The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 753 Money delivered to your door

Qu Tianlin asked Liu Ligan who designed your form, which was very interesting.

Liu Ligan told her that she was the girl who came to your place.

"What's the result?" Qu Tianlin asked.

Liu Ligan told Qu Tianlin the current statistical results. Qu Tianlin asked again, how much do you plan to sell per square meter?

"The cost has not been released yet, but the cost of high-rise buildings will definitely be higher than that of multi-storey buildings. But I think even if it is twice as high, our pricing can still be controlled within 2,000," Liu Ligan said.

"Don't be too low, between two thousand and three thousand is reasonable." Qu Tianlin said.

"Why?" Liu Ligan didn't understand why Qu Tianlin, as a customer, would make this request.

"It's very simple. If you are the best office building in Hangzhou, we hope that there is a threshold. Not all companies can enter. Otherwise, when we returned to Hangzhou, we couldn't find a suitable office space in Hangzhou. Then You can also just find a hotel, why go to Hangcheng Tower?

"Where this company is based is also a symbol of your company's strength. Why do companies from all over the world like the World Trade Center, Empire State Building, and Rockefeller Center when they go to New York? When you take out your business card, you don't need to introduce yourself. When people see your company You know where it is, right?

"If you build an office building with a very low threshold, any company can work in it. We don't want to go to such an office building. What's the use of being cheap? The house is cheap, but if my company goes in, the price will drop. It’s not worth the loss.”

Liu Ligan understood that Ying Ying was right. Those who chose four thousand to four thousand nine probably had this idea.

"Also, why is this a commercial and residential building, not just an office building?" Qu Tianlin asked.

Liu Ligan told Qu Tianlin about his and Zhang Chen's considerations. He was mainly worried that he would be too forward-thinking and too high-minded, and that there would be no companies to settle in. Qu Tianlin nodded and said:

"It's understandable that you have concerns, but customers have different needs. For example, we want to be in a pure office building. We don't want people living nearby, with old people and children coming in and out. You There’s no way to control commercial and residential buildings, right?”

Liu Ligan nodded, saying that this was indeed a contradiction.

"You have three buildings, A, B, and C. Why can't you separate them? Moreover, if you go to such a high-end place, the metropolitan area hopes that it will be purely an office building, not a commercial and residential building. You can completely use Buildings A and B as office buildings, and Building C It’s a commercial and residential building, and the prices are different, and it’s even okay. Let’s put this Building C on sale later, and if the sales in the front are good, we can turn it into a pure office building.”

"Yes, sister Tianlin has a good idea." Liu Ligan said, "Quickly, if sister Tianlin has any other good ideas, please tell me. I really don't have much experience in this area, although I am in Haicheng , also built an office building, but the building was finished before it was completed.”

Qu Tianlin smiled and said: "When I arrived in Shenzhen, I went to the office building. I am in the office building every day, so of course I have some experience. This company is outside, pole. Let me tell you, no matter what, it is always as high as possible. Yes, he has to pretend to be fat even if he is swollen in the face. Even if the company does not have that much money, he must go to the best office building. You must master this mentality."

Liu Ligan nodded repeatedly.

Qu Tianlin and Liu Ligan said, also, you said earlier that more than 60% of those who want to buy, only a few percent will buy. In fact, those 60% will buy as long as they have the ability. Yes, it’s just that I don’t have the ability and can’t do anything about it now.

You can definitely get a mortgage, so that you can afford the things you want to buy. For those of us who live in high-end hotels, the monthly rent and mortgage payments are enough, even though we still have to pay every month. , but that house is ours in the end. How can we be willing to live in this hotel? If you live in a hotel, you will leave in the end, and there will be nothing.

Look at Hangzhou, why are all the office buildings in hotels? There is no place to go. If there is a place to go, they are all gone.

Liu Ligan said: "I also want to get a mortgage, but I have contacted several banks. Although various housing loan policies came out in 1991, China Construction Bank was the first to provide housing loans in 1987, but then Banks in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Hangzhou are still blank in this area of ​​business. They don’t even know what to do, and they don’t have the talent in this area.”

Qu Tianlin nodded and said, I asked you to come here today just to talk to you about this matter. I will introduce you to a financial company in Shenzhen.

"Really, does Sister Tianlin know any companies in this field?" Liu Ligan asked.

Qu Tianlin smiled and said: "We are in the printing business. We look inconspicuous, but we know a lot of people. Think about it, from government departments to lower-level enterprises, who doesn't want to print things or deal with us? Let me introduce you to a company in Shenzhen The trust company, which is a joint venture between Shenzhen Development Bank and Nanyang Bank, has introduced funds from overseas to do this business in China."

"That's great, thank you Sister Tianlin!" Liu Ligan said quickly.

Xiao An came in with a piece of noodles and opened it. Sure enough, there was a layer of red hot sauce on it. When Qu Tianlin saw it, he laughed and cursed: "You are going to die."

Xiao An giggled.

Liu Ligan said: "Okay, okay, thank you, beauty. It was very enjoyable listening to Sister Tianlin talk before, and it will be even more enjoyable if we do this again."

