstairs of Yilin's house was piled with four large boxes of stoves and more than a dozen boxes of gas tanks.

They have never used this thing, but Liu Ligan said that the ghost guy told me that this thing is best used to make side stoves. Liu Ligan made an appointment with Zhang Chen. Today, when Lily comes back, we will also make it at home. Side stove.

Zhang Chen rode his motorcycle to the old city. He was going to the Dongmen Market to buy seafood. The second-hand dealer told him that the cheapest place to buy seafood was at this point in the Dongmen Market. The vendors were all eager to sell at this point. Got home.

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