The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 678 Wei Wenfang

Zhang Chen is very busy, and so is Xiao Zhao. During this period, He Hongmei took Xiao Zhao's sister and brother to play. He Hongmei had time and a car, so she went to the airport to pick up Xiao Zhao's sister and brother. , the two of them also lived at her place. Originally, Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao wanted them to live in the dormitory of Qunying Garment Factory, but after all, it was too small and they were worried.

He Hongmei said generously, "It's too deserted for me to live alone there. Yaomei and Gua Wazi live with me. Xiao Zhao, are you relieved?"

Xiao Zhao said don’t worry, I’ll leave it all to you.

Xiao Zhao's sister and brother also like He Hongmei very much. They are like two little tails, following He Hongmei. Wherever He Hongmei goes, they follow. Even when He Hongmei gets up in the morning and goes to the market to pack, they follow behind. When the boss there asked, He Hongmei said they were her brother and sister.

With this, the whole summer vacation has almost passed.

He Hongmei and Zhang Chen Xiaozhao said, the two bosses, give you two choices, either buy a car or buy a house. You can't always be like this, asking Wu Zhaohui to pick you up every day. Like me, I can drive myself and go wherever I want. Wherever you go, you can leave whenever you want. It’s so convenient. Can’t you afford a car?

Also, if someone comes to your family and they don’t even have a place to live, they have to live in a dormitory. You can guess, are you stingy or can’t afford a house?

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao looked at her. He Hongmei turned to ask Xiao Zhao's brother and sister, tell me, next time you come, do you want to stay at your sister's house and take a car driven by her sister?

My sister nodded and said that she wanted to stay with her next time I came.

My younger brother also said that it would be better to take my sister's car. Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, my sister drove and passed all the other cars.

The younger brother and younger sister obviously got it wrong. Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao laughed, and He Hongmei also laughed. She touched the head of her younger brother and sister, and liked how they made such a mistake.

"Don't laugh. You must choose at least one of these two, otherwise I won't even be able to stand it. I will take action."

"What action?" Xiao Zhao asked with a smile.

"I'm here to grab the money. I don't care. I'll go to your finance department and the cashier below. I'll grab the money when I see it. I'll buy it for you after I grab the money." He Hongmei shouted.

"Then you will be shot to death by the police, bang bang, bang bang," the younger brother shouted.

"Idiot, you shot me twice." My sister scolded, "I don't want, I don't want Sister Hongmei to be beaten to death."

Zhang Chen, Xiao Zhao and He Hongmei could not stand upright with laughter.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao felt that He Hongmei's words made sense, and they discussed it seriously. They thought that if they wanted to buy a car, they would need to get a driver's license first. This driver's license cannot be obtained in a day or two. Without a driver's license, What's the use of buying a car? It's not like having someone drive you around. It's better to buy a house first.

Now Xiao Zhao works in the store every day, and Zhang Chen works most of the time at Qunying Garment Factory. It only takes ten minutes to walk between the two places. They want to buy a house nearby so that they can commute to and from get off work. Also convenient.

As a result, they searched for several days but found nothing. Is there any house for sale nearby, including in the city? At that time, the housing reform of various units had just begun. The move was fast, and the house was in the name of the individual, but no one would put it in their own name. The house they live in is sold. Where will they live after it is sold?

Only in the suburbs of Hangzhou are there some houses for sale. Even these houses are built by other people's units. After they are allocated to people, the couple, the man and the woman will all share houses in the unit, or there will be an elder in the family. After the work unit divided the houses, they found they were too far away, so they sold them.

This is the case with the house that He Hongmei bought. The husband and wife both work in the city, and the house assigned to them by the work unit is in Sijiqing. They feel disgusted with living there, as if they have become country people. When the house comes to everyone, I sold it quickly and still lived in the old house with my parents.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao felt that if they wanted to live in the outskirts of the city, they might as well continue to live in the landlord's house as they do now. It was close to Sanbao's factory and was convenient. They were used to it, and they really couldn't bear to move. Otherwise, They can even stay in the dormitories in the factory.

Forget it, since they couldn't find a suitable house, the two of them gave up the idea of ​​buying a house and discussed that Xiao Zhao should learn to drive first when they had a little free time. After learning, they bought a car, and she could drive with Zhang every day. To the north, it is convenient for Zhang Chen to come and go.

Zhang Chen still rides Wu Zhaohui's car from Sanbao to Qunying Garment Factory every day. He thinks that this is good. When he gets up in the morning, he can go to the factory first to see what is going on in the factory, make arrangements, and then Just go to Stadium Road and return to the factory in the evening. If anything happens, it can be solved on the same day.

The production scale of Qunying Garment Factory has been saturated. Their future production capacity expansion will still be in the Sanbao Factory. In the new factory building that is getting taller day by day, I really live in other places and return to the factory. It’s inconvenient again.

After the production of Qunying Garment Factory stabilized, Wei Wenfang returned to the Sanbao Factory. To put it bluntly, Qunying Garment Factory is more like a larger processing factory. There is no purchasing or sales. The products produced are not delivered to the Yan'an Road store every day. Here, it is brought to the distribution center of the Sanbao factory, and the required noodles and accessories are also brought from Sanbao.

The business of such a factory is very simple, and things are also very simple. As long as Zhao Zhilong is in charge of production, Zhang Chen himself is in charge of the design center, and Xiao Zhao is in charge of the finance department. Even the factory has been filled with workers. No more new workers will be recruited, and Wei Wenfang, the office director, really has nothing to do there.

Although she preferred to work on Stadium Road, she couldn't bear to stay there and asked to come back.

