The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 737 A night of autumn wind and rain

The weather has begun to turn colder. At this time of year, the sky above the city is always shrouded in haze. The sky is always dark and it rains every few days, which dissipates the heat from the earth.

There was a night of autumn wind and rain, and the streets and alleys of the city were covered with a thick layer of fallen leaves of French plane trees and roses, which were wet in the rain.

When people ride a bicycle quickly on the road, they will slip a little.

Days like this are the most difficult days for those who have no fixed place to live or whose future is uncertain. The money in their pockets is getting less and less, the luggage on their backs is getting heavier and heavier, and the new year is getting closer and closer. .

It felt like no place was bright as far as the eye could see, and no place was warm no matter which roof one lived on. In addition, there was water in the shoes, making the walking clattering, and the toes were frozen.

With tired eyes, everyone is happy, but I feel like I have been soaked by this desolate rainy night, and I feel cold from the inside out.

No matter how hard you try, you can't get it out.

Who will come to salvage you? This city is crushing you mercilessly. No one cares who you are, where you come from, and where you will go next. You look at the loud chatting and laughing in the bright lights in the distance. , the person who was drinking and chatting happily, you looked at the indifferent person in the car who was speeding past you, covering you in mud and water.

You and them are in two worlds, no, you and the whole world are in two different spaces. The world is still one, but you are the only one who is excluded, isolated and helpless.

Where is the world for you?

Even you are overwhelmed and unimaginable. Thinking of yourself makes you feel heavy. Facing a passing mirror and looking at the person in the mirror, you want to say hello to yourself, but your lips He squirmed until his figure in the mirror was blurred, and he still couldn't utter those two words.

What's good?

When you left your hometown at the beginning of the year, you were still lively and full of hope for the city you were going to and the future. You felt that if you waved goodbye to the familiar mountains and rivers, your face would be more rosy when you came back. , the pockets are more bulging, the spirit is more vigorous, isn’t the outside world more exciting?

But the outside world is indeed more helpless. You are quickly brought back to your original shape by this city. Your pockets are not more bulging, your face is not more rosy, and the Chinese New Year will be in two months, and you are even ashamed to mention returning. The word home.

You will probably go home in the end, and most people will go home. You have to calculate the round trip fare, the meager little money, and what to buy for your parents to make them happier and make them feel that you are living a good life outside. Okay, very respectable, but no matter how you calculate it, your money is not enough.

Lao Wan took a deep drag on the cigarette. He inhaled so hard that the fireworks came quickly and burned his fingers. He quickly spit it out, and the cigarette butt drew a red light in the drizzle and fell. In the rain in front of me.

Lao Wan sat on the steps at the entrance of Zhejiang Jinxiu Dadi Real Estate Co., Ltd., which had just been renovated, looking at the wet road outside, the people coming and going, and the city in front of him.

For several years, this season has been Lao Wan's most difficult day, and he has been struggling hard.

Now, he can finally go home in a dignified manner, but his parents passed away one after another the year before last. The home without his parents is like a kite with its string cut off, flying higher and higher, becoming more and more misty in sight. Home became increasingly blurry and eventually dissipated. The appearance, shadow and meaning of home were all gone.

It was the home of his brothers and sisters, but it was no longer the home of his Lao Wan. Lao Wan had no home now. He felt that the Sanbao Factory was more like his home. Getting along with the people here was better than the relationship between brothers and sisters. There are fewer conflicts, and there are fewer squabbles between parents.

Lao Wan looked at the city in front of him and thought about his deceased parents. He felt a deep sadness.

To this city, he is just an ordinary person, but ordinary people also have the joys and sorrows and existence of ordinary people. Although their existence is often so inconspicuous, so easy to disappear, so inconspicuous that one day you encounter misfortune, then The newspapers would only say that the driver of the car failed to pay attention to the surrounding road conditions when turning, and a car accident occurred, which unfortunately resulted in the death of a cyclist.

There may be tens or millions of people reading the newspaper, and there may be tens or millions of pairs of eyes reading this news, but no one will pay attention or want to know who this "cyclist" is. Most people All I care about is, what will happen to me driving a car? Has my driver's license been revoked? How much does it cost?

Many passers-by on bicycles passed by Lao Wan. They almost unanimously turned their heads to look this way, but no one noticed Lao Wan sitting on the steps of the gate. Instead, they looked at the bright light in the glass, Several handsome men and beautiful women were moving around in a very fashionable office area composed of black and white that no one in Hangzhou had ever seen.

Some people couldn't hold themselves back and got out of the car out of curiosity, pushed their bicycles onto the sidewalk, and looked in close to the glass.

Lao Wan also turned around and looked around. He saw Zhang Chen, Xiao Zhao, He Hongmei and Fan Jianguo, as well as the two beautiful girls Wenwen and Qianqian. Starting from tomorrow, they will work here and live above. On the second floor, Liu Ligan also moved here. The rooms upstairs were decorated according to the standards of the rooms in the Xinqiao Hotel that Zhang Chen took Lao Wan to see.

Lao Wan took out his cigarette case and was about to smoke another cigarette. Liu Ligan sat down on the steps next to him, took out a cigarette and handed it to him. Liu Ligan said, thank you for your hard work, Lao Wan.

