The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 740 Just a dead crab

The Hangcheng Bicycle Spoke Factory is on the edge of the canal, not far from the factory gate. Seventy or eighty meters away is Gongchen Bridge. Gongchen Bridge is the tallest and longest stone arch bridge in Hangzhou. It spans the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal from east to west and is the largest bridge between Beijing and Hangzhou. The sign marking the end of the canal to Hangzhou.

In the era when waterways were still the main way to travel, those students who went north to Beijing to take exams, merchants doing business, or down-and-out bureaucrats who were demoted and returned to their hometowns, they walked drowsily south along the Grand Canal day and night. When I see the Gongchen Bridge, my heart will settle down. I am proud or frustrated, rich or not. After crossing this bridge, I have finally returned home.

Let’s talk about it later.

The cement boats transporting sand, gravel and coal on the canal kept moving, and even after walking for a long time, they seemed to be still in the same place. The hand-drawn barges transporting manure had passed by, but the faint smell of manure still lingered around.

When Liu Lizhan arrived here, his heart dropped. This place was simply not the place he should be.

Liu Ligan took Fan Jianguo to the top of the bridge to take a look. On this side of the Gongchen Bridge was a large industrial factory, including not only the Hangcheng Bicycle Spoke Factory, but also Hangyi Mian and Hangzhou Yimian, which were many times larger. Silk Union, these factories have a common feature: they are deserted, there are almost no people or cars in the factory area, and all the chimneys do not emit smoke.

One look at this industrial area and it seems that it has been abandoned here by the times.

It’s no wonder that these are the industries that have been hit the hardest by emerging township and village enterprises and private enterprises. Cotton and silk weaving factories, how can they be better than the enterprises in Keqiao, Wujiang, Shengze and Shengxian, and spoke factories? How can they do it better than the hardware factories in Yongkang and Wuyi?

On the other side of the bridge is an old city with narrow streets and low and dilapidated houses. It looks like a slum.

Fan Jianguo said from the side that this kind of trashy western place has no future.

Liu Ligan also felt that there was no future, at least not for the time being. If you build a "splendid home" in the middle of this industrial factory, who would you sell it to? For the people in this old factory area, food and clothing are not enough. It is more important than the house, and for the people on the other side of the bridge, living on this side of the bridge is probably like being pushed over and beheaded, and they have to spend their own money to buy a house.

I don’t know if he has money in his pocket, but even if he had money, if he was struck by lightning three times in a row, he probably wouldn’t be so dizzy that he would buy a house across the street. Liu Ligan knew that in China, the two sides of many rivers are connected by bridges. But their contempt is deep-rooted, deeper than a river, just like Shanghainese "would rather have a bed in Puxi than a room in Pudong."

Fan Jianguo was still urging him to leave, but Liu Ligan said to sit down and smoke a cigarette before talking. He felt that there was something in his heart that he hadn't figured out yet.

The two people sat down on the railing of the bridge and smoked cigarettes. Liu Ligan looked down at the Hangcheng Bicycle Spoke Factory not far from the bridge. The factory area is not small. It should be more than twice the size of Yiming Food Factory. The entire factory area is empty. , there seemed to be some people moving around in only two dormitory buildings.

There is a factory building built directly on the bank of the canal. There are two drainage outlets side by side. One of them is still gurgling sewage into the canal. This is probably the domestic sewage in the dormitory building.

There is also a drainage outlet that is dry, but from the drainage outlet to the canal below, there is a dark brown and dark green water stain that is soaked in chemicals and oil. It grows in the cracks of the stone slab close to the water surface. A few wild ramie plants blocked the water stain, making it less glaring and ugly.

Liu Ligan judged that this workshop should be the electroplating workshop of the spoke factory. This drain was used to discharge industrial wastewater from the electroplating workshop. From the dryness of the drain, it was obvious that the factory had been out of production for many years.

Liu Ligan stared at this large industrial factory area and smoked cigarettes. A boat entered the bridge hole from the other side of the bridge. People on the railings on the opposite side stood up, ran to the middle of the bridge, and then sat here. The people on the railings of the side bridge also stood up and fled to the middle of the bridge.

Fan Jianguo didn't know what they were doing. After thinking for a while, he suddenly realized that he stood up and ran away. He turned around and saw that Liu Ligan was still sitting there, staring at the factory area under the bridge.

"Bake, burn, burn, Mr. Liu!"

