The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 625: Coming to the door

At noon, nine tables were set up in the canteen of the township government and in the open space outside. Not only the relatives, but also the secretary and township chief, as well as the deputy township chief, police station chief, civil affairs chief, and other officials who Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao met when they came back last time. The director of the institute, the director of the family planning center, and many others came.

After eating, there were so many relatives who had nowhere to go, so they just sat here, taking turns to hug Zhang Xiangbei again, and then went back first with the gifts Xiao Zhao gave them.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao originally planned to return to Chongqing in the afternoon, but their aunt refused to let them go. Naturally, their parents and younger siblings were reluctant to leave. Grandma held Xiao Zhao's hand and never let go.

Auntie said, after dinner, would you like to have dinner here before leaving?

When she said this, she was not directed at Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao, but at He Hongmei. She knew that at this time, the driver is the most critical. If she agrees not to leave, even if you want to leave, don't leave. I want to go.

He Hongmei smiled and said: "Okay, okay, we are not in a hurry to go back, we can leave at night."

The others cheered.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao were reluctant to leave. They also thought that the road was not easy to walk. It was too hard for He Hongmei to drive at night. Since she even said so, of course they were very happy.

For dinner, only Xiao Zhao's parents, grandmother, uncle, aunt and uncle were left. These very close relatives ate at the aunt's house. The whole family ate and chatted happily.

After eating until about nine o'clock, Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao took a look. They still had to drive for more than three hours to go back. Although He Hongmei kept saying that it was fine, her aunt had let her sleep in the room in the afternoon, so she was fine even if she drove in the middle of the night. , but Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao still felt that they should leave.

Xiao Zhao told them that Beibei has gradually grown up and can fly. After the store here is opened in Chongqing, she will often come to Chongqing. By then, there will not be so many things in Hangzhou, so she can take them there. Let Beibei go home and stay there for a few days.

The younger brother and younger sister still cried, but this time they agreed that this summer, their father would send them to the county town and take a bus to Chongqing. When He Hongmei was in Chongqing, someone would pick them up at the station and then take them to the airport. The plane goes to Hangzhou, and Xiao Zhao and Zhang Chen can pick them up in Hangzhou.

The two of them cried very sadly. Thinking of being able to fly during the summer vacation, they laughed again. After laughing, they still cried, which made Zhang Xiangbei burst into tears. Xiao Zhao shouted:

"Beibeibeibei, look at your two crying uncles and aunties."

The younger brother and younger sister immediately stopped crying and wiped away their tears while everyone laughed.

I had nothing to say during this journey, and I had nothing to say when I returned to Chongqing.

The next day, Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao took a flight back to Hangzhou. They thought about their first trip to Chongqing, and then they realized that it was so convenient. They could travel so much in just three days. The place.

Xiao Zhao said, it’s not about money. Only when you have money can you go anywhere conveniently. Zhang Chen thought about it and said with a smile, “Okay, then let’s make money.”

The next day everyone went to work, and there were more and more customers in the market. Xiao Zhao got up early in the morning, finished feeding Zhang Xiangbei, squeezed another bottle of milk and put it on the table, and then went to see Xiaoli and Xiaojuan. market.

Zhang Chen got up at around seven o'clock, took the bottle of milk on the table, carried Zhang Xiangbei to the nanny's house, and then went to the factory by himself.

As soon as Zhang Chen walked to the gate of the factory, he met Lao Wan riding a tricycle. There were five or six people from their maintenance team sitting on the car, followed by a tricycle full of tools.

When Lao Wan saw Zhang Chen, he stopped and told him that construction on Yan'an Road could start today, and the bamboo from Xiao Wu's place would also be delivered today.

Zhang Chen said okay, you go there first, I will come back later.

"Boss Zhang, happy New Year!"

Someone called Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen turned around and saw the two women from Wuhu and Ma'anshan standing at the door of the office. It turned out that they had also come out to purchase goods.

Zhang Chen quickly said Happy New Year to them too!

Zhang Chen walked over, pointed to Wuhu's office, and asked: "Boss Zhang, what is this?"

Zhang Chen followed them in and saw on the wall that Lao Wan had posted the renderings he drew there. Zhang Chen told them that this is our store and it will open in more than a month.

"Specialty store? Where is it?" Ma Anshan asked.

"Hangcheng, Yan'an Road, this is our flagship store. By the way, after it opens here, you will go here to get the goods." Zhang Chen told them.

"What do you mean?" the two people asked, not understanding.

Zhang Chen told them what they were going to do next.

"You sit down, you sit down, Boss Zhang, you sit down."

The man from Wuhu seemed to have arrived at his own place, and instead asked Zhang Chen to sit down, and Zhang Chen sat down.

Zhang Chen from Wuhu asked him to explain in detail what he had said before and how to do it.

Zhang Chen told them in detail the model they planned to make. Ma Anshan asked, if we do this, we won’t actually have to go to Hangzhou in the future. You can put our goods directly. Is it okay to just bring it over on the bus?

Zhang Chen is right. You don’t need to come for normal replenishment. Send a fax and we will distribute the goods. Unless it is seasonal, or when many new models are released, or when you need to exchange goods in the end, you You only need to go to the company to settle the account once.