In fact, when I returned to Sanbao, there seemed to be nothing specific to do. But Sanbao was still a big construction site after all. Wei Wenfang just took care of a little in the east and a little in the west. At the end of the day, when he thought about it, all he was doing was trivial. I didn't seem to do anything specific, and I just felt a little bored.

Seeing Zhang Chen and the others' prosperous careers, I felt a little envious.

Wei Wenfang is actually a person with a big heart, but not a big heart. How dare she go to Hainan? People who have been in Haicheng will think that it is impossible even if they don't think big. Haicheng also makes your heart big, unless you are like Wu Chaohui is a heartless and unambitious person who drifted to Hainan.

She, Wei Wenfang, has seen the world. She has sold an entire Hongyu Building. It was a bigger sale than what Zhang Chen, Xiaozhao and the others are doing now. Wei Wenfang wondered if she could go there too. Starting a business?

She discussed with Wu Zhaohui, and Wu Zhaohui said, "What kind of business should I start? What if I lose money?" Isn’t it great just like this?

Wei Wenfang scolded him for having no ambition, saying that everyone can start a business, why can't we start a business? Do you still want to work for others all your life?

Wu Zhaohui was a person without any opinion. Wei Wenfang liked him because he would listen to him in everything. Since Wei Wenfang insisted, Wu Zhaohui said, then you go and think about it. When you think about it, we will go and talk to Mr. Zhang earlier. It would be too uninteresting to say that you can't just throw your pick and leave.

"Of course, idiot, do you think I don't even know this? We are starting a business, and we may need help from Mr. Zhang and Xiao Zhao. They already have the foundation and connections, and we have nothing. If they can help us, Then our business is half successful.

"Look at our company, although on the surface it is Mr. Liu who is busy, in fact it does not require Beijing's support. Once Beijing's support is gone, the company will collapse immediately. We don't even know where Mr. Liu is. Know."

As Wei Wenfang said, Wu Zhaohui thought it made sense. No matter what Wei Wenfang said, Wu Zhaohui would think it made sense.

Speaking of relationships, Wei Wenfang thought of Deputy Director Liu, whom Zhang Chen took her to meet. He was a high-ranking official. If she wanted to find a way to get in touch with him, it would be best to invite him to dinner.

Wei Wenfang had seen with her own eyes how Liu Ligan managed and operated the company, and had also seen how Meng Ping and his company operated. She felt that she should have her own abilities and abilities, but she should also have connections in all aspects, whether it was Liu Ligan, Meng Ping, and even Qian Fang all have a lot to learn.

Of course, so does Mr. Zhang.

Since then, Wei Wenfang has continued to work seriously every day, while also thinking about how she should start a business and work seriously. She feels that it was Mr. Zhang who taught her to do everything perfectly and consider every detail. , even when you take over a hot potato like Qunying Garment Factory, you do it little by little every day, and you can always find opportunities in the end.

Meng Ping, Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen, Wei Wenfang thinks they are three types.

Meng Ping is the kind of person who has a leadership temperament. When he ascends to a high position, many people will follow him and work for him. His greatest advantage is that he never calculates personal gains and losses when doing things. If you follow a Behind people who don't care about personal gains and losses, if you care about it, you will feel too selfish and too insignificant.

Such people always feel that the world is too small, not that it is very big.

Liu Ligan is more like an artist, strategist, and visionary. He is the kind of person who is strategizing and winning thousands of miles away. He has a rich imagination and can think of things that others can't think of. He is never afraid of making mistakes. No matter how many people there are in the world in front of him, and how much space you give him, he will be able to think of ways to change this space.

But it is precisely because his imagination is so rich that sometimes it makes him ignore many details. These details are inconspicuous, but it is possible that in the end, it is these details that will make him lose everything.

As for Zhang Chen, Wei Wenfang felt that he seemed simpler than those two people, but in fact he was more complicated and unpredictable.

He does not have such big intentions for the world. Opportunities are always placed in front of him, instead of him looking for opportunities. Liu Ligan and Meng Ping are both people who will look for opportunities.

But not everyone can seize the opportunity when it is presented to them.

Zhang Chen is a perfectionist, trying hard to do everything well, even worrying about gains and losses, and looking forward and backward. He seems hesitant and lacks decisiveness, but it is often because of this character that he becomes resilient. It is very strong and difficult to break. When faced with any opportunity, it will try its best to seize it.

Sometimes he is passively chosen by the opportunity. His personality will not avoid it, but will only work hard to do well. Because of this, he will consider more details.

I don’t know if it’s because he studied art. To study art, you draw on a piece of white paper. Every stroke you draw will determine the success or failure of your painting. You must be careful about every stroke and every stroke. You are responsible for the details. If the painting is damaged, you have to find a way to restore it yourself. No one can help you.

Just like when you encounter two points, if it were Liu Ligan, Wei Wenfang felt that he might just take out a stack of money and give it to you so that you can solve the problem. He would not be like Zhang Chen, who would go to others by himself. At home, I looked around and asked, and it seems that I didn’t spend much money, but it helped Liangfen even more. Money can solve people’s temporary difficulties, but it can’t solve the fundamental problem.

If she had two points, Wei Wenfang felt that she would be more grateful to Zhang Chen.

Wei Wenfang likes to think about these things whenever she has time. She feels that thinking about things a lot and experiencing things before you will make you mature faster and be able to understand the world and people better. She grew up from a small place. Coming here, it is impossible for him to have seen much of the world, but because he likes to ponder, Wei Wenfang feels that it will make him less petty.

At this point, she felt that she was quite similar to Zhang Chen. He was also a person whose inner world was always bigger, more complex, and even more delicate than what he showed on the outside.

Wei Wenfang couldn't help laughing when she thought of this.

Thank you Li Ruijin for your monthly ticket! Thank you for all the votes and reading! Good evening, everybody!

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