The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 690 Righting and Baiting

"Wait, wait, wait, pole, let me figure it out first." Zhang Chen shouted, "You told me that you were going to do real estate, and now, you are not going to do real estate anymore, you are going to do food, right? ?"

"Why do I make food? Of course I do real estate."

"Okay, then I want to ask you this morning. You asked that little Fan to come and you gave him a high salary. You wanted to get close to Fan Qishun through him, right?"


"You approached Fan Qishun because you wanted the land of Yiming Food Factory, right?"


"Then you are getting close now. If you want to buy land, you can just buy it directly. Why are you doing so many tricks?"

"Buy it directly, where's the money?"

"How much does it cost?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, Zhang Chen, let's figure one thing out first. Do you want to say next, how much does it cost to buy Yiming Food Factory? Do you have it here, right?" Liu Ligan ask.

"How much money will the Yiming Food Factory cost? I think a few million is about the same. You said I don't have hundreds or hundreds of millions, but I do have a few million. I think that broken factory can cost as much as eight million. I'm tight." I can put it all together in a moment," Zhang Chen said.

"Okay, this is what I want to tell you. If you spend all your own money on real estate, then your money will still not be enough. Also, I don't want to. After what happened in Haicheng, I at least understand a few things. The first thing is that the income from real estate is indeed huge. When things go smoothly, it is comparable to a money printing machine. But when it falls, people will die and no one can save it.

“So, to do this, you can use your own small money to gamble, but you cannot use big money. Instead, you must mobilize the resources of all parties.

"Second, it's great to have someone like you who has no interest in real estate at all. Just make your own clothes. I, Liu Li, lost. No matter what, there is still somewhere to go. There is still a mouthful of hot rice to eat.

"The biggest mistake Meng Ping and I made in Haicheng was that we tied everything together and threw it into the Xinbu Island project. If Meng Ping followed his original path and continued to be a second-rate dealer, he would not If it would be so miserable, there would probably be a few pieces of land smashed into the hands, but it wouldn't be like leeks, all of them would be cut off in one stroke.

"As long as one of us can survive, there is still a way to save ourselves, but we are so lucky that we died together.

"Zhang Chen, let's make an agreement. As long as I, Liu Ligan, am doing real estate, you, Zhang Chen, don't even touch me. You stay far away, okay? This is what I told you about the market. You don't want to do it. , I have no reason to convince you. You may be right or wrong, but you just do what you want.

"I may be right, or I may be wrong. I'll do what I do. We just don't want to die together, okay?"

Zhang Chen said yes, I have no interest in real estate at all.

"It's not that you have no interest in real estate at all." Liu Ligan said, "You like to do things and do things well, but you don't have much interest in making money. You will have money when you do things well. Natural rewards. You are not like Meng Ping and I. When we see a stone and smell the smell of copper, we will pick it up and squeeze it hard to see if we can squeeze out the juice."

Zhang Chen thought for a moment, laughed, and said, "It seems to make some sense."

"It doesn't make sense, it just means that I know you better than you know yourself."

"Fuck you, do you know yourself?"

"You don't have to do it yourself. You know yourself too well, and living is boring. It's just like a robot. People are actually like this. They use rationality to see others, but they see themselves emotionally."

"for example?"

"For example, haha, for example, many people look at others, this stinky gangster, and plays with women, but when he cheats on himself, he thinks he is in love. Okay, don't glare at me, I know what you want to say, look at me , indeed like a gangster, but every woman and I are in love, hahaha." Liu Ligan laughed.

After he finished laughing, Zhang Chen said: "You've been talking for a long time, but you still haven't mentioned the Yiming Food Factory."

"Okay, let's go back to Yiming Food Factory. This time, it's different from you. You are buying from one of their sales departments. They can sell it to you right away just like they sell their pastries. Once you sell it, the workers will be paid, and the boss will also There is nothing to say, and there is nothing to say next time. This time, I want to take care of them all. Then think about it, what will happen to those workers if the factory is sold, and there will be a bunch of retired people behind.

"We can't say, okay, if we sell it, everyone will divide the money and then find their own way out. If that is the case, of course the workers are willing, and it may actually be the best way, but the authorities don't allow it, and the policy doesn't allow it. The policy doesn't allow it." Yes, there are so many people to support, so I have decided that I would rather let you annex Qunying Garment Factory without paying a penny, and I can't say that I will sell it to you.

"Although selling it won't make much money, it may be the best way, but the government is willing to find a way out for the workers, and it can't sell it and distribute all the money to you. Why, in fact, the government also knows very well, you people, the money is given to you After dividing it up, spending it all, and finally coming to the government, what will the government do? Where will it get the money to support so many retired workers?

