The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 738 The cloud-penetrating arrow dragging a light belt

Zhejiang Jinxiu Dadi Real Estate Co., Ltd. once again became famous, this time not through the media, but through word of mouth. It became very popular in Hangzhou. Many people made a special trip to the junction of Moganshan Road and Wensan Road. , come and see their company. At the gate of their company, there are many people looking in every day.

Even many of Wenwen and Qianqian's classmates came here and looked at them enviously through the glass outside. Some classmates they knew also walked in. When Wenwen and Qianqian saw it, they got up quickly and asked them to negotiate. Sitting on the sofa in the area and chatting for a while, Wenwen and Qianqian felt why they were still so childish.

The two sides had almost nothing in common.

But a few girls were sitting there, chatting with exaggerated expressions in full view of the public outside the glass. Both the people talking and the people watching found it enjoyable.

The students who went in and came out had flushed faces and looked proudly at the people outside the glass. They were still a little excited. They really felt like they had just stepped off the stage.

Some close classmates asked Wenwen and Qianqian, are you still recruiting people here?

Wenwen and Qianqian frowned slightly and said, "They still seem to be good at recruiting, but we are very strict in recruiting people here."

The person who asked nodded and sighed inwardly. It was certainly difficult to get into such a company. Wenwen and Qianqian were lucky enough to get in so early.

Xu Wenhui mobilized his brothers and sisters and also pushed it, but such news could not get a very conspicuous page. It could only occupy a small part of the newspaper, but it was a butt. It was better than nothing.

The fame of this place relies more on mass communication. Although the communication tool is relatively simple, just the mouth, the speed will be a bit slow. If it were done today, it would save trouble. It would definitely become an internet celebrity check-in point in one night.

Liu Ligan looked at his company, smoldering and fermenting in Hangzhou. Xu Wenhui said to him, our colleagues in the newspaper office are now guessing what you are going to do next. And, pole, do you know that you are here now? It has become a new landmark. When people talk about a place, they no longer say the Hangcheng Customs on Moganshan Road, but the Splendid Land.

Liu Ligan smiled, feeling secretly proud that this was exactly what he wanted.

He wanted to turn this beautiful land of office buildings into the Jinghai International Financial Center in Haicheng. Although the two volumes were completely different, as long as they were famous, the effect would be the same.

Trust is real, and there will be entrustment with benefits later. Just like Fan Qishun would entrust the entire Yiming Food Factory to him, and Zhang Musheng would hand over 80% of the rights and interests of the project under construction to him. This trust is heavy. , worth thousands of gold, tens of millions of gold.

And fame, although it is fictitious, but when it is realized, it is also a stepping stone and a paving stone. Just like Liu Ligan, with the Jinghai International Financial Center, it will become a green light all the way in Haicheng. Liu Ligan To make Splendid Land, in Hangzhou, he has a green light as long as he goes out, this requires the reputation he has accumulated.

There is no one or any organization who does not look at celebrities or well-known companies in a different light. This is not snobbery, but a normal human reaction.

The full-page advertisement on the front page of "Hangcheng Daily" made Liu Ligan famous. The "Splendid Home" project made him famous. The continuous hype of off-the-plan properties made him famous. Chen Jingyi came to buy it. His shop also allowed him to gain fame, but fame would fade over time, so he had to keep warming it to keep it fresh forever.

And an office located on the roadside in a prosperous area is very good for maintaining its reputation, because whether you like it or not, you will see it often. It is stuck on the roadside, just like an advertisement. Liu Ligan is equal to It cost him 60,000 yuan to rent an advertising space at this intersection. He thought it was a good deal.

This is why Fan Jianguo was able to tell his requirements when asked what kind of place he wanted to find. From the day he planned to open a new office, he had already thought that his company needed to have such a high-profile existence. by the road.

Liu Ligan needs fame because he knows that doing real estate is different from Zhang Chen and others doing clothing. They can do it behind closed doors. Apart from contacting their own customers, they hardly have to deal with the outside world, which is not the case with real estate. , not only do it with the door open, but also with a loud voice, because there are too many departments it has to deal with.

Industry and commerce, taxation, banking, civil engineering, planning, urban construction, housing management, environmental protection, fire protection, quality supervision, health, labor, etc., there is no department that does not need to deal with. Even the earthquake resistance of houses has to deal with the seismic observatory, and the lightning protection has to deal with the meteorological observatory. , plus the various departments of the district government, and what about the streets?

You deal with so many departments. If you don’t take shortcuts and follow the steps step by step, you will be dragged to death. But if you take shortcuts, you must either rely on your reputation to increase your own worth and bargaining chips, so that the other party will not dare to underestimate you. , value you.

Or just like Meng Ping, cut the interests into small pieces, and the relevant people in each department will give him different pieces according to the weight of the other party, so that all roads can be connected.

But Liu Ligan has always been afraid of this. He will always think of the clear Huang Hongguang, who has a sharp gaze like a leader. Huang Hongguang can be said to have reached the pinnacle in this regard, but what is the final result? Not only could he not save his own life, but he could not even protect his own daughter and woman.

