The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 751 Splendid Jiangnan

Liu Ligan arrived at the Sanbao Factory and saw Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen asked, "What are you doing? Why are you so crazy in the middle of the night?"

Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen said, I thought of it.

"What did you think of?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I want to build a building taller than the Hangcheng Building at the spring factory." Liu Ligan said.

Zhang Chen was taken aback and cursed: "Are you crazy? Another Jinghai International Financial Center?"

"No, listen to me. From the market research in the past two days, it seems that Qian Fang is right, and you are also right. On Jianguo North Road, just as you said, I will build it one phase at a time. After selling out one phase and building another, I have a lot of patience, screw it, I will wait for the people's demand for housing to slowly increase.

"There are so many new companies registered in Hangzhou every day, and they are all crowded into hotels. There is no decent office building yet. I don't believe there is no such demand. At the spring factory, I decided not to build residential buildings, but commercial and residential buildings." building."

"Did you think of this because of your hot head, or were you stimulated by something?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Intuition, my intuition tells me that there will be such demand in Hangzhou, not only in Hangzhou, but also in the surrounding areas of Hangzhou, including so many companies in the province. They have foreign businessmen and customers from all over the country. It is inconvenient or too ugly to go to the factory. They also need to have such a point in Hangzhou as the company's window to the outside world.

"The location of the spring factory is right next to the canal. It has a wide view and convenient transportation. If we build an office building, do you think it is the best location?"

"Do you want to build office buildings or commercial and residential buildings? There is a difference." Zhang Chen said.

Liu Ligan thought for a moment and said that it would be better to use commercial and residential buildings. Office buildings may be too advanced. If someone buys an office building from me, they still need to find another place to live. Commercial and residential buildings can be solved.

Zhang Chen pondered for a moment and then said: "From the location, it is really suitable for building commercial and residential buildings, but I don't know if there is such a demand."

"Ignore him, stand up quickly." Liu Ligan shouted.

"What?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Follow me, I will take you to see that place now and feel what it would be like if there was a shining building there."

Zhang Chen laughed, damn you, you are still shining.

"Don't laugh, don't laugh, hurry up and leave." Liu Ligan shouted, Zhang Chen stood up and followed him out.

Wenwen and Qianqian were in the distribution center. They heard the sound of a car outside. When they walked out, they saw Liu Ligan driving away. The two of them stood there and looked at each other. What happened? Did you leave us here?

Liu Ligan drove the car to the Zhongbei Bridge and stopped the car. The two people got out of the car and Liu Ligan shouted:

"Zhang Chen, look at it. If a skyscraper were erected right there, would it light up this dark place? Imagine what it would be like if the lights in that area were reflected in the canal. "

Zhang Chen was also infected by Liu Ligan. He also felt that it would be great if there was a bright building here.

The two of them then went to the spring factory. As they were walking from the wooden corridor to the pavilion, Zhang Chen suddenly had an idea. He said, keep this place. This wooden corridor and the pavilion should remain intact. be preserved dynamically.

"Where will my house be built?"

"The back, if it doesn't work, just make it elevated below. In this way, you have a building that combines ancient and modern, that's cool."

"Okay, let's do it like this. You can help me with the renderings."

Zhang Chen said yes.

The two returned to Sanbao. As soon as they entered the office, Wenwen and Qianqian ran in. Liu Ligan said, don't disturb us now, you go to the distribution center.

"Zheng Huihong and the others are getting off work." Wenwen said.

"Then go to Wei Wenfang's place. They are not off duty."

"What fun do they have there? It's so filthy." Wenwen said.

"Then go to the workshop and learn to weave hems or step on the sewing machine if you have nothing to do. Just don't disturb us." Liu Ligan said.

"Fuck you..." Wenwen was about to get angry, but she restrained herself when she saw that Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen looked like they had something serious to discuss.

"Then give me the car keys, and we'll let Lao Wan teach us how to drive." Wenwen said, and Liu Ligan threw the car keys over.

Liu Ligan picked up the phone on the table and dialed a series of numbers. After the phone rang a few times, a woman's voice came. Liu Ligan asked:

"Hey, is this Wenwen?"

"Yes, I am, who are you?" Zhang Chen was surprised, why did Wenwen come out again.

Liu Ligan said: "I am Liu Ligan, Wenwen, is Mr. Han here?"

"Ah, it's you! Old Han was still saying two days ago that he didn't know where you were." Wenwen shouted, and she heard someone behind her ask: "Whose phone number is it?"

"That, that, that Mr. Liu Liu Li..."

Before Wenwen could finish her words, Mr. Han grabbed the phone and shouted, "Mr. Liu, is it you? Where are you now?"

"Hello, Mr. Han, I'm in Hangcheng now, haha, I knew you would still be in Haicheng."

"Yes, yes, once you get used to it, you don't want to move anymore. How are you now?"

Liu Ligan agreed that he would still be engaged in real estate in Hangzhou, and Mr. Han would come over to give guidance at some time.

"Mr. Liu is too polite. Let's exchange some guidance." Mr. Han said, "After the New Year, the Shanghai Municipal Government wants to invite me over and wants me to give them a lecture on real estate. Hangzhou is very close to Shanghai. Right? I'll go to your place then."

