The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 71 A meal worth more than 50,000 yuan

On the afternoon of the third day, a large number of people arrived, including seven or eight people. The leader was their local county magistrate and forest farm director, also surnamed Ma. I don’t know if he is related to Mr. Ma. There were also two deputy county officials. Director and deputy director, an office director and two secretaries, one male and one female.

Mr. Li is also there, but Mr. Ma has disappeared, probably because he knows that he is no longer welcome in this company.

The specific matters were discussed with Mr. Tan by a deputy director surnamed Sun. Mr. Tan asked Zhang Chen to participate in the whole process. Deputy Director Sun exchanged greetings with Mr. Tan and suddenly asked: "Mr. Tan has been in the military. ?”

Mr. Tan said yes, he has been at the Yulin base and has not left Hainan since he changed jobs.

Deputy Director Sun smiled and said: "I have also been in the navy, right here in this area. I was at the Zhanjiang base. However, I changed my career and returned to my hometown."

Mr. Tan slapped the table, right? What a coincidence. What year were you in the military?

"Seventy-two." Deputy Director Sun said.

"Oh no, no, no, it's such a coincidence. I was born in 1972 too. By the way, did you go to the naval battle in 1974?" Mr. Tan asked excitedly.

"We went, but when we arrived, you had already won." Deputy Director Sun said.

Other people around him also became excited and thought this was a coincidence. The horse farm director said, really, in that case, you are still comrades in the trenches. Damn it, didn't this flood wash away the Dragon King Temple?

Everyone laughed, and furthermore, the two of them were actually from the same recruit company in Zhaoqing, but they were not in the same platoon. In addition, everyone got together in a hurry and went their separate ways in a hurry, so they had no chance to get to know each other.

With such a relationship, other things are easy to talk about. Zhang Chen sat in the conference room and felt that everyone was just joking and reminiscing about the past. They basically didn't talk about things related to work and engineering, and the time passed in a flash. , it’s dinner time.

There were seven of them, including Mr. Tan himself, Xiao Zhong and Zhang Chen. There were exactly ten people at a table. Dinner was set in a private room on the third floor of the Nanzhuang Hotel.

Zhang Chen entered the box. Although he was engaged in decoration and had seen a lot of information in this area, he still felt that this box was too damn luxurious. Just the imported crystal chandelier alone made Zhang Chen want to More than 10,000 yuan, more than 10,000 yuan, you could buy a house at that time.

Those who came from the north were leaders after all and had a deep sense of self-cultivation. Although they were also overwhelmed by the luxury of this box, they remained calm.

While waiting for the food to be served, Deputy Director Sun picked up the karaoke microphone and made sure to sing a duet with Mr. Tan. The song was "Camel Bell", but soldiers like to call it "Send Off Comrades". Two people, one left hand, One held the microphone in his right hand, and the other hand was placed on the other's shoulder. When they sang "Comrade, comrade, dear brother...", the two of them were already in tears.

While they were singing, the racecourse manager cheered them on and danced with the female secretary on the dance floor. Others stood by and applauded them desperately.

When the food was almost served, the waiter reminded them that they could sit down, and Mr. Tan invited everyone to sit down.

Everyone had a great time at this meal. They drank four bottles of Louis XIII worth more than 6,000 yuan a bottle, and a bottle of Maotai. Those shark fins, bird's nests, lobsters, civets, and even Zhang Chen had never seen them before. , but I heard Jin Lili say that she finally opened her eyes today.

When paying the bill, Zhang Chen sat next to the small clock. It was Xiao Zhong who paid the bill. The cashier was very clever. Knowing that it was a banquet, he sang out the amount and told them that your total consumption is fifty-three thousand one. One hundred and twenty-six yuan. Everyone except Mr. Tan and Xiao Zhong were stunned for a moment. Then the racecourse director and deputy director Sun said, Mr. Tan, you are spending too much money.

Mr. Tan said proudly, aren't we all happy today? Happiness is better than anything else!

Everyone said that they were so happy that they were already too drunk.

Mr. Tan glared, "This can't work. How can it end like this? Xiao Zhong, let's sit down for a while. You send the two secretaries and Xiao Zhang back first, and then pick them up. We will go to Taoyuan Hotel to sing, and then the second half will begin."

The director and Mr. Li stood up knowingly and told Mr. Tan and the horse farm manager that we should go back to the hotel first. The horse farm manager did not comment, and the other deputy director waved his hand.

