The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 741 A factory like green vegetables

Three days later, when Ying Xiaohu called Liu Ligan, Liu Ligan was in Zhang Chen's office. Ying Xiaohu asked Liu Ligan if he still wanted to buy the spoke factory.

Liu Ligan said yes.

"Is it still the same condition?"

"That's right, Director Ying, please bring your daughter with you and follow me after signing." Liu Ligan said with a smile.

Ying Xiaohu also smiled on the phone and asked, "Are you ready for the money?"

"The check is in the car and can be written at any time," Liu Ligan said.

"Okay, then this matter can be settled. You go to Erqing Head Office at two o'clock this afternoon. We will sign the agreement there. The leader of the company will be a witness."

"Two o'clock in the afternoon? Okay, tell me the address of Erqing's head office." Liu Ligan said, took the pen and paper on Zhang Chen's desk, and wrote down: "Erqing Building, Yan'an Road, eighth floor, second floor Mr. Qing..."

Before Liu Ligan finished writing, Zhang Chen snatched his pen away and said, "Forget it, ask him, is it Mr. Nie's or Secretary Bao's office?"

Ying Xiaohu had already heard Zhang Chen's words. He said yes and went to Mr. Nie's office.

Liu Ligan put down the phone and Zhang Chen said to him, "I'll go with you. I'm familiar with the place."

Liu Ligan was surprised and asked: "How come you are familiar with Erqing Corporation?"

"This Qunying Garment Factory turns out to be part of the Erqing System. It was their President Nie and Secretary Bao who tricked me into annexing this place. Do you think I'm familiar with it?"

Liu Ligan's eyes widened: "Are there many factories like theirs?"

"I don't know, but I heard there are a lot of them." Zhang Chen said.

"Fuck, if there's such a relationship, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Liu Ligan scolded.

"Fuck, you want a relationship with Er Qing, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Zhang Chen scolded back.

"Come on, do you have any other connections?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Yes, would you like to meet the secretary and village director of Sanbao Village?"

"Okay, when I'm going to build a vegetable greenhouse, you can introduce me to him." Liu Ligan glared at Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan walked into Mr. Nie's office. Director Ying was already waiting here. Seeing Zhang Chen, Mr. Nie and Secretary Bao laughed. Mr. Nie and Zhang Chen said, "Lao Ying just told us that this is Mr. Liu's My friend knew us, and we were still guessing who it would be, but we didn’t expect it to be you.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, I only knew he was here after hearing his phone call.

Secretary Bao said: "Mr. Zhang, I have passed by Qunying Garment Factory several times and I am embarrassed to go in."

Zhang Chen quickly said: "Secretary Bao, what are you talking about? Whenever you come to my place, I will definitely welcome you with both hands and feet."

"Oh, I'm just embarrassed. I'm afraid of seeing those old workers." Secretary Bao waved his hand and said, "This man is so irritating to compare with others. Look at this same Qunying Garment Factory, in the hands of Mr. Zhang. The world is turned upside down, do you think I would be ashamed if I went in?"

"Hey, Lao Bao, you can't say that. At least it shows that we have an accurate opinion of Mr. Zhang, and it can be considered that we have done a good thing for the workers of Qunying Garment Factory." Mr. Nie said.

After the pleasantries, let’s get down to business. Liu Ligan and Factory Director Ying have already discussed something, and now Zhang Chen is here. Of course, Mr. Nie and Secretary Bao have nothing to say. Liu Ligan and Factory Director Ying signed on behalf of both parties A and B. Liu Ligan filled out the check and handed it to Director Ying. Director Ying pointed at Mr. Nie and said, "Give it to him."

Liu Ligan handed the check to Mr. Nie again, and Mr. Nie accepted it with a smile.

Factory Director Ying asked Mr. Nie and Secretary Bao: Do ​​we have to wait for the money to arrive?

"No, no, no, don't worry, Mr. Zhang is here," Mr. Nie said.

Director Ying handed a file bag containing the business license, tax registration certificate, land certificate, real estate certificate and other certificates of the Hangcheng Bicycle Spoke Factory, as well as a plastic bag of seals, to Liu Ligan, who You only need to use this agreement and the power of attorney signed by the factory director to change the name of the legal person and shareholder to your own.

A company that has been established for nearly 30 years completes transactions quickly in a way that is close to buying a bunch of vegetables at a farmer's market.

Mr. Nie and Secretary Bao looked at it and both breathed a sigh of relief. Among their many troubles, they finally had one less problem.

Fortunately, the Hangcheng Bicycle Spoke Factory was in recession a few years ago. The workers stayed in the factory and could not even be paid. At that time, in Xiaoshan and Yongcheng near Hangcheng, many foreign trade screwdrivers suddenly appeared. Private hardware tool factory and small electroplating factory.

Most of the bosses of these factories are farmers who have just come out of the fields, washed the mud off their feet, and put down their pants. How do they know how to draw, straighten, degrease, galvanize, and chrome plate carbon steel? Hangcheng Bicycle Spoke Factory , and it was my husband's company that was well-known in the local area. The workers in their factories were quickly hired by these factories as master craftsmen.

The people who were invited took several of them one by one, and before Erqing Head Office could disband them, they resigned and ran away.

