The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 644 You continue with the outside world

Liu Ligan couldn't calm himself down all day long. As long as he was quiet for a moment, his whole body would tremble, and there would be an uncontrollable fear in his heart, covering the sky and the earth, making him breathless. He always felt that something was going to happen. It happened, but I don’t know what it is, and I can’t think about it in detail. As soon as I think about it, I get a splitting headache, and then my body starts to tremble.

"Turn it off, turn it off." Liu Ligan pointed at the pink light in the room and shouted.

Some girls giggled and turned off the lights. They thought Liu Ligan was another prude who liked to be serious. But when they came here, they didn't want to see their own ugliness and liked to do it wildly in the dark.

At that time, there were many hands on the body in the dark.

"Turn on the headlights." Liu Ligan shouted.

Someone turned on a light, and Liu Ligan continued to shout: "Turn on all the lights."

All the lights were turned on, and the light in the room was as bright as a hotel lobby. Everyone was clearly visible, but the girls were a little at a loss because they rarely worked in such light.

Liu Ligan spread his hands and shouted, "Come on, why are you all standing here and looking at me? Do you want to see me perform a one-man show?"

The girls hesitated for a while, then slowly approached, thinking that they met another pervert today. What kind of pervert have I not seen here? Fortunately, this one today seemed friendly and not that manic. of perversion.

And there are so many of them, so what are you afraid of?

The girls slowly let go. They looked at Liu Ligan and each other, laughing.

Liu Ligan told them, keep the light on and don't turn it off. Even if I fall asleep, don't turn it off. Do you understand?

The girls nodded.

He couldn't stand that kind of dim environment. There were thoughts in the darkness. Only in the bright light, seeing these beauties surrounding him, dazzled, did he feel that his brain was numb and he didn't need to think about anything.

What he needs now is not to think about anything.

He didn't call Meng Ping, Chen Qihang, or Li Yong, and they didn't call him. Now everyone is busy, fighting, and panicking about the way to escape. Who on the way to escape still has time to stop and think of fighting? A phone number?

He is the only one with nothing to do, and even thinking is superfluous. He can't do anything except wait, just wait and let time pass by minute by second. If he could, Liu Ligan would even think about it every time. Every second I twist it into a ball and throw it away, and the day passes.

He is now betting all his money on the opening of the market in four days, that is, on the 19th. As long as the glory like Hongyu Building happens again, just once, Liu Ligan feels that he will not be afraid of any wind and rain, but Now, there's nothing he can do.

Except wait.

Wei Wenfang called him and said that she wanted to report on the personnel composition of the sales department of Jinghai International Financial Center. Liu Ligan told her that everything is up to you. You can ask for whoever you want. You are the largest in the company now, and the department manager can also do it. I will be transferred to your place as a salesperson, do you understand?

Wei Wenfang said, I understand.

Do you still want to call me?

"Yes, Mr. Liu, I will report the progress here to you at any time."

"If you call me again, I will remove you from your position and put you to the end, and I will ask you to do hygiene."

"Mr. Liu, this..."

Liu Ligan hung up the phone.

Wei Wenfang called Wu Zhaohui over and told him about the phone call with Liu Ligan. Wu Zhaohui said, just ignore him and do your own thing. It doesn't matter if you make a mistake. If he can't stand it, just wait until he gives up. You call.

"Really?" Wei Wenfang's eyes were filled with suspicion.

"Really, one thing is certain about Mr. Liu. He never denies what he says or shirks the blame. If he tells you to take responsibility, you will take responsibility. If he tells you not to call him, you will. If he doesn’t fight, the devil knows what he is doing now.”

Wei Wenfang nodded and said, I understand.

Huang Jianren called Liu Ligan and asked him where he was?

"I'm very busy, and there are all beauties around me. I have to deal with them one by one. Do you want to come? If you come, I'll share it with you two?" Liu Ligan said.

"Bragging again."

Liu Ligan raised his big brother and said to the beauties in the room, "You all call me, Brother Huang."

The girls giggled and shouted together, "Hello, Brother Huang!"

"Do you believe it?"

"I believe it."

"looking for me?"

"There are several documents that need your signature."

"Will the sky fall if I don't sign?"

"It seems not."

"Then don't bother me. Wait until I get back. Remember, if I don't look for you, don't look for me."

"Okay, you can do whatever you want and enjoy yourself."

Liu Ligan didn't even want to leave the private room door. When he was hungry, he asked someone to bring food in. When he was sleepy, he tilted his head and fell asleep, not knowing who was in his arms.

He also warned those girls, don't go out when I am asleep, stay here well, you can talk, sing, watch TV, order food, drink, you can do anything, but you are not allowed to go out, and you are not allowed in the room. There's no sound at all, understand?

"Got it." The girls shouted in unison.

Liu Ligan himself didn't know how long he stayed in the private room, but the sun would still set on time and the moon would still rise on time. At around twelve o'clock in the evening, the owner of the "Tang no Bath" hot spring was finally Invited.

The boss said to Liu Ligan, "Boss, look, the guests in other rooms are waiting. Can I send out a few of the girls here?"