"So when I want to run Yiming Food Factory in one pot, I am faced with the problem of finding a way for them. The best way for this factory to find a way is to make it prosperous. Once it is prosperous, it will have its own There is a way out, no one needs to help him find it, this is what I have to do now.”

Zhang Chen was told that he was confused and cursed: "Damn it, if he was prosperous and his life was better, he wouldn't need to sell this factory to you."

"I don't want to buy it either."

"You didn't want to buy it, so why did this place fall from the sky? Hit you on the head?"

"I won't buy it, but it can be replaced." Liu Ligan said with a smile, "There are many people who have pursuits, so rich people will have lust. If you think about the whole factory, the hard days are over, and there is hope for the factory. Now, if I trade them with a new factory for that broken factory, will they switch?"

"You want to trade with them for a new factory? With your 100,000 yuan, you can buy a new factory and trade with them?" Zhang Chen was surprised.

"Yes, why is it impossible? It's possible together. There's just a time difference."

"What's the meaning?"

"You will understand when the time comes. I can't explain it to you now. Also, this is a great idea. I want to let it simmer in my heart for a while."

"Okay, just let it stew. I don't want to know either." Zhang Chen said he didn't want to know, but couldn't help but ask: "If you want to do this, then you should first find a way to build a new factory instead of Yiming Foods factory."

"This is a systematic project. I don't have money. It's not that I don't have money. I only have 100,000 yuan. I want to give Yiming Food Factory a new factory and get its old factory. This is not enough. I also need to build a house here. Come and sell it, what is the most lacking thing here?" Liu Ligan asked.

"What the hell, you've been talking for a long time, but it's still not money." Zhang Chen scolded.

"Yes, money can solve most problems, but it cannot solve all problems. If there is one thing, it is enough. You can do it without money. Do you know what it is?"

Zhang Chen thought for a while, but couldn't figure it out, so he had to ask: "What is it?"

"Trust." Liu Ligan said, "Trust is only two words, but it is not simple. Why do we trust each other? Because there are so many years of foreshadowing. If we only met today, there would be no trust between us.

"What is the best way to build trust? That is to fight together, just like us and Meng Ping, because we are fighting together. From three paupers to fighting like this, everyone knows the basics."

"That's right." Zhang Chen said, "Are you going to fight with Fan Qishun now?"

"Yes and no, what I'm doing now is different. In Chinese medicine, if a person's constitution is very weak, a good doctor will cure the illness first. Fan Qishun is the damned one now. Even he himself is As for the position of factory director, I don’t know how many more days I can stay. He just trusted me and worked hard for a long time. He was fired or withdrawn. Wasn’t my work in vain?

“Now I just need to straighten him up and let him sit firmly in his position.

"It's not just that he's sitting securely. His words now, whether in the factory or on top, are no more loud than a fart. Then if I help him make the factory prosperous, he will not only secure his position, but he will probably also Become an excellent entrepreneur and a popular figure in reform. At that time, what this guy says will not be bullshit, but one sentence is worth ten thousand words."

"You said two things. This is the same thing. What's another thing?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Do you still remember when we were kids and went fishing in the river?" Liu Ligan said, "A few days before we went fishing on Sunday, we would take the bait and go to the place where we were going to fish and spread it for several days in a row. There will be more fish when we go there.

"This is what I am doing now. If you think about it, I not only helped Yiming Food Factory to develop its business, but also made Fan Qishun a celebrity. In the process, I didn't take any of it. At that time, Fan Qishun and I What's the relationship? Will Fan Qishun, who sticks to his word and always remembers his source when drinking water, want to do something for me? Will he obey my words?

"What's more, I have Fan Jianguo here. He only helps me, not his son, but if I leak out here, his son won't get wet? Cooperate with me, no matter how favorable the terms are, it's justifiable. Because the whole factory saw what I had done for them during this period, and no one had anything to say about cooperating with me.”

"Damn it, you said all that, aren't you just taking a long shot to catch the big fish?" Zhang Chen scolded.

Liu Ligan was stunned for a moment and said with a smile: "Yes, you summed it up well in these six words. Why didn't I think of it? Did I fall in love?"

"You're not a traitor, I think you're just getting carried away."

"No, really. I seem to be careless now, but in fact I am walking on thin ice every step of the way. I can't make a mistake. If I make a mistake, this plan will not be completed."

"Then have you ever thought that if Fan Qishun really becomes the celebrity you mentioned, he might go up and be promoted right away and no longer be in Yiming Food Factory." Zhang Chen asked.

"That's the least of my worries. If he is promoted, who will be the factory director? It's not the person he promoted. Will that person not listen to him? By that time, I will not only handle Yiming Foods Factory, even its superior Fan Qishun has taken care of it.”

Zhang Chen thought about it, and it was right.

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