The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 80 Difficult labor, gave birth.

Zhang Chen finished the painting and was very satisfied when he saw it himself.

"You are still very powerful, Zhang Chen." Zhang Chen said to himself, quite proud of himself.

Zhang Chen has not painted in the past six months since he came to the island. What he means by painting is like today, painting what he likes, or even more sour, it is artistic creation.

Although those renderings are also paintings, there is still a difference between them. Just like Liu Ligan did not think that the legend of the king was his own work, Zhang Chen did not think that the renderings were his own works. They were painted in the theater troupe. Neither are the sets, nor the ads drawn by advertising agencies.

The work is a kind of creation, a kind of satisfaction of the heart and brain, just like it is now, and the renderings and scenery are just a means of making a living, a skill, just like a shoemaker can repair shoes, a carpenter can use a planer, etc. Jiahui groans, nothing special.

Thinking of Jiajia moaning, Zhang Chen himself laughed. Why did he think of this? After laughing, I immediately realized that it was Jiajia next door who was really moaning.

Major hotels only have business at night, and few people will call Ding Dong in the room during the day, unless they are professional bird walkers like second-hand people.

So Jianqiang and the others were still at home in the afternoon, working on their original business. However, Jianqiang also had to pick out customers. He was no longer impatient and would accept any customer or price he saw on the street.

As for Jiajia, once she feels that she belongs to Zhejiang Mei, she really treats herself as one of Zhejiang Mei. Damn it, my price is four hundred and five hundred. I accept these from you during the day. I am just idle. Just make some extra spare money.

With such a heart in mind, even Zhang Chen heard it, and Jiajia's moans became obviously insincere, and she was obviously trying to cope, appearing so careless and even mischievously glib.

Comparing the current Jiajia with the previous Jiajia, Zhang Chen felt that if Teacher Li were here, he would definitely say right away that the difference is that one is Tan Shuzhen and the other is Xu Jianmei, although they have the same bright voice and the same cadence. , I wanted to stop talking, but——

Xu Jianmei, can you be more emotional? Teacher Li always said this to Xu Jianmei.

Why would he compare the former Jiajia with the current Jiajia, Tan Shuzhen and Xu Jianmei? Zhang Chen himself laughed loudly. After laughing, he looked at his watch. It was over. It was already past two o'clock. Most of the day had passed. , the lobby and atrium are still flying in the sky.

Zhang Chen quickly picked up the painting, looked at it again, praised himself again, and then carefully put it away. He decided to wait until Saturday to give the painting to Jin Lili. When they left Yongcheng, a I didn’t bring any paintings with me. Now, I finally have a good work that Jin Lili can take and hang in her room.

Zhang Chen spread out the paper and pen on the table again, took a deep breath, took out the sketchbook in his bag, and turned to the floor plans he drew last night. Like building blocks, he tried hard to make these floor plans three-dimensional. You get up, but after working hard for a long time, your brain is still blank. Damn it, it's past two o'clock, and you still haven't drawn a single stroke of the manuscript due tomorrow.

Zhang Chen, Zhang Chen, you are so awesome! Zhang Chen cursed himself. He felt that although Jiajia's voice next door was getting clearer and clearer, it was becoming increasingly hollow and erratic, like that ghost singing "Special Love to Special You" in the middle of the night.

Jiajia, are you also playing billiards and dealing with others casually?

Zhang Chen fell on the bed. He felt that the more anxious he was, the more blank his mind became. He simply stopped thinking about it and lay there, watching the wind outside the window blowing the leaves and blowing some tiny light spots into him. The ceiling of the room was shaking wildly.

The spider is still in the corner, but today it has changed its side and is dormant.

Zhang Chen heard that Wenwen and Qianqian next door were up from their naps and singing. They seemed to always have endless songs to sing.

The door of Jianqiang's house next door opened and someone left. After a while, Jiajia walked through their front window, went to the bathroom at the end of the corridor, and then came back.

As Jiajia came and went, Wenwen and Qianqian's singing never stopped. The two little girls sang very well. If they didn't have a mission today, it would be nice to just lie down and listen to them singing...

Oops, why are you thinking about the mission again? Don't think about it.

