The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 72: You are still talented as a soldier.

"Okay, I want to write it down." Jin Lili shouted.

Zhang Chen scolded: "Why do you remember these nonsense things?"

"It's fun, you hear how fun it is." Jin Lili said.

Liu Ligan also said: "Zhang Chen, don't underestimate these. This is the essence of folk literature. It highly summarizes an era. Don't think that folk literature only has Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai."

Zhang Chen sighed and said, "Okay, even if what you say makes sense, it seems that we, Mr. Tan, are not such a person."

Jin Lili snorted, and Liu Ligan said: "Are you stupid again? It's not whether he is such a person, but if he wants to do things and do things well, he must be such a person. Look at Jin Lili and the others. Mr. Xia, does he look like such a person? Does he want to do such a thing? "

"Must!" Jin Lili shouted.

"Right, this has nothing to do with whether he is such a person, it is the general environment. This is a society that forces girls into prostitution. Do you understand, Zhang Chen?" Liu Ligan said.

"I don't understand, and I don't want to understand." Zhang Chen muttered.

"Look at Jiajia next door, can you tell she is Dingdong?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Yes, she is." Jin Lili shouted.

"Go away, that's prejudice. No, it's a beautiful woman's deep-seated hatred for another beautiful woman. That's nature." Liu Ligan cursed.

Jin Lili opened her eyes wide, looked at Liu Lizhan, and shouted: "No way, Zhan Zi, you are so protective, tell me, do you have a story?"

"There are ghost stories. Now I have stories with Yilin's mother. We meet every day and we have money exchanges." Liu Ligan scolded.

Zhang Chen and Jin Lili were both laughing.

At noon the next day, just after lunch, Zhang Chen's BB phone rang. When Zhang Chen saw it, it was the phone number from Mr. Tan's office. Liu Ligan smiled and said, "The big deal has been decided. Now we need you to work overtime."

Zhang Chen ran to the shop and called back. Sure enough, it was Xiao Zhong, informing him that he would have a meeting at the company at two o'clock in the afternoon and that the design plan of the Northeast restaurant needed to be adjusted.

After returning to the room, she spoke to Jin Lili and Liu Ligan on the phone. Jin Lili cursed, "Did you see it? No matter what, a capitalist is a capitalist, even if he has a good foundation and exploits you, there will be no negotiation."

Before two o'clock, Zhang Chen arrived at the company. After a while, Mr. Tan accompanied a group of them in. This time, not even the racecourse director attended. Only deputy director Sun, the office director, and Mr. Li came. and a male secretary.

After everyone sat down in the conference room, Deputy Director Sun and Zhang Chen said, "Designer Zhang, after discussion, we have reached a consensus that we need to change the original decoration plan."

Zhang Chen said, no problem. Can the leader tell me your requirements?

Requirements, ha, requirements, the general requirements are like this. In short, after the restaurant is built, products from our forest farm, such as mushrooms, fungus, pine nuts, vermicelli, etc., will be continuously produced. We hope that here, It can reflect the characteristics of our forest farm.

"Do you want the original taste?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Yes, yes, this designer is still damn smart, Ha Lao Tan. This word is used well. It is authentic and makes people feel our forest farm as soon as they arrive here." Deputy Director Sun said, "In short , that is, we need to make this place a beautiful business card for our forest farm.”

Zhang Chen cursed in his heart, damn, the beautiful scenery has become a beautiful business card again, but he immediately had an idea in his mind. Zhang Chen had never been to Heilongjiang, but their troupe had performed in "Outsmart" before. "Powerful Tiger Mountain", the props and scenery of this play are still piled in the practice room, Zhang Chen knows how to do it.

When Deputy Director Sun saw Zhang Chen standing there, he thought he didn't understand what the beautiful business card was about. Deputy Director Sun continued:

"In short, every year, so many leaders from Heilongjiang at all levels come to Hainan. We want them to feel at home as soon as they enter our restaurant in this corner of the world."

"I understand." Zhang Chen said, "I plan to do this, leader, I am going to change these walls to logs, as well as the tables and stools, all made of logs, and that one, isn't there a sofa in the box? , we don’t need a sofa anymore, we can make a kang in the place of the sofa so that guests can get on the kang as soon as they come in.”

"That's right, Lao Tan, you are a very smart soldier. You can tell the truth with just one point. That's what I mean. We have a lot of this wood in our forestry. Don't be stingy, but you can build it as hard as you can. If it doesn't work, I'll give you a train of leather." Sun said the deputy director.