"Exchange? What to exchange for?" Wuhu asked.

Zhang Chen told them about their exchange policy. The two looked at each other and laughed, "This is great," Ma'anshan said.

In their minds, they immediately calculated that if they purchased 100,000 yuan of goods in one season, 10%, then at the end of the season, there would be 10,000 yuan that could be exchanged, and there would be no inventory left to sell clothing. Yes, what we are most afraid of is inventory. The overstocked inventory is all working capital.

And the 15,000 yuan franchise fee is a one-time fee. They can come back in one year and don't have to pay it again next year. This is still a good deal for them.

"As long as I pay the franchise fee, you will help me design the store, and help me sell the image and so on. By the way, you can guarantee that no one else in Wuhu will be able to buy your goods." Already?"

Zhang Chen is right.

"That person is also from Wuhu. He went to the market, pretended that he was not from Wuhu, and bought goods. How did you know? We have encountered this kind of thing too many times in the past. The bosses told us to help us control the goods. In the end I can't control it," Ma Anshan said.

"After the opening of this store, we no longer have a stall in the wholesale market. People who purchase goods from us have signed agreements with us. We know exactly where everyone is from. How can we not control the goods? Also, isn’t there a deposit? We have stipulated in the agreement that specialty stores cannot mix goods.”

"What do you mean?" Wuhu asked.

"That is, for example, if he opens a store in Hefei, he cannot take the goods to other places. Even if he opens a store in Wuhu, he cannot sell our goods. The exclusive agreement is an agreement for one place, not one. The customer makes an agreement and if he wants to sell it, he violates the agreement, and we will deduct his deposit, or in serious cases, cancel his exclusive qualification."

The two men nodded and understood.

"Boss Zhang, do you have an agreement here? Let me see." asked from Wuhu.

Zhang Chen took out the agreement copied by He Hongmei from the drawer and told her that this was going to be printed. There were many things going on these days and he hadn't had time to send it to the printing house for printing.

Wuhu took it over and looked at it carefully. She asked Zhang Chen, had anyone signed this agreement?

Zhang Chen said honestly, not yet, but the general agent in Chongqing has started to do it, and the agreement is waiting for her to come over to sign. Xiao Zhao and I just came back from Chongqing yesterday to help them with store design. The head office in Chongqing , opened at Jiefangbei. Do you know Jiefangbei?

Both of them shook their heads and said that they had never been to Chongqing.

"The busiest place in Chongqing is opposite the Chongqing Department Store. Their store is located there. Their store should have opened earlier than ours in Hangzhou. The decoration is simple."

"How about I sign this first agreement with you, Boss Zhang?" Wuhu asked suddenly.

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, thinking she was joking, so he joked with her and said with a smile:

"Okay, if you sign, you will become our first secondary agent. I will also go to Wuhu to help you design the store."

"Okay, you make another copy of this agreement and I sign it," said the man from Wuhu.

Zhang Chen looked at her and asked, "Really?"

"Really, what's the point of lying to you? You said I'm a second-level agent, and the second-level agent is 30,000, right? I don't have that much cash with me. I'll transfer it to Xiao Zhao's account when I go out."

Only then did Zhang Chen realize that the other party was not joking. He said okay, then I will make a copy of this.

Zhang Chen took out a pen and paper, then a carbon paper, and copied the agreement. When the person from Wuhu saw it, he smiled and said, the agreement is the first one written by Boss Zhang himself. By the way, Boss Zhang, the number is also 001, right? Haha, you won’t have this kind of treatment in the future.

She said to Ma Anshan.

Zhang Chen also laughed after hearing this, and the man from Wuhu added: "Boss Zhang, as you said, you are going to Wuhu to help me design the store."

"Okay, I will definitely go, just tell me the time." Zhang Chen said.

"Then I don't care. When I sign, you will also go to Ma'anshan to help me design, and I will treat you to delicious food." Ma'anshan said.

"Okay, you are special too, I'll go."

Zhang Chen copied the agreement, signed it, and stamped it. He also followed the example of Director Fan of Yiming Food Factory, folded the three-piece agreement, and stamped it with a seam seal.

The man from Wuhu took out his ID card, wrote down his business address and ID number, and signed his name. He also followed Zhang Chen's example and folded the three-piece agreement without a seal, then signed it. Only then did I realize that Wuhu’s name was originally Xiang Qin.

Xiang Qin picked up the two agreements. She returned the copied copy to Zhang Chen and told him, I want the handwritten one.

Xiang Qin and Zhang Chen said that her current store will expire at the end of February, and she has already found a new store and is preparing to decorate it. When she comes this time, she is thinking of looking for goods from several more stores, but she hasn’t decided what to look for yet. Because the new store is twice as big as her original one, with more than fifty square meters, she didn’t expect to encounter this problem. Haha, she doesn’t have to worry about finding goods. I believe your products are easy to sell.

The man from Ma'anshan said, I will look for a store when I go back. Ma'anshan, you must keep it for me and not give it to anyone else.

Zhang Chen said yes, I will definitely keep it for you.

Thank you to the Qing Empire for the reward! Thank you Pi Wusun for your monthly ticket! Thank you for all the votes and reading! Happy everyone!

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