The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 722 Just those things

After actually working for a period of time, Tan Shuzhen felt that her commute to and from work was reversed. When she was off work, she was very busy, switching almost non-stop, and rarely had time to study. However, when she was at work, she spent most of her time studying. studying.

As President Mao and Tan Shuzhen stated at the beginning, there are not many people arriving in the bank every day, especially the higher-level provincial and municipal banks and brother county banks.

When these people come, they almost always come together. It is a statutory holiday. They will organize people from their units to travel to Yongcheng. Sometimes several groups come when they come. Tan Shuzhen needs to rent a bus from the travel company. Usually, there are not many people who come here. not much.

Even when leaders from provincial and municipal banks come to inspect, they usually come in the morning and go back in the afternoon. They rarely stay overnight in Yongcheng.

Those who actually have more contacts are those from Yongcheng.

Yongcheng is not a big place, but the various relationships are very complicated. For example, the Xinanjiang Hydropower Station and some provincial-owned and deployed enterprises are all at the same level as the Yongcheng County Government, and some are higher than Yongcheng County. .

The Anhui Forestry Office across the Lianjiang River was originally stationed here by the Anhui Provincial Forestry Department. It was originally responsible for operations. The batches of bundled rafts that were lowered along the Xin'an River from the upper reaches are now blocked by the hydropower station. The wood from the upstream has long since disappeared, but this unit still remains here, and its level is also at the county level.

But no matter how complicated your relationship is, capital transactions still have to go through banks in Yongcheng. Yongcheng ICBC is the largest local bank in Yongcheng. They can't be like the local government, each managing one, or looking at each other.

At that time, banks were not completely separated from local governments and belonged to higher-level provincial and municipal banks. In particular, the personnel rights were still at the local level. This caused their banks to have business dealings and intertwined interests with various local departments and various affiliated units. We must pay homage to all mountains and piers.

In addition to these units, the money is allocated from above, and there is basically no shortage of money. They have less places to go to banks, and in turn, banks have more places to go to them. At that time, higher-level banks and local governments had all kinds of assessments and tasks. The bank relies on them to complete these tasks, so a very important job for President Mao and Tan Shuzhen is to organize dinner parties.

After Tan Shuzhen arrived, President Mao found that the difficulty of organizing a dinner party had been significantly reduced. Many people who had been difficult for President Mao to date before now would take the initiative to call President Mao when the weekend was approaching. Needless to say, President Mao also knew that this was to get Xiao Tan together.

President Mao was very happy about this. Even if Tan Shuzhen won him championships in provinces and cities as Teacher Shi said, President Mao already felt that Tan Shuzhen was worth every penny.

Of course, Tan Shuzhen had to participate in all these wine parties. It was unreasonable for Tan Shuzhen to drink coconut juice from beginning to end. She also started to drink a little bit of white wine. After drinking, her face turned pink and she looked even more charming.

But she only drinks a small cup at a time. If someone wants to drink more, President Mao will come out to help her and tell the person who persuades him to drink. Xiao Tan will also participate in the CCTV Young Singer Grand Prix. Drinking is not good for the throat. Today has already happened. It's an exception.

Of course, the other party immediately understood such an important matter and let her go, but every time there was a drinking party, Tan Shuzhen could not escape from standing up, retreating to a corner of the box, and singing a few songs for everyone.

These drunken men squinted their eyes, looked at Tan Shuzhen, and shook their heads. Some even slapped their thighs with their hands to beat the rhythm. The sound was really nice, and this person was really good-looking.

So the host and guest enjoyed themselves.

Apart from these bartenders, Tan Shuzhen has basically nothing to do during normal working hours during the day, although she is also the vice chairman of the labor union.

The chairman of the labor union of their bank is concurrently served by a vice president who has been on sick leave for a long time. This vice president is very senior. When President Mao was still a loan officer, he was the head of the credit section. President Mao was the head of the credit section. At that time, he was the vice president.

When the old president retired, everyone thought that the vice president would naturally take over as president. Unexpectedly, he was not the one to take over. Someone took over first, and the first one was his old subordinate.

When he couldn't change his mind, the organizational department talked to him, helped him to guide him, and told him that it's not that you are incompetent, or that your superiors don't trust you, but that the general trend is like this and the requirements of your superiors are like this, and there is nothing we can do about it.

You will suffer the loss because of the two aspects of the "four modernizations" cadre standards, youth and knowledge. Especially in terms of knowledge, President Mao is younger than him and has a college degree, so President Mao will surpass him. Go up.

"Having a diploma means you have knowledge?" He was unconvinced.

"Having a diploma does not necessarily mean you have knowledge, but it is one of the assessment standards. You work in finance, and you don't know what quantitative standards are?" someone from the organizational department said, and comforted him that now is not the era of seniority. Be more open.

He really thought about it. On the second day after President Mao took office, the vice president and chairman of the labor union began to take sick leave, and then he continued to be sick for several years. Everyone at the top and bottom thought this was normal. You Just be sick with peace of mind.

In the absence of the chairman, the vice chairman of the union, Tan Shuzhen, was fully responsible for the work of the union. At the beginning, Tan Shuzhen wanted to ask the chairman for instructions on some work, but when she called her home, her family told her that she was either going to Huangshan or Putuo. Shan and Taishan are recuperating.

Helpless, Tan Shuzhen could only go to President Mao.

President Mao and Tan Shuzhen said that if anything happens, you can make the decision yourself. Even if he is in Yongcheng, he only wants to see Xiao Wang, not you.