Unless absolutely necessary and at critical moments, Liu Ligan would try to do as little as possible. This is why he recruited Wenwen and Qianqian from the beginning. People have many kinds of needs. You just need to satisfy some of his needs. If you want, you can get what you want, just like Wenwen and Qianqian in Haicheng, dealing with Lao Ma and Xiao Zhanbo.

In comparison, Liu Ligan thinks this is safer. After all, it leaves no trace.

Just like when I was in Cangnan, I arranged for Xu Jianmei to sit in the cab of that nymphomaniac driver, and told Xu Jianmei, just let him touch it, and then you can just wash your hands.

Some time ago, Zhang Musheng took Wenwen and Qianqian on an expedition, which also confirmed Liu Ligan's judgment. The reason why he went to the art school to find someone, haha, as long as you know what eyebrow-raising means, you will understand, and Who knows how to flirt with each other better than actors and would-be actors?

When these two babies are eating together, one can stand up and sing shyly at any time, bringing tears to the pear blossoms, and the other can stand up and dance at any time. It is impossible for the host and the guest not to enjoy themselves.

What is the enjoyment of an emperor? This is the enjoyment of an emperor. Have you ever seen that in movies and TV shows, those emperors like to have people singing and dancing in front of them? Even the Jade Emperor and the Bull Demon King like it.

Wenwen and Qianqian are his cloud-piercing arrows, and fame is his light belt. He wants the cloud-piercing arrow to drag this light belt, or the light belt wraps around the arrow and whizzes away, so that he can be invincible. .

Liu Ligan also wants to make a name for himself. When he is looking for his target everywhere, he also hopes that the target will come to him. What he did with Yiming Food Factory has now become a well-known story in Hangzhou. Everyone knows that he hopes that there will be another factory director like Amitabha who will come to him with his Amitabha factory. He is in the open, while the targets are in the dark.

Amitabha is an adjective here. People in Yongcheng like to use it this way. It means that you have asked Bodhisattva to bless you. How can you still get along? How can this factory be good?

"Amitabha" among Yongcheng people is like "understand" among Hainanese and "can't win" among Hunanese. It has a broad meaning. If one person asks another person, "How is it," and the other person says "Amitabha", then he understands. .

Even when playing cards, when someone grabs a bad hand and frowns, they will say "Amitabha". When saying this, they usually use Zhejiang dialect.

Liu Ligan felt that the brewing time was almost up, so he detained Xu Wenhui. Xu Wenhui called back, and Liu Ligan asked him, "How is it? Are you free in the afternoon?" Come with me to your advertising department. I want to place an ad.

Xu Wenhui quickly said okay.

Liu Ligan himself also knew the director of the advertising department of "Hangcheng Daily". The reason why he asked Xu Wenhui to accompany him was because he knew the business very well. Xu Wenhui took him there. Needless to say, the director of the advertising department knew that this was After the advertising fees for the business brought by Xu Wenhui arrive, he will call Xu Wenhui to collect the commission.

What good would it do Xu Wenhui to run for himself? Of course Liu Ligan would be thinking about him.

The director of the advertising department was happy when he saw Liu Ligan coming. He knew that big business was coming. This time, it was not the front page. The front page had already been done. It didn't mean much to him or the newspaper. Besides, the front page The risk of printing is too great. You have already arranged the printing and are just waiting to get on the machine. If an urgent press release from Xinhua News Agency arrives at this time, you still have to withdraw it immediately.

Liu Ligan also made two full pages this time. The content of the advertisement was "Wanted Talents". His Jinxiu Dadi Real Estate Co., Ltd. had already become famous, and it was time to "Wanted Talents".

Liu Ligan believes that many people will come.

"I want to go to your place." Even Xu Wenhui said.

The advertisement was posted for two days, but the recruitment registration was only for one day on Sunday. Otherwise, Liu Ligan was afraid that he would be too busy. On Sunday, he could ask Zhang Chen to recruit help for a few days. Where can he find so many helpers?

Another thing is that Liu Ligan wanted to create a crowd of people.

On Sunday, just as Liu Ligan had expected, more than a thousand people had signed up. The queue was lined up on the road outside, turned from Wensan Road, and ended up on Moganshan Road. After entering Hangcheng Customs, I wandered around in the courtyard of Hangcheng Customs. Anyway, the Customs was closed today. The security guard watching the gate knew Mr. Liu and Liu Ligan.

He Hongmei, Zheng Huihong and Ge Ling all came to help, as well as people from Liu Ligan's own company, who helped issue and collect forms.

The row of tables at the gate for people to fill in the forms was not enough. Many people received the forms and immediately queued up to hand in the forms. As the line moved, they posted the forms on the wall of the customs building nearby. Writing, or squatting down, filling in on his lap.

The form here is very strange. Not only do you have to fill in your personal situation, but you also have to fill in your parents’ work units and positions, as well as a lot of uncles, aunts and uncles.

Liu Ligan sat where the forms were collected. When he got the forms, he would mostly look at them and say thank you, and for some others, he would ask a few simple questions.

On many forms, he would make various marks, including five-pointed stars, triangles, circles, square boxes, and # signs. No one knew these. What does the symbol mean?

He Hongmei asked what this was, and Liu Ligan laughed and said to her, Tianji, this is Tianji.

"Get out!" He Hongmei cursed.

Thank you to Bustling Farce, Cup Guy Api, and May for your monthly passes! Thank you for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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