Fan Jianguo shouted, but it was too late. The bow of the ship had already come out from under the bridge here. The smoke emitted enveloped Liu Ligan's whole body. A pungent smell of diesel mixed with heat waves hit his face. , almost overturned him and fell off the bridge. Fortunately, Fan Jianguo rushed over and pulled him away from the bridge railing.

Looking at Liu Ligan again, the maroon jacket on the outside and the white shirt on the inside are covered with black sesame dots, the strands of hair stand on end, and his face is also pockmarked.

Many people gathered around and watched Liu Ligan laugh. Liu Ligan wanted to laugh too, but couldn't.

The two people hurriedly got off the bridge. Liu Ligan walked to the pier next to the bridge and wanted to wash his face, but he saw the water in the canal in front of him, black and shiny, and there was a person beside him, scrubbing with a broom. Brush the toilet.

When Liu Ligan came back, Fan Jianguo pointed in the direction of the spoke factory gate and said, there is a small shop there.

They went over and bought two bottles of Wahaha mineral water. Liu Ligan washed his face and left most of the bottle of water. Liu Ligan lowered his head and asked Fan Jianguo to pour the water on his head. As a result, his hair was not washed clean, but soaked in water. It was wet and couldn't stand up. His head hung down as if he was admitting guilt, and asked Fan Jianguo to buy napkins quickly.

Fan Jianguo saw towels for sale in the shop, so he simply bought a towel and handed it to Liu Ligan.

Liu Ligan wiped the water off his hair. Fan Jianguo and Liu Ligan said, "There seems to be a hairwasher over there. Do you want to wash your hair?"

He was referring to the other side of Gongchen Bridge.

Liu Ligan scolded that in a store like this, they don’t know whether to wash the upper part of the head or the lower part of the head.

Fan Jianguo chuckled. The lower part of his head felt comfortable after being washed, but the upper part didn't matter.

"You're not too damn dirty, that's the Thousand-Hand Guanyin." Liu Ligan cursed, while Fan Jianguo continued to laugh.

Liu Ligan threw the towel into the garbage pile on the roadside and continued walking towards the spoke factory. Fan Jianguo asked where he was going?

Liu Ligan said, come on, come and have a look.

"It's a useless place to farm in the west." Fan Jianguo said. Liu Ligan glared at him, and Fan Jianguo shouted, "Okay, you have the final say."

They walked to the gate of the spoke factory. The iron gate at the gate was closed, but the small door on the gate was open.

The two people walked in. On both sides of the road at the gate were two rows of promotional display windows. Liu Ligan looked inside and saw the notice of the National Day holiday in 1988. Liu Ligan smiled and said, "Damn it." Is this the Peach Blossom Land? I wonder if there are any Han people there?

"Hey, what are you doing?"

A small middle-aged man came out of the house behind the promotional window and shouted at them.

"Dangdang'er." Fan Jianguo said.

The man waved his hand outside and shouted impatiently: "Get out, get out!"

Fan Jianguo became angry, stared at him and asked, "You Sashi?"

Liu Ligan quickly stopped him. Liu Ligan asked, I want to find Director Ying. I wonder if he is here?

The man looked at Liu Ligan and asked, "Which one are you?"

"Oh, I am from Zhejiang Jinxiu Dadi Real Estate Co., Ltd." Liu Ligan said.

"This is our boss." Fan Jianguo added.

The other party looked Liu Ligan up and down. Liu Ligan knew that he didn't look like a boss with his embarrassed appearance. He was about to explain when the other party asked: "Has he been poisoned?"

Liu Ligan quickly said yes, and it seemed that the other party knew this very well.

The other party nodded to Liu Ligan and said to him: "I am Ying Xiaohu, may I introduce you?"

Fan Jianguo was wondering on the sidelines, how could Liu Ligan know the surname of the factory director here was Ying?

Liu Ligan and Ying Xiaohu said, Hello Director Ying, I just want to know a little bit about the situation. By the way, do you know that your daughter applied for a job with us yesterday?

Ying Xiaohu nodded. He said that he heard her talk about it when she came back, saying that there were many people signing up.

Ying Xiaohu's expression slowed down and he asked strangely: "Why, now we have to conduct home visits when recruiting workers?"

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "No, no, your daughter is doing very well. I'm not here to understand her situation, but the situation of this factory."