Zhang Chen got up and told Deputy Director Sun that the leader would sit down for a while while I went to draw a sketch.

"Is it okay so soon?" Deputy Director Sun looked at Mr. Tan and asked.

"Okay, he has quick hands." Mr. Tan said.

"Still a quick shooter, Lao Tan, what about that thing? Let's get rid of that thing too?" Deputy Director Sun said. Zhang Chen looked at Mr. Tan and didn't know what that thing was.

Mr. Tan smiled and said to Zhang Chen: "Master Sun wants you to calculate the budget increase. They have to rush back the day after tomorrow. The racecourse manager has an important meeting to host on Tuesday. Tomorrow, I will I also want to accompany them to visit Sanya."

Zhang Chen understood, he said yes, I will do it as soon as possible. At that time, decoration companies had to provide designers with budgets. After all, no one except you knew where to use materials and how high the requirements were.

Zhang Chen returned to his desk, moved the things on the table, spread out the paper, pens and paints, and was ready to draw. Mr. Tan followed behind him, picked up the drawing pencil, and wrote a word on the lead drawing paper. Number, he patted Zhang Chen on the shoulder and told him that the budget should not be lower than this number. Zhang Chen was shocked, but still nodded.

Mr. Tan picked up the eraser, erased the number, and then returned to the conference room to accompany Deputy Director Sun and the others.

Regarding these changes approved by Deputy Director Sun, to an outsider, they may think that the entire style has completely changed and the changes are huge. However, Zhang Chen knows it well. He knows that these changes are superficial and cost the most money. The hidden project, the ground, the suspended ceiling, etc. were not changed, but some logs and fake Kang were added, which did not cost much.

But the figure Mr. Tan just wrote to him, the additional part alone, exceeded the original decoration cost, and the total cost more than doubled.

This surprised Zhang Chen and gave him a headache at the same time, because the budget was so knowledgeable that it would be best to add it to hidden projects and materials. Everyone knows the price of superficial things. There are only hidden constructions that no one can see, and a barrel of the same imported latex paint is more than double that of domestically produced paint.

While Zhang Chen was working, he remembered what Liu Ligan said last night. It seemed that this project was really completed. Party A and Party B were now the strongest friends.

Zhang Chen thought for a while and decided to finish the most troublesome part of the budget first. He redid all the hidden projects that had been completed. The amount of work continued to increase and the materials continued to be replaced. Finally, he finally managed to get a Decent figures, of course, during actual construction, these completed parts will not be moved even an inch, but if the paper does not move, the money will not come out.

After finishing the budget, Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief and began to draw the renderings. Zhang Chen was very familiar with this, and his headache no longer hurt, and it was completed quickly.

Zhang Chen entered the conference room with a freshly released budget and renderings. He added more than 80,000 yuan to Mr. Tan's figure in the budget. This was to wait for the other party to counter-offer and then pretend to cut it off. Mr. Tan took a look at it. He glanced at the budget and nodded slightly. He made a gesture and asked Zhang Chen to give him the renderings. When Zhang Chen handed the renderings to him, he reminded:

"Be careful Mr. Tan, the paint is not dry yet."

Mr. Tan first handed the budget to Deputy Director Sun. Deputy Director Sun glanced at it and handed the budget to the office director. The office director put it in his bag without even looking at it.

Mr. Tan handed the renderings to Deputy Director Sun and reminded him that the paint was not dry. Deputy Director Sun took the renderings, his eyes lit up, he stood up, put the renderings on the conference table, and then called to the director and Li General Secretary:

"Come on, come on, let's see if this thing is what we want, and it's still talented, Lao Tan, you soldier."

The director and Mr. Li said together: "Yes, that's right."

"Okay, I'll take this picture away. This matter is settled. From now on, it will be between Lao Li and you, Lao Tan." Deputy Director Sun and Mr. Tan said.

"I made a reservation for Sea Dragon King tonight, let's go together." Mr. Tan said.

Deputy director Sun quickly waved his hand: "If you don't want to eat, don't eat. We have been busy all night on this matter. Lao Ma and the others are still sleeping. I have to go back and take a nap."

"Okay, let's have a midnight snack then." Mr. Tan said, "When we arrive in Haicheng, it would be a big pity not to go to the Lion House for a midnight snack."

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