Mr. Qiao and Mr. Yang of Shenzhen Anxin Trust Co., Ltd. introduced by Qu Tianlin arrived in Hangzhou the next day. Before the introduction of the Trust Law in 2001, the business of trust companies was very broad and the degree of freedom was great, especially before 1997. Domestic money is very tight, and regulatory agencies are very tolerant of these overseas funds.

Before 1997, to what extent was the domestic capital shortage? This can be seen from the bank's loan interest rate. At that time, the annual interest rate for one-year loans was above 10%. It was not until October 1997 that it dropped to 8.6%, and then continued to decline year by year.

Although it went back and forth and there were several tightenings of money, the interest rate never returned to above 7.5.

Mr. Qiao is the general manager of Anxin Trust Co., Ltd. appointed by Shenzhen Development Bank. Mr. Yang is an overseas Chinese in Malaysia. He is the representative of Nanyang Bank stationed in Anxin Trust.

After the two people arrived in Hangzhou, they inspected Liu Ligan's company, the "Jinxiu Home" project he had developed, the sales situation of the project, and the "Construction Engineering License" and "Construction Land Planning Permit" that had been obtained. Certificate", the "Splendid Xiangting" project is ready to start.

Of course, the focus of their inspection was the "Splendid Jiangnan" project, including in-depth exchanges with Jason and others. They all had a considerable understanding of Jason and his company, especially Mr. Yang, who had worked with Jason in the past. We have had many contacts with their company.

What interests the two of them the most is Ying Ying's ongoing investigation and the content of their investigation.

With the survey of companies in high-end hotels, the proportion of "thinking" and "willing" has increased significantly, and the proportion of "thinking" has increased to 73.5%, which surprised them. The proportion of "will" has also increased to 9.3. What attracts them most is the huge gap between the two.

You must know that companies that "know" may not necessarily need them if they have money, but companies that "think" will 100% need them. This is their potential customers and fertile ground.

Mr. Yang redesigned the form and added a third item after the first and second items, that is, "If a financial company provides a housing loan, will you accept this loan?" followed by "Yes or" Won't."

Mr. Yang selected three hotels and asked Ying Ying and others to do another survey. As a result, all the companies chose "yes". Even those companies with strong financial resources also chose "yes". Qu Tianlin told them that loans are very troublesome. , with a ready-made loan in front of you, who would not want it? The money saved can be used for other purposes.

Mr. Yang randomly checked several surveys conducted by Ying Ying and others and confirmed that their survey was true and reliable. The two of them were full of confidence not only in this matter but also in the entire Hangzhou office market.

They immediately signed a cooperation agreement with Liu Ligan's Zhejiang Jinxiu Dadi Real Estate Co., Ltd. for Shenzhen Anxin Trust Co., Ltd. to provide housing mortgage loans to customers of the "Jinxiu Jiangnan" project.

Mr. Yang also encouraged Liu Ligan to accept an 80 million yuan development loan provided by Nanyang Bank through Anxin Trust. Liu Ligan said with a smile, I don’t want a loan. For this project, Jason and his colleagues will come out with their drawings. It only takes one month to get all the procedures and start selling. What loan do I need?

If I need money, I can now start selling not only the "Splendid Jiangnan" but also the "Splendid Xiangting" project and start collecting construction funds. I just don't need to do this.

I collect this money at no capital cost. I won’t collect this money without capital cost, and you still need to pay interest?

All financial companies have one virtue, that is, they will always only add icing on the cake, rather than provide help when the time is right.

The less Liu Ligan needed money, the more they stared at Liu Ligan. Mr. Yang and Liu Ligan said, this is not for any project for you, but for your company's credit. If you take this money, you can make acquisitions. Land, plan your second or third project.

At that time, the annual interest rate of the bank's three-year loan was 13.86%. Mr. Yang and Mr. Qiao promised Liu Ligan an annual interest rate reduced by 15% for this three-year development loan. Liu Ligan still insisted not to accept it. He insisted that he was not short of money.

Mr. Qiao and Mr. Yang instigated Jason and Qu Tianlin to persuade Liu Ligan. Jason said that no company dares to say that it will not need a bank in this life. Just because you don’t need it now, pole, doesn’t mean you won’t need it in the future. Wait until you do. When the time comes, it will be too late to improvise.

Qu Tianlin also said, yes, just think that you are losing a little profit every year and establish a good channel with financial institutions. If you are optimistic about the real estate market in Hangzhou, what are you afraid of? If you have acquired land now, its annual growth rate can still be Help you offset part of the interest loss.

These words of Jason and Qu Tianlin moved Liu Ligan. He also remembered the time when he was in Haicheng. At that time, he couldn't hold him even if he wanted to. If at that time, there was a trust company to help him, maybe You can still persevere on your own.

But at that time, apart from being familiar with Sun Hou's financial institution, he was familiar with other financial institutions, not to mention other financial institutions. He didn't even know where their doors opened.

Well, Liu Ligan finally accepted the loan.

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