Liu Ligan said yes, I will pick you up in Shanghai then.

"Mr. Han, are Jason and the others still in Haicheng?" Liu Ligan asked.

"They have withdrawn to Hong Kong long ago. What else can they do in Haicheng now?"

"Then can you tell me Jason's contact information in Hong Kong?"

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll look for you."

Liu Ligan looked around, and Zhang Chen threw the pen and paper over.

Mr. Han told Jason their contact information, and Liu Ligan also told Mr. Han his cell phone number and office phone number, asking him to make sure to call him when he came to Shanghai.

Liu Ligan put down the phone, and Zhang Chen asked him, what do you want to do?

"Let Jason and the others help me design it. If I want to do it, I must make it the best and find the best design company."

"Have you made up your mind to do this?"

"Yes, I have made up my mind. I just want to build a building taller than the Hangcheng Building there. I just want to be the first." Liu Ligan shouted.

Zhang Chen looked at him and felt that it was useless to say anything else. It seemed that he had made up his mind to do it. Zhang Chen wanted to stop him, but he felt that the reasons he could think of were all insignificant and there were none. use.

That bright building also attracted and stimulated Zhang Chen. In fact, deep down in his heart, he and Liu Ligan had many things in common.

That night, Zhang Chen stayed up all night and drew the effect. In the meantime, he rode a bicycle from Sanbao to Zhongbei Bridge. He stood there, looking at the spring factory in the dark, and finished two bottles. Smoke, on the way back, in the biting cold wind, the bright building always warmed him.

Looking up through the sparse branches above the head, the half-circle moon is desolate and peaceful.

Three days later, Jason flew from Hong Kong to Shanghai. At that time, there were no planes from Hong Kong to Hangzhou. Liu Ligan went to Shanghai Hongqiao Airport to pick him up. When he returned to Hangzhou, Jason saw Zhang Chen. Both of them were Some excitement.

The three of them went to the site to have a look first. After Jason had an idea of ​​the site, Liu Ligan showed Jason the renderings designed by Zhang Chen. As soon as Jason saw the preserved corridor and pavilion. He shouted.

"That's right, that's it. When I was at the scene, I felt that something should be left here, otherwise it would be a pity, so this is the right thing." Jason shouted.

The original old house of the Spring Factory was built next to the canal, and the entire land was a long strip.

Jason told them that this would not make it a single building.

"Why?" Liu Ligan asked.

"The length of the entire building is too wide and the depth is too narrow, which is unreasonable from an architectural design perspective. Moreover, it will be much more difficult in structural design, and the requirements for the foundation and the frame structure of the entire building will be higher. .”

"What will happen?" Liu Ligan continued to ask.

Jason said: "The cost will be at least one-third higher."

"Jason's right."

Zhang Chen stared at his renderings, thought for a while and said: "We look good on paper now, but it may not be practical in reality. Think about it, such a wide and thin building, and the height is The thirty-second floor will look like a piece of tile when it is erected, and it won’t look good visually.”

Jason nodded and said, "Yes, that's it."

They immediately adjusted the entire exterior design and transformed it into three side-by-side thirty-two-story buildings. This was no less imposing than the original single-building buildings. The exterior walls of the buildings were made of glass, not Use glass curtain walls, but transparent glass.

It's the kind of glass you mentioned, so bright that it turns blue, Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan said.

This building near Zhongshan North Road has a shopping mall with a podium on the first and second floors. There are two buildings inside, and the first and second floors are elevated. Half of the corridor and pavilion are still close to the canal, and the other half are hidden in the elevated buildings. .

Jason suggested that even part of the original old house could be preserved.

Zhang Chen said that's right, half of the innermost part of the house can be kept and half of it demolished, so that the traces of the demolition can also be preserved.

Soon, they even thought of a name. Of course, the front was still Jinxiu, and the back, Zhang Chen said, was that the canal in front was called Jiangnan Canal, so this building was called "Jinxiu Jiangnan".

When Zhang Chen said this, Jason turned his attention to the two willow trees outside the pavilion. These two willow trees will be preserved together with the pavilion. When the spring breeze comes, it will still be very charming.

Jason turned around and saw Zhang Chen looking at him. Both of them laughed, knowing what the other was thinking.

"If this is the case, our people will be here soon." Jason and Liu Ligan said.

Liu Ligan said okay, let's go see if there are any hotels nearby where we can arrange for your people to live and work.

"Is there water and electricity here?" Jason asked.

Liu Ligan made sense.

"Then we'll live here and put our workshop here."

"No, it's too cold here." Liu Ligan said.

"Don't be afraid. It's already very cold from Hong Kong to here. If it gets colder, there's nothing to worry about."

Jason said, and both Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan laughed.

Zhang Chen and Jason said: "Then let's book this place, but we have to send people to renovate it. If you have any requirements, just tell us. It's not a job that can be completed in three or five days. It must be more comfortable."

Thanks for the tip, Ba Liang! Thank you for your monthly ticket, Wooden Man! Thanks for all the reading and votes! Good evening, everybody!

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