The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 643 We are afraid

From late May until now, the atmosphere in the entire Haicheng has been a little weird.

Land and houses are still rising every day, but there are not many actual transactions. Those red line pictures, although the prices soar by hundreds of thousands with every meal, are no longer like before. As soon as you enter the box, one transaction The transaction is completed. The person who bought the red line chart walks out of this box and gets into the box next to it, and another transaction is completed.

Chen Qihang and Li Yong were preparing to sell their three pieces of land, but after talking for more than a week, all the people coming were brokers, but there was no real buyer. Where have all the buyers gone?

Li Yong asked Liu Ligan and Meng Ping. Liu Ligan and Meng Ping also felt that this situation was a bit strange and felt a little panicked. However, the sun was still rising every day, the land was still rising every day, and everything seemed calm again.

Liu Ligan and Meng Ping asked Mr. Han. Mr. Han also felt strange. He asked Liu Ligan, "Do you have any inside information?"

Liu Ligan shook his head.

"Is it stagflation?" Mr. Han said to himself.

"What is stagflation?" Meng Ping asked.

"Oh." Mr. Han came back to his senses, "The current situation of price but no market is a sign of stagflation. It means that when the price rises to a certain level, it can no longer rise, and it stops here."

"What will be the result?" Liu Ligan asked.

"It's hard to say." Mr. Han said, "If it is a normal market supply and demand adjustment, it will be easy to handle. After a while, the price will drop a little and transactions will pick up again. I'm afraid if not, then something big will happen. You all be careful."

"Mr. Han, how could such a situation happen?" Meng Ping continued to ask.

"Haicheng is like a gold-absorbing black hole. It absorbs all the funds it can absorb, and a temporary vacuum of funds will appear around it. After all, every wave of rise is driven by funds. "Mr. Han said calmly, "There is another one, which is scary."

Liu Ligan asked anxiously: "What is it?"

"There are well-informed people who knew something in advance and are evacuating money. If this is the case, something big will undoubtedly happen." Mr. Han said.

Meng Ping was also a little anxious and quickly said: "Mr. Han, can you give me more details?"

Mr. Han looked at them and said to them: "The entire Hainan is now an irrational market. Such a market cannot withstand any disturbance. If someone really knows something and is evacuating funds, haha, in the world There is no airtight wall, more and more people will definitely know about it, and by that time..."

When Mr. Han said this, he stopped talking. Liu Ligan became anxious: "Mr. Han, please speak quickly."

"I'm afraid I'll scare you if I tell you."

"It's okay, just tell me, Mr. Han." Meng Ping said.

"That will bring about a wave of capital flight frenzy. It will be irrational when entering, and it will be even crazier when fleeing. Boom!"

Mr. Han made an explosive gesture: "It's more terrifying than an atomic bomb explosion. Haicheng will turn into a frozen land."

Mr. Han's words really frightened Meng Ping and Liu Ligan. They felt that their palms were sweaty. Mr. Han deliberately comforted them and said, "Maybe I am unfounded and alarmist. After a while, everything will return to normal."

"By the way, aren't you a well-informed person?" Mr. Han looked at Liu Ligan and asked, "Don't you have any inside information?"

Liu Ligan shook his head.

Mr. Han breathed a sigh of relief. He leaned back on the sofa, looked at them and said with a smile, "Just think that I told a story."

After leaving Mr. Han's place, the two of them went to Liu Ligan's office. Liu Ligan called Huang Jianren over and told him to mobilize all your classmates and friends to find out if there was any news about Hainan.

"No." Huang Jianren said, "They all know that I am in Haicheng. If there is, they will tell me without asking."

"They know you are in Haicheng, but do they know what you are doing?" Meng Ping asked worriedly.

"Of course." Huang Jianren said.

After Huang Jianren left, Meng Ping patted the armrest of the sofa and sighed: "Oh, it would be great if the political commissar were here. This guy's words are always so uneasy."

Meng Ping said, shaking his thumb towards the door.

"Gangzi, you don't have any news about the political commissar?"

Liu Ligan shook his head.

Liu Ligan thought about it and called Chen Qihang. After a while, Qihang and Li Yong came up. Chen Qihang and his company were now engaged in real estate instead of trading.

Liu Ligan told the two of them about their visit to Mr. Han. Chen Qihang knew that Liu Ligan was not happy with Sun Hou now. Chen Qihang said:

"Don't say anything. I'll call Sun Hou."

Liu Ligan waved his hand and signaled Chen Qihang to wait. He picked up the phone on the table, dialed the front desk, and told the front desk, "Look out for me. I have something urgent to deal with, and no one is allowed to enter my office."

Putting down the phone, Liu Ligan and Chen Qihang said, come on.

Chen Qihang took out his Big Brother and dialed Sun Hou's phone. After exchanging pleasantries, Chen Qihang asked, "Hou, all kinds of rumors are flying all over Haicheng now, and people are panicking. Is something going to happen?"

"What could happen to Haicheng?"

"There's no movement up there?"

"Haha, are you so damn nervous? If there is any movement, why don't I move?"

"Really not?"

"No, we are all together in Haicheng. I will be the lamb to be slaughtered? Qihang, have you made too much money? Now you have a nervous breakdown. Do you believe all the rumors?"

"Neurasthenia? I'm so fucking scared right now. Our whole company is on thin ice. If something goes wrong, Li Yong and I will lose even our pants."

"Haha, if you want to lose, you will lose to Li Yong. He can beat both of you." Sun Hou said with a smile, "Make money well and sleep well, understand? Don't be surprised."