The man ran away and then came back to buy the idle equipment in the factory. The equipment in the spoke factory was different from that in Qunying Garment Factory. The broken sewing machines in Qunying Garment Factory were not worth a few copper coins. They thought the shipping cost was too expensive to give them to others. The equipment in the spoke factory is still very popular, just buy it and use it.

The money from selling the equipment was used to buy out the remaining office and support staff in the factory, allowing them to make their own way.

These people used to feel that they were superior to the workers in the factory. Now, the workers below are being snatched away by people who treat them as masters and treat them as treasures. Instead, they have become trash that no one wants. They also feel that they are superior to the workers. He is disgraced and can't even speak hard.

Although these people are reluctant in their hearts, they can't give a single reason not to say no. In your factory, all the workers below have fled, and you are the only ones left. In the words of the workers, this group of freeloaders, You still have the nerve to continue working in the factory, are you really going to be freeloaders?

In this way, they also ended their relationship with the factory.

A factory that originally had more than 100 people ended up with only one factory director and more than 20 retired workers. The retired workers have died off in the past few years, and this year there are only 17 left.

Factory Director Ying wanted to return to Erqing Corporation several times, or simply buy out his seniority, but the company did not agree and let him stay because there was still a long-standing and difficult problem in the spoke factory that had not yet been solved.

That is those workers who have left the factory. They have left the factory, but their families are still here. They go to work in Xiaoshan and Jiande, and their wives and children are still here.

Logically speaking, this is unreasonable, but many times, when there are more people on the other side, the unreasonable becomes reasonable. In addition, everyone is acquaintances, and it is a public matter, so no one can offend others by tearing off their old face. .

These people continue to live in the factory, not paying the rent, and stealing water and electricity. This is equivalent to the Erqing Corporation paying back every month, and they dare not cut off the water and electricity because the remaining seventeen A retired worker still lives there.

No one wants to rent the factory building in Gongchenqiao. There are too many empty factories in that area. Since the spoke factory is right next to the canal, you can build a dock directly in the factory. At that time, a large amount of steel, coal, cement, and sand flowing from Hangzhou to the Hangjiahu Plain were spread through canals.

Some people wanted to buy the spoke factory and use it as a yard and material warehouse, but they gave up because of the existence of these people.

Everyone knows very well that the people who live here are a very scary group. It doesn't matter if they just live here, but they don't count as living here. They are also used to treating their original factory as their own home. You pile them up. The steel and coal here are like ants day and night. They will come one after another and swagger around to eat, which is very annoying.

Anyone who wants to buy this place has one condition, and that is to clear it out, and whether it is Laoying or Erqing Corporation, what they are least capable of doing is to clear it out.

forget about it.

I didn't expect to see Liu Ligan. I really don't mind this one.

Now that someone is willing to buy the spoke factory, it means that the Erqing Corporation will no longer be cheating, and 600,000 yuan is enough to pay for the seventeen workers. The matter of the spoke factory can finally be solved with Qunying Garment Factory Likewise, it has finally come to an end. How can Mr. Nie and Secretary Bao not be happy in their hearts.

Director Ying told Liu Ligan, "Mr. Liu, look, I won't be going to the factory tomorrow. Do you want to arrange for someone to guard it?"

Liu Ligan said, why are you guarding? Let him be there. There is nothing anyway.

Mr. Nie, Secretary Bao, and Factory Director Ying all laughed. It seemed that Mr. Liu was still unclear about the situation. Mr. Nie said:

"Mr. Liu, although there is nothing valuable in the spoke factory, you still have to send people to watch. If no one is watching, the garbage pickers and beggars will soon go in and make a nest. In that factory The things are gone, but the house is still there, and the bricks and tiles of that house will probably be removed one by one by tractors.

"Also, those people living inside still use your water and electricity."

Liu Ligan really didn't expect this. His original plan was to just throw it away after buying it. He didn't expect that there would be so much trouble. Mr. Nie was right. It looked like he wouldn't send anyone. It looks really bad.

But where can I find someone?

Liu Ligan thought for a while and said: "Director Ying, look, can you help me find a reliable person among the people who are still living there, and let him look after me? I will do it every month." Give him a salary of one hundred and fifty dollars."

"So much, I want to make this money." Director Ying said with a smile. Secretary Bao said, then you can continue to stay there. We will also pay wages here.

Everyone laughed.

Director Ying and Liu Ligan said: "Then let's call him Lao Si Tou. This Lao Si Tou is a bachelor. He used to be the section chief of the security department of the factory. After buying out his seniority, he still lives there and has not found a formal job. , he just goes to Gongchen Bridge every day and sets up a chess stall, where he can eat every meal. This can be regarded as solving his difficulties. This person is still very responsible. "

"Okay, then please thank the factory director and tell him for me." Liu Ligan said.

"Okay, just one sentence, that's all." Director Ying agreed.

"Lao Ying, let me talk to the people who still live there." Secretary Bao said, "This used to be owned by the public. They stole water and electricity. Everyone turned a blind eye. Now it's owned by Liu." All in all, let them stop. If they continue to steal water and electricity, it is no different from stealing money from Boss Liu’s pocket. This person also needs some face.”

"That's right, otherwise, if Boss Liu wants to kick him out, he shouldn't blame Boss Liu for being unkind." Mr. Nie also said.

Thank you for watching, a safe journey, the line of cloth, sometimes cloudy and rainy, whether you are here or not, and asdarf’s monthly pass! Thanks for all the reading and votes! Good evening everyone!

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