Liu Ligan said that he wanted to renovate it with great urgency, so Lao Wan and his maintenance team did it with great haste. In just ten days, the place changed.

Lao Wan smiled, it was a long time, but he finally got out. After the decoration was completed, he didn't expect it to be so beautiful.

Liu Ligan said, I thought about it and have never been disappointed.

Lao Wan knew that what he was talking about was Mr. Zhang's design, and Lao Wan felt a little envious of them. These two were not brothers, but they were better than brothers.

Especially Liu Ligan. When he arrived in Hangzhou a few months ago, he had almost nothing like himself. How could he have such a big business now? Lao Wan really couldn't figure it out. He felt like It's like magic.

"What are you thinking about, Lao Wan?" Liu Ligan asked.

"I was wondering how you got rich so quickly." Lao Wan said, and Liu Ligan laughed.

"Opportunities, hard work, and my accumulation in the first half of my life. Lao Wan, let me tell you, now is the best time to make money. Look at Wu Zhaohui and the others. Isn't it very hard, being caught, and having to hide and hide? But in a few years, I tell you, they will definitely make it big, I believe this."

"I believe it too," Lao Wan said.

Liu Lipole patted him on the shoulder and told him, Lao Wan, you will have this day, as long as you work hard.

Lao Wan smiled sheepishly and said, I tried hard, but I lost money.

"Then come again. What are you afraid of if you lose? I've also suffered losses, and my losses will definitely be worse than yours." Liu Ligan said.

"I heard it. I heard my master say that in Hainan, you are doing something bigger than here. You are building buildings with more than 40 floors." Lao Wan said.

"Yes, that happened, but it's all over."

"I was just thinking about how to build the scaffolding and transport the concrete in this forty-storey building? I can't figure it out." Lao Wan said and shook his head.

"You'll know when you make it." Liu Ligan said with a smile.

"I built it? Impossible. I haven't even built a six-story house. At most, it's the five-story house in the factory." Lao Wan said.

Liu Ligan laughed and said, "Okay, Lao Wan, I promise you, I will let you build a house with more than six floors next time."


"Really, the boss has nothing to say." Liu Ligan said.

"Okay, then I must do a good job." Lao Wan said with a smile.

"I believe you, I can see it, Lao Wan, you are a good person, loyal and honest, and you are serious about everything you do. If such a person fails, there is no justice."

Lao Wan chuckled: "There are so many people in the world, how could God know me?"

Liu Ligan agreed, "If God doesn't recognize it, then I, Liu Ligan, will."

The two of them sat on the steps and finished smoking a cigarette. Then they stood up and walked in. They saw Zhang Chen writing and drawing on a piece of paper, explaining to Wenwen Qianqian what was on the furniture inside. What kind of flowers should be bought for a vase and what color? Wenwen asked, so strict?

Zhang Chen said, of course, the flowers are for the finishing touch. If they are well matched, the colors will be harmonious and comfortable when viewed from the outside. By the way, didn't you study Yue Opera? Have you ever been on stage?

Wenwen nodded.

Then the props on the stage, such as a cup or a bowl, are useless?

Wenwen thought for a while and said: "It seems that there really isn't."

"By the way, your company is now a stage. Did you see that outside the glass is the auditorium? Although these audiences are mobile, you cannot be careless at all on this stage. All the props, including the actors, are your , every action must be very rigorous, you should know better than me what the actor should do on stage." Zhang Chen said.

Wenwen and Qianqian both nodded, and Liu Ligan clapped his hands beside him and shouted:

"What Zhang Chen said makes sense. By the way, Fan Jianguo, you should also learn from this. When you walk in every day, you must realize that you are performing on stage. Zhang Chen is right. Our company is now a stage. , outside here is the auditorium.”

"Oh my god, how tiring it must be to work here!" He Hongmei shouted, Wenwen and Qianqian giggled.

Liu Ligan glared at He Hongmei and cursed, "You have to put on makeup every day, isn't it just for others to look at you more?"

He then asked Wenwen and Qianqian, do you feel very happy to have such a place that people see every day?

Wenwen and Qianqian looked at him, not knowing how to answer.

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "You just need to remember that here, even farts have to be done gracefully. Someone will watch your farts."

Wenwen and Qianqian blushed and went to chase Liu Ligan. The others laughed, and He Hongmei shook her head and cursed:

"This gangster is a gangster. Whatever words come out of his mouth reveal his true nature."

Zhang Chen asked He Hongmei to measure the sizes of Fan Jianguo and Wenwen Qianqian. He wanted to make work clothes for them. He had already thought about it. Their work clothes should not be black or navy blue, but squirrel gray, elegant and lively. Suitable for both men and women.

Fan Jianguo pulled Liu Ligang to the side and asked him, didn't you say you wanted to recruit two trappers (girls)? Why were they?

Liu Ligan scolded, "You have a good idea. These two are mine. Now the sales department has no houses to sell, so I asked them to come here to make up for the appearance. Do you understand?" We haven't started recruiting here yet, but when we do, we're guaranteed to find someone you'll be satisfied with.

"Okay, okay, I still won't move on these two that you labeled." Fan Jianguo nodded.

Thank you to Xihu Qiniu, Zhao Dongxu 10086, Lu, Dapeng, Ba Liang, and Book Friends 20170710094810382 for your monthly votes! Thank you for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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