When the six people arrived downstairs, Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhong said, I came here on a motorcycle, so I'd better ride back. You can see them off.

They shook hands and said goodbye in the parking lot. Zhang Chen rode his motorcycle and rushed home. Today is the weekend, and Jin Lili should be at home now.

Xiao Zhong sent the four people back to the hotel, and then returned to the private room of Nanzhuang Hotel. He gave Mr. Tan his bag and car keys, and said to him, should I leave first?

Mr. Tan nodded.

Xiao Zhong and Mr. Tan said that there were three eight-box rooms, and Mr. Tan said he understood.

Zhang Chen returned home. When Liu Ligan and Jin Lili heard the sound of motorcycles downstairs, they both leaned out of the corridor. Jin Lili shouted, "Zhang Chen, don't come up, let's come down."

Zhang Chen parked the car, and before waiting for a while, Jin Lili and Liu Ligan got out. Zhang Chen asked what they were doing.

"What are you doing? You're so damn good at eating spicy food. We haven't had dinner yet, so we're going to eat water spinach with garlic paste." Liu Ligan said.

Zhang Chen shouted: "I just had a meal that cost more than 50,000 yuan and drank a bottle of wine that cost more than 6,000 yuan. What the hell do you want me to go to eat at a food stall that costs 100 yuan? You won't give it to me either. Leave some time for reflection?”

Jin Lili shouted: "Did you see it, pole? I just said that this guy will show off when he goes to Nanzhuang. Is that wrong?"

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "Yes, yes, he is so cool. If he eats a hundred thousand yuan, he will not even be able to brush his teeth. He will kiss you for fifteen minutes so that you can share it."

"Eh, disgusting!" Jin Lili cursed and kicked Liu Ligan, who laughed loudly.

The three of them sat down at the food stall, stewed the salted fish and eggplant with chopsticks, and drank a sip of cold beer. Zhang Chen was stunned and cursed: "Damn, those over 50,000 yuan are no different from this, those six It costs more than a thousand, but it’s not as delicious as this imperial sister’s.”

Jin Lili rolled her eyes at him, and Liu Ligan scolded, "Don't pretend, at least it will let you show off for several years. You will forget about this tomorrow."

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, don't tell me this, it actually makes sense.

"What's the truth? This is the truth!" Liu Ligan said, "Our Lily is still simple. You see, she has been through wine and meat, so there is no need to show off."

"Every time I fucking pay the bill, I think, you pigheads, save this meal, give me the money, and I can burn incense and make offerings to you." Jin Lili scolded.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan laughed.

Zhang Chen said to them: "There is another strange thing. You said that in Yongcheng, a county magistrate, in my opinion, is like a god, but damn, here we are today, together with these county magistrates and deputy magistrates Why don't you feel anything when you drink, just like a shit?"

Jin Lili said: "What's weird? It's because they are shit. The people I eat with now are the director, deputy director, director, deputy director, etc. They are all better than our Yongcheng county magistrate." Da, I didn’t feel anything either. I used to be in the bearing factory and the fucking factory director would stand in front of me for a long time, and I would tremble all over.”

"If you go to work at the United Nations and deal with the President and the President every day, these ministers will look like shit." Liu Ligan said.

Zhang Chen talked to them about today's scene for a long time, and Jin Lili asked: "By the way, how is your project?"

It makes sense for Jin Lili to care about this. After all, it is related to Zhang Chen's commission. If the project fails, Zhang Chen's commission will also fail.

"How do I know? They went to sing. Today, they didn't mention much about the project." Zhang Chen said.

"It's okay, it's done, it's a done deal," Liu Ligan said.

"How do you know?" Zhang Chen asked curiously.

Liu Ligan glanced at him and cursed: "I think your more than 50,000 yuan of food was in vain. No amount of food can save you from being an idiot. Do you think that if it was really an ordinary singing, I wouldn't take you with me?" "

Zhang Chen suddenly realized, and Jin Lili also said that the pole was right, these people were such hooligans.

"Do you know there is a saying? It talks about the relationship between people?" Liu Ligan asked.

Zhang Chen and Jin Lili both shook their heads. Jin Lili urged, "Speak quickly, say something."

"This means that friends are divided into five levels. The first level is more senior and closer than the first level. The first one went to the same school together, the second one went to the countryside together, the third one carried a gun together, the fourth one went to prostitutes together, and the last two are friends. Tonight, they will be at the fourth and most hardcore level." Liu Ligan said.

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