Ying Xiaohu let them into the office. In the entire office building, only his office door was open, and he was the only one in his office.

After sitting down, Ying Xiaohu asked Liu Ligan, do you want to buy any equipment? There is nothing for sale here, everything is almost sold, and all that is left is an empty house.

Liu Ligan shook his head and said no, we don’t need equipment. Director Ying, let me ask, how big is the area of ​​this factory?

“Are you talking about land area or building area?”

"Occupy space."

"Seventy-nine thousand square meters."

Liu Ligan calculated that it was about 120 acres.

Ying Xiaohu stared at Liu Ligan for a long time and asked, "Do you want to buy this place?"

Liu Ligan smiled and said, "I have this idea."

Ying Xiaohu straightened up. He said it was difficult and he couldn't buy it. Otherwise, someone would have already bought it and stacked the steel here.

"Why is it so difficult?" Liu Ligan asked.

"The people living in the dormitory building behind them can't be driven away at once."

"It's okay. I'm not in a hurry to use it. Let them live there until they need it." Liu Ligan said.

"That's okay." Ying Xiaohu thought for a moment and said bluntly: "I heard that it's difficult to get into your company, right? Then, for 600,000, I will help you buy this place and you recruit my daughter into the company. "

Liu Ligan was stunned for a moment. He was surprised that the other party was so straightforward. He said, "Okay, deal. But let me ask, do you have any other remaining issues here?"

"No more. We can't get rid of the old workers who have no place to live, but there are no other problems."

Ying Xiaohu looked at Liu Ligan and said: "What are you worried about? I will lie to you when my daughter is with you? To be honest, I also have a headache. This daughter has nothing to do after graduating from high school. She cries at home every day. Other factory directors are all very popular, but I am just an empty-handed person."

Then it’s Amitabha, Liu Ligan thought.

"Okay, that's it. When can we go through the formalities?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Prepare the money. When I call you to inform you, come over and sign. After signing, you take my daughter with you."

Liu Ligan couldn't help laughing and said, "Director Ying, why do you sound like you're selling the factory to have a daughter?"

Ying Xiaohu also laughed and said: "There is no way. If people are not punished for themselves, I only have so little power left. Even if I use my power for personal gain, I can do something good for my daughter."

Liu Ligan handed his business card to Ying Xiaohu, and the two of them left.

Fan Jianguo advised Liu Ligan, "Mr. Liu, if you think about it again, I still don't think it's worth it. This place is so rough. If the price is the same as Xiasha, 30,000 acres per acre is okay. 50,000 acres is too expensive. Besides, it's so expensive." What's the use of buying it from this rubbish place?

"It's five thousand, idiot, who did you learn arithmetic from?" Liu Ligan cursed.

Fan Jianguo chuckled. I think five thousand is expensive.

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "No matter how old a nail is, it is still a nail. It can still be used after being picked up."

"What do you mean?" Fan Jianguo asked.

Liu Ligan smiled and said nothing.

Liu Ligan certainly didn't buy this place to build houses. He still felt that even if houses were built in this place, no one would buy it.

His purpose of buying here was really just to buy a nail. He felt that it would not be long before such a large industrial factory area was ruined here. In terms of transportation, this place was also very convenient, being close to the main city. Not far away, next to the canal.

In a few years, this area will definitely be developed, and it is very likely that it will be transformed into an economic development zone like Xiasha. If that happens, you will have the conditions to negotiate with the government, and you can ask the government to replace it with other land. , just leave it intact, give him back 120 acres in the development zone, and replace it himself. How many factories can replace it?

What's more, the government will have to compensate to some extent for house demolition. Liu Ligan feels that Ben might come back by then, and this place is much more convenient than Xiasha. Even if he keeps it, he can build it for Zhang Chen and the others in the future. The factory building is also very nice.

He felt that by driving a nail here, he had secured the place. The function of the nail was the same. It would certainly be more cost-effective to buy an old nail than a new one.

"Mr. Liu, what does his daughter look like? There are so many people applying for the job, which one is her daughter?" Fan Jianguo asked after getting in the car.

"You've seen it." Liu Ligan said.

"Have I seen it? When?"

"Didn't you hold someone else's photo last night and refuse to let it go?"

Fan Jianguo thought for a moment and then remembered that it was the one who made the box and circle.

"What a dead crab!" Fan Jianguo was immediately discouraged.

Thank you book friends 161122204430843 and Lu for your monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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