"Why? Don't you have a first-come, first-served policy here? Or do you stipulate that each customer can only order one girl?"

"There is no such rule."

"Then why do you come to me to ask for someone?"

"No, that's it, boss, there are so many beauties here, and they told me that you didn't do anything with them..."

"What do you have to do when you come here?"

"There is no such rule." The boss said anxiously, "It's just that, since you haven't done anything, are they here counting the clock or not?"

Liu Ligan laughed: "Yes, it seems that your boss is very honest in his management. I called them and they naturally started to clock. I didn't let them leave, so naturally they kept adding to the clock. Do you understand?"


"You understand, why don't you leave?" Liu Ligan said, "By the way, your coming in does not count as clocking in."

The girls laughed, and the boss glanced at them, and they immediately shut up.

Liu Ligan understood and shouted: "Are you afraid that I will eventually skip the bill?"

The boss stood there, smiling and saying nothing.

Liu Lizhan took off the key tag from his wrist, gave it to a girl, and said to her: "Go to the locker in the locker room, which is in the butt pocket of my pants, and get my wallet."

The girl took the key tag and looked at the boss. The boss shook his head in the direction of the door. The girl ran out quickly. After a while, she came back with Liu Ligan's wallet. Liu Ligan took out a wallet from his wallet. Get a bank card and ask your boss, is it enough to pay 300,000 yuan between now and noon on the 18th?

The boss said: "That must be enough, we won't use so much."

"If you have more, share it with them."

The boss said yes, sir, please follow me to the front desk to swipe your card.

"I'm not going." Liu Ligan shook his head, "I just don't want to go out here."

"But, only the front desk can swipe credit cards." The boss said.

"Do you have a pen?" Liu Ligan asked.

The boss gave him a pen. Liu Ligan looked around and saw no paper. He said to the boss, lend me one of your hands.

The boss extended a hand.

Liu Ligan wrote a string of numbers on his palm, then patted the card into his hand and told him, I gave you the password and the card, can you swipe it now?

The boss nodded and said it was okay, and quickly left.

After a while, the boss came back with the order and card. He returned the card to Liu Ligan, asked Liu Ligan to sign, and said to him, "Thank you, thank you. Now, Boss Liu, you can enjoy yourself and I won't disturb you anymore."

Liu Ligan put the card back into his wallet, turned around and found the girl who was holding the wallet for him. He waved and the girl came over. Liu Ligan took out a wad of money in his wallet and gave one third of it to this girl. Girl, tell her, help me put my wallet back, this is for you.

"Thank you, brother!" the girl whispered.

He handed the remaining money to another girl beside him and said to her, divide it among you all.

"Thank you, brother!" the girls shouted in unison.

The whole next day, Liu Ligan was still hiding in the private room of the "Tang no Bath" hot spring. On this day, neither Wei Wenfang nor Huang Jianren called him. Liu Ligan was confused and did not know the morning, dusk, day and night outside.

In his heart, he was hoping that Meng Ping or Li Yong would call him. He needed good news to save him.

Otherwise, he felt that he had lost the courage to walk out from here.

At about eight o'clock in the evening, Liu Ligan's big brother rang. He thought it was Meng Ping and hurriedly answered the call. Unexpectedly, it was Wenwen. Wenwen shouted:

"Where are you?"

Liu Ligan cursed angrily: "You don't care where I am, I'm picking up girls."

The girls around them giggled.

"Oh, there really is a girl." Wenwen sneered.

"Of course, the girls in 'Tang no Yu' are all fair-skinned and beautiful."

"Get the fuck back!" Wenwen was furious and cursed.

"No return."

"Are you coming back?" Qianqian called from the side.

The girls, when they heard his call, knew it was from home and quickly shut up. Liu Ligan couldn't help laughing when he saw how cautious they were.

"Are you fucking still laughing? Why are you laughing?" Wenwen asked.

"I'm not laughing at anything. I'm laughing at you and scaring my girl." Liu Ligan laughed and shut up his eldest brother.

"Come on, come on, the alarm is over." Liu Lipole waved to the girls.

The door of the private room was kicked open with a bang. There was a scream in the private room. Wenwen and Qianqian walked in from the outside. Liu Ligan smiled and said:

"Why are you here? Come on, let's all come together. It's more lively when there are more people."

The girls stood there, looking at Wenwen and Qianqian, and then at Liu Ligan, but none of them moved.

Wenwen glared at them and cursed: "Why don't you get out quickly? They are all crooked."

Qianqian shouted: "Even if you don't look in the mirror, which one of you is as good-looking as the two of us?"

The girls pursed their lips and walked outside. Some of them muttered in a low voice: "Looking good is useless. It's because they can't look after their husbands."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Wenwen scolded, "You look like a piece of junk that no one wants. Don't you know that it's normal for husbands and wives to quarrel?"

The girls felt guilty after all, and no one dared to talk back. They hurriedly put on their clothes and walked out of the door.

In the corridor, I met the boss coming in a hurry and shouted: "What's wrong, what's wrong?"

He was still about to go to the private room, but someone grabbed him and said to him: "My wife is here."

"It's still two." Someone else shouted.

The boss stopped quickly and frowned.

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