Xiao Wang is a girl in the bank office. Every once in a while, the vice president will call her and ask her to go there. Xiao Wang brings back a file bag of tickets, accommodation tickets and attraction tickets from his home, sorting them out and filling them out. I asked President Mao to sign the reimbursement form. President Mao signed it without looking at it. Xiao Wang took it to the finance department to reimburse the expense, put the money in the file bag, and sent the file bag back.

Tan Shuzhen is completely responsible for the work of the trade union. The union has nothing to do, and it is not time for the general election. Normally, she just gives everyone some benefits, organizes chartered venues to watch movies, or travels to places in the province during holidays.

When the higher-level trade union announces a badminton and table tennis competition, she posts the notice on the notice board in the cafeteria and asks those who want to participate to come to her office to sign up.

There are only a few people who go to Hangzhou to participate in these activities every year. They won’t get any rankings anyway, they just fill up the number, so they don’t even need to organize it. They will organize the coming and going themselves, and they will reimburse the expenses when they come back. .

In a county with scarce resources, banks are a piece of cake. The major mass organizations in the county always come to ICBC to sponsor whatever activities they hold. President Mao is very annoyed. In addition to the activities of the Women's Federation, President Mao himself In addition to personal inquiries, other units will be left to Tan Shuzhen's discretion.

The Women's Federation is because their chairman is a member of the Standing Committee of the County Committee. Although the unit is on the same level as the Youth League County Committee, the Federation of Trade Unions, the Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and the Association for Science and Technology, the chairman is not on the same level, so President Mao has to deal with it personally.

There are several major mass organizations in the county. The Youth League and County Committees have subordinates in their businesses. If there are any activities, the first thing they go to is their Youth League Committee. If the Secretary of the Youth League Committee comes to her, Tan Shuzhen will definitely show off some face.

The Federation of Trade Unions is Tan Shuzhen's superior. Of course Tan Shuzhen will take care of them. The Association for Science and Technology has basically nothing to do with them. They usually don't engage in any activities and will not disturb them.

There is also the Federation of Literary and Art Circles, which I didn’t need to pay attention to at first, but it was Lao Meng who came to Tan Shuzhen from the Federation of Literary and Art Circles.

When Tan Shuzhen and Liu Ligan were together, Lao Meng asked Liu Ligan to write so many legends of the king. He helped them in their most difficult times, so the activities of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles would also be favored by Tan Shuzhen. .

In addition to mass groups, the Cultural Center usually holds the most activities. Because of Teacher Shi's relationship, their activities often receive strong support from ICBC.

Tan Shuzhen did not find it difficult to deal with these matters, and she was able to handle them with ease. Of course, the people who sponsored her were happy, but the industry did not have the budget and could not sponsor them at the moment. She also made others feel comfortable, especially those from the Youth League and County Committee. For the event, ICBC's money didn't arrive, but Tan Shuzhen came and sang two songs, and everyone was happy.

Tan Shuzhen spent more time sitting in the office, reading and studying. When she encountered something she didn't understand, she would go next door and ask her senior brother, who always took the trouble to teach her.

Tan Shuzhen didn't ask for advice for a few days. Sometimes the senior brother would come over and take the initiative to ask about Tan Shuzhen's study situation.

Tan Shuzhen was immersed in reading a book, when a person walked in outside the door. Tan Shuzhen thought it was her senior brother, Mr. Mao, but when she raised her head, it was Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu smiled when he saw her, and without waiting for her invitation, he walked in, sat down on the sofa, and said to her: "Sister Shuzhen, let me hide here with you for a while."

Tan Shuzhen was taken aback and asked quickly: "Why, are we fighting again?"

"No, why should I fight now? I have forgotten how to fight."

"Who else would chase you without a fight?"

"You're not chasing me, you're looking for me. I'm hiding from them." Xiao Wu said. Tan Shuzhen was confused. Xiao Wu didn't want to explain too much. Even after explaining, Tan Shuzhen wouldn't understand. Xiao Wu said to her: "You Don't worry about it, Sister Shuzhen, just let me hide here for half an hour."

"Okay, you can stay as long as you want. Do you want some water?"

Xiao Wu shook his head.

Xiao Wu came here for the first time today. Tan Shuzhen remembered it and asked: "Xiao Wu, how did you know that my office is here, why did you ask below?"

Xiao Wu still shook his head and said, "Aren't you the assistant to the president? This assistant to the president must be next to the president. I am very familiar with this place."

Tan Shuzhen was surprised: "You are very familiar with this place. What's going on?"

Before Xiao Wu had time to answer, President Mao walked in from the door. When he saw Xiao Wu, he shouted: "I was next door. When I heard the sound, I knew it was you."

Xiao Wu stood up and called Mr. Mao with a smile.

President Mao looked at Xiao Wu, then at Tan Shuzhen, and asked curiously: "How do you two know each other?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he laughed to himself: "Hey, why did I forget that you guys are from the same theater troupe."

Tan Shuzhen smiled and nodded: "He is my brother."

Tan Shuzhen was surprised. She asked President Mao: "How do you know each other?"

"We have known each other for many years," said President Mao. "He and my wife are from the same village."

Tan Shuzhen understood. It turned out that the executive deputy county magistrate of Yongcheng County was from Xiaowu's village. No wonder Xiaowu said that he was familiar with this place. It seemed that he had been to President Mao more than once before.

Thank you for the tip! Thank you Xu Yuenian and Bajie for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the reading and votes! I wish you all the best!

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