Chen Qihang hung up the phone with Sun Hou, and the other three finally breathed a sigh of relief. Meng Ping looked at Liu Ligan, and both of them laughed.

I thought to myself, this Mr. Han is really a master of thrilling suspense, no less than Hitchcock and Conan Doyle.

The next morning, as soon as Liu Ligan arrived in the office and sat down, the phone on his desk rang. Liu Ligan picked it up and it was Sun Hou. Sun Hou said to Liu Ligan:

"Gangzi, let me inform you that your plan to convert the Jinghai International Financial Center from leasing to selling has been approved by the branch. You can do it immediately."

Liu Ligan was overjoyed and shouted: "Great!"

"Also, there is something you should remember. You will not be affected by your fate. You are the legal person of Haicheng Company. You can make your own decisions on many things. Don't play the trick of asking for instructions and reports. Isn't this shopping mall like a battlefield? , this opportunity cannot be missed.”

Sun Hou continued to speak, and Liu Ligan thought it sounded strange. His brows furrowed and he said, "Okay, monkey, I understand."

"By the way, talk to Qihang about converting our building from leasing to selling. He is very concerned about this matter and doesn't know if he wants to buy it. He called me yesterday. Okay, that's it."

Sun Hou said and hung up the phone.

Liu Ligan put the microphone back on the phone base and thought blankly about Sun Hou's words, especially the last sentence. Chen Qihang called Sun Hou yesterday. He clearly made the call here. Qihang never mentioned Jinghai at all. Why is Qihang so concerned about the International Financial Center's conversion from lease to sale?

Liu Ligan thought about it, and was shocked. He understood everything. Sun Hou's call might have been made in the office of some bank president. There were many things that he couldn't say at all.

Liu Ligan immediately called Meng Ping and told him, no matter what you are doing now, throw it away and come here immediately.

After Liu Ligan finished speaking, he hung up the phone, then called Li Yong and said, "You and Qihang, come up immediately."

When Meng Ping ran into Liu Ligan's office out of breath, he saw Chen Qihang and Li Yong also there, with solemn expressions on their faces.

When Liu Ligan saw Meng Ping, he said, "Old Meng, something happened."

Meng Ping's face suddenly turned pale, and he quickly asked: "What happened?"

Liu Ligan told him Sun Hou’s phone number. Meng Ping also felt his hands and feet were cold. His judgment was the same as the three of them. Yes, this is the signal to retreat. Whether you can escape victoriously depends on your race against time. speed.

This day is June 15, 1993.

Meng Ping looked at the three people sitting blankly and shouted, "Why are you still standing there, move!"

The three of them woke up like a dream. Chen Qihang and Li Yong immediately went downstairs. Meng Ping was about to leave, and Liu Ligan asked him, where are you going?

"Let's go find the buyer. Qian Fang and Xu Jiaqing are downstairs. I'll ask them to dig deep to find the buyer. We'll sell it at any price."

"Okay, if someone wants the land on Xinbu Island, give it to him as much as he wants." Liu Ligan said.

"Okay, I understand." Meng Ping walked out immediately.

Liu Ligan picked up the phone on the table and first called Director Huang from the advertising department of "Haicheng Evening News" and told him, "Boss, starting from tomorrow, the full-page advertisement for three consecutive days must start from tomorrow. I'll have someone deliver the content of the advertisement to you later.

Liu Ligan heard that the other party was a little embarrassed on the phone. Liu Ligan said: "Don't say no, boss, I know the space is tight now, but if you add pages, you have to help me get them out, otherwise, our friendship will be wiped out. All kidding aside, it’s life-saving.”

"Help? Save whose life?"

"To save myself, my Jinghai International Financial Center is going to be sold."

"Haha, that's a good thing. Okay, I'll help you arrange it." Director Huang said with a smile, "You, Liu Ligan, are the living king of hell. You are a little devil and a little devil. How dare you stand in the way."

The most important thing, "Haicheng Evening News", was implemented. Liu Ligan then went to "Hainan Daily" and "Hainan Special Zone News", and they were all implemented. Liu Ligan immersed himself in writing the content of the advertisement. After writing, he called Wei Wenfang and Chen Jie. , let them go to several newspapers with the check and the advertising content, and let them freely help with the design, as long as the content is not missed.

Wei Wenfang looked at the piece of paper written by Liu Ligan and shouted: "Our Jinghai International Financial Center will be launched on the 19th. Is it so urgent?"

"Yes, when you come back from the newspaper office, immediately gather your team. You are still responsible for this sales."

Wei Wenfang agreed, the 19th happens to be a Saturday, Mr. Liu, how do you plan to live your life?

"Yes, yes, I asked a master to calculate it. This is the best day. It is suitable to buy a house, sell a house, get married, get divorced, die, go to the street to pick up a wallet, everything is suitable."

"Is it true?" Wei Wenfang asked.

"Why are you as nagging as Wu Zhaohui, why don't you go quickly?"

"Okay, okay, okay," Wei Wenfang shouted, and went out with Chen Jie.

Only then did Liu Ligan realize that he was sitting, but his feet kept shaking. He tried to calm himself down and stop shaking, but he just couldn't control it. He felt a panic in his heart, as if he suddenly He lost his support, and everything around him was collapsing, rapidly, and with a sharp whistle.

Although Liu Ligan's feet were still trembling, he stood up, walked out of the office, went downstairs, walked out of the building, and walked to the "Tang no Bath" hot spring opposite. Just as the greeter at the door was about to speak, Liu Ligan said:

"Stop talking like birds, find me the biggest private room, and call all your girls who are working now. Do you want to make money? Come in if you want."

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