Zhang Chen then heard Jianqiang go upstairs, enter the room, the two of them had a conversation, and then went out. The door closed loudly with a bang, which startled Zhang Chen. The singing of Wenwen and Qianqian next door also stopped. For a moment, Zhang Chen thought they were quarreling again, but it turned out not to be the case. The two of them went downstairs laughing all the way.

Zhang Chen was drowsy and thought he had fallen asleep. Then he woke up suddenly and looked at the time. It was almost four o'clock.

Zhang Chen sighed, stood up, walked to the door, and opened it.

Wenwen and Qianqian were no longer singing. They seemed to be painting their nails, giggling while painting them.

Zhang Chen walked to the corridor and was shocked again. He saw that even Yilin's mother was back and was cleaning up the utility room downstairs. She took out a pile of fishing nets, threw them on the ground, and then returned to the utility room. In the room, he took out another oar and put it on the wall beside the pool.

Zhang Chen's eyes lit up and he hurried downstairs.

Yilin's mother came out of the utility room again and was startled. She saw Zhang Chen standing at the edge of the pool, holding the paddle in his hand and looking at it, as if he had never seen an paddle before. This continent Boy, he was still giggling while watching.

"Brother Zhang Chen, what is that?" Wenwen upstairs walked to the corridor and asked when she saw Zhang Chen holding a paddle downstairs.

Zhang Chen took the oar in his hand, showed off the energy he used to play a small role in the theater troupe, waved it twice, and said to Wenwen: "This is the Qinglong Yanyue Sword!"

Yilin's mother and Wenwen were both amused by him. Yilin's mother kept waving at Zhang Chen, meaning, I gave it to you, take it away, take it away.

Zhang Chen said thank you to Yilin's mother and hurried upstairs with the paddle. He felt that the paddle was like a switch. With a click, he suddenly had everything.

Zhang Chen picked up the pencil and started drawing. He drew the first oar, and then the second oar... countless oars, these oars rose from the ground, more and more, It is getting thicker and thicker, like the exposed roots of a big tree, and like a tornado. When it rises to the ceiling, it goes out in circles, like a whirlpool, and like ripples, covering the entire top surface.

Since it is a boat oar, the entire ceiling is naturally blue, sea blue. The sea blue ceiling needs enough light to hide the lights in the whirlpool formed by the oars. This is not enough and cannot reach the hotel. To provide the brightness needed for the lobby, Zhang Chen was on top, painting water droplets of different sizes and irregularities, which looked like large and small bubbles.

The hotel's service desk circled around the roots of the oar. The floor was made of a light gray marble imported from Italy with a hint of crimson and a particularly glossy marble. Zhang Chen imagined that when When the lights are on, the light gray ground also glows with a light blue blurred sheen, giving people a dreamy feeling.

Isn’t the sea the place where most of mankind’s dreams are entrusted? Isn’t Hainan where people come with a trace of curiosity and reverie, and the longing for the sea? What can better reflect the characteristics of Hainan hotels than a dreamy theme?

After the lobby is designed, it becomes simple to go to the atrium of the mall. There are whirlpools and tornadoes made of paddles in the hotel. Then, when you get here, there should be a quiet boat stranded on the beach. The pavilion with coconut trees and grass gives people a moment of tranquility after the fatigue and excitement of shopping.

Zhang Chen finished drawing two renderings and sat there with a sense of satisfaction. Liu Ligan came back, took a look and exclaimed: "Amazing!"

Wenwen and Qianqian went to work. When they passed by the door, Liu Ligan quickly shouted: "Come in, come in, let's take a look at your brother Chen's design."

Two people walked in and exclaimed "Wow", and one said: "It's so advanced! Brother Zhang Chen, it turns out you used that piece of shit to do this. This piece of shit can be made so advanced."

Another said: "It's much more beautiful than our KTV."

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "Look and see if you hear it. In public space, we need to listen to the voice of the public."

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Then should I show it to Jianqiang? He goes to the hotel lobby the most."

"Yes, why not?" Liu Ligan said.

"You should show it to Jiajia. When she gets here, she will definitely charge an extra hundred guests." Wenwen said.

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